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512672021 Sold Modeling and Drating Solid Modeling and Drafting —txipsms 10 @ Unit 5:CAD Data Exchange Email * Name of Student * 1 Name of College / Institute * 2 Roll No. * 4 Contact No* 5 hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAIpQLStooJ6iZAtHBimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2pDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCATS... 1139, 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating x Select the correct sentence related to CAD kernels on Without the kernel, it would not be possible to produce the images you seeon the screen. Modeling kernels are described in mathematical equations that get translated into shapes Oo Oo © Two kernels of the same category can interpret the same command differently, giving different results. O al Correct answer @al FEA software ANSYS used following type of kernel w @ vcs v © CM (Computer Gemetric modeling) O Parasolid © Shape manager hitpsdoce. google. comiformsida/FAlpQLStboJ6iZaltHfimk0-4VOQJRUKSnul5ASUnOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCATS.... 239 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ CAD software CATIA used following type of kernel on @ acis x © CGM (Computer Gemetric modeling) O Parasolid © Shape manager Correct answer ©@© CGM (Computer Gemetric modeling) x Select the correct sentence for Design Web Format (DWF) on represents 2D/3D drawing in compressed format for viewing, reviewing or x printing design files. It contains graphics and text as part of design data and reduces the size of the file due to its compressed format. DWF doesn't require the recipient to know about the usage of CAD software that created the original drawing, O al Correct answer @al Oo OO ®@ hitpsdoce. google. comiformsida/FAlpQLStboJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQJRUKSnulSASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCATS... 3133 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating x Select the correct sentence for (DWG) file of Files with DWG extension represent proprietary binary files used for containing >< 2D and 3D design data It contains vector image and metadata for representation of contents of CAD files. There are free viewers available for viewing DWG files on Windows Operating System such as the Autodesk's free DWG True View. Oo 00 © DWG files contain user created information and includes: Designs, Geometric data, Maps and photos etc, O al Correct answer @al X_ Select the correct sentence for Drawing Interchange Format (DXF) file 0/1 ©@ Each element in the file has a prefix integer number called a group code. x © iata-can be imported from ather formats to DXF to AutoCAD as per the DXF fle format interoperability specifications. © Tis aroun code actually represent the element that follows and indicates the meaning of a data element for a given object type. O al Correct answer @ai htpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAIpQLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHulSASUNOh2gDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCATS.. 4139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ Select the correct sentence for Industry Foundation Classes IFC file 0/1 © this file format provides interoperability between different software applications. CO Ts abjectve of IF fle format is to improve communication, productivity, delivery time and quality throughout the life cycle of a building IFC can hold data for geometry, calculation, quantities, facility management, pricing © ete. for many different professions (architect, electrical, HVAC, structural, terrain etc). O al Correct answer @a x Select the correct sentence for PLT file on Itis a vector-based plotter file introduced by Autodesk, Inc. and contains x information for a certain CAD file. The format is based on the HPGL file format which is used for sending information to plotter printers PLT files can be viewed with its original applications i.e. Autodesk's AutoCAD, but there are other applications as well that can be used to manipulate these files such as CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. O al Correct answer @al Oo Oo © hitpsdoce. google. comiformsida/FAlpQLStooJ6iZaltHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCATS... 5139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X Select the correct sentence for STL file on © It is an interchangeable file format that represents 3-dimensional surface x geometry. © Theil format tinds its usage in several fields such as epid prototyping, 3D printing and computer-aided manufacturing. It represents a surface as a series of small triangles, known as facets, where each © facet is described by a perpendicular direction and three points representing the vertices of the triangle O al Correct answer @ai X_ Select the correct sentence for DGN file on @© Dasisn Ales ae drawings crested by and supported by CAD appltestons such os MicroStation and Intergraph Interactive Graphics Design System. © Wis uses for creating and saving designs for construction projects such as highways, bridges, and buildings. DGN can be converted to several other formats such as DWG, BMP. JPEG, PDF, GIF. © tdathers