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Large-scale erosional response of SE Asia to monsoon

evolution reconstructed from sedimentary records of the
Song Hong-Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins,
South China Sea
Department of Geology & Petroleum Geology, School of Physical Sciences,
University of Aberdeen, Meston Building, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, UK
Marathon International Petroleum (GB) Ltd, Marathon House, Rubislaw Hill,
Anderson Drive, Aberdeen AB15 6FZ, UK
Vietnam Petroleum Institute, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
South China Sea Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
164 Xingang Road, Guangzhou, 510301 China
*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: The Song Hong-Yinggehai (SH-Y) and Qiongdongnan (Qi) basins together form one
of the largest Cenozoic sedimentary basins in SE Asia. Here we present new records based on
the analysis of seismic data, which we compare to geochemical data derived from cores from
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1148 in order to derive proxies for continental weathering
and thus constrain summer monsoon intensity.
The SH-Y Basin started opening during the Late Paleocene–Eocene. Two inversion phases
are recognized to have occurred at c. 34 Ma and c. 15 Ma. The Qi Basin developed on the
northern, rifted margin of South China Sea, within which a large canyon developed in a
NE–SW direction.
Geochemical and mineralogical data show that chemical weathering has gradually decreased
in SE Asia after c. 25 Ma, whereas physical erosion became stronger, especially after c. 12 Ma.
Summer monsoon intensification drove periods of faster erosion after 3–4 Ma and from 10–
15 Ma, although the initial pulse of eroded sediment at 29.5– 21 Ma was probably triggered
by tectonic uplift because this precedes monsoon intensification at c. 22 Ma. Clay mineralogy
indicates more physical erosion together with high sedimentation rates after c. 12 Ma suggesting
a period of strong summer monsoon in the Mid-Miocene.

The history and causes for the East Asia Monsoon changes in rock physical properties and increas-
are controversial topics, although its proposed ing terrain gradient. This in turn has affected the
links with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau remain composition of sediments washed to the oceans
a classic example of how the solid Earth may by the large rivers that drain the eastern flank of
control atmospheric processes and the climatic evol- the plateau.
ution of the planet (Prell & Kutzbach 1992; Molnar In this paper we assess the role of the Asian mon-
et al. 1993). Certainly the presence of a large soon in controlling continental erosion. Although
modern plateau plays an important role in driv- precipitation has been recognized as an important
ing the present intensity of the summer monsoon control on erosion (Reiners et al. 2003; Wobus
(Manabe & Terpstra 1974; Prell & Kutzbach et al. 2003) its relative role compared to tectoni-
1992). In contrast, the winter monsoon is charac- cally driven rock uplift is unclear (Burbank et al.
terized by a cold and dry climate caused by air 2003). The South China Sea is a good place to
circulation in the reverse direction, although this examine the competing effects of these processes
too is linked with the growth of topography. because the nature of the monsoon has been partly
As well as affecting atmospheric circulation reconstructed from studies at a series of Ocean
patterns, uplift and deformation of the Tibetan Drilling Program (ODP) sites on the rifted southern
Plateau has also intensified chemical weathering margin of China (Chen et al. 2003; Jia et al. 2003;
and physical erosion of source rocks as a result of Wan et al. 2006, 2007; Clift et al. 2008c). The

From: Clift, P. D., Tada, R. & Zheng, H. (eds) Monsoon Evolution and Tectonics –Climate Linkage in Asia.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 342, 219–244.
DOI: 10.1144/SP342.13 0305-8719/10/$15.00 # The Geological Society of London 2010.
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220 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

weathering and erosion records we present here can the rivers acting as passive strain markers (Hallet
be readily compared with monsoon intensi- & Molnar 2001).
ties to assess possible linkages. Although studies Mass balancing eroded and deposited volumes
of the modern Red River suggest a dominant role of sediments now present in the SH-Y Basin and
for tectonically driven rock uplift in driving onshore in the modern Red River drainage indicated
erosion (Clift et al. 2006b) this may not be the that the original catchment area of the Red River
case over longer periods of geological time. must have been much larger than that observed
today (Clift et al. 2006a). Furthermore, Nd isotope
values of sediments from the Hanoi Trough,
Location and geological setting Vietnam (Fig. 1) show a rapid change during
the Oligocene (Clift et al. 2006a). Clift et al.
Sediments eroded from eastern Tibet have partly (2006a) interpreted these changes as a response to
been fed into the SH-Y and Qi basins via the Red large-scale drainage capture away from the former
River (Fig. 1). Although the Red River is still a Red River. Hainan island is not considered to have
large river it has been argued that the present drai- been a major sediment source until it was uplifted
nage reflects major re-organization caused by during a period of strong magmatism that started
re-tilting of eastern Asia towards the east during c. 2 Ma (Tu et al. 1991). The influence of local
the Cenozoic (Wang 2004). Prior to this tilting the sources along the Vietnamese coast on the total
Red River may have formed the dominant drainage sediment influx is relatively poorly known.
in SE Asia, but would have progressively lost The SH-Y and Qi basins together form one of the
drainage area because of headwater capture into largest sedimentary systems in SE Asia and are
adjacent systems (Brookfield 1998; Clark et al. mostly filled by sediment delivered by the Red
2004). Alternative models propose a more stable River. Thus, the sedimentary successions preserved
drainage and explain the curious geometries of within them record the history of erosion onshore.
river in SE Tibet as reflecting deformation, with Although tectonic work can constrain the nature

