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UNIT 4: TASK 3.1

Short Description
To talk about life events.
To talk about infinitives of purpose

Katiuska Del Valle Gonzalez Lamos

Watch the video and take notes on your English notebook
Video: will and might for predictions.

When do we use will?

• To express the future.

• Also use will and won’t + infinitive for predictions.
• We use will + infinitive to make predictions about the future.
• Example: In 2050 people won’t use the car.
• We often use “I think” or “I dont´t think” to introduce the prediction with will.
• Example: I think the package will arrive tomorrow.

When do we use might?

• We use might and might not if we are not sure of the prediction.
• Example: It might win the elections.
• We can also use probably to make the prediction less sure.
• Example: It probably won’t rain tomorrow.

3. Write 10 real sentences about you, using will and might on a word document.
Include pictures.
1. I think I might go to the market tomorrow.
2. I will graduate this month.
3. I think it might rain tomorrow afternoon.
4. I won´t eat chicken tomorrow.
5. I might do the housework tomorrow.
6. I will do a speciality.
7. I might not do the laundry today.
8. I will listen to music tomorrow morning.
9. I think I might cook meat for the lunch.
10. I won’t cook a chocolate cake.
1. Watch the videos and take notes on your English notebook
Verbs + Infinitive of purpose (to get / to buy)
The infinitive of purpose answer “why”. It’s used to express a reason. For example:
Why did you go to the store? I went to the store to buy milk.

• It can’t contains more than one preposition.

• The only preposition it uses is “to”.
• The verb has to be in its infinitive form.

• Why Laura went on vacation? Laura went on vacation to relax.

• Why Laura studies hard? She studies hard to get good grades.
• Why is Laura calling her grandmother? Laura is calling her grandmother to
say “Hello!”
• Why do Laura’s parents go to the supermarket? Her parents will go to the
supermarket to buy food.
• I went to the cinema to watch a movie. (yesterday)
• I am going to the cinema to watch a movie. (in this moment)
• I will go to the cinema to watch a movie. (tomorrow)
• Laura studies to learn new things. / To learn new things, Laura studies.

3. Write a paragraph (20 lines) on a word document or by hand, using infinitives of

purpose and the vocabulary of jobs. Put pictures too.
I want to travel to meet new cultures and countries. Right
now I’m interested in learning korean to go to South Korea
and talk in their language, so I can do tourism in a better
way. Also, I’m going there to visit the famous temples and
the Jeju Island. I really want to visit Hallasan Volcano in the
Jeju Island; that is the tallest mountain of South Korea and have awesome views.
That Island, also has so many farmers with fresh food, and
the chefs make good gastronomical dishes that I want to
taste, like Japgokbap, a mix of steamed grains. Another
place I would like to visit is Japan, they have so many
things there. I want to visit it to taste dishes like sushi,
soba and ramen, I want to meet the magazines buildings
to know the behind of a manga and the process the mangaka pass through to make
a work, and also the companies that are in the market of
finances too, there are so good accountants and
bussinessmen in general that are amazing. Also, I would
like to visit the temples there are there, because I think
they are good to relax and learn at the same time, there
you can cconnect with the nature because normally they
are around it, so I think its a really good experience to have.

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