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IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention

Fruit and Vegetables

IARC Press
Lyon, 2003
Published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer,
150 cours Albert Thomas, F-69372 Lyon cedex 08, France

© International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2003

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IARC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Fruit and vegetables!

IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of
Cancer-Preventive Strategies (2003 Lyon, France)

(IARC handbooks of cancer prevention ; 8)

1. Neoplasms - prevention & control 2. Fruit 3. Vegetables I. IARC Working Group on

the Evaluation of Cancer Preventive Strategies. Il. Series

ISBN 92 832 3008 6 (NLM Classification: Wi)

ISSN 1027-5622

Printed in France
International Agency For Research On Cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was established in 1965 by the World Health
Assembly, as an independently financed organization within the framework of the World Health
Organization. The headquarters of the Agency are in Lyon, France.
The Agency conducts a programme of research concentrating particularly on the epidemiology of can-
cer and the study of potential carcinogens in the human environment. Its field studies are supplemented by
biological and chemical research carried out in the Agency's laboratories in Lyon and, through collaborative
research agreements, in national research institutions in many countries. The Agency also conducts a pro-
gramme for the education and training of personnel for cancer research.
The publications of the Agency contribute to the dissemination of authoritative information on different
aspects of cancer research. Information about IARC publications, and how to order them, is available via
the Internet at:

This publication represents the views and

opinions of an IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of
Cancer-Preventive Strategies which met in Lyon, France,
March 4-11, 2003

From left to right:

Front. S. Smith-Warner; J. Little; J.W. Lampe; J. Pennington; J. Freudenheim; B. Reddy
Middle: T. Key; T. Byers; L. Drageted; S. Tsugane; A. Ferro-Luzzi; P. Vinais; F Levi
Back: PA. van den Brandt; G. Alink; A. Schatikin; A. Welk; A.B. Miller; H. Boeing; P. Elmer
Note to the Reader

Anyone who is aware of published data that may influence any consideration in these Handbooks is encouraged to make
the information available to the Unit of Chemoprevention, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 Cours
Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France

Although all efforts are made to prepare the Handbooks as accurately as possible, mistakes may occur. Readers are
requested to communicate any errors to the Unit of Chemoprevention, so that corrections can be reported in future


We would like to acknowledge generous support from the Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research, Japan (the
2nd Term Comprehensive 10-Year Strategy for Cancer Control), and from the World Cancer Research Fund, London,
United Kingdom (WCRF Grant 2001/45).
List of participants . ix Estimated validity of measured fruit and
Preface ................................ xi vegetable consumption .................32

1. Definitions and classifications for fruit and 3. Consumption, availability and food policies
vegetables Fruit and vegetable consumption ............35
Botanical and culinary definitions .............1 Categories of fruit and of vegetables .......35
Botanical definitions ....................1 Age and sex groupings .................36
Culinary definitions .................... 2 National surveys ......................36
Cultural differences in culinary definitions . . 3 Selected multi-centre studies .............37
Summary of definition issues ............. 3 Developing countries ...................40
Subgroup classifications for plants, fruit and Availability and time trends in large regions . .40
vegetables .............................. 4 Variations within countries ...............41
Botanical families ...................... 5 Nutrition and food policies and special
Growing conditions .................... 9 campaigns .............................45
Fruit development from flowers ............ 9 Historical perspective ..................45
Food supply and consumption data ....... 13 Current policy and dietary guidelines .......46
Edible parts of plants ..................13 Programmes to implement dietary guidelines
Colour ..............................14 and nutrition policy ....................47
Processing and preparation ..............14 Recommended amounts of fruit and
Considerations for epidemiological studies .....18 vegetables .......................... 47
Fruit and vegetable groupings used in dietary Campaigns to increase fruit and vegetable
assessment tools .....................18 intake ..............................48
Fruit and vegetable groupings familiar to 5 A Day Program—USA .............49
survey participants ....................19 Australia .........................51
Europe ..........................51
2. Measuring intake of fruit and vegetables
Household measures of food availability .......23 4. Cancer-preventive effects
Household dietary surveys ..............23 Human studies ......................... 53
Household budget surveys ..............23 General issues ....................... 53
Food balance sheets ...................23 Study design ..................... 53
Methods to measure dietary intake at the Statistical analysis ................. 60
individual level ..........................24 Study context ..................... 61
Questionnaire methods .................24 Integration of evidence .............. 61
Diet history .......................25 Effects by site ....................... 62
Food frequency questionnaire .........25 Grouped sites of the upper gastrointestinal
Brief food frequency questionnaires .....27 tract ............................ 62
Recording-based measures of actual intake .27 Oral cavity and pharynx ............. 62
The 24-hour dietary recall ............27 Oesophagus ...................... 63
Food records ......................28 Stomach ......................... 66
Quantification of fruit and vegetable portions . . .28 Colon and rectum .................. 72
Measurement error and validity ..............29 Liver ............................ 76
Sources of error ......................29 Biliary tract ....................... 78
Validity .............................29 Pancreas ........................ 78
Effects of dietary measurement error .........30 Larynx .......................... 79
Approaches to evaluating impact of dietary Lung ........................... 81
assessment error .....................32 Breast .......................... 84

