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Types of antibiotics

There are hundreds of types of antibiotics some of them listed as

1. Penicillin
2. Lincomycin
3. Quinolones
4. Macrolides
5. Glycopeptides
6. Tetracycline
7. Cephalosporin
8. Carbapenem
9. Aminoglycosides
10. Sulfonamide
11. Fluoroquinolone
Most antibiotics include into their individual class. In which antibiotics have a same chemical
properties and pharmacological properties. Chemical structure looks similar and drug with the
same class may kill the same and related bacteria.

However, it is important that antibiotics is not use without doctor prescription even it is the
same class or the antibiotics which are prescribe previously. Antibiotics are specific for type of
bacteria they kill and you need full treatment and regimen to effectively to cure your infection
so don’t over use and left over antibiotics.

Another name for this class is the beta lactam antibiotics, referring to their chemical
structure. This class contain five group of antibiotics . Aminopenicillin , antipseudomonal
inhibitors, natural penicillin, beta lactamase inhibitors . And this antibiotics is use to treat
various skin disease and urinary tract infection.
Common antibiotics iclude in this class is given as:

Generic Brand name example

Amoxicillin Amoxil

Amoxicillin and clavulanates Augmentin, Augmentin es 600, Augmentin sr

Ampicillin Unasyn

Oxacillin Bactocil (discontinued )

Certain penicillinase resistant penicillin (such as oxacillin or dicloxacillin) are inherently
resistant to certain beta-lactamase enzymes by themselves. Others, for example, amoxicillin or
ampicillin have greater antibacterial activity when they are combined with a beta-lactamase
inhibitor like clavulanate, sulbactam, or tazobactam.

Tetracyclines are broad-spectrum against many bacteria and treat conditions
such as acne, urinary tract infections (UTIs), intestinal tract infections, eye infections, sexually
transmitted diseases, periodontitis (gum disease), and other bacterial infections. The
tetracycline class contains drugs such as:

Generic Brand Name Examples

demeclocycline Declomycin
doxycycline Adoxa, Doryx, Doxy 100, Oracea, Vibramycin
eravacycline Xerava
minocycline Dynacin, Minocin, Solodyn
omadacycline Nuzyra
tetracycline Panmycin, Sumycin

(such as tetracycline and doxycycline) – can be used to treat a wide range of

infections, but are commonly used to treat acne and a skin condition called

There are five generations of cephalosporins, with increasing expanded
coverage across the class to include gram-negative infections. Newer generations with updated
structures are developed to allow wider coverage of certain bacteria. Cephalosporins are
bactericidal (kill bacteria) and work in a similar way as the penicillins. Cephalosporins treat
many types of infections, including strep throat, ear infections, urinary tract infections, skin
infections, lung infections, and meningitis. Common medications in this class include:
Generic Brand Name Examples

cefaclor Ceclor (brand discontinued)

cefdinir Omnicef (discontinued)
cefotaxime Claforan
ceftazidime Avycaz, Fortaz, Tazicef
ceftriaxone Rocephin (discontinued)
cefuroxime Zinacef

The fifth generation (or next generation) cephalosporin known as ceftaroline (Teflaro) is active
against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Avycaz contains the the beta-
lactamase inhibitor avibactam. (such as cephalexin) – used to treat a wide range of infections, but
some are also effective for treating more serious infections, such as septicaemia and meningitis

The quinolones, also known as the fluoroquinolones, are a synthetic, bactericidal
antibacterial class with a broad-spectrum of activity. The quinolones can be used for difficult-to-
treat urinary tract infections when other options are aren’t effective, hospital-acquired
pneumonia, bacterial prostatitis, and even anthrax or plague.
The FDA has issued several strong warnings about this class due to potential disabling side
effects. Learn More: Fluoroquinolone Antibacterial Drugs for Systemic Use: Drug Safety
Communication - Warnings Updated Due to Disabling Side Effects
Common drugs in the fluoroquinolone class include:

Generic Brand Name Examples

ciprofloxacin Cipro, Cipro XR

levofloxacin Levaquin
moxifloxacin Avelox

This class has activity against gram-positive aerobes and anaerobes (bacteria that can
live without oxygen), as well as some gram-negative anaerobes. The lincomycin derivatives may be used
to treat serious infections like pelvic inflammatory disease, intra-abdominal infections, lower respiratory
tract infections, and bone and joint infections. Some forms are also used topically on the skin to treat
acne. These drugs include:
Generic Brand Name Examples

clindamycin Cleocin, Cleocin T, Evoclin

lincomycin Lincocin

The macrolides can be use to treat community-acquired pneumonia, pertussis (whooping
cough), or for uncomplicated skin infections, among other susceptible infections. Ketolides are a newer
generation of antibiotic developed to overcome macrolide bacterial resistance. Frequently prescribed
macrolides are:

Generic Brand Name Examples

azithromycin Zithromax
clarithromycin Biaxin
erythromycin E.E.S., Ery-Tab, Eryc

Sulfonamides are effective against some gram-positive and many gram-negative bacteria,
but resistance is widespread. Uses for sulfonamides include urinary tract infections (UTIs), treatment or
prevention of pneumocystis pneumonia, or ear infections (otitis media). Familiar names include:

Generic Brand Name Examples

sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim Bactrim, Bactrim DS, Septra

sulfasalazine Azulfidine
sulfisoxazole (product discontinued) Eryzole (discontinued), Gantrisin (discontinued)

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