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Divine Grace V.


Direction: In the space provided, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE, if not.
TRUE 1. Immediate outcome in the teaching and learning process is also known as
instructional outcome.
FALSE 2. Outcome-based education is student-centered thus, objectives are stated from
the point of view of the learners.
TRUE 3. Institutional outcomes are statements of what the graduates of an educational
institution are supposed to be able to do beyond graduation.
FALSE 4. Course or subject outcomes are what teachers should be able to demonstrate at
the end of the course or subject.
FALSE 5. Education comes from the Latin rootword “educare” or “educere” which means “to
pour in”.
TRUE 6. Outcome-based education is meaningful since it encourages teacher
responsibility for teaching, assessing program outcomes and motivating participation from
the students.
TRUE 7. When the teacher’s goal is to equip the students with competencies and skills
before graduation, he/she follows the outcome-based education.
FALSE 8. Drafting outcomes assessment will allow the teacher to determine the degree to
which the students are attaining the desired learning outcomes.
TRUE 9. Learning outcomes are what students must demonstrate after instruction.
FALSE 10. The change of focus in instruction from outcomes to content is known as
Outcome-based Education.

A. Give and explain 3 characteristics of OBE
 Student- centered- OBE places the students at the center of the process by focusing on
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)- typically refers to forms of instruction that,
for example, give students opportunities to lead learning activities, participate more
actively in discussions, design their own learning projects, explore topics that interest
them, and generally contribute to the design of their own course
 Faculty-driven. OBE encourages faculty responsibility for teaching, assessing program
outcomes and motivating participation from the students. This program provides funding
for faculty to develop programs that strengthen the University's diverse community of
 Meaningful. OBE provides data to guide the teacher in making valid and continuing
improvement in instruction and assessment activities. Outcome-based education is a
model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to
students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they "know and are able to do"
whatever the required outcomes are. OBE reforms emphasize setting clear standards for
observable, measurable outcomes.

B. Using Venn diagram, distinguish institutional, program, course and learning outcome.

Institutional outcomes Program outcomes

are the knowledge, skills, abilities, specific enough to

and attitudes that students are explain how those
expected to develop as a result of broad expectations
their overall experiences with any are accomplished
aspect of the college, including within a
courses, programs, and student given program

statements that describe

the knowledge or skills students
will specify what should acquire by the end of a
expectations an instructor particular assignment, class,
has for the course, which course, or program, and help
are related to one or students understand why
more program outcomes. that knowledge and those skills will
be useful to them.

Course/subject outcomes learning/instructional

/lesson outcomes

C. The following statements are incorrect. On the blank before each number, write the letter of the
section which makes the statement wrong, and on the blank after each number, re-write the wrong
section to make the statement correct.

A_______ 1. (a) Because of knowledge explanation (b) brought by the use (c) of computers in education
(d) the teacher ceased to be the sole source of knowledge. Change of perspective
B________2. (a) At present, (b) the teacher is the giver of knowledge (c) by assisting (d) in the organization
of facts and information. The teacher has become the facilitator of knowledge
A_______3. (a) The change of focus (b) in instruction (c) from outcomes to content (d) is known as
Outcome-based Education (OBE). Educational perspective
B_______4. (a) A good source (b) of subject matter statement (c) is Benjamin Bloom’s (d) Taxonomy of
Educational Objectives. Learning Outcomes
D_______5. (a) Education come (b) from the Latin rootword (c) “educare” or “educere” (d) which means “to
pour in”. which meant “to draw out”
D_______6. (a) In the past, (b) the focus (c) of instruction (d) was learning outcomes. Content and subject
D_______7. (a) “Pagbibigay sa mag-aaral ng kaalaman at pang-unawa (b) tungkol sa tao, kapaligiran at
lipunan” (c) is an example (d) of learning outcome. Educational objectives
D_______8. (a) “Ability to communicate (b) in writing and speaking” (c) is an example of (d) deferred
outcome. Immediate outcomes
A_______9. (a) Content and Outcome (b) are the two (c) main elements (d) of the educative process.
Teacher and students
C_______10. (a) “Nailalarawan ang sariling buhay (b) simula sa pagsilang hanggang sa kasalukuyang
edad” (c) is an example (d) of educational objective. Learning Outcomes