Fig. 1. Location of the research area relative to SE Asia. The SH-Y Basin lies along the SE extension of the RRFZ,
while the Qi Basin is situated on the rifted margin of South China Sea. The black straight lines show the location and
length of the 2D seismic survey lines that were newly released to this study, while the red lines show those from Clift &
Sun (2006). Black-dash lines are seismic lines selected for decompaction and sediment budget estimation. The white
circles show the locations of the industrial wells used for the age assignment in this study. The black circle marks the
location of ODP Site 1148 (Wang et al. 2000). Locations of seismic profile figures are shown.
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of deformation in Tibet and palaeoceanographic In contrast, the Qi Basin was formed by rifting
studies can reconstruct climate, it is the sediment of the continental margin followed by seafloor
records in the river deltas and fans that allow us spreading that started c. 30 Ma, as dated by marine
to quantify erosion and so test for any links bet- magnetic anomalies in the neighbouring oceanic
ween climate, tectonics and erosion. Understanding crust dated back to anomaly 11 (c. 31 Ma) (Taylor
how changing monsoon strength affects terrestrial & Hayes 1980; Lu et al. 1987; Briais et al. 1993;
environments is important not just for scientific Zhou et al. 2002), although there is a suggestion
reasons, but also because almost two-thirds of the that seafloor spreading may date back to 37 Ma in
global population are influenced by the monsoonal the NE parts of the basin (Hsu et al. 2005). In any
climate (Clift & Plumb 2008). Determining the case the Qi Basin partly overlies both the continental
relative role of solar insolation and atmospheric shelf and continental slope (south of Hainan island),
chemistry compared to tectonic processes in gov- where water depth varies from c. 200–1500 m.
erning monsoon strength is important to predic-
tions of future monsoon variability.
The SH-Y and Qi sedimentary basins are situ- Monsoon reconstructions
ated within the Gulf of Tonkin, in the northwestern
South China Sea (Fig. 1). The SH-Y Basin lies along We have some knowledge of how the East Asian
the southeastern extension of the strike-slip Ailao summer monsoon varies as a result of studies
Shan-Red River Fault Zone (RRFZ); the Qi Basin based on sediment records from ODP sites in north-
is situated at the southwestern end of the northern, ern South China Sea (ODP Sites 1146 and 1148;
rifted margin of South China Sea. The basins lie in Fig. 1). Zheng et al. (2004) studied the abundance
two different tectonic settings. There is general and ratio of planktonic foraminifera, which is a
agreement that formation of the basins was linked common proxy for reconstructing palaeoclimate
to opening of the South China Sea and motion on change. They proposed that a decrease of the
the RRFZ; whether these are all linked remains ratio of planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides
controversial. Tapponnier et al. (1982) carried out sacculifer/G. ruber and increase of Neogloboqua-
analogue experiments suggesting that penetration drina at c. 8 Ma at ODP Site 1146 indicates a
of the rigid Indian Plate into a softer Eurasia led to lowering of the surface temperature and increased
the extrusion of Indochina to the SE along the productivity, which are interpreted to have been
left-lateral RRFZ and consequently to the opening caused by intensified East Asian winter mon-
of the South China Sea. However, others argue soon winds. Upwelling-related radiolarian palaeo-
that the opening of the South China Sea was trig- monsoon proxies in the southern South China Sea
gered by a subduction force to the south where suggest that the east Asian summer monsoon first
the Dangerous Grounds underthrust the Borneo initiated close to the middle/late Miocene boundary
Trench (Holloway 1982; Hall 1996; Morley 2002; at c. 12– 11 Ma and reached a maximum strength at
Clift et al. 2008a). 8.8 –7.7 Ma (Chen et al. 2003).
The SH-Y is interpreted as a pull-apart basin This suggestion is consistent with work by Wan
developed in a NW –SE orientation and controlled et al. (2007) who used sediment grain-sizes at ODP
by a series of transtensional faults, especially the Site 1146 to indicate a stronger winter monsoon at
RRFZ, whose main trace is located on the SW c. 8 Ma and both winter and summer monsoon
side of the basin and by the ‘No.1 Fault’ to the intensification at c. 3 Ma. However, geochemical
NE. Modelling has demonstrated that a moderate data derived from ODP Site 1148 show much
degree of strike-slip shear caused by the rotation earlier intense chemical weathering in SE Asia,
of Indochina relative to mainland China is capable which may be linked to monsoon enhancement
of forming the basin geometry observed by seismic (Li et al. 2003). Continental weathering intensity
methods (Sun et al. 2003), without the need for is largely controlled by moisture and tempera-
motion .1000 km as had been suggested (Briais ture and thus might be expected to be linked to the
et al. 1993; Replumaz & Tapponnier 2003). The intensity of the summer monsoon rains. Wei et al.
timing of deformation within the basin was dated (2006) used a combination of the traditional,
by seismic methods to be before 30 Ma and to major element based ‘Chemical Index of Alteration’
have ceased by c. 5.5 Ma (Rangin et al. 1995). (CIA) (Nesbitt et al. 1980), together with other
Subsequently, Harrison et al. (1996), Wang et al. geochemical proxies such as Ca/Ti, Na/Ti, Al/Ti,
(1998), Leloup et al. (2001) and Gilley et al. Al/Na, Al/K and La/Sm ratios to suggest that the
(2003) all used radiometric isotope data to con- summer East Asian monsoon has affected South
strain the start of motion on the RRFZ to being China since the Early Miocene. Curiously, this
close to c. 34 –35 Ma, broadly consistent with an study suggested that summer monsoon rains have
acceleration of tectonic subsidence in the basin at gradually decreased while winter monsoon strength
that time (Clift & Sun 2006). has increased since that time.
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222 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Most recently a colour spectral-based analysis of Chinese National Offshore Oil Company
clay mineralogy at ODP Site 1148 has shown more (CNOOC). In total, 48 lines (c. 5500 km) from the
complicated and significant mismatches with other SH-Y Basin and 12 lines (c. 750 km) for the Qi
data set (Clift et al. 2008c). This record indicates Basin (Fig. 1) were used to constrain the sedimen-
an initial intensification of weathering after 22 Ma, tary evolution. These data augment earlier pub-
followed by a period of especially strong summer lished data, largely from the Chinese sector. There
monsoon from 16– 10 Ma. The summer monsoon have been several interpretations carried out by oil
would appear to weaken into the Pliocene before and gas companies for different parts of the SH-Y
experiencing moderate intensification since c. 4 Ma. Basin. However, geological correlation across the
Earlier monsoon reconstructions sometimes basin has not previously been possible because
show inconsistent results. In some cases this reflects this basin straddles the international boundary
different timescales and resolution of data and/or between Vietnam and China. In this study, we
grain-size distribution of sediments. Other apparent used seismic data, which cover the whole area of
discrepancies may reflect the fact that the different the SH-Y Basin (Fig. 1) in order to have better
proxies are measuring different things, for example, geological interpretation and correlation from the
upwelling, weathering, wind strength, which in turn SW to the NE side, as well as towards the SE end,
may track activity of either winter or summer mon- where it meets the Qi Basin (Fig. 1). Once navi-
soons. The spectral data of Clift et al. (2008c) are gation and SEG Y data (SEG Y file format is one
derived from clays, whereas CIA is bulk sediment of several standards developed by the Society of
analysis that can also be affected by grain size. Exploration Geophysicists for storing geophysical
data) were loaded onto a workstation running
KingdomTM, software seismic sequence boundaries
Data sources were picked, based on conventional termination
types of seismic reflections (e.g. onlap, downlap,
In this paper we present new constraints on the erosion) (Vail et al. 1977; Miall 1991). Age con-
history of sediment flux from the Red River Basin straints derived from biostratigraphy in industrial
based on interpretation of newly released 2D multi- wells, typically at the sub-epoch level of resolution
channel seismic profiles from the SH-Y and Qi were assigned to these horizons prior to time–
basins, which allow us to augment earlier seismic depth conversion.
stratigraphic studies of the basins (Rangin et al.
1995; Fang et al. 2000; He et al. 2002; Gong & Li
2004; Clift & Sun 2006). In particular, our data Geochemical analysis
adds greatly to our understanding of the southwes- Geochemical data have been used as a proxy for
tern, Vietnamese parts of the SH-Y Basin compared constraining the intensity of chemical weathering,
to the previous regional synthesis of Clift & Sun which is controlled by a number of processes includ-
(2006) (Fig. 1), which was focused much more on ing temperature (White et al. 1999) and moisture
the eastern half of the basin. These new data allow (Gabet et al. 2006). These in turn may be linked to
us to estimate the flux of sediment into the whole monsoon strength (Derry & France-Lanord 1996b;
basin through time more completely. We have Filippelli 1997). In this study, we used cores from
constrained changing weathering regimes in the ODP Site 1148, located on the deep-water slope
area using geochemical data from XRF whole core- offshore the Pearl River (Fig. 1) to examine vari-
scanning of sediment from Ocean Drilling Program ations in major element chemistry. Cores from this
