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Fourth Semester of Three Year LL.B. Examination, June 2011

INSURANCE LAW (Optional - I) (Course - II)
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer all 5 Questions.

2. One essay type and one short note question or problem
from each unit have to be attempted, which is referred as
part (a) and (b) in all the units.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answers should be written either in English or in Kannada

Q. No. 1. (a) Discuss the history and development of Life Insurance in

India. Marks : 15
oodddQd ^ed £dodo gdsod dodo ddddddodo d^r^o.
* CO _D <={

Explain the procedures for the registration of Insurance
£d^) ^odddd ddeoddrroAdod d&dbdddo=i. £do^o.
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5
wd^oo :
Composition of Insurance Regulatory and Development
^ d ^ ddoodra
e $* dOaQ do.Qsodd
-d *
djdd6" £do.
0403 - 2 - lllllllllllllllll

Q. No. 2. (a) Discuss the importance of insurable interest in the contract of

insurance. Marks : 15
<qd) tdoddQ
d £ d ) ddsdddo
co _o
c3 A
What is premium ? Under what circumstances it can be
recovered back ?
£)d)dodo qoddedb c d ) d doddrddd eddo doDdoA dddowdod: c
* CO ©(,

(b) Anand takes out a policy on the life of his wife and subsequently
divorces her. Does policy continue to be valid ? Marks : 5
fdoddo dd=i. dodddo ddod todo dsQ^dodo=i. dddoS^>do,dsd.
v> s>
ed^d qqsd qdeddddo
y =l
f dsQ^doo ssd^do wddsA Q
dooodbdodoodde c
‘P’ insured against fire and burglary in respect of his furnitures
and house hold goods etc. in his house on the first floor of a
building. There was a burglary and he claimed compensation
for the loss of the things insured. The insurer refused the claim
on the ground that ‘P’ did not disclose the fact that there was a
burglary in the ground floor of the same building three years
back. Is insurer liable ?
todo dwdd
d&dod dodsdoQ)dod
dd< doddo qed^>edddg)ddo
gdd dsdddodd doed ‘P’ qo^odddo eAA dodo _c

qdodQ qdododo®t g^ddo.

dodd ddddoqdod
dddo^od qdo g$^d
dddodd d ^ a zdS d dOdsdsaA
^ qddddrddo<=CSedodsd.
—c fd d do^>do
ddrdd dod ede dddd dd dodsdoQ ddddod) f d qisdddo ‘P’
do qddddrdd w&dod d sd d gdod)dood qd)ddrdo dodsdddo
dedco ddsdododsd. -0
^d)ddrdo ^ds^sddsdodsddbe
Q -£>

Q. No. 3. (a) Discuss the circumstances affecting the risk in life insurance. Marks : 15
^ed qdodoQco edsdod doed doysdo dedod doddrdddo
* <={
O R /e d ^ >

Explain about third party or compulsory insurance of Motor

d^>e^sd dsdddd do^dde dd edds ddsdo
a-c * a
qdododoa qdo^o.
-3- 0403

(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5

1 oj
wd^DO X
Assignment of life insurance policy.
^ed ad> dd)Fdy.
O R /e ^ s
Public Liability Insurance.
dsdF&aS StaySO®1ad).

Q. No. 4. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms ‘Fire’ and ‘Loss by Fire’. Marks : 15
‘e h ’ dDdD ‘eh^Dosrf s a ’ qoa ^rfdd e^FddD adeao.
O R /e ^ s
Discuss about the general conditions in a standard fire policy.
torfD d^jrfo eh ad^> sd^^DddDd aadW2 add^^dD I ^ f ^ o.
©t CO ) _o ©t

(b) Window glasses of a shop were insured and policy covered

breakages from any risk except fire. A fire occurred in a
neighbouring premises and taking advantage of it a mob broke
the insured glasses to commit theft. Is insurer liable for the loss
of the glass ? Marks : 5
torfD eoda^D ddd na^gd^ d>ed a d D ^ d -c eh^>
Staddah g d a d r f esja^Daorf frf sA^Dd'D f
t^ntaosdo. eoris^D srf^rf fddrarf^ eh fS^Sd) do^&dD f
dorf^Frf e^Dstaod^DdO c^drf torfD s^dd nDo^) S^.dd d^dQsa.h
eoda^D D^Dd^d) °C
d;o^Dd;. h nasod^ s a d ad^SdFd
StaydaddadDdde c
O R /e ^ s
‘X’ has insured his house against fire. After, ‘X’ the vendor,
agreed to sell the same house to ‘Y’, the purchaser. But before
completion of the sale the house was burnt down. Is purchaser
‘Y’ entitled to insurance amount ?
‘X’ dDddk dd^D d e d ehk a d d d =i. ada^cDdad.
-f dodd f d d d d =i.
‘Y’ d addaa tastadjdad. frfd d^jdaa ^pgF aadd
dtarfd f d d d D eh^Dorf daD sdsdDdrf. £>oearfaddarf ‘Y’dD
■A eJ _o

f dddD aadSrarfd S S d ytaoadDdaddDe

co o ®t -0
0403 -4- lllllllllllllllll

Q. No. 5. (a) What is marine insurance ? Explain the kinds of marine policies. Marks : 15
ddo ddo qodOedo c ddo ddodoQOod
a a d1 dddo d^Q^dddo<={
Discuss about “Change of Voyage” and “Deviation”.
“d^)d ddo>dy ” dodo
“d^)dFddo>dra ” dd doodo d^r^o.
(b) The ventilators of a ship were closed to prevent the entry of
sea water and rain. This closing of ventilators damaged the
rice, which was insured against the perils of the sea, due to
excessive heat. Is it a loss due to perils of the sea ? Marks : 5
todo ddAdQ)dod ddo g$^d e&dodo ddood, deOo dodo dod^ood
dood^A ddAd rra^oSdodo“ i. doodo>^odo.
gdood tdAd
i d d dd>A e&d ddd^^odo. gdo ddood, dodsoddQod f d
d d qodo dodddadode c
The master of the ship stored timber on deck and sailed without
certificate from the concerned office as required by the law.
The timber was lost due to perils of the sea. Is the insurer liable
for the loss ?
todo ddAd dd)do~ eJ sadtadd d.rod
— ' doaoddaed ddeo^ood
d,d^g)dd,ddo=i, dddos^dde^d
1 ro
eddo=j, dddodQd^ d ^od)^
doOd adodddo
& ©t
ddAd doeood^dQao_o co g j
cd^dddooj, d^dod^d.

ddooa,edo dod^oddd^od f doOd aa^ddo dsartodradodd. h

d>dd ad^ddrdo d^rar^dd^rodsddoe c
Fourth Semester of Three Year LL.B. Examination, January 2012
INSURANCE LAW (Optional - I) (Course - II)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer all 5 questions.

2. One essay type and one short note question or problem from
each Unit have to be attempted, which is referred as part (a)
and part (b) in all the units.

3. Figures to the right indicate marks.

4. Answers should be written completely either in English or in

Kannada .


Q.No. 1. (a) Discuss the powers and functions of Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority. Marks : 15

d d ) ddoodra dodo e $ d a doQsodd eQsodddo dodo sodorrtddo

d ^ r^ o .

O R /e$ as

Discuss about the history of Life Insurance.

^ e d d d o d o gdsodddo d ^ r ^ o .

(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5

o d1o ^ dcJd w d ^o o :

History of Marine Insurance.

d d o d d o d o gdsod.

O R /e$ as

Registration of Insurance companies.

d d ) dod^rtd dtaeodd.
0403 -2-


Q.No. 2. (a) Explain the principle of “Causa-Proxima”. Marks : 15

“ daoed rodra” ddddo

ad o^o .

O R /e$ qs

Discuss about the classification of Contracts of Insurance.

a d d td ooJ d d d dAreddraddo>={ d d r ^ o .

(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5

ddAd dddraddo d ra rd o ^o .

Rama takes out a policy on the life of Seeta, whom he proposes

to marry. Is it valid ?

d sd d qdodddo d d ^do dod ddd ddo d ^eds> q d odd d ^ e d d doed

adododo=g^dodsd. gdo d,doadde
1 - 0 Q c
O R /e$ qs

Vinod had a policy of life insurance. Policy lapsed due to

non-payment of premium. He applied for the renewal of the policy.
In the application form for renewal, one of the questions was
w hether between the date of lapse of the policy and the
application for the renewal of the policy, he suffered from any
illness. Vinod answered ‘No’. The renewal was granted, but
subsequently Insurance Company came to know that during that
period Vinod underw ent treatm ent for some skin trouble.
Insurance company wants to avoid liability on that ground. Can
it do so ?

a d d e d qoaodddo ^ e d a d d q>d^dodo=i. ddoaddo. a d d doddo

a =i.

dooad g dCD 52>dra52>,A

q>d^doo daddodo.
q > d ^ d o daeddraddA
eddo e ^ r d o d o< addddo. f e ^ r d o df'Oadd^doo d d sCO
d adaod
a d d ^ d o daeddra e ^ r a d d d a d d a d d d e d d o cdd d)d e
eadddedaod adddde q o a d d gdo. addeddo f d,dd “ g d d ” qodo
id _D
o ^ d d o . qsd^dodo=i. daedoddddodo. f d d a d d doddd addeddo
f e d a d o d ddord, d o a o a ^d ddedd, ^dd dddoddod a d d o dodd
d^dodo. a d d dodddoo gde dddraddA d d y n s o d d o o d da^dddoo
oJ V>
edo add d d d a a o d e c
-3- 0403

Q.No. 3. (a) How is life insurance different from other insurances ? Explain. Marks : 15

ded ^dodoo i $ d .adort^Aod dert ddd>A rf c £d o^o .