D. The following are educational objectives for the subject Elementary Science (K to 12). For
every educational objective, formulate two learning outcomes:

Educational Objectives Learning Outcomes

1. To provide instruction that will enable the 1.1 The students can aware about immediate
students to understand their immediate physical surroundings from lived experiences from
environment by using their senses, questioning, various themes related to daily life such as
sharing ideas and identifying simple cause-and- plants, animals, food, water, etc. (Learning
effect relationships, (Cognitive objective) about the Environment)
1.2 The students can value characteristics
of immediate resources such as water, food,
paper, fuel at home and use them according
the need.
2. To equip the students with the skill to conduct 2.1 The students can participate actively in
guided investigation by following a series of the group discussion in the class on the issues
steps that includes making and testing related to natural and social environment.
predictions, collecting and recording data, 2.2 The students can classifies/ makes
discovering patterns and suggesting possible categories of the objects, leaves, pictures of
explanations plant, animals, foods item, etc. based on two
(psychomotor objectives) or more than two features at a time.

3. To encourage among the students a deep 3.1 The students can identify materials and
understanding and appreciation of the organisms, such as, plants fibers, flowers, on
differences of the plant and animal groups the basis of observable features i.e.
found in the locality. appearance, texture, function, aroma etc.
3.2 The students can elate processes and
phenomenon with causes, e.g., deficiency
diseases with diet; adaptations of animals
and plants with their habitats; quality of air
with pollutants, etc.

E. Differentiate each of the following pairs by explaining the meaning of each and giving examples for
further clarification.

1. Educational Objective and Learning Outcome

 Educational objectives states what the student will learn and be able to accomplish by the end
of instruction. It describes a specific behavior which will lead to the desired goal. It is specific
and measurable. While States what the learner will be able to do upon completing
the learning activity. Example: The learner is able to give examples of when to apply new HR
2. Immediate Outcome and Deferred Outcome

 Immediate outcomes are competencies acquired upon completion of a subject, a grade level,
a segment of the program, or of the program itself. And these referred to as instructional
outcomes. Examples are Ability to communicate by writing and speaking, Skill in identifying
objects by using the different senses, Ability to produce artistic or literary works, Ability to do
research and write the results etc. While Deferred outcomes refer to the ability to apply
cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills/competencies in various situations many years
after completion of a subject; grade level or degree program. Examples: Success in
professional practice or occupation. Promotion in a job.

I. Direction: In the space provided, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE, if not.
TRUE 1. Immediate outcome in the teaching and learning process is also known as
instructional outcome.
FALSE 2. Outcome-based education is student-centered thus, objectives are stated from
the point of view of the learners.
TRUE 3. Institutional outcomes are statements of what the graduates of an educational
institution are supposed to be able to do beyond graduation.
FALSE 4. Course or subject outcomes are what teachers should be able to demonstrate at
the end of the course or subject.
FALSE 5. Education comes from the Latin rootword “educare” or “educere” which means “to
pour in”.
TRUE 6. Outcome-based education is meaningful since it encourages teacher
responsibility for teaching, assessing program outcomes and motivating participation from
the students.
_______7. When the teacher’s goal is to equip the students with competencies and skills
before graduation, he/she follows the outcome-based education.
_______8. Drafting outcomes assessment will allow the teacher to determine the degree to
which the students are attaining the desired learning outcomes.
TRUE 9. Learning outcomes are what students must demonstrate after instruction.
______10. The change of focus in instruction from outcomes to content is known as Outcome-
based Education.
II. Direction: Identify the term being described. Write your answers in the space provided for
each number.
COGNITIVE 1. This domain according to Benjamin Bloom refers to the mental skills.
AFFECTIVE 2. It is also known as attitude and it refers to the growth in feeling or emotions
from the simplest behavior to the most complex.
PSCHOMOTOR 3. This group of educational objective refers to the development of skills
including manual or physical skills.
DEFERRED OUTCOMES 4. The type of outcome referring to the ability of students to apply
the three (3) domains of learning in various situations many years after completion of a
degree program.
LESSON OUTCOMES 5. An outcome in OBE manifesting what students should be able to do
after a lesson or instruction.

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