and ean be opened wha Autodesk AutoCAD, Bantlay View and Bet ay Systems Micro Station in addition to other software applications such as Corel Paintshop Photo Pro and IMSI TurboCAD Deluxe versions O al Correct answer Oa hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAIpQLStooJ6)ZAtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnuISASUNOh2pDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCATS.. 639 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ Select the correct sentence for DWT file on @ Desian ies are drawings crested by and supported by CAD applications suchas x MicroStation and Intergraph Interactive Graphics Design System. © tis used for cresting and saving designe for construction projects such as highways, bridges, and buildings. DGN can be converted to several other formats such as DWG, BMP, JPEG, PDF, GIF © andathers and can be opened with Autodesk AutoCAD, Bentley View and Bentley Systems Micro Station in addition to other software applications such as Corel PaintShop Photo Pro and IMSI TurboCAD Deluxe versions. O al Correct answer @ai X _ tis the ability of a system, software or product to exchange and make 0/1 use of information with other systems, software or products without special effort on the part of the user. © Data Customization x © Data Interoperability © CAD customization © Gevemtric data clean up Correct answer © Data interoperability hitpsdoce. google. comiformslda/FAlpQLSfboJ6iZdtHBimk0-4VDQJRUKSnul5ASUnOh2gDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAgEMDSCaTS. 33 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ Select the correct sentence related to data interoperability on The Data Interoperability Standards Consortium (DISC) sets the table for people X ©@ who create, sell and purchase data products and services to address their shared needs. © Far'sto systems to be interoperable they must he able to exchange data snd subsequently present that data such that it can be understood by a user. CO Both of above © None of above Correct answer © Both of above x list out the Issues in CAD Interoperability on The different ways in which CAD systems handled their parametric features made a multi-CAD strategy. The need for feature-based translation has been reduced by the advent of CAD programs with advanced direct editing capabilities. The rise of product and manufacturing information (PMI), and model-based design (MBD). The rise of product and manufacturing information (PMI), and model-based design (MBD). O al Correct answer @al Oo Oo © hitpsdoce. google. comiformslda/FAlpQLSfboJ6iZdtHBimk0-4VDQJRUKSnul5ASUnOh2gDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAgEMDSCaTS. 133 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ CAD conversions offers following advantages on @ Saves time and increases efficiency © Gets higher quality work © Maximizes precision O al Correct answer @a X CAD conversions offers following advantages on © Cuts down cost of operations © Helps to meet project deadlines © Resource optimization O al Correct answer @ai hitpsdoce. google. comiformsida/FAlpQLStboJ6)ZdltHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHul5ASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUEAGEMDSCATS... 9139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ CAD conversions offers following advantages on ©@ Saves on hiring skilled manpower © Saves cost on training ©) Reduction in overhead costs of hard copy paper management O al Correct answer @al X_ CAD conversions offers following advantages on © Beneficial in the competitive market © Helps you focus on other business issues © Gives you higher return on your investment O al Correct answer @al hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2pDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 10639, 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ CAD conversions offers following advantages on ©@ Gets benefits of updated technology and management © prevents legacy data from piling up in unusable formats © Itautomatically keeps a track of the whole legacy data migration project O al Correct answer @al x CAD conversions offers following advantages on Ithelps identify and hence rectify poor quality data 2D to 3D CAD Conversion ~ A 2D drawing can be easily converted to 3D model oO ®@ Itencourages the use of automation processes and subsequently reduces the scope for manual intervention O al Correct answer @al hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpLStooJ6iZaltHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2gDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 11/39 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ The major challenges of CAD Data conversion are: on ©@ Clarity of CAD data © Type of data available (physical samples, solid, surfaces) © Understanding of legacy CAD data processes O al Correct answer @al X_ The major challenges of CAD Data conversion are: on © Capability in understand the Legacy data © Occurrence of discrepancies between CAD systems © Incompatible design practices across different engineering groups O al Correct answer @al hitpsdoce. google comiformsida/FAlpQLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnuISASUNOh2gDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 