(ODP) Site 1148 in the northern South China Sea site were analysed at the Research Centre Ocean
(Fig. 1). Unfortunately, no suitable core exists for Margin (RCOM), University of Bremen, Germany
the Red River offshore, so here we have exploited a by an X-Ray Fluorescence Core Scanner manufac-
core from the neighbouring Pearl River drainage. tured by AVAATECH. One half of each core was
This has the additional advantage of imaging a flattened and covered by plastic film before being
river basin that is largely unaffected by Neogene positioned under the X-ray beam for scanning.
tectonics or drainage reorganization (Clark et al. The step-size for each measurement was set up at
2004), so that changes in weathering regime can be every 7 cm. However, this resolution was changed
readily related to climate and thus to the monsoon. in accordance with lithological variation and to
avoid fractures within the core. XRF scanning
can obtain continuous data at much finer scales
Methodology than is practical for individual sampling methods.
Seismic data and workflow These advantages are especially important for rela-
tively long time series and especially for high-
In this study, we analysed 2D multichannel seismic resolution analyses on critical boundaries/intervals.
profiles provided by BP, PetroVietnam and the XRF core scan data show a significantly higher
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signal-to-noise ratio and more consistent hole- morphology and thus a highly laterally variable
to-hole agreement than standard logs. Use of XRF sediment distribution (Figs 3, 4 & 5). In Figure 2,
core scan data as a tool in palaeoceanographic most of the syn-rift deposits are observed to be
and stratigraphic studies is well defined and in the basin centre, where they are displaced by
widely accepted (Röhl & Abrams 2000; Tjallingii numerous transtensional faults on both margins.
et al. 2007). Offsets of the Palaeogene– Lower Miocene forma-
Use of major element data to constrain terrestrial tions across these faults suggest that they were reac-
weathering intensity often involves use of the CIA tivated several times. Active rifting was followed
which is an established weathering proxy (Nesbitt by strong thermal subsidence during the Miocene,
& Young 1982). However, CIA is dependent on gradually weakening, but then accelerating again
having Al, Na, K and Ca concentration data and is after Miocene (c. 5.5 Ma), at least in the southern
susceptible to variation linked to sediment mineral- SH-Y Basin (Clift & Sun 2006).
ogy and provenance evolution. Unfortunately, the Low-angle shoreline trajectories observed in the
scanner does not provide any Na concentration post-Miocene sedimentary packages demonstrate
data. Even if CIA can be determined, sands yield that little accommodation space was created at that
lower CIA values compared to clays in the same time. As a result, most of the sediments eroded
drainage system (Clift et al. 2008b). from Hainan island during the Pliocene quickly
prograded towards the basin centre with very little
vertical aggradation (Fig. 6). During its evolution-
Results ary history, the SH-Y Basin has experienced at
Tectonic and seismic stratigraphic evolution least two inversion phases. The first uplift period
is quite localized and is interpreted to have been
Because the SH-Y and Qi basins are situated in triggered by the onset of the motion on the RRFZ
different tectonic provinces, they were interpreted at c. 34 –35 Ma. In contrast, the later Mid-Miocene
independently. By picking horizons along ter- event (c. 15.5 Ma) probably correlates with the
mination surfaces, fourteen sedimentary packages generation of the Deep Regional Unconformity in
were defined for the SH-Y Basin, and the sedimen- the South China Sea (Hazebroek & Tan 1993;
tary formations of the Qi Basin were sub-divided Hutchison 1996; Matthews et al. 1997), the end of
into nine packages. The age for each boundary the motion on the RRFZ, and with the cessation of
surface was dated by nannofossil-based biostratigra- seafloor spreading.
phy provided by the operating company from each Evidence for uplift and basin inversion is provi-
industrial well and/or by correlating stratigraphy ded by strong deformation and erosion signa-
across regional cross-sections. tures observed on seismic profiles, especially in
The cross-section shown in Figure 2 shows the the northern part of the SH-Y Basin (Figs 3 & 7).
general structure of the SH-Y Basin. It shows a The basin inversion involved not only deformation
classic pull-apart type basin with a relatively sym- of basin fill, but also thrust faulting with
metrical shape around an axis developed in a significant vertical offsets (c. 250 ms of two-way
NNW–SSE direction (Dooley & McClay 1997). travel time; Fig. 7). Compressional stresses operat-
Because of the limited seismic coverage and lack ing during inversion may have played an important
of drilling data from the basin centre, the morpho- role in remobilizing the overpressured, fine-grained
logy of the basement as well as the nature of the sediments to form shale/mud diapir-like struc-
oldest sedimentary formations in the basin centre tures in the centre of the SH-Y Basin (Hao et al.
has not been well defined. These deepest forma- 2002; Figs 2 & 8b). However, some of these struc-
tions were estimated as being Paleocene –Eocene, tures penetrate the youngest sedimentary forma-
unconformably overlying pre-Cenozoic terrigenous, tions that postdate Middle Miocene inversion.
carbonate sedimentary rocks with minor volcanic This relationship suggests that the structures were
rocks (Tran et al. 2003; Mai et al. 2005; Clift & initially formed by compressional deformation
Sun 2006). The basin started to subside after but may subsequently have been enhanced by sedi-
c. 50 Ma, presumably related to the regional crustal mentary loading during rapid deposition of the over-
extension seen in other parts of the South China lying Pliocene –Recent sediments (Clift & Sun
Sea (Su et al. 1989; Clift & Lin 2001). This phase 2006). Although these structures could convention-
was followed by rapid subsidence especially after ally be interpreted as shale diapirs (Hao et al. 2002;
c. 34 Ma when motion on the RRFZ started (Gilley Xie et al. 2003; Clift & Sun 2006) their shapes and
et al. 2003) and the pull-apart basin developed. the structure of surrounding and overlying seismic
Active tectonic subsidence continued until the reflections do not resemble geometries associated
Late Oligocene–Early Miocene. The extensional with well documented diapirs elsewhere.
faults and carbonate platforms of the pre-Cenozoic A possible alternative interpretation in better
basement have created a complicated basement agreement with seismic stratigraphic relations may
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224 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Fig. 2. Seismic and interpreted cross-section of Line GPGT 93-223 through the SH-Y Basin, showing a pull-apart
basin structure. Rifting has strongly disrupted the basement and displaced syn-rift formations with different offsets. A
possible shale/mud diapir is intruded into younger layers as a result of the sediment remobilisation initially triggered by
tectonic inversion. Alternatively this structure could represent a strike-slip fault zone. Line location is shown on
Figure 1.
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Fig. 3. Seismic and interpreted cross-section of Line GPGT 93–200 running in a north–south direction through the
SH-Y Basin and showing a complicated basement morphology and the increased deformation/erosion towards the
north. Line location is shown on Figure 1.
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226 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Fig. 4. Seismic and interpreted cross-section of Line GPGT 93–204 in the SH-Y Basin. The presence of a carbonate
platform reflects more localized sediment distribution during the early stages of basin opening. The progradation
configuration observed here suggests sediments spilled over to the SE during the Plio-Pleistocene. Line location is
shown on Figure 1.
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Fig. 5. Seismic and interpreted cross-section of Line GPGT 93–225 on the SW flank of the SH-Y Basin. The
progradation towards the ENE suggests more sediments spilled over from the northern SH-Y Basin were delivered into
the Qi Basin after c. 2 Ma. Line location is shown on Figure 1.
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228 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Fig. 6. Cross-section of seismic profile C-65-75 through the Qi Basin. Basement is characterized by strong faulting,
which formed a succession of graben-horst structures. Thin layers show that less sediment was delivered to this
basin before c. 2 Ma, while steep shelf edge trajectory suggests rapid sediment influx after this time. A large-scale
canyon, which incised down through older formations shows an imbalance between the sediment supply and
slope stability. Line location is shown on Figure 1.
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Fig. 7. Cross-section interpreted from seismic profile GPGT 93– 201 in the northern SH-Y Basin. Strong erosion,
deformation and thrust faulting are evidence for several basin inversions. Line location is shown on Figure 1.
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230 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Fig. 8. Several internal seismic reflection architectures observed within the basin: (a) asymmetrical channel migration;
(b) shallow faulting developed above a shale diapir/fault zone; (c) complex-oblique sigmoidal reflections in the
progradational package; (d) high amplitude/low frequency of the seismic reflections observed at the bottom of the
canyon was likely caused by the presence of a carbonate-cemented sandstone. The underlying reflections are pulled up
due to the increase in seismic velocity of infill within the canyon; (e) lateral variation in seismic facies; (f) vertical
variation in bedded seismic facies.