O R /e$ as

Explain the rules governing the assignment of life insurance


ded d d d dsO&do d n ird ra rt ed^dodod

ddodortddo<=i d d o^o .

(b) Write a short note on : Marks : 5

o d1o d dcJd w d ^o o :

Kinds of Life Insurance.

ded dd o d o d ^d rtd o .

O R /e$ as

Claims Tribunal under Motor Vehicles Act.

d d edid o d d d s id ^ d d s d o fid atedd ddd^Qeddra.
CO CO 2) 1


Q.No. 4. (a) What is Fire Insurance ? Explain its nature.

eA“ i. dd0 qorfdedo c e rfd d^dddddo

cS =i.
d d o ^o . Marks : 15

O R /e ^ ^ s

Discuss the doctrines “Subrogation” and “Contribution”.

“ d m £d d ” dodo
“ dodrt” dddddo
cd <d d r ^ o .
(b) Decide the following case. Marks : 5

£dAd dddraddo d ra r^o ^o .

Shobha has insured her jewels against loss by fire. During
summer she kept the jewels in a newspaper and placed them for
safety in the fire-place to prevent burglars from noticing them.
Later without removing jewels, as she forgot about them, she set
the fire and they were burnt and damaged. Is insurer liable for
the loss ?
d ^ e o i qdodddo dd fd d ra rt^ rt eA .ddododo g^dodsd. ddrtd ort
f^ d ra rtd w rtd ^d o ^d rfo rfo e ^rtd d ^d e ^rtd o Q d d d d ^d ta d rt deo^
d o d rta s d d d rt g d o d_oid . e d o d d e d d o fd *d r a r td wrtA d d & ooorf
d o d rt^ s rt* e A d o d o d d o s id . g d o o d f ^ d r a n d o dowo
didrtddnirtodd? -D
h d ld r t ^ d ^ d d rd o ^ d s ^ id
de c
O R /e$ as
0403 -4-

‘A’ has insured his house against fire. Afterwards he only assigned
the fire policy to ‘B’ without transferring any interest in the house.
If that house is damaged by fire after this assignment of policy,
can ‘B’ recover the amount under the policy ?

‘A ’ qidodddo
dd=i. dodri e h=i. ^ d o ^ d o=i. g$^d>d.
dodd eddo ‘B’
q d o< d d d ri f doddo d ^ d d e ddsdadodb
_D <
d d d d dedo e h<
<ddd d ^ ^ d d d ra rd d o d s d . h d s ^ d o d ra rd ra dodd f dodri
e h=i.d o o d d s d d ^ d d , ‘B’ do f e h< d d ^ ro
dddow d ode c


Q.No. 5. (a) Explain the different kinds of losses in Marine Insurance.

d d o ddbdoQ d d d d dssdrid d ^ d d d d d o ^o .
CO 1 J -' «={
Marks : 15

O R /e d ^s

What is “Deviation” ? Under what circumstances it is excused ?

‘d d r ir d d o d r a ’ qoddedo c eddo4 d ^ )d doddrridQ

CO&Oi _D

(b) Decide the following case.

ddhd dddraddb d ra rd o ^o .

A ship valued at Rs. 30 crores is insured with ‘A’ for Rs. 10 crores
and with ‘B’ for Rs. 10 crores. If the ship suffers a damage of
Rs. 3 crores, what amount can be recovered from ‘A ’ and ‘B’ ? Marks : 5

30 d>ed d d d > ^ o ddfcrodod to d o d d d d o ‘A ’ d i d 10 d>ed

ctad^dori dbdo
‘B’ d—Di d 10 d>ed ctad^dori ddo g ^ d o ^ d o . f
d d h ri 3 d>ed ctad^doriddoeJ d s d d ^ d d ‘A ’ dbdo
B cflood qdoeJ
draddo d d d o ^ d o d o c

O R /e d ^s

A ship is arrested in England for the smuggling activities. Is the

insurer liable for the resulting loss ?

to d o ddrio dd, dw odddrah godod^dQ woQdodd. g d d

d o y s d b d o d fr io d dsdri d d d d d rd o d> yri>dde c
Fourth Semester of Three Year LL.B. Examination, June/July 2012
INSURANCE LAW (Optional - I) (Course - II)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer all 5 Questions.

2. One essay type and one short note question or problem from
each Unit have to be attempted, which is referred as Part (a)
and Part (b) in all the Units.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answer should be written completely either in English or in

Q. No. 1. (a) Discuss the state control of Insurance business in India. Marks : 15
* 0 0
,£d^ d2; d ^ d d dbed r o ^0d ddbodraddb d d r^o .
O R /0 ^ 3
Explain the history and growth of Insurance in India.
<£dbdb gte>d dbsb
ddddddbdb©(. <£do^.
(b) Insurance Market. Marks : 5
<£d^ dd)dd d .
O R /0 ^ 3
Investment of Life fund.
ded dQdb aotoQ&

Q. No. 2. (a) What is Premium ? What is the effect of non payment of
premium on the policy ? What reliefs are provided against the
forfeiture of the policy for non-payment of premium. Marks : 15
<£d^odb qoddedb c ^ d ^ d>d^db dbed ^odb d»d<I>dQdbddd
doysdbdedb c ^odb dsdiBdadbd d»d^db dbb^be J d^edd ^dbdQ
gdbd do^>drte»d)d) C
O R /0 ^ 3
0403 -2-

What is assignment of an insurance policy ? State the rules

relating to assignment of policies in contract of Insurance.
a d ^ d>0^db d r o r d y qoddedb c adbdb dd>Qd6CO d>0^db
d r o r d y dbQdod gdbd adbdbd^db< 3®%>.
(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5
d^dd d,ddF) drar^bS) :
Goutham an insurance policy holder assigned his policy to
Guru by endorsing upon the policy. But that assignment of
policy from Goutham to Guru was not informed to the Insurance
Company. Whether notice to the insurer is necessary for the
validity of the assignment ?
adte d>$s>dbdb d ^oa dcd dsddbdb, dbdb qoabddd
d b ^d b d b< edd dbed daedodbd
db^od ddar^bftnsd.
f d d h d>>0^db dd»Fdydbdb add) doddd ^ftdbdiQo.
d>>0^db d ro rd y d b d d ^ d d b t od adydoddd 3$dbd)db
Ranjith insured on wheat in his warehouse against fire. He sold
the wheat to a company of which he was the sole substantial
share holder. Thereafter most of the wheat destroyed by fire
and he demanded that he should be indemnified. But the
insurance company refused to indemnify the loss. Can the
Insurance Company do so ?
dodddb dd< d^ed»abdddbd
co d^ead
* doddb ddd
eJ adbdQ a d y
eddb ■h d^eadbdb
1 ^
todb doddd d^dbdbd.
dodddb6 gddb d d d do&db deddb dtaoadbd. dodd dd
d^>ed»abddmda d^eadbb
1 doddb edbdbdaod ddd,
ejtf t ^ r o dbdd.
f ddddb
ej oj.
ddd dboad^ddedodb a d y dodddbdboj. de^bdbd.
_ d
dodddbb dde J dbodd^dob ddbdedbdd.
a d y dodddb d>d
dd»dedadbd c
-3- 0403
Q. No. 3. (a) Who are the persons entitled to payment of Life Insurance
money ? Marks : 15
ded ddodb draddo d d d ddd^b dddbodsd
O R /e ^ s
What are the contents of Life Insurance Policy ?
ded d d d d>0^dbo tdd^oddbd e od d^d d ) c
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5

d dcJd wddoQ :
Nature of Life Insurance
dedddd dbra d.radcd
O R /e ^ s
Compulsory Insurance of Motor Vehicles.
dtae^db d>dddd dd>dba

Q. No. 4. (a) What are the characteristics of Fire Insurance ? Marks : 15
eA ddbdb dora odpd«>d)d) C
O R /e ^ s
What are the contents of a Fire Policy ? State its scope.
d»0^dbo tdd^oddod eodd^»d)d) w w
c edd d»„&dbdb
2; _o «L

(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5

ddAd dddraddo £>rar^o^ :
Gowrov insured his car with Galaxy Insurance Company, later
with another company called Moon Insurance Company.
Gowrov’s car become liable in damage to a motor cyclist. Which
insurance company is liable to compensate the loss to motor
cyclist ?
d ^ d d dd d>Qd d o #r\) d d d dod^^ood ddo ddQd>d. CO
d b ^ d d d d dod£)db6db^)
ddoj. d>od ddb ddQd>d.C2
d>do tweJ dVd dd»d^)d ddeJ io ^o d d Q d . d d d d d d dod^dbo
ddd dd>d^)d ddeJ dbod ddddeddbdd -o c
0403 -4-

Santhosh insured his sugar in the godown against fire for an

amount of Rs. 50 lakhs. In a fire accident his sugar stock worth
of Rs. 38 lakhs lost by fire. To what extent insurance co. is liable
for the loss.
dod^eqf dd ddedodod£> di,dd eAddododo dta. 50 od§,
ddQdod. eA fd ^ ia o d dd^ d|ddoo dd. 38 odddo^ dddoAd.
ddfeidrdo q i&oeJ do^
ddydoddoAdod> CO

