Activity 4

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1. What is the title of the film?

- Itaewon Class

2. Who is (are) your favorite character(s) in the film? Explain.

- My favorite character in the film is Park Saeroyi. He stands tall with his
principles even at times where being agitated is the easy way out. A
character that embodies the best qualities that we, as people, may strive for.
He is unapologetic about who he is and that is his real charm.

3. Based on the story of Itaewon class (episode 3), what do you think is the reason why
DanBam restaurant bar does not get enough customers compared to other restaurants
like Jangga? Present your answer in this form.

Jangga DanBam
STRENGTH They are placed in a good They stick with their mission and
location having an excellent vision.
ambiance of their shop and they
possess excellent advertising
WEAKNESS The CEO’s son has a bad image They are placed in a not so good
to the public thus making it as a location and they lack strategies
weakness of their shop. in terms of advertising their

What do you think is/are the reason(s) why DanBam restaurant-bar cannot get enough
customers compared to the other restaurants like Jangga?
The reasons why DanBam restaurant-bar cannot get enough customers is that the
location of their pub is out of the way of the potential customers, the ambiance of their pub,
the lack of materials needed in their pub and they need to improve their advertising strategy to
get the attention of the people.
Compared to the other restaurants like Jangga, DanBam restaurant-bar cannot get
enough customers for the reason that their restaurant-bar is placed in a bad location that
cannot reach their target customers and they have bad ambiance of their physical shop.


What Should You Do to Ensure Your Company's Survival?

To ensure my company’s survival I should follow three steps that I personally think is effective.
These are prevention, planning, and actions. I must always keep in mind to prevent from having
large costs and keep track of these costs. I must also have a contingency plan to cover potential
losses if ever my business hits hardship. Lastly, I must work on my plans and decisions quickly.

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