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Inz23che No. of Coss, = haploid io (stEmbryelogy ; Weiosizr \We 1 ONA = sogie Stictane Gromete genesis : oop P. In male, Gernot genagie) MEE ae mat ot wana ~“aegonia \ 23fat in 52" nee eee tn Female {oo 5em05553 oes Meiosis Mezosi's Spevmntegonia By) = Diploid ZONA =0. shu. rs [ Cy todilPenenhishn cyt diffenenahon v L ERIE earner astueererceeeeret Prt Nan +6 eunediph v Mature spon habe ar Cramett, Broo Synapses \ BS) he Crossover | / \ Chios mo, | ra \ Sz 23 chess ap . Ly shaplotd Secondary z2DNA Gamete — ( XV inz23 shaplod IW stony 2S. Stem, AndEmbryology « Gametogeresis In=23 chro pad. r oe 2ne 46 chre. | | 9223 cho, mat Pe) Pea feancde | 20.2200 | 25 +6ere " feed | <0iPloid | Diploid | AN= D. sire, —~ IN = D. site \ seen . | corona vackioe ooPhorvs car arrested og, i atmateprie__ 38 @®Yen +0 ; (vetory tne er oR Se ° Cx ; ovulation by é Mer ze PFhours) Zena Petentine Pertilized : crue ovum + 3 palar bodies i ene BRIN = 23 cho chaploid N= D.S = 200A, segle St 1N sina + Pre some frechunes for mature perm tren it form 2Y GOT 3rd Embrylogy: Femel R. cycle (in rapredmetive physteyy Lectur AtnEmbryolegy « fartilizechon = daflention Genatic malecilas enerts which begin by tench betmean He sperm amd ovum ond end with Intiveringling betmeen mate 3 female mucus, aman formation of zyget (uni clllar embry) . = common siteet fertilization is ampulla of fallopian tube = theodm is picked up by fambmiane trenyh 3 mechanisms : D sweaping action of the fambriaa . 3) Puid currants produced toy fambbriog « a) cilia of the fambria€ . = Whi 400 BO wiltien sem dafesitnd per one. ejaculate » me value iS yoxy from Ftn-dmb of seman , 101). eb which wabnagant the cPerms 1, seres ave Aouty (rich tm bructese). _ yesiculase enzyme : naleosad by in the vagina semind vesicles , i keeps the. samen 6 sperm motility : Nin vagina (aad) less motile: gyn ders (Alkaline); rent wnetile (eperm fares Aikelinit) , = clinical importang ( Gynecelogyy): the Covvi PCOAMES mnceid substances which help in The activach'on of coaynlated sperm it makes The sperm soft dilieked and sronyy ep cinical signed ovultion . the activation and anonement of the sperm areund tne carvin done by: 1) toil monement , ei sesh 2) pevstaltic mover cont¥actins) of the wiervs | : ) cilia of tra mucosal covering of tre eodemateied @praatinm 4) chemoativactants frdm Corenn Radiat _ before asperm ean be olde te Qertlize Mreovun it haste wndergo two reactions = 1) capacttation Reaction . 2) Acresome Reachon . 1) capacitetion Reaction igsPecial conditioning of tne sperm inte the F.R.T which invélvg the yemeving of tne Glycopruieins covanng of the sperms head ; iF takes about Fhours. cilia & uterine Maids are neisponcilete foy capacitetion neachon inact ve(V.c) active (C) 2265 A eae of Clint cul Sm Qortence : the scienhivh aliscomenad treat when trey did in vitve Gertilizedin be Tt wae foiled becavte the medium used mre exPeriance wasn't able te capacitate Re sperms’ head (rhe mediinm lack he novmell ciliad Haid of tre uterus ) $0, trey oleneleped a meteniels which mimic trese probeties <> mvive ferRiizotion successed 21 Meresome Ranction vine reaction by which tneevum get tue ability te get fered bY one sPermn nen it praments the other sferms Arm Penurduhin, —phases of