Q. No. 5. (a) What are the excluded losses under the Marine Insurance. Marks : 15
id o qdodo£>co dedddadod ddddodd
Explain the various kinds of policies in Marine Insurance.
id o qdodo£>dco
d d d' d£>0^dddo©c dde^.
(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5
idAd didraddo dedferd^ :
The rats grawed a hole in a pipe and sea water entered damaging
the cargo of wheat and there was no negligence on the port of the
carrier. Whether insurance company is liable for the loss ?
ddAd£>co g6ddo ddAd d0(qd6co dod id
ddddoCO h dod.d
dedo ddAd£>cc doAf \ ddA d^d
co CO
d^ead doddoooaoddQd.
ddAd ddio dodydod d^d)de d o r ^ dteeododjao^. ddfe
iodddoo dteydoddododddoe_D
The policy on a ship on a round voyage from Mumbai to Chennai.
But from Chennai to Mumbai she neglected to take sufficient
coal as its fuel to reach Mumbai and as a consequence she had
to burn some her fittings and cargo as fuel and claimed the loss.
Whether insurer is liable for such a loss ?
todo ddAd doooadodood d d0 d dodo _D
o ddAd d d d do0^dodo©^ dead. f d d dddood
doooadorf dddo d d d dd o d^ri ddoj. dor?1 c0£)
„ddaod i6dodo
n C2 oj.
edd idoduoA f doy>dod£>A dddo dd©c SoPw
id id ra d d d ooj. dodo
d _
ddiodddooj. idodooA wdad. h ddddo eJ

dooaiddoo ie^d. a d d iodddoo h dd3 ddyrodde c

Fourth Semester of Three Year LL.B. Examination, December 2012

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer all S questions.

2. One essay type and one short note question or problem
from each Unit have to be attempted, which is referred as
Part (a) and Part (b) in all the Units.
3. Figures to the right indicates marks.
4. Answers should be written completely either in English or
in Kannada.


Q. No. 1. (a) Explain briefly the provisions of Insurance Act 1938. Marks : 15
eQ d^blb 1938 d ilw o d r& d b lo&ldbA <£|Q^Q.

Explain the procedure for the registration of Insurance

^o ld r& d^eoldSnsAdbl l|lb r te d b £|Q^Q.

(b) Write note on : Marks : 5

wd^bQ :

History of Life Insurance.

l e i <£lb^b

Composition of Insurance Regulatory and Development

<£l^ d^bodra Ibdb
_D e i l 0a Q ^b.Q5bdd
‘ d id .

0403 -2-


Q. No. 2. (a) Explain the principle of “Causa - proxima”. Marks : 15

“ daoed sodra’’ ddddo
CO Oi.

“A Contract of Insurance is a contract of utmost good faith”.

a d d taod'd)
cJ w

(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5

£dAd dddraddo arardo^o:

Mr. Abhishek takes out a policy on the life of his wife and
subsequently divorces her. Does the policy continue to be
valid ?
eaded dd d o d d d o d e d d doed to d o aad^dodooj.
dddoeddoaod edodd edab ed^d adedd aedoaod. f
V -o £jJ _D

a o d ^ d d sodddo addon dOoodbdodOod)de c


Write a note on “policy”.

‘aod^’ do dbed ddddodo
cJ oj.


Q. No. 3. (a) Compare life insurance with other types of insurance. Marks : 15
ded adododo i d adodd^oQd dded^o.

Define life insurance. Explain various kinds of life insurance

ded adodo d o6 d6l^ Q . ded adodo a a d dm dd dod^dddo

-3- 0403

(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5


a dcJd addoQ:
‘Claims Tribunal’ under Motor Vehicles Act.
dtaeasdo dsdd 5sd^>adQdo0d
co ‘3edoo
co ds.ddaeddra’.
OR/0 ^ 3
Public liability Insurance.
dsdraad dtaydsQ^ ado.


Q. No. 4. (a) Define fire Insurance. Explain “Insurable interest in fire

insurance”. Marks : 15
eh adododo ds^ga^.
o u
eh adodo£>d
a d d &dsd&dodo
Discuss the essential elements of fire insurance.
ehoj. adodo edgddd
a a eoddddo^ Id r^ Q .
(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5
§dhd dddraddo arardo^Q :
A has insured his house against fire. Afterwards he only
assigned the fire policy to “B” without transferring any interest
in the house. If that house is damaged by fire after this
assignment of policy. Can “B” recover the amount under the
‘e ’ do dd dodd eh adododo g ^ a s d . dodd eddo ‘a ’ d f
doddo ddd)de adsd^^odo ddsodd dddde 3edo eh a d d
ds£>^dodo ddsFdododsd. h " d s ^ d o d ris rd y dodd f
dodd ehdood d s a d d d d ‘a ’ do f e h a s d ds6^doado0 CO

draddo dddoadod c
During the course of fire accident a mob looted the insured goods.
Is Insurer liable ?
do& edsdodd d o d ^ r d ^ todo dood ado g ^ ^ d ddsbdddo
o^>a dddodsd.
a d d ^ d r ddyd"sddsdodsdd>o
0403 -4-

Q. No. 5. (a) What is “Deviation” ? Under what circumstances it is excused ? Marks : 15

‘d to d r w d o d y ’ qoddedo c eddo«(, cCtod doddrdd£>

* co

Cd> —0
O R /0 ^ 3

Explain the types of Marine Insurance Policies.

ddo ddoco d d d £©0^rtddo dde^Q.

(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5

3dftd dddrartddo srar^oao :
The Crew of the ship forced the master to take back the ship
to home port due to the fear of attack by sea pirates. Can the
master be excused for deviation ?
todo ddftd ^odroddo ddoortdd sP
dded^ood»ft ddrtdo<4.
dcd woded dod^dbdod dddd dtoddddoeJ <
d o e _osd h d d d r
dtaedode1scOid ^ d r d c
OR/0 ^ 3

A ship is arrested in England for the smuggling operations

by the master of the ship. Is insurer liable ?
to do ddddo< dd^odd %>
f d d d d dtodd
iddtaeft^dQ CO
od eddo«C
co co
tooQdododo h ro£)d
d d ^ d r d o Kd>^>dd c
Fourth Semester of Three Year LL.B. / Eighth Semester of Five Year
B.A., LL.B./B.B.A., LL.B. Degree Examination, June 2013
INSURANCE LAW (Optional - I)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : 1. Answer all 5 questions.

2. One essay type and one short note question or problem
from each Unit have to be attempted.
3. Figures to the right indicates marks.
4. Answer should be written completely either in English or in


Q. No.1. (a) What is Insurance ? What are the elements of contract of

Insurance ? Marks : 15
£do qoddedo c <£d^ do^Od ^ w ro o sW ^ d d c
O R /0 ^ 3
State the history and development of Insurance in India.
* CO
<£do^o dodo

(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5


tod^oO :
fd e d d^dQ
Risk in Insurance
^do^O0CO d^ie J dodd

0403/0803 -2-

Q. No.2. (a) What is Insurable interest ? State the insurable interest in
life insurance. Marks : 15
< £ dddied fd& qoddedo c ded<£dodo0 < £dddied
2) _D CO 0

d «(,

What is premium ? How premium is charged ? When right to
claim a return of premium ?
<£dd Sodo qoddedo c ^dddoddo ded <£Qdodsd c ^ddSoddo
©(_ ‘ _D

d d d s d dodddood dSs.Adodd
c d

(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5

SdAd dSdraddo
-d <
£>rardo^ :
Shankar received the insurance amount in full and final
settlement of his claim. But the company made a delay in
payment of the amount. Whether Shankar is having right to
make a complaint for delay in payment ?
doSddo addSod&dood dprar dodo —D
S iddo dSaft
draddo< d ^ a n sad c f d d Sod^doo <£dd draddo»i. dddsA
e d ^ d £>eQd. doSddo draddo°i.Sod£)doo dddsA $eQdod)d§.■»
d id o d£>dod
n«■(. d io a d sd
doe c
Guru obtained Mediclaim Policy for him. Within one month of
the policy obtained he admitted to the hospital. Company
issued the certificate to Guru that he is entitled to receive
the benefits under the policy, but subsequently repudiate to
claim the amount on the grand that illness occurred within a
month from commencement of the policy whether company
estopped from raising objection ?
dodo dd&edo
6 £
<£do dddo todo doddidd drododdood
cJ-d deOdsd.
Cb £ d d Sod£)doo e d ^ d dsd^do eQ dod
d^od,k£ dddooo addnsd& d edodod £>eQd. f d d dodd
Sod£)doo ds6^ d d d todo doddidd drododdood fdd.dodd

deododjdood d®od dddooo a d d n s d ^ d so S o a d .

Sod£)doo d^d £)dsdodod)ddo SwroQdwdode c
-3- 0403/0803


Q. No.3. (a) What are the functions of the Life Insurance Corporation of
India ? Marks : 15
d>dd ^edadd addod ssdorrtesdd c
What is indemnity and subrogation in Insurance ?
adodo£>co ddg j d* d r dodo
aoddedo c
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5

d dcJd addoQ :
Days of Grace in Life Insurance.
d e d a d o d o ^ d d ^ e d p adrteb
Nomination of Life Insurance Policy.
dedadodo asdoadredd.

Q. No.4. (a) Explain the general conditions in a standard Fire policy. Marks : 15
to d o a d a d d ^d Q d o eftad te a> 0^^o6dod a>dted
CO 2;
Discuss the doctrine of proximate cause in fire insurance.
oi. n
daoedd dsdra ^dsodddo
Q ^
d d r^ .

