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-— TT Berore Tue Sore fearrrAror, kunnasn Bunvan, Bananore case No. Ac - 04/2020 Between ¢ Mls. Coean Pervare PaernersntP Fiera SE OIF, Cmu Ronp, TnosPANRGAr, Near KFC .Siqnar , BANGALOLE 560038 —. etaSnoak (END MB. QuaenTin£ PervaTe Company # 563/30, Tveusreran Aeen, Onin IP Purse, New Dear oo --- +++ Respondent made Uls- 2 of The Mabilunlion & Concilinteon Reference fal ~ 1994. = frers Of ie Alopae' ] tke claimant uo a manujactiver § Supplia 9 eae mateiials & tio duly dicensed by the ch Lenk ‘Authettties, Respondent us also paivale ‘“Liméled Compo | Yacoxpoacled uncer ube Snelian Companies Nt, The “7 | Reopondent approached che Claimant, ¢ placcol an dldet Luctth Re. 1,000) Goaes yet dice Supply of Llechonic Mat aials The etectenic, moledal putced wos xc) by ihe clazmant.¢ Tao.nnpovdailion Chouges Qe Snelucled. Scanned with CamScanner 02 — 9) TRE Claimant and Reoponclenk has enlere unlo an _ Conkracl Sale Opreement on Baked. 05] 1812020 .u9"th Cobain Teens “and Conclbfonn, . 3} Claimant has cto Supply Evewy, toatl, the material Cvety Month Wotlh of Pe“\wol- Conve On ol byoae 5 Of Cvewy Month, SdawePa, from Fanwary 5020 , Lill Ockober 50% Mowever The Respondent hos. paid ke. 500/- Qete a3 Gdtvance do clatmant. Rematning balance &s. 500k ate werd be paid apler une aecipt Gf Goode. 1) Reoponclent wins Agaulier cin Qeopeck Of the Paygrent Pa Pas rend . due eo delay tin seckyén ood toch dlinpal cheol by dle thatmant I Vd 5] Te Claimant Coulel not detijered tue cleclionec matecal on dime un tue month GY Rpsil-9020, Aue uto Courd-19, Nakfonal clocte clewn. The Lourn -19° ax Naktfonol Lock Aown cin Ad Of God. But The Reopondent Company ubal uéheity Lo aes lee agacemend | contioct uo claim xx Compenoation arising Out ef deloy un Supply. Hence Lue Respondent wtanto Lp tele an Oppliceiean udolet Section g Ol clue Ribitation § Gneklotion Ack - 1994 Scanned with CamScanner Apprrentron Marcement Tid Pub liakion Ayeement db made VIS-F Of 7 TRe Mbldiakiba ¢ Cencilfateon Mel - 1996. Rnd Ngacene daled - 18.05.9090. Belweea }- Ms. Coan Pstuate Peatnershifp frm, #17, Cmu, Road, Indl&anagai , Nea, KFS, Sinol, Bangalde- 500088 ~ ee Clokaant DNA Mle. Quaantine Petvate Company. + 563/30 , Induotiial Area, , (Okhla iw phase, New Hele | Reoponclent | Apporntmenr Or Sore fesrrentor UIs-3 of Te AemrreaTron & ConcrcraTroN Acr~ 199¢ ” yinecos Tasl and Second parties have game clinpude Aeparoling Conkrad Sale Agreement . And tongcad boi due paties ale agreed upon up aga Lue cluopule uo One [Sole] N bidiatet olud by due bolh parties. m df SPponte Scanned with CamScanner = TTNE NBER - Now Tiss Beco Or Aarcement br7nessés As Uneee I) That both the parties have agreed Upon do Appotnl . M... Covre as Aebidiator. 2. That both the Parties appoint M3. Cov70 as | Asbrd-valor. 3 That ulue Arbibatpy will §o through chive Gontvoct ¢ | Sale Agreement and dleckle the cliopute ble clue pneis Under ute Provision g lou. 4. the Arbiliatior uo uty adfudtate and desolve due Giopul’e and matey fuaing out of due Saiel Contract of Sale Agreement - 5. Thal “thio. Agreement Shall be Confined onty Upon due dpute blu Pils. Colon Prdvate Aatnewohip filam @ MB. Dunintine Pefuate Com pany . lr Enessasi- se |- Leena - Rak. No! iS! Magn , Patlalicyannpor | Ba, € - 560085, Date :- 1glos |200 Scanned with CamScanner AppornrmenT Or Nearrentor To, My. Covrp Bangalore Subject: Appointment O} Ma.Covrp Rs Ro ferbibioles To Reoolve_ Aiopule bli M/s.Coran Private Poalnerdhip Firm _& Mls. Quasnbine Privale Company Dear Sia, we Lee ub place on dsecorol unk you are heceby appointed! by due uncletsignedl ag an (ubi.dialet 0S per the Rrbilialon agucement Signed bli [MIs Coran Patvale patnewhép firm and M/s. Quatntine |Parvate Company. Hated! 