fertilization ; in me rep teductive block ewovyoloyy alideg. _peguits of fertilization: ~~ [ the unique sperm who Rartilized with tax ovum Keak attacked by ng, ee A \wlegrins molewhes (located in te sPerme ovum surface) _ dna. human ovum has snsPpewious receptors which only necegized by hamen sporm => so % nea-humen steven con't be fertilized with Wamen ovum: Hbefme the Zyget claaveye it stevts iv hes to undergo Deuplication etthe genetic materral , \ Wvesteretne diploid number of chrometerres , 2) stimulates the penetrated coayte te comPlete it!s and pfette. LW fecotn 3) determine tina chrome somal Serof Ane embryo , ay intitle the cleavage of tra zrget. 5 eachivehe Hea, mechan (maratbalic Mackanom) oh Sma ovum S Prcment jtls apoptesis « BinEmbryclagy Dovabprat upto nd weak ot. apie Gul 2rd day THR innet QI mags Joes into a py 8s of Combcte hast) i Conbbiction & aan :(enbrpiblast Ctroy ave used to transter the Genetic metenial a Aan day Binchay/ Blogtocyst (1ate moruk) «site of the imPlentetion: Posterior wobh ah erie logy Hone Hea las it begins intra 20tm doy of F. reproductive cycle (Eth day Per fortilieabl eae piaght (epir ae yes H rs ck fate ty nee < ‘| Ro 2) thane 4s two important spores £ Protein which nolp tre blastocyst te get implentencal inthe endometrium : DS y selectins ji helP in the captune of tne blactoaych inte erclomednign YT 5 plegrinty we ne ne ee legion em ee otiartoryenic Pall clinic impevtence 1 in day ectalichnesst) Some Wood leaks out fron tre endometrium Se of amen menkbirel porwid (since day 26). and ais cam lead te misealonlate tre days A pragnancy Ania 1S a bleeding orraenbryoni Coelom Aminetic cauity eiblst < 12. abter fertilization (at thetime of uferePlacante!) tha female, ie Wy Chorienic will Kacnae 4 cherionic, plate teotvophoblaste_| il les wat treed of 2 mack, }) Wopheblastic Hsswe cyrohophoblast — SyncyMorepheblast- 2) Embryo blash'e Hiss ne a St Pblast hypo blast Wey Yale Sac F Sus connecting stalk Uf, exterdad hypoblastol Yelk Som OWoembriyon'c splancoPlouric Cis cared) mecoclerm Quine lever) exVaewloryonic somate Play i¢ Cearteitel) mesoderm Couter lave) 3) cavities -——, ay ‘ chorionic caw! cavity 4) Enembryonic’ mesoderm layers 5 @) Eviaembryonic. Splancoplaurh® wnetederm (neat b) Exleembryonic somate plamtic masoharm(oste-) 30 hows after Porkili zation STS 4 cay after forttlizahin CL ( ceavage of the zyqote) Sache \ Stays about 2days absorbs Plaid until Atty Bin days e \) migration of morula twords uterus \ 2) dogene vation of > * Fh, . é fh, Zone pellu elo, . ge) oe heb in day otter fe ; Cali now are srophoblactinte 4 —_ blastocyst adianes on, q—' 1) Imer oytotephehaet tre endmateriumn 2) outer synopHetrepheblagt — ( Mmplentations starts) embrycblage ——_jyaphoblast “howe. sem “pave sti CMs af. col" placonta, Yumbliced ord 8th clay affer for, < 7 olay lotw le toe Nelo day after fof: blastycyts ane completely ) SineytetrePhoblact sk embedeed in tre erodes the mnteynep — ') “#roplacantad fanetionalis lag er o£ coppillaries <5 Cireulchon, endometeri um Dendametiel alls get 2) SncpbtePhablact starts PRPC for baby roleaze HCG nubition. 