(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5

ddftd dddraddo a ^ r ^ o ^ :
Goods less by fire, insurance claim rejected on the ground
that there was no actual ignition. Whether claim can be
rejected on the ground that no actual ignition.
dddoaVo dod^ood asddsftd, f d d eftadodo “i.
-6 “L
dodadoo iQ dddooaddood dod dtadododo dddm d.
_D J CO d

dodadoo asd id d d_Dd o o ad d o o d dod doda^ododo

‘ 00
0403/0803 -4-

Fire Policy did not cover damage due to natural heating. But
fire loss caused to the goods. Whether claim can be made ?
do&^ood ddorteb
_ d
f d d eftddd)
d&d<£>n ddftrd

s©^dod d^i tdd^oQdod)do. ^srrsdd ■h 0?^>^ood>)d d^ddo

^edddbde c

Q. No.5. (a) Discuss the warranties in Marine Insurance. Marks : 15

^do d d o ^o ^d
* <
d d r^ .
OR/0 ^ 3
Explain the kinds of losses in Marine Insurance.
^do d d o ^o ^d
d d d‘ dddddo
eJ <
(b) Decide the following : Marks : 5

Latif got ‘cover note’ under a Marine Policy. Whether

‘cover note’ is a policy under the law ?
d d o o d d o ^o ^co ‘d ^ d*d —'.d d o ’ ddddDa d. h

‘d^’ ssd^dd^ d d ^ d d d c
c0 > ^ CO

OR/0 ^ 3
Thomas got ‘Valued policy’ in Marine Insurance. Whether
valued policy is a ‘wagering policy’?
sradb^dddb ^doddb^b6 ‘dd^o, d d ^ dd.ddb ddddsd.
h ‘dd^Oj ddd) dd,d)’ dra (dod^ d ds£>^dbe c
Fourth Semester of Three Year LL.B. / Eighth Semester of Five Year
B.A. LL.B. /B.B.A. LL.B. Examination, December 2013
Optional - I : INSURANCE LAW

Duration :3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer all 5 Questions.

2. One essay type and one short note question or problem
from each Unit have to be attempted, which is referred as
Part (a) and (b) in all the Units.
3. Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada


Q. No. 1. (a) Trace out the history and development of Insurance in India. Marks : 15
rnddd£> ^db^b
* CO
dbdb ddddd^bdb nbdb^.

O R /e ^ b
Explain the provisions relating to registration, cancellation
and renewal of registration of insurance business under the
Insurance Act, 1938.
<£dd) eQ£)^bdb

1938dQ^b<£>CO <£d^ d2)d ro d d^>eodd), eddb
drfbd8dod)rfb dowo^^rf iv u o t f t it ib
(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5
todb ^ dcJd wd^bO :

Define Insurance Contract.

<£d^ ^dbdb d a£ ^ s£ a .
O R /e ^ s

Investment of assets under Insurance Act, 1938.

<£dd) CO
1938dQ^b6 fi^ b d b d^)dAdbd)db.
CO _D s-/

0403/0803 -2-


Q. No. 2. (a) Define contract of insurance. Explain the essential

elements of insurance contract. Marks : 15
ddta ^o»ob d aa ^ da ^ . ddta ^o»Qd eddd
cOi oj.

‘‘Contract of insurance is contract of utmost good-faith’’.

‘‘ddb^b >ob ‘dddb dd>dd ’ ^o»d»Ad ” - I d r ^ .

(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5

todb ddd)

Assignment of life insurance policies.

ded ddd) d>0^nV drrardy.
O R /0 ^ 3

Causa Proxima.


Q. No. 3. (a) Define Life Insurance. Discuss different kinds of Life Insurance
Policies. Marks : 15
ded ddb d a2> ^ d2> ^ . d d d* d.5>dd
ded ddd) d>0^rtedb«L
Id r^ .
OR/0 ^ 3

Who can apply for compensation under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
State the procedure.
ddedsob d»dd edddbdb
1988d<£>co (dddb dossdS e d r
c d&dbdbdb«L
-3- 0403/0803

(b) Decide the case : Marks : 5

dddraddo< prar^o^:

‘A’ a KSRTC conductor having no driving licence driven the

Bus and met with the accident which caused death of
10 passengers of the Bus. Is Insurance Company liable to
pay compensation ?
‘A’ qou d .q d P fd P ^ .P o pdordddo dPorF ddd5' ddP od
uddo U&k edVoddoAdo , wad 10 d P ^ d s d 1 aoPrt
Pdd dodpPoo dQdod S^doo dodde *2)


Q. No. 4. (a) Explain duties and rights of insured in Fire Insurance. Marks : 15
do& Pdo ddP^dod d&Po
d d rd& dodo
si el

Explain the reasons and purpose of introduction of agricultural

insurance in India.
podddd dp Pdo dodopdoo dodraddo dodo edd
id ead d d o pdoa.

(b) Write a note on Marks : 5

todo ^ dcJd ud^oQ :

Cattle insurance.
ddo Pdo.

‘A’ has insured sugar at his premises against fire. Damage is

caused to sugar by the heat of furnaces. Does it fall under
the policy ?
‘A’do dd ^oddddod
eAdbdodo Pdorta^ddo.
dooodo^oodoodod soppod dddPoo "6
doprtodnoAd. h
dopPoo P d ^ d o ^ P P d d udod)de c
0403/0803 -4-


Q. No. 5. (a) What is Warranty ? What are the different kinds of warranties
in Marine Insurance Contract. Marks : 15
^>de> ^d>ob (d>dod) qoddedb c asrtd d d o ^ b ^ wdod
d d d Qe^>^b ^>de> ^d»ob (ddodrteb) rte»d)d) c

Define Marine Insurance. Discuss various kinds of Marine

Insurance Policies.
asrtd ddb da^ro^k. d d d dm dd asrtd ddb dsokrttfdb
Id F k .

(b) Write a note on : Marks : 5

todb ddd)
wd^oQ :

Perils of the sea.

^do dod>odd.
O R /0 ^ 3

A ship belong to India is captured in England for the

smuggling activities. Is the insurer liable for the loss ?
^®dd^. A)?od todo dddb dd)dodd>)dow
5>drad^>od godoQd£>
co co dQQdu»Ad. ddAn»d dd® dJij ddta
dod£)^bb Kds^raQdbe
Fourth Semester Three Year LL.B./VIII Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B./
B.B.A. LL.B. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
INSURANCE LAW (Optional - I)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer all 5 Questions.

2. Figures to the right indicate marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or in Kannada

Q. No. 1. (a) Define contract of Insurance. Discuss the nature of the
insurance contract. Marks : 15
ddta ddsddb da^s^a. ddta ddsod dbra d.radddb ld r a .
O R /e ^ ^
Discuss the functions and benefits of insurance.
ddb^b ds^brddb dbdb _
id ^ e d d d d b«(, ld r a .

(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5

tod^bO :
Whether insurance policy is a public document ?
ddta £>da^bo asdr&£d d>>£>ddb c
O R /e^a^
'Insurable Interest'.
ddta cdtaedO fd&.-o


Q. No. 2. (a) "Contract of insurance is a contract of utmost good faith"

Elucidate. Marks : 15
“ ddb ddsdb e^jsd dodd^b ddsdb fA d ” ddaedoa.
OR/0 ^ 3
What is Risk ? State the scope of risk in different kinds of
do^sodd qoddedb c d d d ddo^bd dorasoddd d»r&^bdb

0403/0803 -2-

(b) Decide the following case. Marks : 5

ddAd d.ddraddo £>rardo&.
City Insurance Company has issued a life policy to Shankar.
Later the company increased the premium of the policy and
asked Shankar to pay the premium. Can the company does so?
ddta dod£)^oo dodd^d ded d d ^ d>0^^odo £>eQd.
dodd dod£)^oo ddd) doddo‘i d dZd^ dodd^ddo°i. dodo d^oo
dod£)doo d>d dddw dod c
Goutham has taken a Medical policy with National Assurance
Company. He made a litigation with the company for the
claim. Subsequently he applied for renewal of his policy, but
the company refuse to renew the policy on the ground that
he made a litigation against the company. Can company
refuse to renew the policy ?
d^ddodo fdteed.,a adto d ^ ^ d o d oei ds.ddu*'
a edodd'
a ^
dod^dood ddQd>d. CO dod^do dd>dd dd fctoert
2; d d ^ d&d
aa d^)Qd>d.
a dodd eddo dod^d ddo(. fctoert
a ddododo ^
ddededoo de$d»d, f d d dod£> d^ddodo dod£> ddod d>,^,
co co 6 6

d^Qdod)dood ddododo ddedodoo ^rode^d. dod^^oo

d»0^dodo ddededoo ^rodedwdod c
Q. No. 3. (a) Define Life Insurance, discuss the various kinds of Life
Insurance. Marks : 15
ded ddododo«Cd vm2) 2s) a . d d d‘ d.d»dd ded ddododo«Cd d r^ .
OR/0 ^ 3
What are the circumstances which affect the risk under Life
Insurance ?
ded ddodo£>n d deJ io & s d o o dey>do dedddodDd
^oddrd^»d)d) C
(b) Write short note on : Marks : 5
d dcJd toddoo :
Amounts recoverable under life policy.
ded ddodo d>0^^o6 d d d o ^d o ro d dted.