30%] sune | 2020. | You are heby appolnted utp hear alt obipute ‘Controvasies and clafmo ieferredl lo you duiéng | Your dente Purguont uly ctue Prouisfono of | Rrbiietion agreement . Your apporakmenk io entailed vith a prduck Uo all partis aigenung ang dupube yor Yous seoolulion - . Your aPpoinkmenl Shall lone uuto Yfeck upon your acceptance of Lhio appointment. ch Panay dadnont SA Py A Reponelens.. Scanned with CamScanner SAEED EAs a Acceptance Letter Bole '- aslob/20 To, Mls. Coran Prévate Aalnerdhip Bem, #1, cu, Bad, Sndkio Ny fs : fo4, KFC Signal, Bangatde- 56008 _-.- clatmant - BND Mls. Qvoantine Pafate Company, No- 563130, Jacluotetal Area Okhla (Phase, Nao Beli. ypondlenk Rear Sia, Reerence ko Your delter dated - 15"/May |2020 in tue matter of aubiliatidn Siw MIs. Goran Paivate Pautnewhfo Arm anol m/s. Quaintine Putvate Gmpany. totlh rgaence do uke abwe, Jam pleased lo give (oroent to act as an @rbilialet- 7 The bat og knowledge | Tere ale no Crcumolances Ltleety co Sle ub lo fuobipfable cleubly a0 uo ny unedeperdn ce ot impatialu fy : PLO’ Scanned with CamScanner — ot 3 Shall also keep the paubies fingered! of Oy Such Crcumstances aline duaing the Qubidral proceeding. Remuneration for tin yb lratioy. would be Pe. 90,009- Trang You fours . Ms. Coutd/ Scanned with CamScanner as 08 Beroge Tie Sore NeerreatoRr | Kunanson Bunvner, Bnnanore | cose No: Ne- 04 /a0a0 | Beriore nN ™s. Copan Poivave Prornersnnp ips, IF 11, Cmu, Road, Td Prange, Neos, krC, Stmnol , Cangolste- 560028 Cdoimant AND Mls. Quaentane Pervare Corapany tt 562/30, Tnovsteim Den, Okhla ur PhoSe, New Qelhe - Responolent Memorandum Of Cratm Srarement ee a The Cdoimank obove nomecl Submily as Under:- 1. The aoldtess of due claimant fo Service of. Notice, Summonn, ekc., fom thio Hon'ble Cout un OS cdlated fn) dhe Couse kPlle above ond also Coke of tito Counsel me. Re Warsha , Advocole AF 809, 9" Ploys, 10! Croce. Cubbon pet, Bangalite 2. The acloleess of the deopondent joi Service 6 Nnolice, Eunmong ede, fom thin Yon'ble Coual unas Stated in tue Couse ePLie above. . Scanned with CamScanner OES“ 3 1 » The Clofmant ds a Pakuale UPmbled Gompany 07 Porvaleal cndey the Jaelia Gempanien fl cy ‘Compan dhe Reopondent &o aloo patval ¢ tit Led Gnciporaled under clue acllan Competes Nel, 1) ° ° 5 Manog ng Company lo duty eprocaled by vlo Director [hn 2 , io the MOOLTEN. Ranhavendio) Who Go bh Prtnckpat Offices ine Comey , © doy opens one tend ‘ moruf eet bbe q ne Smpany The Claktoant vp a and es Wier anol Suppice q| Elect sons’ Mabeaols 8 cluly WBeensed be Lye Compel ers Quibhool te ne 4 f ne Claimant and tne Pesponclent have enkewed an Ajcement jor Supply of elect ronic molowols month Loorth Q] %.-lool- Care flor 06 !