3) implantation comp litag | Vth day after ertilizas fermation of Ivy chovionie wilt cintoemoryonic mesoderm isdenined from prolitirected epiblast cls . = SMoombryanie mesederm isderined from prolitirated Peomnechne Hes uc, of the IK Sac Gis. GhEmboryelogy , pewelopement upto 3rd mente (Jrilamar Disc) es Ye theionatieal pon of ants lecture contains lavge Keowrglicsked Diogrens 56 weet, Bnd iF in te eacfelog ides GP tre Coundetion block & ciwiceh, Embryelogiee! Anomalies (Terategeties) + = Geshwulation during embryogenesis maans Hae Procers trough which The bilemine/ dise Convertad to, Hilmnar dice. Doesnt mean Hee formation of stomache . conte cheavy intake of Alahel in unewanad female oP Pregnancy which campes clamage Yrerategenic effecton tre hemcloprng PM lemma Oise . cliniek feature. » D) wypottlorism: near 272 Se (e So irean teen f cress Blood barriers {ancl ptocluct of concaption A) undordavalepmant of tre forebrain (gas trula) » Fusin of tre lateral Cist ¥ dad) ventricles [DD code apeganais ondardavdepmest of __Caueel metedern) 51 noelig ComSE . wcanivclied Diabetes Mellilts in pregnant woman » clinical Peakunes : ) rhypopissia + anderdanalopmedt” ov fusion af the lewer limbs . 2) Abnormal dameloprart ef phe vertebral colnmn 3) Renoh agenesis ; — wderdonslopment of Inkimadiohi mesocorm. 4) Genatth olvermalities : -- = = eae 5) imparteraked omns : unruphined Coloacall membrane . Cowhinwe, 3 2) Kavtagerner syndtame (Primary ciliary Dys kine sia) = COMER . Gane alonormality of Dynin Protein => ciliary dyskingsian Seen as situs Inversus (Sransition of normal organ pesihion) » clwical Features Corfoag tots) : ) chvonic SERS sinubltts accumulation of mucus mtha paranasal sinuse and nepestad Infection in tnis site ( ineffectine ciliae? the Respiratory mus 2) Bronchindesis : permenttend difitutio sf tia air dueto dafect iatie renceciliary clearance mecham'sm caused by dafect of. airwey cilia mone ment” & Canction + 3) male Infertility ; dete tmmotle function of tesperm (dehect in Cilia function ). Prhrambrfology : Domlepmet a af the placenta & Fetal mauoranes : chorion — Antaion — Yl Soc. — Allanteis — motte cord. — Placenta x Decide : yh ts tHe endometriam of gro wes afer implentation consists of ; ) Decitda bagalis ' at the site of implontahon below tHe consuptss 2) Decida capsularis ; Covering the conseptns between +e blastocyst & the uterine cavity 3) Decide pavitalis, it is the ramining part of Decida. * ACG: ralerse by Syncitl colts of the Concopius (mimic the oction Sf LM) it Keeps the corpus lentum surivened aftey 12. days of ovulation Pit Keep Secnatind prgestione Poy tng Siveh 29 wae of Preguoncy tren the placenta get tre val! uf Producing it’ own Progesione which is needeol boy Sreveing Petus Wy B Ly R Bry chorionic villi: ly: Foreed during 14 odoy after Perkilization due to pred birafrom off- fuger like. progections \med by over syncetobephoblaghe Hissne Q laner ext tephablashr< tissue. Dry, formed during Svcl meek. whwn bey C-V aquried mesenchymal coves Bry. formed during ZA weal, whan 27 demeoPing acoreof capillary es xwhen placenty tshormed te Chorionic Sac undargoes two+ypes > chorion fontosum (thick) aivillus chorion 2) chorion lavage (smooth) = bave chorion Contime AR placenta components: 1) Fetal part: dancloped fom chorion fandesum . 2) Maternal port ; developed fom ducedua basali's *® Functions of Placenta ; 1) Metabolic Glycogen syerthegis _ lipid syenthesis . 