O R /e^a^
"No fault liability" under Motor Vehicles Act.
dtae^do d>dd dsdSodo^do^) “ d&od dteddsod ” .
co CO cJ CO
-3- 0403/0803


Q. No. 4. (a) What are the rights and duties of parties in fire claims ? Marks : 15
eA dd Se^dddcdsd d&dd ^db, dbdb ddrddTOdd c
Discuss the rules relating to the amount recoverable by the
insured in Fire Insurance.
eA<=(. ddbKb0n ddb ddy
dddddb dddbSddudbdbd

fo^bdbdddb l d r ^ .
(b) Decide the following case. Marks : 5
SdAd d,ddra forar^o^.
Sharan a gunny trader obtained insurance for his stock worth
of Rs. 50 lakhs and Oriental Insurance Company issued the
fire policy to him for the same. While the contract was in
force the entire stock of gunnies was destroyed by fire, the
surveyor had recommended payment, higher than the value of
the policy, but national commission for readdressal of consumer
dispute without relying on the surveyor's report awarded a
compensation less than the policy amount can national
commission do so ?
d d y qou t u draub ds.dsQ UQ^bo^o6, ddta dodfo^ood
dd< dra^d dd. 50 odcOi ds£>^ ddQdsd.
dosdb ^sQ^b£>d
m a


rd 6n draub do$ ed>dbd^od dodprar

dodfo^b d d r^ b o 6, ds£>^ ddd&od

d dZd
1 d ddQdsd.
C2 f d d os&e^b rs.ddd d bsS^d
sS d fd dedd)w

_ d
dQdb dddd
fde^^d. os&e^b
f^ d e d d ) ^>d d d d u d b d c
0403/0803 -4-

Kareem insured his house against "such loss or damage as

should or might be occasional by fire". There was an
explosion of gun powder on ignition in a factory situated
500 feet away from the insured house which caused damage
to windows and window frames. But house was not set on
fire. Whether insurer is liable for such damage caused to the
insured ?
doo dd dbdd eAdbod eodd dd dodd^dd dd^ dbod
ddddedodb eA^ ddb dddd>d CO
edd dbddbod 500 ed? dtadd
driboddb^ dd* d^dd*d doa ddb£> doa dodd^d ssdra gdd
dbddb awa dbdb awadb dsddbddb ddp>Ad. f d d dbdd
doa dtadd^oQo
_d co
. dddddrdb ddddbddd f d ddddb eJ «C

dbod^doo dsddd *2) cp

Q. No. 5. (a) What is 'Perils of the sea' ? What are the Perils insured in a
marine policy ? Marks : 15
dod^odd qoddedb c ddo ddbdb db6^db6co
d dd dd yd b dodboddA^sd)d) C
Explain the express and implied warranties in marine
ddo ddbdb£> ddbd dd dbdb e d d dddddddb ddo^.

(b) Decide the following case : Marks : 5

ddAd d^dra drardb^ :
Kiran shipped the goods at his own risk. The goods were
washed away, the ship owner disclaimed liability on the ground
that they were booked at the owner's risk. Whether insurer
is liable for the loss of goods ?
ady* dd«i, dddbdddb«i, ddAd dbdyroA dd«i, d.od cd
ddAd6d>d m a
dtaeAd. ddAd
dbd dd d dd< dtayrooddbdb< h dbdrad dbed eod^Qd>d. rn a
ddddodddbb h ddd e Ju
d ta yd d A d d b c
O R /e ^ ^
Royal Insurance Company issued a "cover note" to Shankar
in a marine insurance. Whether contract is enforceable
under a "cover note" ?
“ dbdbo* d d d dodddbb ddo ddbd ‘ddd* d^>e^*” db
dodd*d deQd. h d d d ddbdb ‘ddd* dtae^*” dQdbdco p d r d
d^dddbd c
Fourth Semester 3 Year LL.B.,/ VIII Sem. 5 Year B.A. LL.B./
B.B.A. LL.B. Examination, December 2014
INSURANCE LAW (Optional - I)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q.No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q.No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry
16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada
1. d,d 9 dbdb i d (d^djdpddd 5 d ,drted id o ^ .
2. d.d< 9£■& 20 eodrteb dbdb _D
i d d.d ddd <
16 eodddb.
3. id _Dd d d b°L dodprardPA g o nM e ^ edds
©(, CO
id _Do ^ .

Q. No. 1. Explain the basic principles of Insurance contracts.

<£dd drodbdd dbtao dddddb <£de^.
CO Oi.

Q. No. 2. State the composition and powers and functions of

I.R.D.A.(Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority) in
dbddd^ s.fd^.Q.q. (<£dd dobod,ra dbdb e ^ Q d^Q ^d)
d id , ea^>d

^rabrdddb&L &$>*>.

Q. No. 3. Define Insurable interest. State the Insurable interest in different

kinds of Insurance.
^dtodtaed-z> fd&obdb
_D ©(, O O
d d d ddbdd^d
CO 0
_d «(,

Q. No. 4. Discuss the composition, powers and functions of Life Insurance

Corporation of India.
ded^dto dddbd d id , ea^>d

ssrabrdddb©(, id r ^ .

0403/0803 -2- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Q. No. 5. Discuss the compulsory insurance of motor vehicles under

Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
dtae^bdb d»dd co, 1988dQ^b<£>oo dtae^bdb dbddrted t o ^ab
<£db^bdb l d r ^ .

Q. No. 6. Define Fire Insurance. State the nature and scope of Fire
©i, «C 2) g)
dbsb_D d©&ribdb
£>_D «c

Q. No. 7. Discuss the kinds of policies under Marine Insurance.

^doddb^b d»0^^b ddrtedb ld r ^ .

Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following :

(dd)d)dbdcd) qdd£7 odb ddd) tod^bQ.

J cJ

a) Rating of Risks in Life, Fire and Marine Insurance.

^do, eA dbsb dedddb^b^d rtorasoSd ddddodrteb.
©i, _D CO

b) Tariff Advisory Committee

&3©osjs' dod© d M
c) Assignment of Insurance Policy in Fire, Life and Marine
^do, ded dbsb eA^db^b6 d»0^^b dn»rdy.
_D «c CO

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following Problems.

3dAd ra^d)d»dd^) qdd: ddbd^dddb d>Q^.

a) Madhu received the insurance amount from Life Insurance

Company in full and final settlement of his claim. But the
company made a delay in payment of the amount state the
claim of Madhu.
^ d ^ draddb«C ded <£d^ ^od^^bod dterarw

sdd^b dte©A6
fd d ^od^^bb <£dd) draddb«i. dddbA
£>eQd. dbdb^d dddb
6 ‘i
-3- 0 4 0 3 /0 8 0 3
b) Goutham got the fire policy for his goods loss by fire, but
goods damaged by natural heating. State the Goutham's
r^ddodo ddoj. ddbrted
d30^dOdOOi. do&ddQodsdod^

f d b d^A^O
-o d
o^dbjod d^d^Ad.
■& <
i> ^ k .

c) Crew members of the ship obtained certain goods and

shipped it without certificate from the authority under law.
The goods lost due to perils of the sea. State the liability of
the Insurer.
ddAd ^woddOo 3od ddOA^do d d ftr dowoddd
ej ° S> < 1 eJ

dw.QSsddod 5s>d^ddd^O0 d,d^^)dd, ddoos^i^d

sboddsb. AidOod.d

dodsodbr^od d^od^O
^ d ^ d rd dteyr rae^ok dO

Fourth S em ester Third Y ear LL.B. / Eighth Semester S Year B.A.LL.B./

B.B.A.LL.B. Examination, Ju n e/Ju ly 2015

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q.No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q.No.9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry

16 marks each.

3. Answer should be written in English or Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. How contract of Insurance can be classified ? State the nature of

contract of Insurance. Marks : 16
droddb le d i^ d d w lb ro firf c ^d>od I m l l d b

Q. No. 2. Define Premium. How premium is charged and when the right to
claim a return of premium exists ? Marks : 16
il> lo d d b il> lo d d b le d iQdbssd Ibdb il»doddb
H>d>>d 2 ooH lbbl Isb,u gdbdl c

Q. No. 3. Discuss the kinds of Life Insurance. Marks : 16

l e i i l b l b ild d d b I I f ^.

Q. No. 4. Discuss the composition, powers and functions of General

Insurance Corporations of India. Marks : 16
4 ^>>l»d2> i l > £ d lb l did, eQu>d
4 Ibdb
_D ^dbrdddb<
I I f ^.
0403/0803 -2-

Q. No. S. Discuss the composition, powers and functions of claims tribunals

under Motor Vehicles Act. Marks : 16
q»e^>db dbob^ba^b^
dedbb ds„^b
ro ro 2)
qbo^sdd d ld , eSdbd


Q. No. 6. Discuss the general conditions in a standard Fire Policy. Marks : 16

todb d » d o eA©Cqd» d s ^ ^ b ^ dCOb d dbd»d2) ^ddbdddb
_D ©C

Q. No. 7. Explain the nature and scope of Marine Insurance. Marks : 16

d^o qqb^b d_,qbd
cd 1
£-d ©(.

Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16
c ^ ^ a s d d b ddAd q d ^d ^dd>
qd&DO :

a) Functions and benefits of Insurance.

qdb^b djxdbrddb dbdb

idd > ed d db .

b) Double Insurance and Re-insurance and under-insurance.

dadb db^o,0 qdb, dbdb qdb dbdb

cj eJ

c) Insurance Ombudsman.

qdb^b Loqddbd*.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems. Marks : 2x10=20

ddAd qddb ddbddddb
£ ©cq q ^ :
a) Prakash takes out a life policy on his wife. He gave divorce to her.
State the validity of the policy.

ddbddb dd dodddb ddod todb qedqdb d b ^^b d b ddarod. eddb

dd< doddd q leebd d qeqrod.
o d > £ ^ b p ^ r d d qdn
-3- 0403/0803

b) Pratheek insured for his goods against fire, subsequent! by he agreed

to se!! his goods to paramesh but before sa!e of goods, they !ost by
fire. State the c!aim of paramesh.

d^eddb dd ddbd^d eh ddd ddbd ddb ddarod, dodd eddb dd

s <=(. eJ CD CD

_D <
dddbed^d d^>dj>^ d^>dob t&d»osdbdj>d
gJ - D
fd -d Dddbdsb
d^>dj>^ dpdrd£abe
w ro eh< ddd»ddj>dbdd.
$3 ti -c dddbedd dddb
-6 <
c) Bharath Insurance company given a “Cover note” to Mohan in a Marine
Po!icy. Before issuing the po!icy Mohan’s ship got damaged by sea
peri!s. State the enforceabi!ity of contract under a “Cover note”.

^>dd* dd^> dod^^bb d»edd^d “ ddd* d»e^*” d s^b £ dde

^db^bdb«i. £esd. dde sro^&ribdb“i. £edbd d»dde d»edd*d dddb
dde dod>oddaod ro£)d»dd»dbdd.
“ ddd* d»e^*” d s^b £ro dd>od
p d rd d ^ b d b
Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll 0403/0803
IV Semester of 3 Year LL.B./VIII Semester of 5 Year B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B.
Examination, December 2015

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry
16 marks each.
3. Answer should be written in English or Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. Define contract of Insurance. Discuss the nature and scope of

Insurance Contract. Marks : 16

Q. No. 2. “Contract of insurance is based on the principle of Utmost

Goodfaith”. Discuss. Marks :16

Q. No. 3. What is premium ? Under what circumstances it can be recovered

back ? Marks :16

Q. No. 4. Explain the rules governing the assignment of life insurance policy. Marks :16

Q. No. 5. Discuss the principle of subrogation and contribution in Insurance. Marks :16

Q. No. 6. Discuss the doctrine of proximate cause in fire insurance. Marks :16

Q. No. 7. What is ‘Deviation’ ? Under what circumstances it is excused ? Marks :16

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks :16

a) Re-insurance.

b) Insurance Regulatory Authority of India.

c) “No fault liability” under Motor Vehicles Act.

0403/0803 -2-

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 20

a) Mr. Ronak takes a life policy on the life of his wife. Later he
divorces her. Does the policy continue to be valid ?
b) ‘X’ insured his house against fire. Afterwards he assigned
the policy of fire to ‘Y’ without transferring any interest in the
house. The house is destroyed by fire. Can ‘Y’ recover the
amount under the policy ?
c) A vessel worth Rs. 40 crores was insured for Rs. 15 crores
with ‘X’ insurer and 10 crores with ‘Y’ insurer. The ship was
damaged due to perils and the damages were to the tune of
Rs. 8 crores. What amount can be recovered from ‘X’ and
‘Y’ ?

<K «JLd

Q. No. 1. ddd) ^roddb dvm

a. ddd) ^d>Qd dbra rorta ro.&ribdb
2) _D <
Id r^ . Marks : 16

Q. No. 2. ‘ddb ^d»db ed >d dod£^b d dcdd f^ > d d dbed fA d ” Id r^ Q . Marks : 16

Q. No. 3. ddd) ^osb qoddedb c ^ d doddrddd

* coeddb< ^oddbA
ddribwdbdb c Marks : 16

Q. No. 4. ded ddb d>0^^b d ro rd y ^ b ^^bdbdddb ddQ^Q. Marks : 16

Q. No. 5. ‘d,3»dd ’ dbsb ‘d o ^ r dddddb Id r^ Q . Marks : 16

Q. No. 6. eAoi. ddb^bdn ddbedd ^»dra ^d>odddb

Q ^
Id r^ . Marks : 16

Q. No. 7. ‘d to d rw d o d y ’ qoddedb c eddb< ^d )d doddrddd

* co
to0>o d ^ r d —d0 d c Marks : 16

Q. No. 8. ^^d)d»ddta §dAd qdd# odb ddd)

wd^bQ : Marks : 16
a) d)ddff ddb
b) ^>d^>e^b d d ^ £>^bod,ra d ^Q ^d
c)7 dtaed»db d»dd 5>>db^bQ^b0 ‘d&od dtayroQ^ ’.
-3- 0403/0803

Q. No. 9. SdAd dd)d)ddood qddo ddodiAddo dQ k: 20

a)' ddd^ dd
dod^>do dedd doed todo ddododooj.
Sr1 -0
edodd eddo ed^A ddedd £>)
h A f ddo sodddo
wddoA dooododQdood)de c
b) ‘e’ do dd dodA eA ddododo ddQkdod. dodd eddo ‘w’ A
f doddodo*i ddd)de ddod&dodo
_D «C
Sedo eA<
d d d qodkdodo dAor^ododod. h ddodo d n o rd y dodd
f dodA e A“i.^o o d d o d d d d d ‘ w’ do f eA<
qodkdoQdodco draddo«C dddowdode c
c)7 40 3ded dd^jo^o d d dodod todo ddAdo «C
‘e’ dad
15 3ded ddqo^oA dodo
‘w’ d<3d
10 3ded ddqo^oA ddo
d^Qddo^odo. f ddAo ddood, AoraooddQod 8 €ded
ddqjo^oAddoeJdodd^^odo. ‘e ’ dodo
‘w’ ^ood qdoeJdraddo«C
dddowdodo c
Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll 0403/0803
IV Semester of 3 Year LL.B./VIII Semester of 5 Year B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B.
Examination, June/July 2016

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining
questions carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written in English or in Kannada.

Q. No. 1. Explain the basic principles of insurance contract. Marks : 16

d d d drodbdd db^o dddddb ddb^.
CO Oi.

Q. No. 2. What is risk ? State the scope of risk in different kinds of

insurance. Marks : 16
do^odd qoddedb c d d d' ddb^b£>co dora>>oddd da&^bdb
o -o «(,

Q. No. 3. Define life insurance and discuss various kinds of life insurance. Marks : 16
ded <£db^bdb d a ^ ^ . <£<£d dm dd ded <£db^bdb I d r ^ .

Q. No. 4. Explain duties and rights of insured in fire insurance. Marks : 16

do& <£dc d^Q^dbd d&^b
d d rda dbdc
ddcdddboj. £)db*>.

Q. No. 5. Explain about third party or compulsory insurance of Motor

Vehicles Act. Marks : 16
dtae^d d»ddnV 5>db^b
db^dde d&
edd> t a ^a, b ^db^bdb

Q. No. 6. Briefly discuss the provisions of Insurance Regulatory and

Development Act. Marks : 16
<£dd £>^bod.ra dbdb
e d*dodQea^^bdbd
* idw oddddb< do&dd»A

Id r^ .

Q. No. 7. Discuss about ‘Change of Voyage’ and ‘Deviation’. Marks : 16

‘^ d d wdu»dra’ dbdb ‘d d d r w d ra d y ’ dd dcbdb Id r ^ b .
Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 16
3dAd (ddd)d»dd^) add#7J odo ^dd) cJ
wd^oQ :
(a) Public Liability Insurance.
rodr&ad dtaydDQ^ ado.
(b) Registration of Insurance Companies.
a d d ^odadd d^>eody.
(c) Causa Proxima.
daoed ^>dra.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 20

3dAd ddd)d»dd^) a d d : d d ^ d d d ^ :
(a) A ship is arrested in England for smuggling activities. Is the
insurer liable for the resulting loss ?
todo dddo ddV rorodSd daod^droA godorod£> co co
‘ cJ eJ
gdd dQrodoaod fd od road addddrdo ddyd^dde c
(b) Raju had a life insurance policy which had lapsed due to
non-payment of premium. He applied for renewal and there
was a question in the renewal policy that whether he had
suffered any ailment or had undone any surgery from the
date of lapse to the date of renewal. He answered ‘No’.
Renewal was granted. Later the Insurance Co. came to know
that he had a mild cardiac arrest. Insurance Co. wants to
avoid liability. Can it do so ?
roao qowodddo ded a d d ro£>^dodo< ddoaddo. a
doddod doowd g d 5>dg) ro£>^dd dro^odb. ro£>^do
eddo edrdodo d£>^ddo. co
f edrdo£>co eddo
d ro d adaod daeddrad e d r rodd add td d d ddd)de
eroddedaod wd^aero qow d.d gdo. roao ed^, ‘g o ’
qodo id _DQ ^d . ro£>^do daeddraro^odo. f d d add) dodad
roao f edado£> fd a d odo ddddagdroAdo qodo d^do
* CO ‘ 0 _D

wodo. a d d doda^oo gde ssdraddc de$ dd^ ddyroQd^ood

da^d^doo wdododd. edo ro d dddwdode c
cJ V -o

(c) ‘A’ has insured his Godown containing sugar against fire. The
sugar is damaged due to heat by furnances. Is such damage
covered under the insurance policy ?
‘A’ do dd&(„ enmrad<£i
—' co
g dCO ddddodo
eA adod^^ddo.
dooodo^oodoorod 3>aaod ddddd o
road^droAd. h road
a d d doda ro d*2d) ^d w d o d e c
IV S em ester 3 Y ear LL.B./VIII S em ester 5 Y ear B .A .LL.B ./B .B .A .LL.B .
E xam in ation , D ecem b er 2016

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. Analyse the importance of Insurance Regulatory and

Development Authority. Marks : 16
ddto £>raood.F) dodo e ^ d d ds.doo^drtddo dde&&.