include combined dip- and strike-slip faulting to In contrast to the SH-Y Basin, the Qi Basin
create triangular zones of poor seismic imaging overlies the rifted margin of southern China and
overlain by only subtly disturbed, sub-horizontal straddles the continent–ocean transition (Hao
reflections (Figs 2 & 8b). However, the present data et al. 1998). Its shape was strongly influenced by
density does not allow a confident interpretation of the palaeogeomorphology of the rifted continental
these structures and their origin is not discussed margin basement. Seismic characteristics and the
further here. interpreted cross-section in Figure 6 show the
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large-scale internal architecture of the Qi Basin. for each layer by applying Dix’s equation
Accurate age control is hard to achieve across this (Dix 1955):
section because of a lack of drilling in the deep sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
water. The basement of the Qi Basin is strongly V22  T2  V12  T1
disrupted by a series of normal faults to form a Vi ¼
classic graben-horst structure (Fig. 6). Rifting T2  T1
appears to have ceased by 21 Ma, a little earlier where:
than in the SH-Y Basin, but a little younger than
seen in the main depocentre east of Hainan island, Vi is interval velocity for each layer
the Pearl River Mouth Basin. Sediment influx into V1, V2 are stacking velocity values for the upper
the Qi basin before the Pliocene was limited and and lower layer boundaries
likely derived from southern China and Hainan T1, T2 are two-way travel time values down to the
because older sediment from the Red River was upper and lower layer boundaries.
accommodated in the SH-Y Basin. The total The layer thickness and the bottom depth are
volume of sediments deposited in the Qi Basin computed by following equations:
is much smaller compared to those in the SH-Y
Basin. After c. 2 Ma, sedimentation in the Qi Vi (T2  T1 )
Li ¼ and Di ¼ Di1 þ Li
Basin became notably faster. The increase in sedi- 2
ment supply during this period is indicated by
steep shoreline trajectories and progradation pat- where:
terns observed on seismic profiles (Figs 6 & 8c). L1 is layer thickness
The vertical stacking and horizontal progradation D1, Di-1: are the depths of the upper and lower
patterns observed in the seismic profiles demon- layer surfaces.
strate that sediment supply was faster than accom- The depth of each boundary surface was used to
modation space creation at that time. construct isopach maps and to estimate the sediment
Another striking feature observed in this basin budget using all the sections shown in Figure 1.
is the presence of a large-scale canyon, which devel- Figure 9 shows contoured isopach maps generated
oped in a NE –SW direction, and which widens and for major stratigraphic units within the SH-Y and
deepens towards the SE (Fig. 6b). The maximum Qi basins. Seismic interpretation shows that the
observed size of the canyon is estimated to reach basin centre has a maximum depth of c. 22 km.
c. 30 km wide and c. 1 km deep. The canyon The variation in morphology and depth of the
formed after c. 2 Ma and incised older sediments basin through time demonstrates that the depocentre
dating back to c. 2.6–3.6 Ma. Slope gradients was relatively stationary until the Middle Miocene,
increase locally associated with the canyon. As a after which it gradually migrated towards the SE,
result, more coarse-grained sediments filled the following strong basin inversion in the north. In
head of canyon, as evidenced by faster seismic inter- contrast, the Qi Basin overlies both continental
val velocities compared to the surrounding area. shelf and slope, and its deposition pattern is differ-
This is illustrated by strong amplitude, low fre- ent from the SH-Y Basin. Because this basin
quency of seismic reflections at the base of the forms part of a rifted passive margin and most of
canyon and by the ‘pull-up’ effect of the underlying the sediments were delivered from Hainan island,
reflections (Fig. 8d). The formation mechanism of sediments tended to accumulate quickly on the con-
this canyon is unclear but may result from relative tinental shelf and slope, but more slowly in the deep
base level fall as the area around Hainan was basin floor. As a result, total sediment thicknesses
uplifted causing down-cutting and cannibalization in the northwestern half of the basin (c. 8.5 km)
of the slope stratigraphy. are much higher than those on the opposite flank
(c. 4 km) (Figs 6 & 9a). Within the Qi Basin, the
Time – depth conversion depocentre has not just migrated towards the SW
where it intersects with the SH-Y Basin, but also
Because well data are only available down to limi- to the SE (Fig. 9a).
ted depths, which are much shallower than basement
in the basin centre, we used stacking velocities Sediment budget
derived from seismic processing in order to make
a time-depth conversion and thus estimate the Decompaction of the depth-converted sedimentary
depths of stratigraphic and basement surfaces. layers allows us to restore them to their original
Once the major stratigraphic surfaces were picked, volumes by correcting for the hydrostatic load
the sections were converted from time to depth of the overlying layers (Sclater & Christie 1980).
using stacking velocities derived from seismic This procedure was executed in 2D using the soft-
data processing. We calculated the interval velocity ware FlexDecompTM v.1.0 (Kusznir et al. 1995).
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232 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Fig. 9. Isopach maps of the SH-Y and Qi Basins generated for different time periods show that the depocentre has
migrated through time: (a) Total sedimentary thickness of the basin; (b) Eocene– Oligocene; (c) Early Miocene;
(d) Pliocene– Pleistocene. The varying sediment thickness shows that more sediment has been deposited in the
northwestern half of the Qi Basin, under the present shelf and slope than the southern half of the basin.
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In this study, we selected eight seismic lines from predicted by Métivier et al. (1999) since the
the SH-Y Basin and seven lines from the Qi Basin Eocene, but mostly differs from the budget of Clift
for backstripping. These lines are distributed & Sun (2006) in emphasizing the increase in rates
across the whole basin, covering wide stretches in the Early Miocene, with a reduced flux in the
in order to ensure their representative character Middle Miocene.
(Fig. 1). The input data consist of depth values for
each stratigraphic surface, lithology and age con- Monsoon weathering reconstructions
straints. Because no age control was defined for
the oldest sedimentary layers, we assumed the In order to assess if climate is controlling temporal
basin started opening at c. 50 Ma. Each individual variations in sediment flux to the ocean we require
layer was then decompacted in reverse order of a detailed history of environmental conditions
deposition by unloading the overlying packages. with which to compare our sediment budget. In
The total unloaded area of each stratigraphic this study we assume that sedimentation rates are
unit was normalized to the total area of the whole a proxy for erosion rates in the Red River Basin
decompacted sections within the basin in order to onshore and that continental weathering intensity
define a normalized coefficient of erosion for each can be used as a proxy for summer monsoon rains.
individual stratum. The true volume of sediment We use weathering records derived from the Pearl
deposited during any given time period across River Mouth Basin, largely from ODP Site 1148,
the whole basin was estimated by multiplying the where the sediments are derived from erosion of
basin volume by the normalization coefficient. largely flat-lying southern China (Li et al. 2003).
Rates of sediment supply were then derived by The general lack of tectonism or major drainage
dividing by the duration of sedimentation. The sedi- capture means that variations in sedimentary com-
mentation rate was computed not only for both position largely reflect climatically modulated
SH-Y and Qi basins respectively, but was also cal- chemical weathering intensity. In this study, we
culated for the combined SH-Y and Qi basin. used published weathering data (Wei et al. 2006;
Details of the sediment budget estimation are pre- Wan et al. 2007; Clift et al. 2008c) together with
sented in Figure 10 and Table 1, where our results new chemical proxies calculated from the XRF
can be directly compared with those from the scanning data to trace different aspects of the
earlier work by Clift & Sun (2006) and Métivier clastic flux.
et al. (1999). Figure 11 shows a variety of mineralogical and
geochemical records, which do not show parallel
Temporal evolution in mass flux development. This raises a question concerning
the reliability of the scanning data, as well as the
From c. 50–29.5 Ma, sedimentation rates in the other records, which are not in agreement. Kido
SH-Y Basin were modest, but increased for the et al. (2006) pointed out that XRF signal intensity
period 29.5 –21 Ma (Fig. 10a). Sedimentation rates is reduced by the presence of water within sediment
fell again between 21 and 15.5 Ma before rising and that a thin water film between the sediment
to a higher level at 15.5 –10.5 Ma. Maximum surface and the covering film may affect the
values of sediment supply are calculated for the reliability of the output data. The presence of
Plio-Pleistocene, following a period of lower sedi- water between the sediment and the film may be
mentation at 10.5–5.5 Ma. This general pattern is important but it would be equally so for all parts
comparable with that estimated by Clift & Sun of the core and would not account for coherent long-
(2006), although they predicted peak sedimentation term trends in the data, although it might explain
in the Middle, not the Early Miocene, as we do here. some of the short duration spikes in values,
In contrast, sedimentation rates in the Qi Basin are especially as seen in Al. Progressive dewatering in
quite different (Fig. 10b). Average sedimentation deeper buried sediments could generate a long-term
rates were generally low, except for a modest trend, although we do not see anything that might be
increase around 15 Ma. The sediment flux into the suggestive of that in our data. The absorption effect
Qi Basin spiked rapidly only after c. 3 Ma. In this of water is in the following order Al . Si . K .
general form our reconstruction is close to that of Ti. Consequently, decreasing water content down-
Clift & Sun (2006), although we predict much section should increase the intensity of Al counts
higher peak values in the Pleistocene. Because relative to Si, K, and Ti. This may cause a decrease
the SH-Y Basin is much larger than the Qi Basin, in Al/Si ratios up-section. However, core descrip-
the combined sedimentation rate reconstruction tion and carbonate contents (Clift 2006) show us
is similar to that of the SH-Y Basin (Fig. 10c), that the clastic content was relatively stable and
although with an accentuated pulse of sediment only increased after 6–7 Ma, synchronous with
delivery since 3 Ma. Our reconstruction differs the change in Al/Si values. In contrast, porosity
greatly from the predicted gradual rise in rates changes more progressively, and only shows a
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234 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Fig. 10. Sediment budget estimate derived from this study (dark grey) and compared to the earlier work of Clift & Sun
(2006) shown in cross-hatched patterns and Métivier et al. (1999) shown with horizontal lines for: (a) the SH-Y Basin;
(b) the Qi Basin; (c) total combined SH-Y and Qi Basin.