2) Exchange : - simple diffucion i Rc e, ~ dacilited Di gos escheat (O46) Pasion . Gincuse transport = Aetine Hansport : Aminoacid hewrsPort (ky 2ry achive Morspert) opine getosic. : 14G Vanstort (waterncd Anti-bedy stansPert). = most Virvses can crass placontel barrier . - most bacteria Can't cress Phe Platontel bayrier except po organisms :© trepanden?palliliun (comses SyPhlis) D listenia monacy tegen > parasite Which can crest tre placental barrie ides ui ee 3) Endocrine WEG. ec iragen — Preges ene. — hy _ ralax'n : se leyers of te Hacento, : Ye mera dabodied Fig uns. at enonqology slides nunreer [OF enti & V) endotrainm of Pra Fett cagillavy . 2) connective Heswe around the Fetal Somabic layer of tha lobed bre sodas j—> Synge iephe bias exaembyyonic mesoderm Cmg The prcbrbivedteon A sucroindind Intraembryanit mesedorm , ten cavity of extracmbryonic Colesum start appere inthe lateral Intraembryenic mesodoy m which caure tre Parmachen of two layers : upper Somatic wer related to @lmbaembryonic ectoderm. 2) lower sflanchnic \yyer related to lnitembryonic ondddarrey Then folding process wf tra THlamner Disc Stolts ; past Endedcm + matos-Hre GIT splanchnic. ufer o& LIE, formas Smootn muscles Gof tre GITH cher visara Eetoderm, forms oody woth somatic layer of LIE M: forme the somatic. ee (sralatel) muses of te body wall , Intermediate. mesoderm: urinowy sie 3:3enarta syst 5 Pewalepment— skull Limbs Vertebrag, oo @ paraxiad yiesodarm stot go in Segmentation recess forming blocks caAad Sonites tra most upper part of tu logitdenaL parestiok mesoderin somitas Clhad occipital Somatemere tra. other called Somitas O5 Such and tay Borin the vertebral Golam nrewrd crest cells alco enter trefermedtin of skull (Oenclopment) - Somite is divaltled inte Verbamedia? part: forms Scalewtere which Which Porm the bone (skull Gevertebm calwmn) Dorse lateral Part. Perens Dermomyotome the Dreio Laberally tren Por tue Dermis (nadetins ectoderm) ond THs myctome Column . make The mesenchyme. extand Sorms Tre mnsches around verlebys Source of tre masenchyme (mesoderm Source) + of the skull sine Vuh port of the occipitel Somatomanes 4 mesenchipne of-tne novel forly nemacsounin of the limbs « Lom Somaticlayer ef lateral [nhnembufonic mesoderm Contiivae conan gee an CMTE MUON tra oe : 2 iduaroc ronium THU.O fb Ob Vi SCefocraniun Ec.O Fb>C-b30.b . @ Denelepment of the nerocraniura : ie of noatocraniion mesenchyme: W111 anea : Deneleped from neural crest als . tins ane ; devsdoped from the oCciditel somedomenas . x Types of osifliesbion imine skal: the cover of tna sku: Intamembr enous of fication > memborandrarveonium tre base of the skulls endochandréum oSification = chondto nawecvonium Coronal subune - sutunes + Dense Fi) i ol skull bones - F St ae - Rim Porton Ca: \ Wredince tea head size during Delivery trsenghy the Birt Comal « 2) Anlerion Porntalic com ied clinverly te ascess We, bree cranied prassune. TICP = Puligedouty LI. ce. Pad pullgeot dn Conte ——————— 3) it Anterioy fontalis com wed for asaase wmant- of ctull Jovelopmemt ot Bonag usually Pak. Forartalis closed at age ot 2 years, posterior Pantalis closed. age of 6 months. 