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 Subject: Business Communication &

Report Writing
 Class: MBA (Non Business)(Weekend)
 Semester: 2nd
 Topic: AIDA Model With Examples


 Honourable Madam,

Ms. Maryum
Management Sciences Departt
I.U.B Bahawalpur.

 Name: M.Muhammad Sohail Zafar

 Registration: F20BMGMT3M05054

(1) Introduction: Developing a job advertisement is similar to other

forms of advertising. The main object is to sell a product, in this
case a job. We need to appeal to the readers and potential future
candidates in an engaging manner. A good advertisement, thus,
is easy to read and uses simple language while containing all the
relevant information about the job itself and the company as a
AIDA is a model of communication that is originally designed to
capture the process that firms go through to reach prospective
buyers to sell their products and services. It is an acronym for
Attention, Interest, Desire and Action that demonstrates the
successive stages buyers pass through in a linear hierarchy. This
model can also be used for recruitment purposes and it played a
vital role in this regards.
The AIDA model has been in use since the late 19th century. It
has been reviewed and modified multiple times over the years,
both in marketing and public relations.
The AIDA model was developed by the American businessman, E.
St. Elmo Lewis, in 1898. The original main purpose was to
optimize sales calls, specifically the interaction between seller and
buyer concerning the product.
(2) DEFINITION: It is a model that describes the steps a
customer/candidate goes through in the process of purchasing a
product /becoming part of a corporation.
(3) AIDA STEPS: There are following four steps involved in AIDA
(I) Attention: The first point of the AIDA model sounds simple
enough: The ad must attract a job seeker’s attention.
However, in world where we get constantly bombarded with
advertisements, images and videos, grabbing the attention
of your desired target audience can be a challenge. So,
before you start building an attention grabbing job ad, ask
yourself the following questions:
(i) Where can I find my desired target audience?
(ii) Am I using the right medium and platforms to reach
(iii) Is my job ad designed correctly for the specific

When you know where to find your desired audience, it is

time to build an effective job ad. According to the AIDA
model, an ideal job advert leaves an overall impression by
providing an optimal mix of Layout, Design, and Graphic

A strong, consistent employer brand is hereby the key to

success. Creating a career website with a clear corporate
design will improve your candidate experience, make you
stand out as an employer and leave a lasting impression in
the candidates head.

(II) Interest: While the point Attention of the AIDA model is

more concerned with the cognitive level, the following two
phases Interest and Desire aim at the emotional level. An
effective job advert stimulates a certain interest with the
 Clear structure
 Comprehensibility
 Precision

The rule of thumbs here: More is less. The created content

should focus on possible questions of the job seeker instead
of communicating the interest of your company. Both,
layout and content play a crucial role in creating user-
friendly and interesting job adverts. According to a recent
Stepstone eye tracking study, the optimal layout of a job ad
should look something like this:

In terms of content, you should include information about

the job, its purpose, responsibilities and the team. Make
sure you only include details that are interesting and
relevant. In general, you should try to answer the following
questions with your job ad:

 Who advertised the position?

 Who is the company looking for?
 What is expected from applicants?
 What does the employer offer?

It is hereby important to pay close attention to your target

audience. What kind of information is relevant for them? For
example, where an economist has an eye on the company’s
international success, a computer scientist tends to place
more emphasis on technology leadership or technical work

(III) Desire: The AIDA model suggest that you should aim for
creating a desire for the position. After job seekers read your
ad they should think “This sounds good. This is perfect for
me. I want to learn more about this position”. But how can
we create a feeling like this? 85% of all job seekers are
looking for information about the corporate culture, motives
and values of your organization during the online
orientation process. These are the most important factors for
a candidate when considering a new employer. Making this
information easy accessible and visible to job seekers in a
job advert or on the career website is essential. Media
content, such as pictures and videos as well as employee
voices additionally reinforce the emotional impact of a job
Another great way to making your company more desirable
as an employer is to enable the job seeker to directly check
their personal Cultural Fit. Company Match Engage is a
quick and easy solution to integrate the matching
technology into your career website. Candidates have the
opportunity to discover their individual and anonymous
match with your employer brand without leaving your
(IV) Action: The last step of the AIDA model encourages job
seekers to submit their application. Unfortunately studies
have shown that a lot of job seeker jump off at the last
moment and don’t submit their application. The reasons for
this are diverse. The reasons for Here some possible
 Long paths to the start of the application
 Complicated or incomprehensible application forms
 Mandatory fields for which applicants must obtain
information and interrupt the application process
 Technical inadequacies that prevent the sending of the
Avoiding those mistakes and creating a smooth and simple
candidate journey should be on the agenda of every HR
professional. And don’t underestimate the power of mobile

(4) AIDA Relevant Example: The State Bank of Pakistan job

advertisement for the contractual positions of Executive Secretary
is being taken as a relevant example and its analysis is as follows
under AIDA Model. (Annexure-I)
(I) Attention: The referred SBP job advertisement (an ideal job
ad) contained an overall impression as it is providing an
optimal mix of layout, design and graphics elements, rightly
addressing potential candidates. Furthermore, in order to
create strong visuals that grab candidate’s attention and
leave a lasting impression, SBP has developed career portal
on its official website i.e
(II) Interest: AIDA interest step focused on answering four
possible questions as under;
(i) Who advertised the position? (SBP as mentioned)
(ii) Who is the company looking for? (SBP as mentioned)
(iii) What is expected from applicants? (Responsibilities &
Eligibility Criteria as mentioned in SBP Ad)
(iv) What does the employer offer? (Compensation as

These above points have clearly been discussed in SBP job


(III) Desire: The AIDA model suggest that you should aim for
creating a desire for the position. The criteria relevant to
desire is as under:-
(i) Corporate culture and image
(ii) Working environment for employees
(iii) Motives
(iv) Values of firm
(v) Individual match with employer
Making these pieces of information easy accessible and
visible to job seekers, SBP has mentioned in starting
paragraph of a job advert and has developed the career
(IV) Action: The last step of the AIDA model encourages job
seekers to submit their application. In order to secure
success full submission of application, SBP has clearly
mentioned mailing address, required documents and also
deadline for submission of applications i.e March 2, 2020.
(5) Non Relevant AIDA Example: PPSC advertisement No.16/2021
is being analysed under AIDA Model in order to prove that it lacks
AIDA principles and guidance. (Annexure-II)
(I) Attention: The ad must attract job seekers' attention. A
strong, interesting and relevant headline is essential. A
person having no experience or information about PPSC
recruitment system is unable to understand job
advertisement published by this institution. More
interesting, the said advertisement did not contained any
headline, clue and hint about word job / vacancy.
(II) Interest: The first paragraphs must grab the reader's
attention and want them to read on and find out more. It
includes information about the job, its purpose,
responsibilities and the team. Make sure it is interesting and
In said advertisement, jus the title of job is mentioned. There
is no information about duties and responsibilities, working
(III) Desire: The way to create desire for the position is to sell the
benefits of the job. It include information about the rewards
and benefits of doing the job well. There is no information in
said advertisement that focused on rewards and pay
packages for initial recruitment.
(IV) Action: Action is the last step which encourages the
candidate to apply. This step is not fully covered by said
advertisement as if any candidate wants to know about
employer department regarding job environment, promotion
criteria, working conditions etc. PPSC is unable to provide
such type of information due to its limited scope and being
a recruitment authority.


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