trend to higher water contents at depths shallower We further compare the geochemical weathering
than c. 90 m, equivalent to ages of c. 1.3 Ma (Ship- records with clay mineral assemblages at nearby
board Scientific Party 2000). We conclude that there ODP Site 1146 (Wan et al. 2007) because certain
is no correlation between porosity and Al/Si values. clay minerals, such as kaolinite and smectite are for-
This indicates that clay content rather than porosity med by chemical weathering processes, whereas
is the primary control on Al/Si values. others, such as illite and chlorite, are the products
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Table 1. Sediment budget estimation for the Song Hong-Yinggehai and Qiongdongnam basins

Stratum Stratum area/Seismic line (km2) Total Real Mean Maximum Minimum
age area volume sedimentation sedimentation sedimentation
(Ma) 3555 C-58-79 GPGT GPGT GPGT GPGT GPGT GPGT (km2) (km3) rate rate rate


93-207 93-211 93-215 93-219 93-223 93-225 (km3/Ma) (km3/Ma) (km3/Ma)

Song Hong– Yinggehai Basin

0.0– 2.0 52.8 110.9 59.7 85.0 109.2 124.4 143.2 183.8 868.9 32.1 16.0 19.2 12.8
2.0– 5.5 128.8 237.9 294.7 309.3 274.9 237.8 262.7 168.9 1915.2 70.7 20.2 24.2 16.2
5.5– 10.5 36.0 50.6 72.4 104.4 151.4 278.5 166.5 223.2 1082.9 40.0 8.0 9.6 6.4
10.5– 15.5 91.2 87.8 144.5 228.0 344.2 337.7 262.4 231.5 1727.4 63.8 12.8 15.3 10.2
15.5– 21.0 89.0 38.9 65.1 180.5 232.2 212.0 145.2 83.9 1046.9 38.6 7.0 8.4 5.6
21.0– 29.5 168.9 54.0 398.2 1003.8 878.3 538.3 483.4 261.8 3786.8 139.8 16.4 19.7 13.2
29.5– 50.0 75.7 157.7 673.3 1280.9 802.2 518.6 684.7 278.0 4471.1 165.0 8.1 9.7 6.4

Stratum area/Seismic line (km2)