4) Pillows be accomodate the. 5 kul © Develppment of the viscera cransuve peneleping neured tissue by tre enlarganent of tra, HSour ce of visCerocranium mesenchyme : tom reured crestells, 4 inkornenbrons 2st fioubion niet branchish axle — form upper (norsal) Patt whieh forms tre Ay gomakic) marillaed y incus, melts, part ok temprel bona. awh lower (vento) par which forms tue meal con bloga stipas muscle dewdeped bm Dorsek part ot Hee 2nd branchiel aves while Autertet Park torms the mesenchy meoround prt devedefarnr mecoh cortilage than eventiay forms mandible . _ Paranagad sinuses ane not present inthe naw babies pund&y develop ment ot the Jow bene both of these featunes ore $19 of Infamp Viscerecranium. 1 REE Tar ean opened Craniun due to unclosune. of Hae wibenior Poll at fre noural tube —> caused bY low levals of folic Acid rn ta maternod blood at pe 2) Spina hitida : caused by nclssuneat the posterior poll of He. nBurod (due, y Folic acich otf Boy ZA a\ Meneiglosele : it only found herniated Menegia . b) Menrigiommolo sele sf we founel wenegi at rhurd Hscne . on second : cramel ‘synostosis : pre matane closane ofthe subanes i » / aN fa ih Ve ( | Ly es a es / : ony @e haly Brecly aphaly plegiocePhaly scephecophal 7 Ace cophaly {sree (square) nettwtric shoud) — iwoer shall) kemi 7 = eee halt of coronal VE gly ony RE) # peralopment Sf the Limbs; 48 proximodictal Jorelopment ae ob te lees - HOX genes: recponsible for Bees priethiiriing obtns limbs Sale - TDK, FEGE8, 10; genas nelengeal from somatic laterck Inttaembryfonie mesodurm for initiation of tha Vink grovth, - BMP ( Bone morphelegeretic proteins) pk camge. tre FMANNAINT of tHe apical parbot the ectoderm money te frm AER (rapier ectodaderma Ridge) alco callect limb elongator this AER release EBGE A,B which come trawilal loy ing mesdodaim tu proline very vapidly and prenent their diPeventiation Mis Ants called Prog ness Zona DER growtn factors (ER GE) has higher nflence on the wis the Wired. => survived proyness Zong jal pave F AER quontin Factors (FRG Fr) has less InPlence on tna proximal par ek btre Limb = tre proximal oven of trase aven stot di Pere nhetion (Endochondat ossiticein) gince less ePFecto F me AERGE | Phan AER stort goes apoplesis tn mang anens tor tre Ayrmahin of Pingers = re unde laying mesock run Start prot trate imho trace Pinger -anttspostenter danliprant (for me Digits) . SPA (zene of porilization activi) : Seed =~ ok GMs Which greloceted near : little Prg@r , nesponsible For te f aa a of The aigits (aninopevterendly)— 2ph : secneke wit. Joackvate sonic Hedgehog ere wmportout Hmes@iimb loud start appears at— 4+ ureek . @ iny ossifieution Coctenes Stark at 6 weak in me Piaphyess © 27 essiftation Gnfirs appear after birty inthe Epi Physis _ Limbs derelopmert Anomalies : 1) Amelia sno Limbs duets the tertogenic cMed of Thabiobonisle. (Ant -emetec) on the Limb bul (dawn at — btn a) which cause. a damage te AER ( Apical ectoderma) yidge) . 2) Meromeba Ys micromelia .. Limbs ana inpropenionadly sized | Limbs ane Proporially normaly 3) Phocomeli'a ; The hands ave adthersters! o tached dinecty witht trunk, ARabsence of tre upper pwtot aLimb Conti ea AY Achenareplasia: pramadune closure of tha lonjbone epiphycesl ploke, with vormel development of the Skull & Hunk - Rone sf canges of gdwarfign . ~ risk Pach 12 ¢ paternal age gince Pris af Down syndome #9 f maternal age). 5) polydyctaly ; oxba finger, 6) Ectodyctuly , 1ess finger. B)syndyctaly Gace Pinger (due to unaprtotcarensF MER). a Brechyctaly ; very shart fivgers . 