Table of contents

Cervix . 89
Endometrium ..................... 92 Decreased carcinogen—DNA binding or
Ovary ........................... 92 increased DNA repair .............. 297
Prostate ......................... 94 Decreased mutation or cytogenetic
Testis .......................... 95 damage ........................ 298
Bladder ......................... 95 Post-initiation effects ................. 299
Kidney .......................... 98 Modulation of cell proliferation or
Brain .......................... 101 apoptosis ....................... 299
Thyroid ......................... 101 Immune function .................... 299
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma ............ 103
Leukaemia ...................... 103 5. Associations with diseases other than
Preventable fraction .................. 246 cancer
Ecological studies ................... 246 Cardiovascular diseases ................. 301
Cross-sectional studies between Other diseases ........................ 302
countries ....................... 248
Cross-sectional studies between regions 6. Carcinogenic effects
within countries .................. 248 Human studies ........................ 311
Time trend studies ................ 252 Animal studies ......................... 311
Migrant studies ................... 252
7. Toxic effects
Summary ...................... 252
Human studies ........................ 313
Intermediate markers of cancer ......... 252
Animal studies ......................... 313
Intervention studies ............... 254
Observational studies .............. 272 8. Summary of data
Experimental studies .................... 272 Definitions and classifications for fruit and
Animal studies ...................... 272 vegetables ............................ 315
Effects on spontaneous tumeurs ...... 272 Measuring intake of fruit and vegetables ..... 315
Effects on carcinogen-induced tumours . 280 Consumption of fruit and vegetables and
Biomarkers ........................ 286 relevant policies ........................ 316
Effects on phase I and Il enzymes . . . . 286 Cancer-preventive effects ................ 316
Inhibition of damage to macromolecules 289 Human studies ...................... 316
Oxidative damage and defence ....... 290 Experimental studies ................. 320
Effects on mutation and DNA strand Mechanisms of cancer prevention ....... 321
breaks ..........................292 Associations with diseases other than cancer 321
Effects on DNA repair .............. 292 Carcinogenic effects .................... 321
Intermediary markers related to the cell Toxic effects .......................... 321
cycle .......................... 292
Mechanisms of cancer prevention ...........293 9. Evaluation
Inhibition of endogenous carcinogen Cancer-preventive activity ................ 323
formation .......................... 293 Humans ........................... 323
Inhibition of radical formation ........ 293 Experimental animals ................ 323
Inhibition of nitrosation ............. 294 Overall evaluation ...................... 323
Modulation of carcinogen bioavailability . . . 294
10. Recommendations
Modulation of enzyme systems ......... 294
Research recommendations .............. 325
Phase I and II enzymes ............ 294
Public health recommendations ............ 326
Antioxidant enzymes ............... 296
Inhibition of damage to macromolecules . . .297 References ........................... 327
Decreased oxidative damage to lipids,
proteins and DNA ................. 297 Working procedures .................... 369

List of participants
G. Alink A. Ferro-Luzzi J. Little (Vice-Chairman)
Division of Toxicology WHO Collaborating Centre Epidemiology Group
Wageningen University National Institute of Research for Department of Medicine &
Tuinlaan 5 Food & Nutrition Therapeutics
6703 HE Wageningen IN RAN University of Aberdeen
The Netherlands Via Ardeatina 546 Foresterhill
00178 Rome Aberdeen AB25 2ZD
H. Boeing Italy UK
German Institute of Human Nutrition
Department of Epidemiology J.L. Freudenheim A.J. McMichael (Chairman)
Arthur Schounert AIlee 114-116 Department of Social & Preventive The Australian National University
14558 Potsdam-Rehbruecke Medicine National Centre for Epidemiology and
Germany University at Buffalo Population Health
3434 Main Street Canberra ACT 0200
T. Byers Buffalo NY 14214-0001 Australia
Department Preventive Medicine & USA
Biometrics A.B. Miller
University of Colorado School of T. Key Deutches Krebsforschungszentrum
Medicine Cancer Research UK Division of Clinical Epidemiology
Box C245 Epidemiology Unit 1m Neuenheimer Feld 280
4200 East Ninth Avenue University of Oxford 69120 Heidelberg
Denver CO 80262 Gibson Building Germany
USA Radcliffe Infirmary
Oxford 0X2 GHE J. Pennington
L.O. Dragsted UK National Institutes of Health
Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition Division of Nutrition Research
Danish Veterinary & Food J.W. Lampe Coordination
Administration Cancer Prevention Research Program 6707 Democracy Boulevard,
19 Morkjoj Bygade Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Room 629,
2860 Soborg Center Bethesda, MD 20892-5461
Denmark 1100 Fairview Avenue North USA
P.J. Elmer Seattle WA 98109 B.S. Reddy
Center for Health Research USA Division of Nutritional Carcinogenesis
Division of Epidemiology & Disease Institute for Cancer Prevention
Prevention F. Levi 1 Dana Road
3800 N. Interstate Avenue Registre Vaudois Valhalla NY 10595
Portland OR 97227 Unité d'Epidémiologie du Cancer USA
USA Univ. de Médecine Sociale &
CHUV-Falaises 1
1011 Lausanne
IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 8: Fruit and Vegetables

