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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Program: BSc Mechanical Engineering Course: Project Management & Engineering

Assignment: Complex Engineering Problem Economics, ME-271
Maximum Marks: 20 Session: 2019, 4th Semester
Submission Date: 09/07/2021 Year: Spring 2021

Class ID: “29115458”

Enrollment Key: “PM&EE,CEP21”
The Mall Project
Read the case titled “The Mall Construction Project - Developing the Schedule” and
answer the following questions.

1. Set up the Emporium project on MS Project for all activities. Make sure the currency
is PKR and the calendar are set so that there are 5.5 working days per week. Include
public holidays during the time. The timelines should be adequately set to represent
the project (use two levels of the timeline).

2. Make logical assumptions regarding dependencies (insert these as notes). Include

some overall buffer in the total schedule for unanticipated disruptions to the work.

3. Make sure all project activities are tying into an Activity on Node (AON) style
network. Identify the critical path/s.

4. Assuming all work has been outsourced, assign the various contractors to the

5. Make sure the project is scheduled to finish 15 days BEFORE the requisite time of
975 working days.

6. Was 975 days a realistic schedule? Describe how you managed to do 4?

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