12539 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ The major challenges of CAD Data conversion are: on ©@ Higher cost of standard translation tools © Longer lead time of conversion process © Training of new CAD platform to engineers O al Correct answer @al x Best Practices of CAD conversion are on To collaborate and standardize the data resourcefully x to focus on significant guidelines for a practical, resourceful, and effective strategy that helps to overcome key challenges and meets organization's business goals. Oo 0 ®@ The strategy of CAD conversion should be a precise, recognized component of the overall engineering systems strategy. O al Correct answer @al hitpsdoce. google comiformsida/FAlpQLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQJRUKSnulSASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 19639 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ the key aspects that are essential and to be considered while performing 0/1 CAD conversion from one system to another ©@ Migrate only new products © Migrate Products on the go as required © Migrate Targeted Product Lines, and Projects Oal Correct answer @al XX the key aspects that are essential and to be considered while performing 0/1 CAD conversion from one system to another ©@ Migrate a Percentage of the Product Line x © Migrate based on sales volume of a product © both of above © None of above Correct answer © both of above hitpsdoce. google comiformsida/FAlpLStooJ6|ZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnuISASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUEAGEMDSCaT... 14139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating _ Itisa CAD data exchange method when one CAD format is directly w translated into another in one step. Direct data translator v Neutral data translator None of above O00 ®@ Both of above X_Ituses an intermediary neutral format to translate data between CAD 0/1 systems Direct data translator x Neutral data translator None of above Both of above O00 ®@ Correct answer © Neutral data translator hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpQLStboJ6|ZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2DOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGAMDSCaT... 15139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ Identify the drawback of direct data translator over neutral one on Itis difficult to enforce the use of a common set of CAD/CAM tools in different >< companies by direct method of the lack of any common set of tools in direct method CoO © cost incurred for data translation is reduced O al Correct answer @al X Identify the Data formats having following properties, 1) it enable data 0/1 interoperability between AutoCAD and other programs. 2) drawings are dimensionless, so the user needs to know the unit used to create the drawing. 3) easily share drawings between different software programs, which helps solve the compatibility issues and facilitate collaboration @ ster x © oes © oxF Ost Correct answer © or hitpsdoce. google. comiformsida/FAlpQLStboJ6|ZdltHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHuISASUNOh2DOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCaT... 16139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ Identify the Data formats having following properties, 1)) itis a vendor- 0/1 neutral file format that allows the digital exchange of information among computer-aided design (CAD) systems. 2) Applications include traditional engineering drawings, models for analysis, and other manufacturing functions. 3) neutral file is readable by all text editors. STEP x PDES Ices 000 ®@ STL Correct answer @ ices hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpQLStboJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHuISASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 1739 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X Identify the Data formats having following properties, 1)) itis an on expansion of IGES where organizational and technological data have been added. 2). It is used for exchanging data between advanced CAD and CAM programs. 3) It describes a complete product, including the geometric aspects of the images as well as manufacturing features, material properties and tolerance and finish specifications. 4)|t is used to support any industrial application such as mechanical, electric, plant design, and architecture and engineering construction @ ster x © oes © Ices O st Correct answer @ Pves hitpsdoce. google comiformsida/FAIpLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQJRUKSnulSASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT... 12839 12612024 KM Solid Modeling and Drafting Y Identify the Data formats having following properties, 1)) Itcanbe used 1/1 to exchange data between CAD, computer-aided manufacturing, computer-aided engineering, product data managementlenterprise data modeling and other CAx systems. 2) It addresses product data from mechanical and electrical design, geometric dimension and tolerance, analysis and manufacturing, as well as additional information specific to various industries such as automotive, aerospace, building construction, ship, oil and gas, process plants and others. 