Literature Review: Gender Classification and Age Estimation Using Neural Networks

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Many research papers that are related to gender classification for different types of
databases have been surveyed to identify numerous approaches use for different
gender classification problems.

Khalil Khan in [1] has proposed the Automatic Gender Classification through Face
Segmentation.In this paper, They proposed a framework which first segments a face
image into face parts, and then performs automatic gender classification. We trained a
Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) based segmentation model through manually
labeled face images. The CRFs based model is used to segment a face image into six
different classes.They used the probability maps as gender descriptors and trained a
Random Decision Forest (RDF) classifier, which classifies the face images as either
male or female.

Ranjit Kumar in [2] has proposed the “Gender Recognition Through Face Using Deep
Learning”.In this paper, They explored that by doing learn and classification method
and with the utilization of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (D-CNN)
technique.They proposed an efficient convolutional network VGGnet architecture
which can be used in extreme case when the amount of training data used to
learn.They examined related work on the current unfiltered image of the face for
gender recognition and display it to dramatics outplay current advance updated

Miss.Vaishnavi in [3] has proposed the “Gender Classification Using Machine

Learning”.This paper proposes comparison between different techniques used for
gender classification.Various face recognition methods such as Convolutional neural
networks, Delaunay triangulations, geometry based methods like SVM (Support
vector machine), LDA (Linear discriminant analysis).For human gender classification,
SVM provides better accuracy as compared with existing methods.

Gangesh Trivedi in [4] has proposed the “Gender Classification and Age Estimation
using Neural Networks”.This paper contains a detail discussion about the contribution
of the researchers in the area of gender classification and age estimation using neural
networking. Most of the work is done using Convolutional neural networks and auto

[1].Khalil Khan,Muhammad Attique,Ikram Syed and Asma Gul “Automatic Gender
Classification through Face Segmentation” @Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

[2]. Amit Dhomne , Ranjit Kumar, Vijay Bhan “Gender Recognition Through Face
Using Deep Learning” @Published by Elsevier Ltd.

[3].Miss. Vaishnavi Y. Mali “Gender Classification Using Machine Learning”


[4].Gangesh Trivedi,Nitin pise “Gender Classification and Age Estimation using

Neural Networks” @176(23):975-8887

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