%san 20 ee 05% oct -20 «tol er Olio agaeeting Up Gmpu colin Cerlafn Oblfpakton Cosh Sn enh Of (he praticn.' i as per Lhe Opreemenk Une Claimant ure Lo Supply dhe proclucks bo ordered by the Sepondent, Ao per the Specipienl qualit Fonctavels, The Clatmant twos clo ciopalch clue goods, So Monupactured bo Lue depi?aalfon of q Portico ce Nomed! by the Reopondent- Unchorae ro) Joy 5: The Claimant upon ube rid underolandtan ans Raced on clue Agacement, had oblatoedl the Veqnuile Monupackwaing dicenses ftom lke New Deus Repalmert. The Lempondent los to make the Poymenk a Re. S00I- Comre as Ndvance Lepore te Sup ply 4 goodo, andl seh & Rs. Bool- Crone batance on che veupl cf the goods . The: atteoteal Copy of cle Ogreement “cated fo-19-209 vo heewith ’endleded as “Annexure-A. Scanned with CamScanner f lee | ©. Thal dm purguance lo ute asecement and brand assignment ilelter, the Claimant has Obstatned cue manugacturéag License prom me Electric Cy Boord Control Adminibatron any alde , katnatatca, em Toopeck gy tne procucto And” Copica of the ufcense cis heseusrth encliseo! AS Annex we =. Tat the Lepondent has placed! Purchased Order. cot-co Bilorlaoig On dive Claires The Copi® of the purchase cidess are hescwoith Encleseol and marked cin Nanexwe-8. The Cloimank om purouiance do die purchase Cider cloled —aifralaotd pad effected Lue Scyoplre Ehrough ato Commercial Snueice bearing No SH, Bz oloke- og Jei]9090, Siu, SHS, SHe dated 08|02|8090, SH3, gue. dated 97lo2|20a0, Sud and S10 dakec I5log\G@oao. The Copied: Of the Commesctal tnvoices are hexewwtth nels and Mariel cin fnextae-£. The Reoponclenl hos actenowo.lectge ule Yecespl cpt Y the goods Covered tinder Lue Commercial invorced. J TRok clue Peoponolent tues de malce ty ne + Of the Supplies Loithén 4 day pom the dale of ° cliopatch bat has jotted clo olf 8 anol tue clekmant (was Compelled utp Send rematnolero yb Payment Uide etter cloted 23] 082020 Qnol 9504/2020. * ne Qctn dwwled9 eol the clo ugh the Leopondlend has ole Saiol’ letters bub yectled nace the Thot the eben appuitort jaye, pagent hod dent a cles . ng No Other Alb al : anak had send Hegon aatrC eo the ty i 40-0. 2030 anel colteS epic ae Scanned with CamScanner aa aE a Sum op Re Book Gil, Lorich the Prinaple amour” And the" 12 eln inkerese Qmounl AS ON, 12: ee TRE Copy a tne clegal Aolice vis herewith en : Annex uie- F . The Reoporclent ctaluan hos Pann poy Untlenable deply dabedl 26. 04.9020. and paileo the adlmilted brlonce anount clo the Clofmant . The Copy oy the Reply nobice vio herewith enclpbed as Aan -G- [8- TRok the Respondent hautng jailed uo pay tire admitted amount os pr fle a nen ald having | Yaweol a clispuke Une une mje Covan Rivale | PautnerShip Fim have jatlecl ufo supply the malataly (08 pey the agreement t&mo anol Condlitionn W-eF. 05 |e%/ 2020, the Clafmank hac! no cther alterNotive aather utuan clo invoce Clouse 12 of the fgreement do defer clue cBopube uo ue Arbitrates. te Clatmanl un purouwonce to clue datol Arbitration clause haf Propesed tue nome of the Mi. CoR70 Advocate cto be cppeinked 05 Arbiliodt fo achiudieale tue oleaputt trough Arbrhal process, Vide uty dette. dal-e [glas| 2020. The Coprco Of the letkey of the Cle monk and the feopondent vir hextuith enclese! and maikel OS Pnnexuie- Hl. 9. That the Coponlent Aad foiled to fans C-Foom cto ute Clafmant, tnecgn cue he ae ie Qvailed the Sale clax Concks%on Unde. he Sacol sales Of goods . That pon ol¢¥aule o fhe Respondent 55 {eanvohing the C-Jorm, tortn? Ene assessment Yeo, whith made Lue dadrot. Scanned with CamScanner 12 bo Gemit tue 8ales