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Name: Nidhishree

Ref no: EPG40/JUN20/1039

Max Marks : 40

Business Communication
1). Write a brief report on the communication process in your organisation. You can start
with defining the role of business communication in your organisation. Also write about the
role of Kinesthetics in bringing effectiveness in communication in your organisation."


Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
another. Every communication involves at least one sender and a receiver. This may sound
simple, but communication is actually a very complex subject.
Communication is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through
the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules.
The communication process refers to a series of actions or steps taken in order to successfully
communicate. It involves several components such as the sender of the communication, the
actual message being sent, the encoding of the message, the receiver and the decoding of the
message. There are also various channels of communication to consider within the
communication process. This refers to the way a message is sent. This can be through various
mediums such as voice, audio, video, writing email, fax or body language. The overall goal of
the communication process is to present an individual or party with information and have them
understand it. The sender must choose the most appropriate medium in order for the
communication process to have worked successfully.

The working of communication process is shown in the diagram below:

Parts of the communication process

The communication process has several components that enable the transmission of a message.
Here are the various parts:

1. Sender: This is the person that is delivering a message to a recipient.

2. Message: This refers to the information that the sender is relaying to the receiver.
3. Channel of communication: This is the transmission or method of delivering the
4. Decoding: This is the interpretation of the message. Decoding is performed by the
5. Receiver: The receiver is the person who is getting or receiving the message.
6. Feedback: In some instances, the receiver might have feedback or a response for the
sender. This starts an interaction.

How does the communication process work?

In order to successfully communicate, it's important to understand how the process works. Here
are the seven steps in the communication process:

1. The sender develops an idea to be sent.

2. The sender encodes the message.
3. The sender selects the channel of communication that will be used.
4. The message travels over the channel of communication.
5. The message is received by the receiver.
6. The receiver decodes the message.
7. The receiver provides feedback, if applicable.

1. The sender develops an idea to be sent

The beginning of the communication process involves the sender creating an idea that they plan
to send to another person or group of people. Essentially, they're planning the overall subject
matter or information they want to transmit.
2. The sender encodes the message
Once the sender develops an idea, they translate it into a form that can be transmitted to someone
else. This means they transform the thoughts of the information they want to send into a certain
format. For example, if you are writing a letter, you'll translate your idea into words. The
message can also be nonverbal, oral or symbolic.
3. The sender selects the channel of communication that will be used
Next, the sender decides how the message will be sent. This involves selecting the most suitable
medium for the message they're relaying. Some communication mediums include speaking,
writing, electronic transmission or nonverbal communication. If you're communicating at work,
make sure to select the proper and most professional channel of communication.
4. The message travels over the channel of communication
After the medium is chosen, the message then begins the process of transmission. The exact
process of this will depend on the selected medium. In order for the message to be properly sent,
the sender should have selected the appropriate medium.
5. The message is received by the receiver
Next, the message is received by the recipient. This step in the communication process is done
by hearing the message, seeing it, feeling it or another form of reception.
6. The receiver decodes the message
The receiver then decodes the sender's message. In other words, they interpret it and convert it
into a thought. After they've done this, they analyze the message and attempt to understand it.
The communication process is performed effectively when the sender and receiver have the same
meaning for the transmitted message.
7. The receiver provides feedback, if applicable
Lastly, unless it's a one-way communication, the receiver will provide feedback in the form of a
reply to the original sender of the message. Feedback provides the recipient with the ability to
ensure the sender that their message was properly received and interpreted. Between two people,
this is two-way communication.

How to Improve the Communication Process:

Here are some points to consider to improve your communication skills and the communication
process overall:

• Simplify your message: In order to ensure your message is properly understood, you
should keep your language simple and to the point.

• Know your audience: It's also important to consider the audience that will receive your
message as well as their needs and interests.

• Be a good listener: As a communicator, it's important to actively listen to what those

around you are saying. This will ensure that you're sending the right message.