Q. No. 2. “Indemnity is the controlling principle in insurance contract, but

all insurance contracts are not contracts of indemnity”. Discuss. Marks : 16
“ ddddF^oo,
ddddroddo< sraoo&dod £>raodod»Ad. f r id q o oo
d d d id d o ddddF
. Id F ^ .

Q. No. 3. Define Insurable Interest with reference to different types of

insurances. Marks : 16
ded ded ddo^ddo ddortddo4 ddodd^^o^odo n tj
ddto (dtaert,a
fd&dodo d a ^ s a .

Q. No. 4. Explain the law relating to assignment and nomination of Life

Insurance Policy. Marks : 16
deddd^ d>0^do d ro F d y dodo _D
sadb&riFeddS.■& dodod^d
^ddddo< ddo^o.

Q. No. 5. Explain the powers and procedures of the Motor Accident Claims
Tribunal. Marks : 16
dtae^do edd»d * ^edbodd
oo dadtodddrad
6 ed^drtdo dodo _o
_*_1 < ddo^.

Q. No. 6. Who can insure the Property against Fire ? Explain the rights
and duties of the insurer under Fire Policy. Marks : 16
ratodo dddo
eArao ddodQ ddo dtodddorio c• eAoj. ddorao6n
dddddFd ddoddo■6 dodo
_o ddFdrtddo
a ^ ddo^.
0403/0803 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllll
Q. No. 7. Discuss about “Change of Voyage” and “Deviation”. Marks : 16
‘‘ d d d a d a s d y ” dodo
‘‘d d d r a d o s d y ’’dd doodo d d r^o .

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16
ddd)dsdd^) qddd odo ddaS ad^oo : cJ

a) Register of Insurance Agent under The Insurance Act, 1938.

a d d eaadodo, 1938 dado£> a d d d ^ao do ddeodal
b) Cattle Insurance.
ado ado.
c) Different kinds of Marine Policies.
a a ^ d,dsdd ddo ado as0^ddo.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20

ddd)dsddd qddo ddod^dddo addo^o :
a) ‘Bhaskar’ a member of Joint Hindu Family takes an Insurance
Policy on his life and makes a nomination for the benefits of
his wife and children. The premium of the policy was being
paid by the HUF Fund. Later ‘Bhaskar’ dies. Who succeeds
to claim the policy amount ? Advice.
’do aoad eadd -o
doaooad ddddsAdo
dd dedd doed
a iL
ado d d a ^ dd dod^> dodo dodd t^ lr o A dsdoadreddddo
dd dda^dodod. adodo doddo eadd doaooad daQodde
_D _D
"dodd ‘asdd®"U
’do doda ddododsd.
ddod add
d a dedodd _D
c dod dda.
b) Where a Third Party with an intention to commit suicide
deliberately throws himself under a motor vehicle. Can his
Legal representative claim for compensation ? Decide.
tw doddde a s d r (d d j aoQaPdrddoA ddadddod
idedQodde dsdd| ^oo& doda ddododsd. edd dsddodsddo
dodsdddo dedadode c ^>eddra^.
c) ‘Vijay’ effected an insurance on his goods worth Rs. 1,00,000
against loss or damaged due to fire. Later his wife quarrelled
with him and set fire to the goods insured. Is ‘Vijay’ entitled
to be Indemnified under The Policy ?
‘a a d d ’doo dd. 1,00,000 d O ^ d dddortddo ad^d do&^ood
dsa edds ‘
adodC2 eAoj. ado dda^dodsd.
dodd edd
dod^doo edddoad adddsa a dddod^d do& gdodsd.
‘aadO® ’doo as£>^doddo d d d ^ r dddooo e drde c
IV S em ester 3 Yr. LL.B./VIII S em ester 5 Yr. B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B.
Examination, J u n e/Ju ly 2017

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each.
3. Answer should be written either English or Kannada

Marks : 5x16=80

Q. No. 1. Explain the appointment and the powers of Controller of Insurance

under the Insurance Act, 1938.
add) sodo,1938
a dod a d d adoodyoQdoOdo
‘ dedosod dodo

' < ado^.

Q. No. 2. State the consequences of non-disclosure of fact and false

representation by the insurer under the insurance contract.
a d d dd>od eQdo£> add dd rd aodd addo d^dadoad dodo
CO _D _D

dd) a d ^ d y d o doyododdo

Q. No. 3. Explain the salient features of IRDA Act.

s.fd^.Q.q. dododo
a dood£ odradddo ado^.

Q. No. 4. What are the defences available to the insurer under compulsory
insurance of Motor Vehicles Act ?
dde^odo aodddd eaadodod£>d t o dCb o adodo£> addddrad

^dod d,dddddo ddd)d) C

0403/0803 -2- llllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Q. No. 5. Explain the different kinds of life insurance.

ded d d o d i d d d d^sdrtedo ddQ^Q.

Q. No. 6. Explain with illustration the doctrine of Proximate cause in Fire

ehoi. d d o d idm ddoedd ssdra ^dsodddo
Q ^
d ^ »eJo d d )o a r ddQ^.

Q. No. 7. Discuss the nature and scope of Marine Insurance Contract.

c31 dodo
ddo d d o d i d.rad -£> ds^dodo
£-0 < Id r a .

Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16
(d^d)dsdd) qdd# odo ddd) wd^oQ :

a) Public Liability Insurance.

d»dr&£d d )yrsQ 3 ddo.

b) Reasons and purpose of introduction of Agricultural

Insurance in India.
spsdddd ddo ds.doddoo ssdrarted dodo edd id e d .

c) ‘‘Deviation’’.
“ d d d r toddsdy ” .

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20

(d^d)dsdd) qddo d d c ^ ^ d ^ wddQ^Q :

a) ‘Sunil’ insured his life with an insurer for Rs. 5,00,000 (Five
Lakh) on 31-01-2014. He subsequently commit suicide on
31-12-2015. Can his heirs recover the policy amount from
the insurer ? Advice.
‘do^ed' ’ dd dedd deed 5 odco, d^ds^odddo«(. 31-01-2014 £-a
dsd^dodo dd^dodsd. _o dddodd 31-12-2015 eddo fd&d dz>
d^Q ^)dod>d.
h r 1 e d d sroddooddo d d ^ draddo
dddowdode c dod
-3- 0403/0803

b) For the purpose of preventing fire some articles of furniture

were thrown out of a building and got damaged beyond repair.
Is the insurer liable for this loss under a Fire Policy ?
do&^odo dd^ood)d5dedd Sod) qed^edSdradddo todo
S^dd^d q^jcjad ed) dodA) d^^doo £3£)dd^o daddadodd.
eA d d o^ o^ h rodd d d d Sodd^oo d )y ^ )d o d )d e c

c) A ship was insured against losses resulting from collusion.

There was a collusion and consequently ship was delayed
for a few days. The ship was carrying some eatables which
become unfit for human consumption due to late arrival at
the port of destination. Is the insurer liable for this loss ?
d)d^ood)dd ddod todo ddndo ddo d^Qdo^Ado.
toritadO QS; d )d d o d d dOy^dod^A dddo Sod) Qd ddds>A
dooddcssd woddS■6 dddo ddd^A dooqdOod
<3dod dd^drd^^ dododdo ^doo qradddo S^o d)eAdd).
d d ^ Sodd^oo h rodd d )y ^ ^ d o d )d e c ^>eddFd^.
IV S em ester 3 Yr. LL.B./VIII Sem . 5 Yr. B.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B.
Exam ination, D ecem ber 2017
Opt. - I : IN SU R A N C E LAW

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. Discuss the history and development of Life Insurance in India. Marks : 16
rnd d d ^d ^ed ^db^b gdrod dbdb ddddSd^bdb d d r^o .
* CO _D ©(.

Q. No. 2. Explain the principle of ‘Utmost Goodfaith’ under insurance

contract. Marks : 16
<£dd) dosodQ^b^d
drodd ’ dd.ddb
c3 ^

Q. No. 3. What is ‘Life Insurance Contract’ ? Explain the kinds of ‘Life

Insurance’. Marks : 16
ded <£dd) do»ob qoddedb c ^ed <£db^b d.d»dnVdb ^do^o.

Q. No. 4. Explain the nature of fire insurance contract. Marks : 16

eft“i. <£d^ do>od d.dtodddb
c3 <

Q. No. 5. Define insurable interest. State the insurable interest in

different kinds of insurances. Marks : 16
£dd) codsd&^bdb d a^ro ^o . ^ ^ d £dbdd0d £ d ^
_d «(,

0403/0803 -2-

Q. No. 6. What is Marine Insurance ? Explain the kinds of Marine Policies. Marks : 16
ddo adb qoddedb c ddo adb^b£>d
a a d' a d^b as0^dddb©i

Q. No. 7. Discuss about the claims tribunal under the Motor Vehicles
Act, 1988. Marks : 16
dtae^sdb dsdddd eaa^bdb 1988 da^b£>d 3edb
' CO CO rO

d s£.^ a d* d ra d dbQdb Id r^ Q .

Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16
h £dAd <dd)d)dsddd add#7 odb ddd) ad^bQ :
J cJ

(a) Premium
(b) Public liability insurance
^sdraad dtaydsQ^ ado

(c) Re-insurance and double insurance.

ddd^adb dbdb a^ado.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20

h £dAd ^^d )d > dd d adds ddd|dddb addQ^Q :
(a) The master of a ship stored insured timber on deck and
sailed without certificate from the concerned office as
required by the law. The master did this without the
knowledge of the owner. The timber was lost due to the
perils of the sea. Is the insurer liable for this loss ? Decide.
todb ddAd d^A)d“'db
ssd^ad a^sd
d.dtora dd.ddb d d d b ^ d d e ^ b d d o d d r d 6
©(. v * CO
, d adb d ^ a ............
d d d b ^ d .,....................... ^ d dbdd
_ „ aab dddb d d A d
_o co eJ
(d ^d d d b ©(. d ^ d b d s_Dd . ^^dbba,e^b
doasoddd^od f dbdd aabd^b &
asad^disdbdd. _d
h asad
adaddrdb dd)ydsdd»dbdsddbe c arar^b&Q.
-3- 0403/0803
(b) ‘A’ has insured his house against fire. After A, the seller,
agreed to sell the same house to ‘B’, the purchaser. But
before the completion of the sale, the house was burnt down.
Is purchaser B entitled to insurance amount ? Decide.
‘ e’ 3b dd dbd^b dbed eft <£db^bdb d^Q^ob^sd. dcdd ‘e ’db
e ssb^^bdb ‘w’ rt d ^ o s ^ d ^ d o b t^ ^ d b a s d . e d d dtoosw
cJ V -o

dprardsrtbd dtedd e dbd^^io e ft^ oj.

b c d db&3eJ dsdd’srddd.

£>QeQdsddsd ‘w’db e dbd^b <£d^draddn dddb Tj oj.


(c) Rama takes out a life insurance policy on the life of Seeta,
whom he is going to marry. Is it valid ? Decide.
osdd) qdOdddO
ssdb dOdodratodGb dtadddbd qdbddd ddQdd co
<ddb dsd^ dd^bb^sd.
gdb p d r d d e c drar^b^Q.
jP * 2058/ 0403/0803
ocler 3 Year LL.B. / Vlll
A r r e s te r 5 Year B.A. L L R * ^ r 5 Year B A ' LLB - <Ma|.-M!n. Systemy
>^ Opt. - I : IN S U R A N T ^ *- LL B Examinatlon, June/July 2018
NCE LAW (New and Old Batch)
,iion 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
instructions . 1. Answer Q. No. g anc) a <]ve ((he remalntng
2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada

}No. 1. Explain the history and growth ot Insurance in India. Marks : 16

adocio 'SsaSjj drfo dddrirtodfd cdo^o.
0No. 2. Define 'Insurable Interest’ and explain the insurable interest
in Fire Insurance. Marks: 16
OzIjz iicdbdo
- S H O 33.jcra,r.^o
O dodo
J tshadoo&Sd
H r* DdJi

Q.No. 3. Discuss the principle of "Utmost Good Faith” under Insurance

Contract. Marks .16
odjj rfroodaodOfl ddrxb.
1 No. 4. Explain the kinds ol losses in Marine Insurance. M arks: 16
tfdo csbotoiJjJ s«|tf ^wdfWis ddo^o.
lNo- 5. Who are the persons entitled to the payment of Lite Insurance
Policy amount ? Explain- Marks
, , .. - jrer< d^dddo dddottodoo cired d i r t *
drd adds oafiwxto *»rso -■
w d rcb ? adOJjb-

„ „ „ . . o under whal circumslances, it is excuse ,
Q. No. 6 . Whal is Deviation f u nuc usea ?

Explain. Mans u
■txrtr txsm* -oddr* ? <*«* XodtfrMe
i ? iicSO^O-
Q. No 7. Explain the rules governing the assignment ol 'Lite Insurance'

and 'Fire Insurance' Policies. Marks 15

's ifd K k ' dbsb 't;A i<i)' znO brii drardrirS yfiotcS id

SolwisrWslJ ^ cao.

Q No. 8. Write short note on any two ot the following : Marks : 2x8=16
* tWhrf QUw^rarfcift o d d i aSo usiri sodccoo:

a) Public Liability Insurance

b) Grace period and Lapse of Policy

Z nsc&iA wdQ idoois &£6irto%bp£ (CcU)

c) 'No fault liability' under Motor Vehicles Act.

drwusdj roaWrW BQwOkdJrfQcdjSji '3& vp aLrsrSreOsf.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks ' 2x10=20
W /vi d r^ csd d n wddj -~rfi!cuo.

a) Window glasses of a shop were insured and policy covered

breakages from any risk except fire A lire accident occurred
in a neighbouring premises and taking advantage of it. a
mob broke the insured glasses to commit theft Is insurer
liable lor the lossol the glass?
.3. 2058/0403/0803

*-ocS3 «ortao£> 4U4 rioed ;jriooS2?l> -scjSct M j .

uApi) airadroA 'a?ro^jc3f w ca o to o ri o d xadcriodo »
ssiA a iio i~ d rta c s * . uortaccb addrcdC, »A a d * ^
dos^CAd). a ^ o d d rd «did/aaici)d5 d d d t-oda add rtoos^j
4d.dd djadOsa A aortacjj 4U4oi; rrotorWdo doouccodo. Si
resarid trodrt £>dKddr?i) drarSnactertoddr ?
b) A ship, valued at Rs. 50 crores. is insured with 'A1company
tor Rs. 20 crores and with 'B' company for Rs. 20 crores.
It the ship sutlers a damage ol Rs. 5 crores, what amount
can be recovered from 'A' company and 'B' company ?
50 s/aeri d/asacCo rid ua<sbd t-oriJ aJdrfeb 'A' dcddcdo©
20 tLafU d/asaoiort sarka 'B' tfcddcdoS, 20 &a?U
d/asaotort -acdtacaodo. a ddArt 5 Sraeid djasaciarfctei;U
auadcuuarid A ^cddcaaod dado

B ^ c-j.?,Cw Cw CJ
draddb* ddoiaadada?
c) Laxmi has insured her jewels against loss by fire. During
summer, she kept the jewels in a newspaper and placed
them for safety in the fire-place to prevent burglars from
noticing them. Later without removing jewels, as she
forgot about them, she set the fire and they were burnt
and damaged. Is insurer liable for the loss ?
04 r dd otfdrartert w A<D&cu* ocdaaaiJ. tfdrWort
*< ■* H V
oddrartd deodataaddcd: rid rid d o i/a d d
drCA rifx rt saodO, ric 4rt^adraVrt a d odd arivb
orid ra rtd u rt r f d io d rioirtraOrt oAcsridb aJribdai/.
'ddOod wOd wddrerteb dauo, xac.rt/ai?na rtd d . a< xadrt
m fcj
£dbaddrda atofirraddr ?

tlL * - B A’ LLB <Mai - Min.) S e m e ste r - VIII/

LL.B./B.B.A. LL.B. Semester - VIII (Old/New) E xam ination,
>r D e o p m h n r o2018
December mo

^ . 3 Hours Max Marks 100

inductions : 1 Answer Q. No. 9 and any live of the remaining questions.

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written eilher in English or Kannada

No. 1. Explain the composition and functions of Insurance Regulatory

and Development Authority. Marks 16
istai ro,probtd diif. zL:&
iNo.2. Slate the rules relating to the assignment of insurance policies Marks 16
wste roCrtirtV a rrrrd rtn SiucSAid SoasSirtv* 3i?*o.

1to 3. Discuss about the persons who are entitled to the payment of life
insurance money. Marks 16
iis te adresfcfcH steab&sV.M
V «83
TJ j-V ttoraoOdxd 3.4rw urtO

1 What is Fire Insurance ? Explain its nature Marks 16

tsh ? wdd ^tiiiidnVS:
5 Explain "change of voyage” and “deviation". Marks 16
"dJirtF rtVFk Cjzsmo .
%6 Discuss the doctrines ol “contribution" and "subrogation” Marks 16
'^rt- -J
~ 0
ifcf ~
f. r.o.
0403/0803/2058 ■ .■ P M H il.lM ,,
O. No. 7. W O N i. warranty ? Explain « r « ' ■ « » • » o l « * — in
marine insurance. , ^ . w ar*3: *6

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on ony two of the following : Marks : 2*8=1$
^ cxto^cddds ddd ucteO:
(a) Premium
(b) No fault liability
3&ud DtertrcstS
(c) Re-insurance and reinstatement
d:& -^fio'^drt
Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20
dd^rWS as:** LrtdOAa:
(a) Some articles, which are insured against fire are damaged
by water used for extinguishing fire. Is insurer liable for the
loss of those articles ?
eft ad? drscddjd dskrttf: tthoisdo wodix:
CwdCw-T *ft“*d fjftJr.-w Ui^vVvvnI^J. »—'*■*}I iV f*}
i‘_ U . C * . r9
(b) Krishna takes out a life insurance policy on the life of Raclha.
whom he proposes to marry Is it valid ?
•> -v • —• • r —^
iv w U V/v
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4* . * -
& V ted: rd^vdJii dvL/*-iO>3rA: wft ;lrrtf3,3td
c v D d rs d ? •>

(c) Hindustan Insurance Company issued a 'cover note* to

Anand in a marine insurance contract. Before issuing the
policy, Anand's ship got damaged by penis of the sea Is
Hindustan Insurance Company liable for this loss 9
toedrajj wdd izzl'.xx' Led: ttv i-dn ezzttS&Q
«?jodwrt Led: "tfdc* Fi^:ir"d} f.rsd: *fdn 2dJ3
C3S*ofcri3r-?5fcddjDd-J: ydedd ddrb edLrtc: saoidrtvcd
ii 0 iu o d jsjD fj w d j : rfed.-jeda:
u i ^ d c i r .r b ^ d c d } ? 9

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