Potential Questions

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● Tell me about yourself.

● Why our school/program?
● Why should we accept you?/How will you contribute to our program?
● Why are you interested in this field?
● Why are you pursuing this degree (PhD)?
● Where else are you applying?*


● What do you see as the major trends in your field of study?

● Can you explain your research to non-specialists?/Specifics on past
publications or projects
● What is your research interest?/What are you hoping to research?*
● If you could, would you have changed anything about your academic
experience so far?*


● How do you deal with failure/disappointment?

● What is your most significant accomplishment?
● How do you deal with the stress of academia?*
● What have you been reading?/What's the last book you read?*


● Tell me about yourself.

● Why did you choose your field of study?
● Why are you interested in this organization/position?
● In what ways can you contribute to our organization?
● What skills do you think are most important for this position?
● How do you evaluate success?
● What role do you usually play in a team?
● What previous work experience has been the most valuable to you and
● What are your three biggest strengths? Your three biggest
● What has been your biggest challenge?
● What accomplishments are you most proud of?
● Describe your leadership style.
● How do you motivate people? What motivates you?
● How do you deal with pressure?
● How do you manage your time?
● What characteristics are most important in a good manager?
● What things are most important to you in a job?
● What challenges are you looking forward to in this position?
● Are you willing to travel or relocate as part of your career?
● What things frustrate you most? How do you deal with them?
● What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
● In what kind of work environment are you more comfortable?
● What have you learned from your mistakes?
● What else should I know about you?


● Tell me about a time when you had to cope with strict deadlines or
time demands.
● Give me an example of a time when you had a particularly challenging
situation with a peer/co-worker/customer.
● Describe a time when you were under pressure to make an immediate
● Tell me about a situation when you had to stand up for a decision you
made even though it was unpopular.
● Tell me about a new idea, policy, or procedure that you implemented
that was considerably different from an existing one.
● Describe a time when you had to bend the rules in order to be
successful or accomplish a goal.
● Tell me about a time when you took the initiative to set goals and
objectives even though you were not prompted or directed by others
to do so.
● Tell me about a time when your understanding of organizational
climate or culture helped you to achieve your desired results.
● Tell me about a time when you were proud of your ability to be
objective even though you were emotional about a problem situation.
● Describe a work situation where you set a positive example for others.

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