• Ask questions: It's also important to ask good questions to keep the communication
flowing. Make sure your questions are insightful and engaging.
• Take the time to respond: When communicating, it's important to consider how you
might reply to a person to ensure you know what you want to say.

• Consider your body language: If you're communicating through a different medium, it's
important to be mindful of your body language. In addition, be aware of the body
language of the person you're communicating with, as well.

• Maintain eye contact: It's also important to make contact with the person or group you're
communicating with. This will show that you're actively listening to who you're
communicating with.

• Clarify your message if needed: If the recipient of your message is unclear about what
you're trying to say, it's important to clarify your message. This will help them to better
understand you.

Types of Communication Process:

When communication occurs, it typically happens in one of three ways: verbal, nonverbal and
visual. People very often take communication for granted. Communicators constantly exchange
information, meaning people always seem to be either receiving or giving information.
Understanding the different methods of exchanging information is important especially in
business and professional settings. Many adults have chosen to go back to school and pursue a
communication degree online to ensure they have strong communication skills for a competitive
job market.


Verbal communication seems like the most obvious of the different types of communication. It
utilizes the spoken word, either face-to-face or remotely. Verbal communication is essential to
most interactions, but there are other nonverbal cues that help provide additional context to the
words themselves. Pairing nonverbal communication with the spoken word provides a more
nuanced message.


Nonverbal communication provides some insight into a speaker’s word choice. Sarcasm,
complacency, deception or genuineness occur within nonverbal communication. These things are
often communicated through facial expressions, hand gestures, posture and even appearance, all
of which can convey something about the speaker. For instance, a disheveled speaker with
wrinkled clothes and poor posture would communicate a lack of confidence or expertise. A
speaker with a nice suit, who stood up straight and spoke clearly, may appear more serious or

Visual types of communication include signs, maps or drawings as well as color or graphic
design. These typically reinforce verbal communication, and they help to make a point. Visual
aids can help a speaker remember important topics, give the audience something to look at, and
generally help convey the message being presented.

Difference between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication:

What is Business Communication?

Business communication encompasses topics such as marketing, brand management, customer

relations, consumer behaviour, advertising, public relations, corporate communication,
community engagement, reputation management, interpersonal communication, employee
engagement, and event management.

There are 4 main types of business communications.

• Internal upward communication. Internal upward business communication is communication that
comes from a subordinate to a manager or an individual up the organizational hierarchy.
• Internal downward communication.
• Internal lateral communication.
• External communication.

In my organization business communication contains:

General Communication starts with :( Sender)
1) First thing is to decide what you have to communicate with the immediate Manger or Clients.
2) Sharing any difficulties in the handled CRM Software or other data
3) Communicating the changes in the product or services
4) General communications like work culture, Team behaviour, Basic parameters to be adhered
5) Communicating the necessary changes in the infrastructure within the regulatory
6) Also need to check whether action is taken against the communication.

Identifying who is expected to receive the communication: (Receiver)

1) Leadership Team
2) Employees
3) Third party Vendors
4) Virtual meetings
5) Town hall gathering
6) Mails
7) Pamphlets and flyers
Need to ensure the communication sent to the other party has understood what you have
communicated and aims at effective results.
Organization communication helps us in:
1) Accomplish my tasks relating to specific roles and responsibilities of sales, services, and
2) Acclimate to changes through individual and organizational creativity and adaptation
3) Complete tasks through the maintenance of policy, procedures, or regulations that support
daily and continuous operations.
Kinesthetic is a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical
activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations.

Role of Kinesthetics in bringing effectiveness in communication in our organization.

Kinesthetic communication is very powerful. It transmits a lot of information about a person’s

character and emotions. Although we are not generally aware of how we’re sending or receiving
information with it, it is certainly communication.
The “words” of this language are gestures, posture, the eyes, and body movements. Since much
has already been said about nonverbal communication, this time we are going to focus on tactile
contact with others.
To be an effective communicator you need to learn & be always aware of the 3 human primary
modes that people use to process thoughts during communication. They are Visual, Auditory
and Kinesthetic. Just like being right-handed primary, each of us uses one of the 3 modes as our
primary form to convey messages during communication. Understanding which one the person
you are speaking with is using is a step forward to being a better communicator.