C-57-79 C-35-69 44039 C-49-79 C-65-79 C-73-79 C-98-79

Qiongdongnan Basin
0.0– 2.0 39.6 33.1 76.9 159.3 191.2 267.3 311.7 1079.0 86.5 43.3 51.9 34.6
2.0– 3.6 53.4 37.6 43.7 61.8 77.4 106.4 102.5 482.8 38.7 24.2 29.0 19.4
3.6– 5.5 30.5 21.5 5.4 8.6 12.5 17.3 21.9 117.7 9.4 5.0 6.0 4.0
5.5– 10.5 8.0 5.7 14.2 22.7 32.9 45.5 57.7 186.7 15.0 3.0 3.6 2.4
10.5– 13.8 41.2 25.4 9.4 15.0 21.7 30.0 38.0 180.7 14.5 4.4 5.3 3.5
13.8– 15.5 25.2 13.2 5.9 14.0 15.0 30.5 38.0 141.8 11.4 6.7 8.0 5.4
15.5– 21.0 22.2 13.1 19.0 45.0 49.8 98.8 100.0 347.9 27.9 5.1 6.1 4.1
21.0– 24.4 26.9 18.7 17.1 18.5 20.0 25.0 36.1 162.3 13.0 3.8 4.6 3.1
24.4– 27.5 8.0 7.4 15.6 16.9 18.2 22.8 32.9 121.8 9.8 3.2 3.8 2.5
27.5– 50 76.0 71.2 113.2 122.7 132.1 165.5 238.7 919.4 73.7 3.3 3.9 2.6

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236 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

Fig. 11. Geochemical data derived from ODP Site 1148 and showing the temporal variations in the intensity of
chemical weathering through the Neogene, interpreted as a monsoon proxy in this study: (a) colour data (CRAT) (Clift
et al. 2008c); (b) illite/smectite ratios for ODP Site 1146 (Wan et al. 2007); (c) chemical index of alteration (CIA) (Wei
et al. 2006); (d) Al/Si ratio; (e) Ti/Ca ratio; (f) sediment budgets estimated for the whole SH-Y and Qi Basins.
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of physical weathering (Thiry 2000). As a result weathering and indicates a period of strong
ratios such as illite/smectite can be used to indicate chemical weathering in southern China during the
relative strengthening of physical v. chemical pro- Middle –Late Miocene, followed by less intense
cesses (Fig. 11b). The data from ODP Site 1146 weathering (and presumably a weaker summer
suggest strengthening of physical weathering after monsoon) in the Late Miocene– Pliocene (Fig. 11a).
12 Ma and especially after c. 8 Ma. The period of reducing chemical weathering
High-resolution scanning-based weather proxies shown by climbing CRAT values after 12 Ma corre-
can also be compared with whole rock XRF ana- lates with increased illite/smectite at ODP Site 1146
lyses of Wei et al. (2006), which allow the CIA (Wan et al. 2007) (Fig. 11b) as might be predicted.
to be calculated (Fig. 11c). This proxy shows a In contrast, strong chemical weathering during the
general trend to decreasing values through time, Middle Miocene is shown by low illite/smectite
which Wei et al. (2006) interpreted to reflect ratios and low CRAT values. However, the high
decreasing weathering intensities under the influ- CRAT values around 16 Ma show no response in
ence of a steadily weakening summer monsoon. clay mineralogy. Unfortunately, the record at ODP
This simple interpretation is hard to reconcile with Site 1146 does not extend far enough back in time
some other monsoon proxies, such as those invok- to see whether illite/smectite was higher before
ing strong monsoon at 8 Ma (Chen et al. 2003; 23 Ma, as might be predicted.
Zheng et al. 2004). However, a steep decrease Comparison of both CRAT values at ODP Site
in CIA at 8 Ma coincides with a rise in illite/ 1148 and illite/smectite ratios at ODP Site 1146
smectite (Wan et al. 2007), indicating a period of are hard to reconcile in a simple way with detailed
important environmental change. CIA values. However, all three proxies suggest
In addition, we plot Al/Si as a measure of the generally weaker summer monsoons and less
relative proportion of clays compared to quartz weathering after the Middle Miocene. CIA does
sand in the sediment (Fig. 11d). Clays are rich not decrease in a uniform fashion, but shows at
in Al and this proxy has the advantage of not least two positive excursions centred at c. 16– 17
being affected by the large amount of biogenic and 3– 5 Ma, interpreted as periods of stronger
carbonate in the cores. Most of the core at ODP chemical weathering and stronger summer mon-
Site 1148 is very fine grained and no sandy or silty soon. The period at 3–5 Ma is noteworthy in
intervals were identified (Shipboard Scientific having anomalously low illite/smectite ratios,
Party 2000), yet the Al/Si proxy shows strong consistent with stronger chemical weathering
temporal variations, most notably a steady decrease (Fig. 11b), but this is at odds with the low CRAT
(i.e. less clay) since c. 8 Ma, after a period of high value. CIA increases after 5 Ma at the same time
clay content in the Middle and Late Miocene that CRAT begins to increase, although since 3 Ma
(Fig. 11d). More sandy flux might indicate stronger CIA has shown modest decrease at a time that
physical weathering onshore after that time, con- CRAT values decreased, and when illite/smectite
sistent with the falling CIA values. ratios were very variable. Differences between
We are able to gain further insight into the evol- these proxies are hard to interpret. Some of the
ving clay mineralogy itself by reference to the CRAT issues may relate to the fact that CRAT examines
proxy of Clift et al. (2008c). Clay mineralogy has only the clay mineral fraction of the sediment,
been used in the past to reconstruct the changing whereas CIA looks at the bulk sediment. Further-
intensity of the monsoon both in South Asia more, CRAT values are controlled in part by goethite
(Derry & France-Lanord 1996a) and in the South and hematite and do not factor in smectite, which
China Sea (Clift et al. 2002; Wehausen & Brumsack requires higher degrees of chemical weathering to
2002; Trentesaux et al. 2006). CRAT is calculated become abundant.
based on colour spectral data and end member Finally, we consider the Ti/Ca ratio, which is a
mixing calculations, and is designed to provide good proxy for evaluating the relative influence
a measure of the mineralogical ratio chlorite/ of clastic v. carbonate sediment influx (Fig. 11e).
(chlorite þ hematite þ goethite). The method is From c. 23 to 6 Ma, the Ti/Ca ratio remained
remote, but has been calibrated using laboratory mostly at low levels, but with two short periods of
standards under the assumption that visible range higher values observed at c. 15– 17 and 10.5 –
colour spectra are principally controlled by chlorite, 11.5 Ma. What is most striking is the steady increase
hematite, and goethite, and clearly reflect long-term in Ti/Ca values since 4 Ma, suggestive of a rapidly
variations in core chemistry and mineralogy that increasing clastic flux to the drill site. This is
cannot be linked to diagenesis. The alteration min- consistent with shipboard core description and
erals hematite and goethite are largely produced CaCO3 measurements (Shipboard Scientific Party
by chemical weathering, whereas chlorite is indica- 2000). This trend parallels reconstructed trends
tive of physical erosion (Chamley 1989). As a result in monsoon-related foraminifera at ODP Site 1146
CRAT measures the relative intensities of chemical on the northern margin of South China Sea (Wang
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238 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