R. Saracci RVineis A. Ullrich

IFC-National Research Council University of Turin Cancer Control Programme
Division of Epidemiology Department of Biomedical Science & World Health Organization
Via Trieste 41 Human Oncology CH-1211 Geneva 27
56100 Pisa Unit of Cancer Epidemiology Switzerland
Italy Via Santena 7
10126 Turin European Cancer League
A. Schatzkin Italy
National Cancer Institute/NIH M. Rautalahti
Nutritional Epidemiological Branch A. Wolk Chief Medical Officer
EPS 3040 Karolinska Institutet Liisankatu 21 B
6120 Executive Boulevard National Institute of Environmental FIN-00170
Bethesda, MD 20852-7232 Medicine Helsinki
USA Division of Nutritional Epidemiology Finland
Box 210
S. Smith-Warner 171 77 Stockholm Secretariat
Harvard School of Public Health Sweden
Department of Nutrition W Al-Delaimy
665 Huntington Avenue F. Bianchini
Boston MA 02115 Observers J. Cheney
USA P. Ferrari
World Cancer Research Fund S. Franceschi
G. Stoner* International M. Friesen
School of Public Health Y. Grosse
L. Miles
Ohio State University R. Kaaks
Scientific Officer
1148 CHAI T. Norat
19 Harley Street
300 W. 10th Avenue E. Riboli
Colombus OH 43210-1240 T. Sawa
USA B. Secretan
N. Slimani
S. Tsugane K. Soldan
M. Wiseman
National Cancer Center Research K. Straif
19 Harley Street
Institute East H. Vainio
Epidemiology and Biostatistics E. Weiderpass-Vainio
6-5-1 Kashiwanoha Technical assistance
Chiba 277-8577 S. Egraz
Japan B. Kajo
I. Keller
J. Mitchell
Noncommunicable Diseases and
P.A. van den Brandt A. Rivoire
Mental Health
Maastricht University J. Thévenoux
Nutrition and NCD Prevention
Department of Epidemiology
World Health Organization
P.O. Box 616
CH-1211 Geneva 27
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands

*Unable to attend
Why a Handbook on fruit and vegetables?
Nutritional research and food policy world's population at present con- This evaluation originated mainly from
have shifted focus during the last hun- sumes the generally recommended the results of case—control studies.
dred years. In the early 1900s the high average intakes of fruit and veg- Since then, the messages have been
focus was on identifying and prevent- etables. In 1998, only six of the 14 clouded by more recent prospective
ing nutrient deficiency diseases; in the WHO regions had an availability of fruit cohort studies that found that such
latter part of the last century the atten- and vegetables equal to or greater diets may not be protective against
tion was on identifying nutrient require- than the recommended intakes of 400 cancer. As these newer findings have
ments. More recently, investigations g/d (WHO, 2003). introduced doubt about the role of fruit
have turned to the role of diet in main- Nutritional epidemiology provides and vegetables in cancer prevention,
taining health and reducing the risk of the only direct approach to the the IARC has considered it important
non-communicable diseases, such as assessment of health effects from diet to make a new evidence-based evalu-
heart diseases and osteoporosis. in humans. There are special problems ation of the current state of the
All types of diet have potential associated with the measurement of evidence of a diet rich in fruit and vege-
health risks as well as benefits associ- diet, including fruit and vegetable tables.
ated with their consumption, both at intake, particularly in case-control The purpose of this (ARC
the individual and collective level. studies. However, in prospective Handbook is to provide an up-to-date
During the past 30 years, while meat studies within single populations, review of knowledge about fruit and
intake has been associated with where there is little dietary variation vegetables collectively. Since various
increased risk for a variety of chronic between individuals, large measure- types of fruit and vegetables, such as
diseases such as ischaemic heart dis- ment error can be associated with cruciferous vegetables, all iu m vegeta-
ease and some cancers, abundant each assessment. bles and citrus fruits, have also been
consumption of fruit and vegetables, In 1997, scientists assembled by investigated separately, specialist pan-
legumes, unrefined cereals have been the World Cancer Research Fund els will be convened later to look into
associated with a lower risk for many (WCRF) and the American Institute for the evidence concerning these
chronic degenerative diseases and total Cancer Research (AICR) concluded specific categories separately, includ-
mortality (see WHO, 2003). that diets rich in fruits and vegetables ing the evidence on their main individ-
The low consumption of fruit and 'decreased the risk of many cancers', ual chemical components. The first
vegetables in many regions of the and perhaps cancer in general and such Handbook will consider crucifer-
world, especially in the developing they endorsed fruit and vegetables as eus vegetables, isoth iocyanates and
part, is a persistent phenomenon. Only parts of a diet that would reduce risk of indoles, and will be published in 2004.
a small or negligible minority of the various cancers (WCRF/AICR, 1997).

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