Analysis (The Game of Trolls and Ang Bagong Cristo)

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Title of Theater Play: The Game of Trolls

Director: Maribel Legarda

Composer/Arranger: Vincent De Jesus
Playwright: Liza Magtoto
Main Characters: Heck, played by Myke Salomon and TJ Valderrama alternately
Performing Group:
Venue/Year: PETA Theater Center/ 2020
Plot: It was set during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines and depicted the lives of
Filipinos during that period. During the time of the Spanish, the Filipinos were treated in a
variety of ways, but they remained powerful and fought for their freedom in their own unique
TITLE: The Game of Trolls by PETA
Visual components 1. Sensory was evident in this
theatrical play “The game of Trolls” which
1. What are the dominant theatrical is incorporated with movements, sound,
elements? and spectacle. The drama incorporates
2. How are these employed in the music by having people convey their
performance? experiences via song. The use of music in
3. How do the dominant elements the theatrical production made all the
affect you?
difference. Various harmonies and
4. What are the dominant techniques,
melodies are used to accentuate moods and
principles, or conventions used in the play
or performance? themes. Music may also be utilized to
change the mood of a setting. Music and
theater go hand in hand in creating
emotional response from the audience,
assisting in their absorption in the story's
storyline and message. In addition, the
stage design is simple but powerful, with a
large screen projector displaying adorable
Emoji designs amid genuine photographs of
vanished victims and their dear ones.
2. The first song is performed by the
'organized' trolls against an audiovisual
background of evidence, numbers,
reasoning, and refute, hitting on troll logic:
starting with non sequitur; if that doesn't
work, then ad hominem. Vincent De Jesus
(as songwriter and composer) nails the
heartbeat of political social media combat
and reveals the plain fact that you can't
expect to win over individuals who just
don't bother and with nothing to risk.

3. The musical aspect of the play gave

me goosebumps. It is a play that is more
than just an attempt to resurrect diminishing
recollections of the Philippines' horrible
past; it is also an admonition of why people
must NEVER allow a dictatorship regime
to be established in the Philippines once
more. It sparked a sense of optimism inside
me, which I might describe as a "call to
action," encouraging me to conduct my
own study, make informed decisions, and
behave appropriately.

4. One of the dominant dramatic

conventions used is breaking into a song.
Knowing that it is a musical play, of course
it is affected that it conveyed this dominant
element. Another dominant element used is
the transitions. Audiences are being
charmed by exhilarating musical
performances, as well as vivid, often
unsettling portrayals of crimes committed
during the Martial Law period. At times, the
change from one pulse to the next feels
sudden, even startling, but considering all of
the data and plot points the plot must cover,
this is a means to an end.
Dramatic component 1. “A Game of Trolls” is a wonderful
illustration of theater's ability to transcend
1. What is the significance of the central amusement and even art. PETA has fulfilled
theme to you in terms of personal. its educational purpose with this
Historical, social, or political value? presentation. Its goal was to get audiences to
know deep down about their past, and it was
a success in that sense. It has reached a
degree of consciousness that allows it to
discuss socioeconomic status. There's a joke
about how independence and activism are so
"bourgeoisie," which highlights the reality
that fighting for the nation is virtually a
luxury of the middle class. The show does
finish on an optimistic note, with an
unambiguous call to action for individuals to
inquire about their ancestors' histories. The
politics, the dissent, and the soul of the
musical were all waiting to be shared and
recognized. Personally, we were
indoctrinated that every interaction had to
finish with a conversion. However, this is
not a smart plan. This drama, on the other
hand, encouraged people to think critically.
It provided us with an opportunity to choose
what is reasonable and compassionate. What
I appreciate most at the conclusion of the
play is my freedom of choice. That is what
democracy is all about.
Literary components 1. A Game of Trolls (AGoT), a
1. What is the theme of the theater musical theater play, aims to persuade
play? millennials to uncover a historical moment
2. What are the other subthemes that that has been reinterpreted. The play
affect the central theme? addresses revisionist history, spurious
leaders, blatant propaganda, indifference,
and disinformation.

