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Newton's First Law
• Inertia
• Frames of reference
Learning Newton's Second Law
materials • Acceleration
• Friction
Newton's Third Law
• Dynamics is the study of how forces affect the motion of objects and

• It considers the causes of motion of objects and systems of interest, where

a system is anything being analyzed.

• The foundation of dynamics are the laws of motion stated by Isaac Newton

• These laws provide an example of the breadth and simplicity of principles

under which nature functions.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
• A body at rest remains at rest or, if in motion, remains in motion at a
constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force. The net
external force is the vector sum of all external forces.

• A net force of zero means that an object is either at rest or moving

with constant velocity; that is, it is not accelerating. Equilibrium is
achieved when the forces on a system are balanced.

• Newton's First Law of Motion is often called the Principle of Inertia.

• Inertia is the ability of an object to resist changes in its motion, in other words, to resist

• Newton's First Law of Motion is often called the Principle of Inertia.

Example of inertia and its effect on us

the effect of it during driving and braking.
When a car is in motion, so is the body of the driver.
The brakes of the car, act on the tires, forcing the car to stop moving.
At the same time, if no force is exerted on the driver, then the body will continue moving at the
same speed as before, resulting in an accident.
The body is using its ability to resist changes in its motion according to the Principle of
A seat-belt is forcing the body to stop as the car brakes in the first
image. As shown in the second image, the body would continue to
move with its initial speed unless a force is exerted to it by the seat-belt
according to the Principle of Inertia.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
inertia and mass
Mass is a measure of the
object’s resistance to
changes in motion due to a
The more mass an object
has, the more inertia it has (and
the harder it is to change its
Frame of reference
• To describe the motion of an object, you must first be able to describe its position at any
particular time.
• More precisely, the position has to be specified relative to a convenient frame of
• A frame of reference is an arbitrary set of axes from which the position and motion of an
object are described.
For example:
a plane flying could be described in terms of the position of the airplane with respect to
a big city,
whereas a cyclist’s position could be described in terms of where they are in relation to
one tree.
• Frames of reference where Newton's Laws of Motion are valid are called inertial frames.
They are frames where the Principle of Inertia is true. An inertial frame of reference has
a constant velocity.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
• Also known as the Law of Force and Acceleration.
• The acceleration of a system is directly proportional to and in the same direction as
the net external force acting on the system and is inversely proportional to its mass.
• In equation form, Newton’s Second Law :
a = ΣF/m
where: a is the acceleration,
ΣF or Fnet is the net force (see Newton’s First Law of Motion)
m is the mass.
This is often written in the more familiar form: ΣF = ma,
but the first equation gives more insight into what Newton’s Second Law means.

When only the magnitude of force and acceleration is considered, this equation can be
written in the simpler scalar form: Fnet = ma.
• Average acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes.
• Acceleration is a vector quantity.
• The vector of acceleration is in the same direction as the change in
• As velocity is also a vector that may change in magnitude or in
direction or both, similarly acceleration changes in speed or direction,
or both.
• The rate of downward acceleration of objects on Earth due to the
force of gravity is around 9.81 m/s2.
• As expressed in Newton's Second Law of motion:
the acceleration of a system is directly proportional to and in the
same direction as the net external force acting on the
system and is inversely proportional to its mass.

Box accelerating as the result of the external force.

Components form of Newton’s Second Law of
In a two-dimensional problem:
• A free-body diagram used.
• First, the forces must be resolved into x- and y-components.
• Then, apply the second law in each direction.
• Forces acting on the x- direction are responsible for the acceleration
in this direction.
• For the forces acting on the y- direction and their effect on the
acceleration on this direction.
Components form of Newton’s Second Law of
Newton's second law of motion
expressed in components
for each direction.

It applies to problems on velocity,

acceleration and

ax = a cos θ
ay = a sin θ
• average speed of an object is defined as the total
distance traveled (regardless of path taken) divided by
the total time elapsed
total distance
Average speed 
elapsed time
v 
• It takes time for an object to undergo a displacement
• average velocity is the rate at which the displacement occurs

• Velocity can be positive or negative

t is always positive
• a vector quantity
• the velocity of a particle changes while the particle is moving.
• rate of change of velocity
• It has direction

Example: the magnitude of a car’s velocity increases when you

step on the gas and decreases when you apply the brakes.

• Units are m/s² (SI), cm/s² (cgs), and ft/s² (US Cust)
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
• Also known as the Law of action and reaction
• Whenever one body exerts a force on a second body, the first body
experiences a force that is equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction to the force that it exerts.

• A car hitting the wall, exerts a force on the wall equal in

magnitude and opposite in direction.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Applications of Newton's first law of motion. Provide explanations for each application.
• Blood rushes from your head to your feet while quickly stopping when riding on a descending

• The head of a hammer can be tightened onto the wooden handle by banging the bottom of the
handle against a hard surface.

• A brick is painlessly broken over the hand of a physics teacher by slamming it with a hammer.
(CAUTION: do not attempt this at home!)

• To dislodge ketchup from the bottom of a ketchup bottle, it is often turned upside down and
thrusted downward at high speeds and then abruptly halted.

• Headrests are placed in cars to prevent whiplash injuries during rear-end collisions.

• While riding a skateboard (or wagon or bicycle), you fly forward off the board when hitting a
curb or rock or other object that abruptly halts the motion of the skateboard.
Problems: Solution:
1. A skier with a mass of 144.1 lbs. Convert mass from lbs. to kg
moving with an acceleration of 2.1 mass = 144.1 lbs. x 1kg/2.2 lbs.
m/s2 down a slope of 15°. Find the = 65.5 kg
net force occur, weight of the skier F = 65.5 x 2.1 m/s2 = 137.55 N
and the acceleration in x and y Weight of the skier:
components. FN F = mg = 65.5 kg x 9.81 m/s2
= 642.56 N
Solving for x and y components of
a = 2.1 m/s2 a acceleration:
ax = a cos θ 150 = 2.1x cos 150
m = 144.1 lbs. 15 0
FG = 2.0 m/s2
Θ = 15 0 ay = a sin θ = -2.1 sin 150
Rqd: net force, weight of the skier = - 0.54 m/s2
x and y components of the acceleration
Assignment no.5
To the partners:
Provide/design and perform an experiment that applies the 3 Newton’s
Law of Motion
Discuss each Law as you perform the activity
start with the First Law, Second Law and Third Law.
In performing use video conference in your channel, record it and
convert to mp4 and upload in your channel

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