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Application of Matrices
 Matrix (plural matrices) is a rectangular
table of elements (or entries)

 These elements are abstract quantities that can

be added and multiplied….
 Numbers
 Matrices come in all possible rectangular shapes, the following are a
number of examples of matrices

 In general, we denote a matrix by

 Each aij is called an element of the matrix (or an entry of the matrix); this
denotes the element in row i and column j. The entries of the matrix are
organized in horizontal rows and vertical columns
 The size, or dimension, of the matrix is n x m, where,
 n is the number of rows of the matrix,
 m is the number of column of the matrix.

 For example, the following matrices are of dimensions 1x4, 3x1, 2x3,
and 4x2 respectively

 A special kind of matrix is a square matrix,

 i.e. a matrix with the same number of rows and columns.
 If a square matrix has n rows and n columns, we say that the matrix has order
 The matrix is a square matrix of order 3.
Application of Matrices
 Graph theory
 The adjacency matrix of a finite graph is a basic notion of graph theory.
 Linear combinations of quantum states in Physics
 The first model of quantum mechanics by Heisenberg in 1925 represented the
theory's operators by infinite-dimensional matrices acting on quantum states.
This is also referred to as matrix mechanics.
 Computer graphics
 4×4 transformation rotation matrices are commonly used in computer
 Solving linear equations
 Using Row reduction
 Cramer's Rule ( Determinants)
 Using the inverse matrix
 Cryptography.
Application of Matrices
 Cryptography, is concerned with keeping communications private.

 Cryptography mainly consists of Encryption and Decryption

 Encryption is the transformation of data into some unreadable form.

 Its purpose is to ensure privacy by keeping the information hidden from
anyone for whom it is not intended, even those who can see the encrypted
 Decryption is the reverse of encryption
 It is the transformation of encrypted data back into some intelligible

 Encryption and Decryption require the use of some secret information,

usually referred to as a key.

 Depending on the encryption mechanism used, the same key might be used for both
encryption and decryption, while for other mechanisms, the keys used for
encryption and decryption might be different.
Application of matrix to
 One type of code, which is extremely difficult to break, makes use of a
large matrix to encode a message.

 The receiver of the message decodes it using the inverse of the


 This first matrix, used by the sender is called the encoding matrix and
its inverse is called the decoding matrix, which is used by the receiver.
Message to be sent:
and the encoding matrix be
  3  4
 1 1 
0 
3 4 
 4

We assign a number for each letter of the alphabet.

Such that A is 1, B is 2, and so on. Also, we assign the number 27 to space
between two words. Thus the message becomes:

P R E P A R * T O * N E G O T I A T E
16 18 5 16 E 27 20 15 27 14 5 7 15 20 9 1 20 5
1 18 5
 Since we are using a 3 by 3 matrix, we break the enumerated
message above into a sequence of 3 by 1 vectors:
16 16  5  15 5 20 20
  27 27  9 5
18 1 7
  
            

 5  18 14 15  1  27
20 

 Note that it was necessary to add a space at the end of the message to
complete the last vector.
 We encode the message by multiplying each of the above vectors by the
encoding matrix.
 We represent above vectors as columns of a matrix and perform its matrix
multiplication with the encoding matrix
 3  3  3 4
16 16  5 18
  
 0 4 18 1

 4 1 1 

5 15 5 20 20
27 27 7 9 
 5
20 14 15 1
 We get

 122  123  176  182  96  91  183

 
23 19 47 41 22 10 32
 

 138 139 181 197 101 111 203  

 The columns of this matrix give the encoded message.

 Encoding is complete

The message is transmitted in a linear form

 23, 138,  123, 19, 139,  176, 47, 181,

 41, 197,  96, 22, 101,  91, 10, 111,
 183 32 203.
 To decode the message:
 The receiver writes this string as a sequence of 3 by 1 column matrices and
repeats the technique using the inverse of the encoding matrix.
 The inverse of this encoding matrix is the decoding matrix.
1 0 1

 4 4 3
  
 3  3

 To decode the message, perform the matrix multiplication

1 0
 1    182    183
 4 4 3
122  23 19
123 47
176 41 22
96 10
91 32

  3  3  138 139 181 197 101 111 203 
  

 Matrix obtained is
16 16 5 15 5 20 20
 
18 1
 27 27 7 9 5 
 5 18 20 14 15 1
Decoded Message

 The columns of this matrix, written in linear form, give the original
16 18 5 16 1 18 5 27 20 15 27 14 5 7 15 20 9 1 20 5
P R E P A R * T O * N E G O T I A T E

Message received:

Thank You !

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