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CHAPTER 11 Community Assessment: Using a Model for Practice 179

T A B L E 1 1 .2
Community Core Data

Components Sources of Information

History Library, historic society
Interview “old-timers,” town leaders
Demographics Census of population and housing
Age and sex characteristics Planning board (local, city, county, state)
Racial distribution Chamber of commerce
Ethnic distribution City hall, city secretary, archives
Household types by Census
Marital status by Census
Vital statistics State department of health (distributed through
Births city and county health departments)
Deaths by
Leading causes
Values and beliefs Personal contact
Observation (see Table 11.1)
(To protect against stereotyping, avoid the
library for this portion of the assessment.)
Religion Observation
Telephone book

Because of low property values and affordable rent during the mid- to late 1970s,
large groups of Vietnamese and Mexicans also settled in Rosemont. Simultaneously,
established families and single professionals, weary of the lengthy commute from
suburbia to the inner city, began returning to Rosemont—a trend that continues
today. Today, old homes are being refurbished, businesses are being revitalized, and
pride, once lost, is being reclaimed.

Demographics and Ethnicity

Tables 11.3 and 11.4 show age, sex, race, and ethnicity data for CT 4104 and CT
4107 as well as for the nearest city and county. Gathering data on city, county, state,
and nation affords comparisons that may be important for the analysis. (The census
lists only numbers of people; you must calculate percentages.) Tables 11.5 and 11.6
list data on family types and marital status. (We calculated the percentages.)


During the next step of the nursing process, analysis, you will need data
about the other comparable entities, so collect all needed data now.
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180 PART 2 The Process

T A B L E 1 1 .3
Population Age and Sex Characteristics for CT 4104, CT 4107, City of Hampton,
and Jefferson County

CT 4104 CT 4107 Hampton Jefferson County

Age (years) Males Females Total % Males Females Total % Number Total % Number Total %

Under 5 years 370 362 10.6 29 11 0.6 123,150 7.8 189,246 8.4
5–19 1,200 991 31.9 241 195 6.5 377,345 23.9 569,991 25.3
30–34 395 437 12.2 1,965 911 42.6 514,705 32.6 716,431 31.8
35–54 837 970 26.2 1,758 721 36.7 339,453 21.5 484,380 21.5
55–64 222 370 8.6 221 181 5.9 116,835 7.4 157,705 7
65 and over 270 450 10.5 175 349 7.7 107,361 6.8 135,176 6
TOTAL 3,294 3,580 100 4,389 2,368 100 1,578,849 100 2,252,929 100

Data from Census of Population and Housing, selected characteristics.

T A B L E 1 1 .4
Population Race and Ethnicity for CT 4104, CT 4107, City of Hampton,
and Jefferson County

CT 4104 CT 4107 Hampton Jefferson County

Number Total % Number Total % Number Total % Number Total %

White 852 12.4 5,871 88.5 970,489 61.5 1,562,091 69.4

Black 3,732 54.3 305 4.6 434,014 27.5 467,177 20.7
Asian/Pacific Islander 1,321 19.1 54 0.7 32,335 2.1 45,432 2
Hispanic 625 9.1 321 4.7 131,763 8.3 163,774 7.3
American Indian 242 3.5 38 0.6 3,203 0.2 4,923 0.2
Other 111 1.6 58 0.9 7,045 0.4 9,532 0.4
TOTAL 6,874 100 6,757 100 1,578,849 100 2,252,929 100

Data from Census of Population and Housing, selected characteristics.

T A B L E 1 1 .5
Population Family Types for CT 4104 and CT 4107

CT 4104 CT 4107
Number Total % Number Total %

Family 5,706 83 2,443 36.2

Nonfamily 1,168 17 4,103 60.7
Female-headed household 721 994
Male-headed household 447 2,189
Group quarters 211 3.1
TOTAL 6,874 100 6,757 100

Data from Census of Population and Housing, selected characteristics.

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CHAPTER 11 Community Assessment: Using a Model for Practice 181

T A B L E 1 1 .6
Persons Age 15 and Over by Sex and Marital Status for CT 4104 and CT 4107

CT 4104 CT 4107
Marital Status Male Female Total % Male Female Total %

Single 348 408 15.2 2,418 1,016 53.5

Married 1,510 1,498 60.1 796 768 24.4
Separated 120 245 7.2 113 72 2.8
Widowed 52 119 3.4 68 198 4.3
Divorced 294 407 14.1 572 397 15
TOTAL 2,324 2,677 100 3,967 2,451 100

Data from Census of Population and Housing, selected characteristics.

Vital Statistics
Table 11.7 lists birth and death statistics for CT 4104 and CT 4107 as well as for the
city, county, and state. Using a similar format, Table 11.8 lists the leading causes of
death. Please note: It is always preferable to report rates because you can then make
comparisons. However, if you do not know the population at risk (the denominator),
it is not possible to calculate rates. Some of these mortality data in Table 11.8 do not
allow the calculation of rates for that reason. See Chapter 3 for help in calculating

Values, Beliefs, and Religion

Included in the community core are the values, beliefs, and religious practices of
the people. All ethnic and racial groups have values and beliefs that interact with
each community system to influence the people’s health. Review Chapter 7 for
methods to help you understand these cultural elements of the community. Notice
that Table 11.2 cautions against the exclusive use of the library for information
about values, beliefs, and religious practices; the reason is that books and articles
frequently offer broad generalizations to describe the practices of ethnic and racial

T A B L E 1 1 .7
Selected Birth and Death Vital Statistics for CT 4104, CT 4107, City of
Hampton, and Jefferson County

CT 4104 CT 4107 Hampton County State

Births 210 117 30,726 56,865 363,325

Deaths (rates)*
Infant 7(33) 2 (17) 372 (12) 698 (12.3) 2,064 (5.7)
Neonatal 5 (23) 2 (17) 245 (7.9) 471 (8.3) 1,226 (3.4)

*Rates are per 1,000 live births.

Data from State Vital Statistics, Department of Health.

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