3) This implies this file is readable by most of text editors STEP v PDES Ices CoOo0O@© sTL Identify the Data formats having following properties, 1)) It features an 1/1 open, object-oriented C++ architecture that enables robust, 3D modeling capabilities. 2)it integrates wireframe model, surface, and solid modeling functionality with both manifold and non-manifold topology, and a rich set of geometric operations. 3) it classified in 3D Modeling , 3D Model Management , 3D Model Visualization. @ vcis v © Ppes CO Ices O sti hitpssdocs. google. comiformsfalFAlpAL SfooJ6|ZdetHBsmk0-4VOQJRUKSnulSASuNOh2DOViVUTSAIViowscore?viewscore=AECZAGEMDSCaT.... 19133, 12612024 Solid Modeling and Drafting Y Identify the Data formats having following properties, 1))capabilities 1/1 include model creation and editing utilities such as Boolean modeling operators, feature modeling support, advanced surfacing, thickening and hollowing, blending and filleting and sheet modeling. 2) includes tools for direct model editing, including tapering, offsetting, geometry replacement and removal of feature details with automated regeneration of surrounding data. 2)includes tools for direct model editing, including tapering, offsetting, geometry replacement and removal of feature details with automated regeneration of surrounding data. 3)also provides wide-ranging graphical and rendering support, including hidden-line, wireframe and drafting, tessellation and model data inquiries. hitpssdocs. google. comifermsalFAlpaL SfooJ6|ZdetHEsmkD-4VOQJRUKSnulSASUNOh2DOViVUTSAIViewscoreviewscore=AECZAEMbSCaT.... 20/33, 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X__ Identify the Data formats having following properties, 1))it is widely used 0/1 for rapid prototyping, 3D printing and computer-aided manufacturing. 2) It describe only the surface geometry of a three-dimensional object without any representation of color, texture or other common CAD model attributes. © Parasolid x © pbes O tces O st Correct answer @ sn X_ CAD data exchange problems via neutral formats are: on loss of the architectural structure x change the names of parts with numbers or names assigned to the directories, where they are stored loss of bodies from the assemblies and original color of the parts 000 © All Correct answer @al hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpLStooJ6iZaltHfimk0-4VOQJRUKSnuI5ASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 21139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ Challenges with point cloud data are on ©@ Data format and data size © Access and interoperability © Owernership and Rendering O al Correct answer @al X_ Factors influencing the quality of mesh are, on © Element Distribution and Correct Mesh Size © Cell and orthogonal Quality © Skewness and aspect ratio. © Smoothness and Flow-Field Dependency O all Correct answer @al hitpsdoce. google. comiformsida/FAlpQLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHuISASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 22/39 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X._ Identify the odd one from following related to the additive on manufacturing process ©@ Stereolithography x CE Selective laser sintering © Fused deposition modeling © Computer aided manufacturing Correct answer © Computer aided manufacturing VY Alaser beam is directed in the X-Y axes across the surface of the resin 1/1 according to the 3D data supplied to the machine, whereby the resin hardens precisely where the laser hits the surface. Once the layer is, completed, the platform within the vat drops down by a fraction (in the Z axis) and the subsequent layer is traced out by the laser. This continues until the entire object is completed and the platform can be raised out of the vat for removal. ©@ Stereolithography v © Selective laser sintering © Fused deposition modeling © Computer aided manufacturing hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpLStboJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHuISASUNOh2gDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 29639 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_Ituses a more conventional light source, such as an arc lamp, with a liquido/1 crystal display panel or a deformable mirror device, which is applied to the entire surface of the vat of photopolymer resin in a single pass ©@ Stereolithography x © Selective laser sintering © Fused deposition modeling © Digital ight processing Correct answer © Digital ight processing Xin this method The laser is traced across a powder bed of tightly on compacted powdered material, according to the 3D data fed to the machine, in the X-Y axes. As the laser interacts with the surface of the powdered material it sinters, or fuses, the particles to each other forming a solid. As each layer is completed the powder bed drops incrementally anda roller smoothes the powders over the surface of the bed prior to the next pass of the laser for the subsequent layer to be formed and fused with the previous layer. ©@ Stereolithography x © Selective laser sintering © Fused deposition modeling © Digital light processing Correct answer ©@ Selective laser sintering hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAIpQLStooJ6iZdltHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2pDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT.... 24139 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ The process works by melting plastic filament that is deposited, via 0/1 heated extruder, a layer at a time, onto a build platform according to the 3D data supplied to the printer. Each layer hardens as it is deposited and bonds to the previous layer. Stereolithography x Selective laser sintering Fused deposition modeling OOO @ Digital light processing Correct answer ©@ Fused deposition modeling X It includes finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics 0/1 (CFD), Multibody dynamics (MBD), durability and optimization. It is included with as well as computer-aided design (CAD) and computer- aided manufacturing (CAM) ©@ Stereolithography x © Selective laser sintering © Fused deposition modeling © Computer aided engineering Correct answer © Computer aided engineering hitpsdoce. google. comiformsida/FAlpQLStooJ6iZaltHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCaT.... 25639 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ Select the correct sentence related to finite element analysis on © the process of simulating the behavior of a part or assembly under given x conditions so that it can be assessed for simulations ans stress analysis it is used to help simulate physical phenomena and thereby reduce the need for © physical prototypes, while allowing for the optimization of components as part of the design process of a project. © Muses mathematical models to understand and quantify the effects of real-world conditions on a part or assembly. O all Correct answer @ai x Select the disadvantage of Finite element method on easier modeling of complex geometrical and irregular shapes x It can be adapted to meet certain specifications for accuracy in order to decrease the need for physical prototypes in the design process. 00 © Itis accurate and given time dependant solutions © Lage amount of datas require as input forthe mesh used in terms of nodal connectivity and other parameters depending on the problem, Correct answer @ Lase smeunt of datos required as Input forthe mesh used in terms of nodal connectivity and other parameters depending on the problem, hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpQLStooJ6iZaltHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2gDOViVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCaT... 2639, 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X._ It isa branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and data 0/1 structures to analyze and solve problems that involve fluid flows. © Finite element analysis © Computational fluid dynamics © Computer process planing © hone of these Correct answer © Computational fluid dynamics X_ Which method is preferably used for calculation of mass flow rates, pressure drops, heat transfer rates and fluid dynamic forces on © Finite element analysis © Computational fluid dynamics © Computer process planing © none of these Correct answer © Computational fluid dynamics hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpQLStboJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHuISASUNOh2gDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGAMDSCaT.... 2733 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating X_ This method generates tool path for machining using CAD models on © Finite element analysis © Computational fluid dynamics © Computer process planing © Computer aided manufacturing Correct answer © Computer aided manufacturing X<_ this type of manufacturing involve, layer by layer material addition one 0/1 over another to develop desired solid 3-D product. © Subtractive Manufacturing © Additive Manufacturing O Bath of above © None of these Correct answer ©@ Additive Manufacturing hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpQLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSHuISASUNOh2pDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGRMDSCaT... 28639 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating This manufacturing concept is usually suitable for materials having low 0/1 melting point, such as plastic. ©@ Subtractive Manufacturing © Additive Manufacturing O Both of above © None of these Correct answer ©@ Additive Manufacturing X This process has following characteristics, 1) No material wastage takes 0/1 place in these processes. 2) Complex shapes can be easily fabricated. 3) Structures containing fully closed internal hollow parts can be produced by these processes. Subtractive Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing O00 ®@ Both of above O None of these Correct answer ©@ Additive Manufacturing hitpsdoce. google. comiformsda/FAlpQLStooJ6iZdtHfimk0-4VOQURUKSnulSASUNOh2pDOVIVUTEANiewscore?viewscore=AEUZAGEMDSCaT.... 29639 512672021 ‘Sold Modeling and Drating 4K in this manufacturing, layer by layer material is gradually removed froma 1/1 solid block to fabricate 3-D product. ‘Subtractive Manufacturing v Additive Manufacturing Both of above CoOoOO®@ None of these

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