Speaker will primarily look down and to the right as “they need to feel” what they are saying.
Making sure whatever they are trying to communicate is understood by their actions.
2) As a customer service manager write a letter responding to a customer complaint
regarding poor customer service in the Big Bazaar Super Center in M.G.Road.


Letter: Subject: Response to the complaint regarding customer service in BIG


The Customer Service Manager

Big Bazaar Super Center
M.G . Road , Bangalore

Ms. Likhitha
RBS Apartments
10 October 2020

Subject: Response for the customer care complaint.

Dear Madam,
This is to bring to your kind notice that, with regards to your complaint about the service which
was dated on 8th of October regarding the poor service given. First of all, I would like to
personally apologize for the inconvenience caused by us. We take great care to ensure that our
team is best trained and teach each of our representatives, how to properly handle our customers
to provide customer satisfaction. We have resolved the issue with the concerned staff and have
advised him not to ever misbehave with the customers in future.
In light of this, We have decided to put him on re-training to ensure basic values. Hope this is
acceptable and believe that you will be continued to be our valued customer and allow us to
provide the best service.

Thank you for your patience and hope to see you soon.

Manager- Customer relations
3) Many new recruits are joining your company, which is on an expansion path. This
growth means that several officials have to travel to introduce the company to the new
batch of employees. You feel that a video about the company would do the job. Write a
letter to your manager about the advantages and disadvantages of using a video to
showcase the company to the new employees and how it can help reduce the cost.


Date: 15 October


Dear Sir,

Subject: Pros-and-Cons of using video to showcase company to the new employees and how it
can help to reduce the cost.

This is to bring to your kind attention that, since our company is expanding its services, we need
to adapt several innovative ideas to welcome our new joiners in order to get the best outputs,
make them to understand the work culture. In order to train the new people several officials have
to travel to other places for introducing the company to new batch. Instead of that, we can adapt
a new form of induction, which is playing a virtual video which consists of introduction, policies,
rules and regulations followed by the company. Induction through a beautifully presented
corporate video helps the new batch to understand the company policies in a better way than the
face to face induction. The images and the highlighted lines will help them to grasp it faster than
verbally. It will hold their attention and will have a captive audience in the induction programme.
Conducting a induction through a corporate video helps us to reduce time and travel cost. This
helps the conductors to connect at the time preferable to them and start the programme anywhere
virtually. In spite of this, I do understand we may not have a Emotional Connection and face to
face interaction, but still be able to manage by making the new joiners comfortable to express
their doubts later.

Please go through the above detailed information and do express your decision at the earliest.



HR Onboarding specialist.
4) There has been a lot of negative news floating around in the media about your company.
When you contact the PR team, it blames the marketing department, mentioning that the
latter does not pass on information in time. The marketing department says it lacks the
time and resources to be more proactive. In addition, employees are using every possible
avenue to write blogs, bringing disrepute to the company. What are the corrective
measures that you will take?


Accurate and efficient communication between departments builds trust within the organization.
When departments trust each other to deliver accurate information, this eliminates the extra fact-
checking step that can slow down productivity.
Effective inter departmental communication keeps information moving. A team doesn't keep all
its information to itself. Instead, it shares information with other teams so everyone can do their
best work.
In the above case, we need to find out what is lacking between the various departments:
• Identification of problem between PR team and marketing team: Communication need to
be flown in all the respective departments in order to be accountable. The respective
managers need to take responsibility about the situations and take corrective measures to
solve the issues without hurting anybody’s emotions.

• The resource need to be managed strategically in order to be productive. Optimum

utilization of resources in the right place by the right department is very much necessary.

• All departments points need to be considered for the final decision. All the discussions
need to be documented for future analysis and for better conductment.

• Both the PR team and the Marketing team need to be given an equal chance to keep their
point of view while reviewing the process.

Thank you

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