4) claw hand: aosence ef raradile Bayer iNs dlahncarpas, Paved 1h 3 ring Fingers, Fused thumb X inden Fonges i 18) dislocation of hip joints +t fhe female fehus delivorad im Presa, ese \bnttoces down , head vf). Ath Enoryolegy : Pewelopmentrest 720 are yas oy Aum = & Init'al mechanism of Vy, syctem develop mat \) Vasentegenesis + pralifreden ef the Intymembnyonic mesodarm GUs in order to Porm the Primary (weler) vecstes, ia cluding angioeytoblast & heme cyteblast , 2) Pmgio genesis: cord. like stractumes avising Bom the prefrmed say vessles (by vaserleg ences is), : wea oo VES (4 g pealtetenis ; b vesewlogenesis hemocyfoblast ( ms the bload cells) . gE Development of tne vaseular sty stem include YD prteriedD vyctem 2) verwms syctem, YX) Fetal civenlation | “Ty Derelap ma vt Bf tre Ariennd syctin , from phawngeal Ayches + test ef—the body —Pharngeal Areches: First Make (Maxillary) sery steps ( stapidns) tron coh (cowods\ Fer (Aortic Arch ) fr An Prarngen’ Arch(disapPeats), sien oy 27 TOUTE WEE Pulmonety aW}erted 5 1S Poined +has town nevne & bead each of phamgent 4 tne vagus Gives abranch callad ight veaarnent Larngan) nayvre winder He Nabelemian while the let wider tua axel’ Pilmenaey arto abnormalities » cgave Jove aortic Aran : - normally only we ham& one aor he @ycl bell sets Plime et gicle ondied: ban dorsak aartn to regness we denelope, snch alind +t abnormal. gash clini cody : df@progio x Sysmen 2) eensmichen — the site of ductus Arterliosis ; can be 9 pre dnctah cearletahens ) Tin the pechasionte te head ; aofening ol Fre ductus atieresis (shunting) eteh ont 2) post-ductall conn 1) Golateral civanhabion wits Sub clarion (Left side) ip bob erred (send Weep) BARE] > \darcoost i naling Aorta, prteries —> dascencliny) ; ly hare 2) high blesd Pressure infre upper Limbs ae ee lower lim®S, Bileow oer it S3i0 3) delved femoral) pulse, (dueto low PerPasion of ths lower limlos) 4) Audible brwises'( duets Nigh perfarion of tha vpperlimbs)) 5) by #-Tey the yiles ave notched duets effected — enlargment af the Infivcestel arleria by high per fusion , 6) high risk of Stroke. #7) endocarditis . tie - rest of the bedy ; 1) two Pestfolater Bromches . 2) twe Iateral Branchby, D Anterior Branches. pith fre pasteridlaterl branches: give the upper lower limbs arteries, Arvo lateral branches: yines the renal & supravancl & ovarian ayteries. Anterior branches: gives cilonc & $M. BULA (the caled ventation arfert te Internal umbiliced Arteries (later called 1, iliac poten nee Sac the ymbi tie paeny (te placenta) FEI pewelepment ef the Venous system ; d) Yol& Sac veins —> ventollan veins. 2) Placental veins —> vmblicd veins , 3 cardinal yotim note: venous sytem Starts denslopmant Ze akertor cnrdinal) ye at Sinmecle symmetrically bat | 45 the PreYynancy progress \ it pecome lePtsitle sytam common \, A inns , . . carb OF, _veres Lrignt side regrest®s. ee im - ‘Sinus vensSis: me 2 / \ main Venous drianye si Ce / q >| : ta tha baby. Posferiar V/ } \ Cafelinal \ vein \ \O A) derivatives of the vetalian veins : portal vein =p iver sinesoidls —s hepatic veins—p Inferior Vena Cava + SMV & its devivatines 4 cilac Wuntc + 1. MV B) Deraivitines +f tre umblical vein.

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