Tax VAT AGpe7 ne: ue cleprartmenl un a dum of bs. 100! Qete The Reoponolent having fouled Ln Pay | utie balance amount alon Loith Ate 3 | 2 WwIGtr ax VAT anount do tue Clotinant fe due Stipulated and agr eto! are Reoponolent uw Afable lo Pax MMe To oA lamounk aton wit Prteveat ed ond Cuokom onich up as per tue buines Wage a n) had Queol lip yor chee deason clteat ne £ezponclent mm the beneit the dato! amounk all Pers ley The by Vidkue of further dleloy, lve ! Teeendlent | Accenglokec! ule Bs. Zook Gate. Tuathe hopor™s Go uo fable uo paya Sum af BS. 3.05, Oia as en the date of piling the preoent Cow f PeaveR rupereroRe, Clafmunk deopedpully Paayo dtat theo Hon'ble Taebunal may be pleasecl Lo award a dum of Rs. 300/- Cele along Lolth future Enlereol al 18% pet annum pom Yue dete of Lie claim petition Li the dale. of Payment along with tne Ces! g this proceedings an the fnteleot ef Suotice and equity PR Bagth Piguoch7e For Tl: Coven, C Loémant CLATMANT. Bale :- ol 612080 PTO". Scanned with CamScanner Vers rication Slee ey falemaly Raghavendra, the Claimant do heeb 8: Apher and estate that ctuiy ud . oe ae tue and Corseck do the beok of fay &. edge, upemotion & belies . Bangalae a ez , Bale. 1ole6) a0a0 CLofmank Scanned with CamScanner Ne - 04 |2020 Case NO. Belween MIS. Copan Pesuare PrarnersniP Fee, 17, CMH, Road, Sndinanage - Near. KPC Signal, Pangaise- Stood {mane - | Ano- Mis. QungnTmne Pervare Company |F-563 30, Induutsial Mea, Olchlo. @ Phase, Neo Reltt- =. Reg pondend Veereying fers DAVET | oT, TN. Raghavendra Aged about Se years, | SJo Ninge Gowda , PRropifetot Imanoging Direckov of | MIs. Copan Posvare PorrmersnsP Frere, Addwexs vo ad - Zame at Cause Lue, lo hereby Sodlernty ofp & | State on clue oath as follows! - 1. Tam dhe Monaging Aidreclo of the Clas bon ae 4 the meant Pampas a above Ge and I lown the deck op 9 L State uot She quer fermenty Macle uf 1 do 9 Of the Statement ate Duce ve Pata D7 Scanned with CamScanner —] Pp 3. TD gtate uhat the documents guantohed as Annexure “A” uo “Hn” ate onfgfrols | copa a) Ene Or Gi vals VERIFICATION ee Salon TN: Raghavendra , the Clafmant do hereby Sed Abbi andl eSlake tat Ltd vio my RAMEE gnatute avo tne Contents of tno ogpretath ane anol Correct 5 ; ond balg- Ulo the beol ey my Know ledge, tafermeation Taenk? fred by me- RS Ci . es Sit aes Ro Bangalete DePonent Satoon bejore (rie Scanned with CamScanner Beroge Tc Gove NRerTeAToR KanTsn Bunvan, Bananroee Case NO. AC- O4] Qo20 Between | MIs. Copan Pesunve Parersure Fem FF 1. cm Roael, InclPranagps Neat KPC » Saal , Bangatéde -Sooe2e . et. coe Clot | | ™ aE 563) 20, Industsial Area. | 0 Fhda WD Phose, Nao Relut- Respondent Memorandum Or Derence Statement The Respondent above named Submits a3 Uneler:. |. The acleliess Of the Rerpondent jot Service of notice, Summons, ec., (om thin Hon'ble Couxre ud ag Stabent din ue cause Lille above and also Care of ulp Counsel My. AgHiwtn , Relvocate # OI, St Floor , 20 math boflson Geaslen , Bangatée. 