et al. 2003), as well as winter monsoon dust records climate, exhumation and structure (Hodges et al.
from the North Pacific (Rea 1994) and from the 2004; Thiede et al. 2004; Clift et al. 2008c).
Chinese Loess Plateau (An et al. 2001). However, In contrast, the topographic gradient of the edge of
enhanced post 4 Ma clastic flux to the ocean is not the Tibetan Plateau is much more gradual along
only a pan-Asian phenomenon that has been its southeastern flank.
linked to intensifying summer monsoon (Métivier
et al. 1999; Clift 2006), but is recognized worldwide Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution
and has been linked to fast continental erosion under
the influence of variable glacial –interglacial cycles Although the nature of the oldest sedimentary for-
(Zhang et al. 2001). mations within the SH-Y and Qi Basins is still
uncertain, there is little doubt that deposition had
started during the Eocene –Oligocene (Zhong
Discussion et al. 2004; Clift & Sun 2006). The basin began to
subside strongly after c. 34 –35 Ma when motion
SE Asia is a classic natural laboratory for exa- on the RRFZ first started (Gilley et al. 2003). This
mining possible interactions between solid Earth motion and its associated transtensional faulting
tectonics and climatic evolution. Many researchers together controlled formation of the SH-Y Basin
have used information from sediment records as a pull-apart. Motion on the RRFZ probably
in the South China Sea, as well as from bedrock caused the pre-rift formations to be uplifted,
onshore, in order to quantitatively model this deformed and eroded, at least locally (Figs 3 & 7).
relationship by reconstructing the timing of East This effect is best observed in the northern part of
Asian monsoon intensification. However, clear the SH-Y basin. Relatively stationary depocentres
linkages between monsoon intensity, topographic during the Oligocene–Early Miocene suggest that
growth and its effects on continental erosion have most of sediments delivered from the Red River
been hard to find because of uncertainties in all were trapped in the northern and central SH-Y
three processes. Results from our study suggest Basin, while little sediment was reaching the Qi
that combinations of geochemical and minera- Basin. Active faulting and basin subsidence contin-
logical data derived from ODP Site 1148, with ued until c. 21 Ma and was followed by slower
sediment budgets from the Pearl and Red Rivers thermal subsidence after an inversion event
show some correlation, especially in the Pleistocene focused in the northern SH-Y Basin, younging to
and Early Miocene, suggesting that climate vari- c. 15 Ma in the south.
ability is a controlling factor on continental weath- The cessation of seafloor spreading and the end
ering in SE Asia. The role of topographic uplift of left-lateral motion on the RRFZ together resulted
is harder to constrain because of the uncertainties in an inversion event in the early Middle Miocene.
in Tibetan and SE Asian topographic growth These processes correlate well with the change in
(Clark et al. 2005; Harris 2006; Schoenbohm et al. the basin from transtensional to transpressional
2006a) and the possible influences of drainage character. As a result the whole basin was strongly
reorganization in governing the flux of sediment to inverted, deformed and eroded before 15 Ma. A
the Gulf of Tonkin. significant portion of the pre-uplift formations in
Reconstructing the stratigraphic evolution of the northwestern SH-Y Basin was removed follow-
the SH-Y and Qi Basins is important to studies ing strong uplift and erosion (Figs 3 & 7). For this
of monsoon-tectonic coupling relationships for reason, very little of the sediment delivered by the
several reasons. These two basins together form Red River was deposited in that part of the system
one of the largest sedimentary masses in SE Asia at that time. Instead, sediments were bypassed to
and record the erosion flux from a major drainage the centre and southeastern end of the basin where
that cuts the flank of the Tibetan Plateau over the basin floor was still deep and where accom-
a long period of time. Uplift of SE Tibet and modation space allowed preservation. However,
Yunnan might therefore be expected to have driven the Qi Basin did not experience Mid-Miocene inver-
faster mass fluxes as the gorges of the upper Red sion, presumably because of its distance from the
River were cut. Although this is a region of strong RRFZ. After inversion, the SH-Y Basin gradually
summer monsoon rains the heaviest rains are subsided again. Low-angle shelf edge trajectories
closer to the coast, not in the areas of strongest observed in some places demonstrate that less
surface deformation. A stronger monsoon might accommodation space was created after 15 Ma, con-
be expected to cause stronger run-off, higher sistent with reconstructions of basement tectonic
erosion and faster sedimentation rates. This area subsidence (Clift & Sun 2006). None the less, the
contrasts with the erosional links proposed for the integrated basin-wide sedimentary budget shows
frontal ranges of the Himalaya where the steep faster sedimentation at 11–15.5 Ma compared to
topographic gradient results in a close coupling of the Early Miocene.
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Influence of Hainan period of reduced sediment flux to the SH-Y Basin

(Fig. 10a). The increase in sediment flux into the
Clinoforms observed in Figures 4 and 5 show that basin at 21–29 Ma was thus more likely to have
the northwestern SH-Y Basin was nearly filled been triggered by the onset of topographic uplift
after c. 5 Ma, so that most of the younger sediments and exhumation related to the Red River Shear
must have overspilled not only to the SE, but partly Zone, which started at c. 34– 35 Ma (Leloup et al.
into the Qi Basin, as they did during the Last Glacial 2001; Gilley et al. 2003). A decrease in sedimen-
Maximum (c. 20 ka). Sediments derived from the tation rate after c. 21 Ma may indicate erosion of
Red River and eroded from Hainan island the early topography.
were deposited together in the northwestern half of Minimum CRAT values and low illite/smectite
the Qi Basin as a large prograding clastic wedge. ratios from c. 15 –10 Ma, together with steady
The high-angle shelf edge trajectory and the direc- CIA values (Fig. 11a, b, c) indicates that chemical
tion of progradation observed in southern Hainan weathering was strong in a climate of intensified
(Fig. 6) suggest that significant volumes of sedi- summer monsoon rain (Wan et al. 2007). This
ments eroded from the island were delivered to the time correlates with a period of moderately
Qi Basin. The increase in sediment supply from increased sedimentation rates (Fig. 11f ). A positive
that area may be a response to the tectonically link between erosion rates and monsoon intensity is
driven uplift of the Hainan island, linked to magma- suggested at that time, not least because the RRFZ
tism during the Pleistocene (Tu et al. 1991; Flower became inactive after 15 Ma, so that the increased
et al. 1998). In addition, faster erosion in Hainan and rates of erosion are the opposite of those predicted
within the Red River Basin driven by an intensified if tectonic forces were the dominant erosion control.
summer monsoon may be responsible for some of Decreased CIA values after 8 Ma indicates
the increased erosion. Finally we consider that pro- that chemical weathering weakened after this time.
gressive surface uplift in SW China (Yunnan) and Similarly, rising CRAT values, high illite/smectite
northern Vietnam within the headwaters of the and decreased sedimentation rates all point to
Red River during the Pliocene (Schoenbohm et al. weaker chemical weathering in a drying monsoon
2006a) may have driven faster erosion by causing climate after 8 Ma, correlating with a fall in clastic
enhanced incision of the Red River. flux. This drop in sedimentation rates during the
Late Miocene parallels similar synchronous trends
Chemical weathering and climate change recognized on the Bengal Fan (Burbank et al.
1993). However, unlike that study we suggest a
Intensification of the East Asian monsoon may be positive correlation between erosion and monsoon
one of the most important factors in controlling strength because 8 Ma now appears to mark a time
continental weathering processes. On the continents of summer monsoon weakening not intensification
precipitation, temperature and vegetation are the as previously believed (Derry & France-Lanord
primary controls on both chemical weathering and 1996b).
physical erosion (White & Blum 1995; Edmond &
Huh 1997; West et al. 2005). Over geological time- Tibetan gorge incision
scales, a measure of this is preserved in the chemi-
stry and mineralogy of sediments transported by Although the RRFZ was reactivated after 5 Ma,
rivers. Water-mobile elements are easily removed albeit in a reverse, dextral sense (Schoenbohm
from weathering products and whereas more stable et al. 2006b), the degree of active shear in the Red
elements tend to be relatively enriched. Based on River drainage never regained the rates seen in
these principles, we now combine information the Middle –Early Miocene. However, progressive
derived from the sedimentary budget and from geo- uplift of eastern Tibet, driving gorge incision
chemical analysis to assess how changing monsoon along the edge of the plateau may have been an
strength may have influenced erosion within the Red influence on sediment flux to the SH-Y and Qi
River drainage since the Oligocene. basins. Thermochronological work in Yunnan and
Figure 10c shows that sedimentation flux from Sichuan in SW China indicates accelerated surface
the Red River Basin initially increased after uplift there starting around 11 Ma (Clark et al.
c. 29 Ma and subsequently fell again after 21 Ma. 2005). However, this was a time of slower sedimen-
Unfortunately, there is no weathering record pre- tation in the SH-Y and Qi basins, indicating either
dating 24 Ma. Clay mineralogical records from that the drier monsoon was the greater influence
ODP Site 1148 show monsoon strengthening after on erosion or that the gorge incision in SW China
c. 22 Ma (Clift et al. 2008c). If this is true then the was not feeding sediment to the Red River. Recon-
higher erosion rates at 21–28 Ma largely predate a structions of the rivers around the eastern Hima-
strong monsoon, while the first period of strong layan syntaxis suggest that capture of the Yunnan
summer monsoon (22– 17 Ma) correlates with a rivers away from the Red River was completed
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240 L. V. HOANG ET AL.

