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Integers, Floats, and Session #2

This Weeks Lecture
• Session-01 Review
• Integers
• Floats
• Strings
• Summary
• Comments

• Variables

• Input Statements

• Output statements

• Processing

• Definitive loop
Reserved Words (Keywords)
• The following words are the keywords in Python, meaning they have
a specific purpose in the system. So they cannot be used as Variables.
Python Datatypes
• Integers – int • Bytes – bytes
• Real numbers – float
• Lists – list
• Complex numbers – complex
• Byte Arrays – bytearray
• Boolean – bool

• Strings –str • Sets – set

• Tuples – tuple
• Dictionaries - dict
• Integers
• A number without a fractional component.
• A Whole number.
• Ex: 1,2,3,…
• Python can store a large integer value - 2147483647 for 32 bit system.

• Floats (decimal numbers)

• A number consisting two parts; a whole part and a fractional part.
• Ex: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 0.4, etc

• 32 bit python can store

Arithmetic Operators
• +, -, *, /, **, //, %, abs() ** exponentiation
+ addition
// integer division
- subtraction
% Modulo
* multiplication
abs() absolute value
/ division
** -- Exponentiation
• To the power of
• N to the power of M = N**M

• 2 to the power of 3
• 2**3 = 8
// - Integer Division
• A normal division of integer can give you a float result.
• Ex: 8/5 = 1.6
• An integer division for
• positive numbers will give you an integer result by throwing away the floating
part of the answer.
• Ex: 8//5 = 1 (truncates)

• Negative numbers will give you an integer value by rounding the float value.
• Ex: -8//5 =-9//5 = -7//5 = -2 (rounding)
% - Modulo
• Modulo return the remainder from the division.
• Ex: 21%6 = 3

• ABS(X) is the non negative value of x.

• Ex: abs(-3.5) = 3.5
Some practical work
• We can find the data type of an input by using the type() function.
• Open your “IDLE” shell and try the following
• type(3)
• type (3.0)
• Type(“3.0”)
Lets try some other functions
• Lets try some other functions to convert the given datatypes
• Float(), Int(), and round().

• Ex: type these and see the output

• Float(3);

• Int(4.6);

• Round(7.6);
Mixed Arithmetic
• Not possible to do arithmetic with mixed data types,
• strings+int (‘2’ + 3) is not pissible.

• Operations between Float and int will result in Float answers

• 2.2 +3 = 5.3
Python Standard Libraries
• Every programming language provides some usable ( most often
used) code so that programmers don’t have to write and rewrite the
same code.
• Number related libraries
• Numbers
• Math
• Cmath
• Decimal
• Fractions
• Random
• Statistics
How to use a library
• Use “import” • How to find all the functions in
• Example using math library a library?
• Use help() function.
• Help(math) will return all the
functions available in math
Import statements
• “import” will establish a link between the calling program and the
standard library.
• Called only once
• In a program
• In the shell
• If you close the shell and open it again you have to run the import
statements again.
• Datatype dealing with text (mostly).

• Any input provided to the program is read as a string.

• Try
String basics
• A string is created by enclosing text in quotes.
• “hello”, ‘Hello’,
• “”” this is a long string
Spread over two lines”””

• All inputs to the programs are considered as strings.

• We can change the type of the inputs as needed.
• Empty string: ‘ ‘ - nothing in between the quotes.
String basics
• Length of a string can be identified by using the function “len(<string
• Adding two strings (concatenation) use +
• “AB”+”cd” =“ABcd”
• ‘A’+’7’+’B’=‘A7B’
• Repetition use *
• ‘Hi’*2 = ‘HiHi’
String of characters
• My_str = ‘Win college’;
• ‘Win college’ is stored in a string my_str.
• We can access individual characters.
• Print(my_str[0]) → W
• Print(my_str[3]) → ‘ ‘

• Storage
Sub strings
• We can split the strings into substrings.
• Try the following
• Mystr[0:3]

• My_str[2:6]
The ‘in’ operator
• In – Is used to find if something is in the given string or not.
• If ‘b’ in my_str:
Print(‘your string has character b in it’);
In - example
Next session Lecture
• Reading data from Files so that we don’t have to input data all the time.

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