2. The RdldlxeS3 0} the Clofmant jf Bewircee o | Notice, Summono etc. from thio Hon'ble Coust uy a8 Slatcol cin the cause Ekle above.. | | | | PT Scanned with CamScanner upmited panies Limited ST Stake, that Reopondent uo 0. Patuake Company Sncoxpowated Undet the Snelian Com Ret | Srmidaily the Clafmankt ub also privale Compa NY Oncovporated Under the Yrelian Companies Reh, The Reoporclent Company tho duly Gepresented by cubs | Managing Bivectoi, [ Png. Pyiya’] who uo the pr?netple | Opbfcer Of the Company cochaage opday lo clay |Cbpatts Of fre Company. The Respondent ub a (ko Contracte ond “ut cluly cLécenoedl by ene Competent authorPEien . . mg nee ‘tho Respondent and Clatmank have Lee ee OR Agyeement Ji Supply of eleckronke oa ety month Leith Of &s eat re fiom 5 15an} 2020 To OSlock |2020, Enter alia agree hic up Comply twofth Cettatn ObdLégation Cost on each ©b the pasties. Tak as per tre Areement te ae &tos up Supply dhe Proclucts Sp ordleied ky Roperdlent, as pr ckhe 8 cited Quallly San 4! Te Clafmant utos uo Mdé&patch ‘the 4 anda (Manuzockired ane Supply uo the clestinalfon Of the (Paulres . 80 Nomeol by the Respondent . 5 TF State thok, Reo , Poncent utos eo u Payment of . 500I- Cove as Advance bejone the | Supply of goods, ancl Seot 2s. 500I- Coxe balance On the aecefpt Of the goods Only. The attested Gey oO} Lhe Agreement doted soldi one do herent, enclosed @S Annexe - fA. Scanned with CamScanner — a e on Stale thal, the Clafmank ulas uo supply ue Cecbiont Matetal Utotth Rs 100]- Cove every ™onth before 5%, k and Pay lems Would 30 cay» Bom tne vecetpt oy the ‘goools. However phere wie a Cela un Sup ply a ood Since pom the mont Of mayeh 8090, and The Resporolent Compa old’ Not Yecekve une goods um the month 6) Rprit 8020. i D TF Slate, thet the P@Ppondent wos do male the | Pegment ee Per the Contracked Take for the product a Supp heed ay the Clofmant & The favof Ws Lacecl by the clofmant utos Worth Rs.190/~ ie and thé clalmank had 4a demanded -acldlation 5 OMOut | 8.85 Gove and te Clafmank Aad nol - Cispatchenl goccls ap tiene, AS Per the Contract o) Sale Agreement © Reopenolent has Lexminakee the Contsact, 8) T Stake that. the reopondent hos Suffered a Loss due uo cate Olelivery Qf, §eeds, The ‘reoponclent Could nol a- Scanned with CamScanner Paaver \, LOMEREFORE, Respondent Seopect pullyy prayo hot oe 1HOn' TRE, Hens fy, buna Moy Gellel nip dispube votth 307% ary [fo eopendens Mink Renden the juice eqully | shes | Rvocre foe. Respondent Reeya | -e \- 1€ lo 6/2020 nd | Dat Reo Ponder Scanned with CamScanner Berore Tue Sore Aeerrearor KhanssA Bnavan, BancAloRe CRse NO. Ac - Ob loogo. Between | MIs. Copan Pesvare Poatneasusp Fem, 13. cm Rac, Sndi-canager, N PC Qs, COX KPC Sfanal t Bangatse - 540038 Clofmank . Ano MIs Qunentane Provarr Company Is 563120, Oncluotefal Pren, | Olchin Gi Phase, New Bete? | -----~- Reopondent VERTFING Nreroaver L, Asuwsn, Agecl about 36 Yeors, Slo | Proprtelos Imanaging Bfrecor o Me Quagntzn€ Pesvare [Company , Rddreid uo as Same at Cause fle, alo heve by Solemnly Oppivm % Slate On the aath Q& fellowFng i 1. 9 am the managing Afreckor of the Rerpondent Com pany i ue Above Cose and 9 Ienow the foots 4 the Gse. 9.7 Stake tot \ uo Q o the tne auermento made um por Bjatement are diue. Scanned with CamScanner al Stake that , the document, furiniohed are Nue Copi'en Of the 87! gfnals. VERT Fac PION EE CHTION | TL. FAsunosy The Res °, : Pend Oppiam and Stake ctuat a Ss needs oy pale au 7 Contents Of thin abbiooutf as Ipue fi : ec a bait due bert of my Knowledge, Injormatfon | Tolentified by me cess | Pra habe Aduocote Deponen « Banaalene Svwsn Belore Me ate wla6lerae Scanned with CamScanner

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