before that time (Clark et al. 2004; Clift et al. in the Al/Si and CIA ratios whereas the Ti/Ca
2006a), so that any sediment pulse would have increased, suggesting enhanced coarser influx, as
been diverted into the East China Sea, consistent well as stronger chemical weathering. Rapid
with our sediment budgets. increase in the Ti/Ca ratio after c. 4 Ma, especially
Surface uplift in northern Vietnam postdates after c. 2.7 Ma indicates an increase in clastic
that in Yunnan, being mostly Pliocene in age and sediment influx relative to carbonate sediments,
reflecting gradual growth of topography to the SE which was probably caused by enhanced conti-
(Schoenbohm et al. 2006a). This phase of tectonism nental physical weathering driven by the transition
and associated gorge incision correlates well between glacial-interglacial climate states (Zhang
with the pulse of sediment seen in the SH-Y and et al. 2001).
Qi basins. The Ti/Ca curve from ODP Site 1148
shows an increase at this time despite the fact
that the Pearl River Basin is less affected by topo- Conclusions
graphic uplift. Intensification of the summer
monsoon since c. 4 Ma in the South China Sea Tectonically driven surface uplift of eastern Tibet
region may be the dominant control on increasing has commonly been linked to enhancement of the
erosion within this time period (Wan et al. 2006), East Asia monsoon. Both these processes have
whereas rock uplift now controls the patterns of the potential to increase the rates of continental
erosion within the Red River Basin itself (Clift erosion, which should be reflected in the volumes
et al. 2006b). and composition of sediments in river deltas. This
Our climate reconstruction is consistent with study shows that a combination of sedimentary
regional compilations of increased sediment flux budgets derived from regional seismic stratigraphic
in the Middle Miocene (Clift 2006), although our and geochemical data can be employed to compare
records favour an earlier start to higher sediment weathering regimes and erosion rates over tectonic
flux, during the Early Miocene. The higher rates of time periods .20 Ma. A combination of proxies
sediment flux at 29–21 Ma are unique to the Red allows us partially to reconstruct the history of
River system and support a local tectonic rather monsoon climate change since 24 Ma.
than regional climatic trigger. Our apparent initial Our work confirms that the SH-Y and Qi basins
monsoon intensification after c. 22 Ma is much formed after c. 50 Ma and especially subsided
earlier than the commonly cited 8 Ma monsoon rapidly after c. 34 Ma, coincident with the onset of
intensification (Kroon et al. 1991; Prell et al. motion on the RRFZ. The SH-Y Basin experienced
1992; Zheng et al. 2004), but is consistent with the two inversion phases that occurred at c. 34 and
revised summer monsoon model of Clift et al. c. 15.5 Ma, while the Qi Basin seemed not to be
(2008c). Our estimate is older than the c. 15 Ma affected by these events. 34 –17 Ma motion on the
intensification suggested by Wan et al. (2007), but RRFZ correlates with a period of faster sedimen-
is consistent with palynology and facies informa- tation in the SH-Y Basin. This is despite the initial
tion from China (Sun & Wang 2005). Decreasing intensification of the monsoon dating from only
humidity from c. 8 –4 Ma and especially a rapid c. 22 Ma. We conclude that tectonic forces are
drop between 5 and 4 Ma, charted by falling CIA dominant in controlling erosion at that time. Geo-
values (Wei et al. 2006), falling kaolinite con- chemical data suggest that chemical weathering
tents (Wan et al. 2007) and rising CRAT values has generally decreased since c. 25 Ma, while phys-
(Clift et al. 2008c) (Fig. 10) testify to a weakening ical erosion became stronger. A shift to more phys-
monsoon. This resulted in less physical erosion ically eroded chlorite and increasing sedimentation
in the mountainous Red River basin and reduced rates after c. 15.5 Ma points to stronger rains and
chemical weathering in the flatter Pearl River stronger physical erosion between 15.5 and 10 Ma.
Basin. Chemical weathering is further reduced In this period climate appears to dominate as the
by falling global temperatures since the Middle primary erosional control, as motion on the RRFZ
Miocene (Zachos et al. 2001). This change is had ceased. The period from 10 to 4 Ma saw a
shown by low sedimentation rate (Fig. 11f) and by reduction in chemical weathering and sediment
decrease in the Al/Si ratios (Fig. 11d). flux, correlating with a time of weakening sum-
The period of c. 3–4 Ma is marked by falling mer monsoon. However, the transition to glacial-
CRAT values, higher illite/smectite ratios and interglacial climates, surface uplift in northern
lower CIA, which are not all in accord regarding Vietnam and Hainan island and stronger summer
the long-term change in summer monsoon strength. monsoons, at least during the interglacial periods,
Summer monsoon strength varies rapidly over since 4 Ma correlates with a switch back to stronger
millennial timescales at this time and a longer dur- erosion of the source rocks, especially physical
ation pattern is hard to discern (Clift & Plumb erosion, which in turn raised the clastic influx into
2008). This period is also accompanied by decreases the basins.
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We thank the Natural Environment Research Council southern Hainan margin, South China Sea; impli-
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