2. Other subthemes that impact the core

topic include love for the family,
particularly a mother's affection for her
children, friendship attachment between
acquaintances, and genuine affection for an
important person. This play is classified as
dramatic since the majority of the characters
express their feelings.
Idea (meaning)

The Game of Trolls helps viewers understand what happened under martial law in order to
persuade the current generation to assist avoid the establishment of yet another tyrant in the
future. PETA wishes to connect out to the youth in order for the bitter lessons of Martial
Law to educate them not to let military dictator rule in the Philippines to reoccur. The
youngsters must learn to value the power they currently have, independence that came at a
cost from their elderly. They are now the generation that society expects to carry on the
battle for liberty and equality.

Title of Theater Play: Ang Bagong Cristo

Director: Alexander Cortez
Composer/Arranger: Krina Cayabyab
Playwright: Aurelio Tolentino
Main Characters: Jesus Gatbiaya
Performing Group: Dulaang UP
Venue/Year: Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Theater, 2nd Floor Palma Hall, UP Diliman, Quezon
City/ 2017
Plot: Jesus Gatbiaya, a revolutionary leader, made the people aware of the atrocities they are
subjected to at the hands of the ruling class. He assisted them in realizing what they deserved
as a result of their hard work and addressing inequity in the society.
TITLE: Ang Bagong Cristo by Dulaang UP
Visual components 1. The play had expressive aspects
1. What are the dominant theatrical such as emotions, mood, and dynamic
elements? characteristics. The actors' entire
2. How are these employed in the performance is praiseworthy for their
performance? mesmerizingly vivid portrayal of their
3. How do the dominant elements characters.
affect you?
4. What are the dominant techniques, 2. For one thing, it creates a vision of
principles, or conventions used in the play emancipated indios who do not comply and
or performance. instead dispute friars' beliefs. After a few
minutes, the story appears to be foreseeable
– that it is a social satire on the Catholic
Church's money-making plan, the
indulgencia, and how the promise of
donating more contributions would be a
ticket to paradise and a disease-free
existence. Tolentino skillfully shows the
sufferings of the Bagong Cristo without any
dissimilar from our hardships. His beliefs
are about resolving societal inferiority and
inequity by logic and empathy, not simply
philanthropy. The narrative is a realistic
portrayal of what is otherwise known as

3. Despite the fact that the book is over

a centuries old, former DUP creative
director Alex Cortex succeeds to make it
more relevant to today's concerns. In one
scenario, the Bagong Cristo conveys a
strong message: boons in any community
should be incarcerated rather than executed.
This message rings true in the face of
today's mass killings. It demonstrates how
our concepts of human rights and
fundamental freedoms have progressed or
morphed over the last century. For the time
being, it is apparent that class fights have
existed for a long time, and that we have a
lengthy history of maltreatment from the

4. This play's visual imagery did not

hold back the audience. Extensive scenario
shifts, amazing dance and song shows, and
superb musical compositions provide a
welcome break from the occasionally
sanctimonious lectures.
Dramatic component 1. 'Bagong Cristo,' by Dulaang UP, is a
2.What is the significance of the central reimagining of the tale of a proletarian Jesus
theme to you in terms of personal. Christ. Written by Aurelio Tolentino, the
Historical, social, or political value? material may easily be considered
subversive, if not blasphemous. It is
significant in a sense that the drama reveals
the divinity and tells the tale of Jesus Christ
through the eyes of the working class, which
has been neglected by a governing
aristocracy that has since profited from
people's ignorance. The drama questions
traditional beliefs of the Church, bearing a
remarkable similarity to Rizal's Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, but less
subtly. The events in this drama may have
occurred over a century ago. Poor
employees, on the other hand, remain to be
exploited at the hands of wealthy capitalists.
As their struggle persists, the message of
this piece remains crucial and timely. When
Jesus Gatbiaya speaks, it's as though he's
speaking in the present moment.
Literary components 1. “Bagong Cristo” was a tad unusual,
1.What is the theme of the theater play? focused on the clash of socioeconomic
2.What are the other sub-themes that affect classes, being clearly socialist in its
the central theme? affinities and dazzlingly candid in its
depiction of capitalistic tyranny. It's
argumentative theater, so don't expect
character arcs or subtle narrative, but rather
a plain presentation of a position in society-
it couldn't be more succinct in this regard.
2. The drama also deals with sexual
assault, torment, and persecution, along with
power-tripping, squashing dissent, and
parent - child relationships.
Idea (meaning)

It educates individuals how to be emancipated workers in order to resist social unfairness.

The drama depicts Christ's suffering as experienced by a man prepared to give his life for
the liberty of his people.

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