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North American Journal of Aquaculture

ISSN: 1522-2055 (Print) 1548-8454 (Online) Journal homepage:

Lower Lethal Temperature for Arapaima Arapaima

gigas: Potential Implications for Culture and
Establishment in Florida

Larry L. Lawson, Quenton M. Tuckett, Katelyn M. Lawson, Craig A. Watson &

Jeffrey E. Hill

To cite this article: Larry L. Lawson, Quenton M. Tuckett, Katelyn M. Lawson, Craig A. Watson
& Jeffrey E. Hill (2015) Lower Lethal Temperature for Arapaima Arapaima gigas: Potential
Implications for Culture and Establishment in Florida, North American Journal of Aquaculture,
77:4, 497-502, DOI: 10.1080/15222055.2015.1066471

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North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:497–502, 2015

C American Fisheries Society 2015

ISSN: 1522-2055 print / 1548-8454 online

DOI: 10.1080/15222055.2015.1066471


Lower Lethal Temperature for Arapaima Arapaima gigas:

Potential Implications for Culture and Establishment
in Florida

Larry L. Lawson,* Quenton M. Tuckett, Katelyn M. Lawson, Craig A. Watson,

and Jeffrey E. Hill
Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida/Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences, 1408 24th Street Southeast, Ruskin, Florida 33570, USA
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 02:50 22 September 2015

Arapaima Arapaima gigas (Osteoglossidae, alternatively

Abstract Arapaimidae) has high potential as an aquaculture species
Arapaima Arapaima gigas is a large, predatory, obligate air- (Schaefer et al. 2012). The species exhibits advantageous at-
breathing fish native to the Amazon River basin. Aquaculture pro- tributes such as rapid growth, air breathing, and piscivory but
ducers have identified this species as a candidate for commercial
culture in Florida. For this species, a preliminary risk assessment will readily accept a pelleted diet. Overfishing and population
using the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit indicated a medium to decline have resulted in restrictions on wild harvest and in-
high risk of invasiveness to parts of central and southern Florida. ternational trade (Castello and Stewart 2010). The demand for
However, data on lower lethal temperature were not available, Arapaima as a food fish has led to commercial production in
which was a data gap identified by the risk assessment. Lower parts of South America, and the potential exists for expansion
lethal temperature is an important physiological characteristic,
limiting not only the culture of tropical fishes in subtropical Florida into new regions (BioTrade Facilitation Programme 2006; FAO
but also the potential for establishing nonnative populations. This 2012; Schaefer et al. 2012), including Florida and other warm
study is the first known experimental test of low-temperature toler- regions of the United States.
ance for Arapaima. Our findings suggest Arapaima will not survive Arapaima are native to the Amazon basin, including trop-
temperatures at or below 16◦ C. When compared with established ical regions of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, and Brazil
nonnative fishes in Florida, this species is extremely cold sensitive,
similar to that of Butterfly Peacock Bass Cichla ocellaris. Although (Castello and Stewart 2010). In their native range, Arapaima
this could present challenges to producers, it might also mitigate inhabit large, floodplain-associated rivers, floodplain lakes, and
some concerns of regulatory staff charged with managing aquatic várzea-flooded forest (Quieroz 2000). Arapaima commonly oc-
invasive species. cur in slow-flowing lentic waters, but they can utilize a range of
habitats, including river channels and floodplains, for dispersal
(Quieroz 2000; Castello 2008; Arantes et al. 2013). During the
New species development is important to commercial aqua- rainy season, Arapaima migrate laterally into flooded habitats
culture, diversifying production and potentially increasing prof- for feeding and reproduction (Castello 2008). Males build a nest
itability. Understanding the factors that limit the production in the substrate where spawning occurs and defend the fry for up
of new species informs culture practices and their feasibility; to 6 months (Quieroz 2000; Castello 2008; Nunez et al. 2011).
however, nonnative species new to culture may face regulatory Spawning has been reported in outdoor aquaculture ponds with
resistance and requirements for assessment of risks associated fingerling production ranging from 26 to 1,063 per female; how-
with escapement and establishment (Hill 2009, 2011). For the ever, this is probably an underestimation of their total fecundity
commercial production and establishment of nonnative fishes, (Nunez et al. 2011).
tolerance to cold temperature is a fundamental aspect informing Outdoor, pond-based culture has economic advantages over
both culture practices and risk. indoor, tank-based culture and may be suitable and profitable

*Corresponding author:

Received April 3, 2015; accepted June 15, 2015


for raising Arapaima in Florida (Losordo et al. 1998; Beem (Fields et al. 1987; Beitinger and Bennett 2000; Beitinger et al.
2014). Yet, outdoor pond culture may be challenging if Ara- 2000). Temperature in each of the six experimental tanks was
paima have limited cold tolerance. Winter kills of cultured trop- decreased by 1◦ C per day. Shafland and Pestrak (1982), using
ical fishes are common in Florida, and producers may have these methods for 14 tropical fish species, found a sample size
losses despite winter protection for ponds. Conversely, if Ara- of six produced the true mean (SD, ±1◦ C) lower lethal tem-
paima have the ability to survive subtropical Florida winters, perature 99% of the time. The two control tanks remained at
the invasion risk of Arapaima grown in outdoor pond culture 30◦ C for the duration of the experiment. Water temperature in
increases. Cold temperature in subtropical Florida is consid- all eight tanks was measured three times daily (morning, noon,
ered a dominant environmental variable limiting the potential and evening) with a factory-calibrated meter (YSI ProODO;
establishment and range expansion of tropical nonnative fishes YSI, Yellow Springs, Ohio). The six treatment tanks reached
(Shafland and Pestrak 1982; Shafland 1995; Hill 2002). In the the daily target temperature within 1–2 h of adjustment. A tem-
tropical native range of Arapaima, temperatures remain warm perature was considered lethal, and thus recorded, after a fish
year round. For example, in the Brazilian State of Amazonas, lacked opercular activity for at least 10 min and had no re-
reported seasonal water temperatures range from 27◦ C to 31◦ C sponse when prodded. Temperatures associated with cessation
(Castello 2008). While southeastern Florida has a climate sim- of feeding and loss of equilibrium were also noted. General
ilar to parts of the Amazon River Basin where Arapaima are fish health and changes in activity were recorded as observed.
native (Kottek et al. 2006), winter temperatures in the majority Fish were fed floating pellets twice daily, and feeding activity
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 02:50 22 September 2015

of the state fall well below this range. Therefore, determining was recorded. Each morning prior to decreasing the temper-
the lower temperature tolerance of Arapaima is essential for ature, feed was administered once. If no feeding activity was
both aquaculture producers and natural resource managers to observed at this point, that temperature was recorded as the
make informed decisions. We filled this important data gap by cessation of feeding. Loss of equilibrium was defined as the
identifying the chronic lower lethal temperature for Arapaima. point when the fish was lying on its side and unable to right
We further compared these data with those for previously estab- itself.
lished nonnative fishes in Florida to estimate a potential range of To apply the lower lethal temperature data to the potential
establishment. distribution in Florida, we used ESRI ArcMap 10 (Redlands,
California) to create a thermal map for Florida by kriging inter-
polation of water temperature from 41 U.S. Geological Survey
METHODS (USGS) gauge stations throughout Florida (Figure 1). The data
Captive-reared juvenile Arapaima were imported from an were daily mean minimum water temperatures (◦ C) averaged
aquaculture producer in the Iquitos region of Peru and held at for the month of January from 1995 to 2015, although for most
the University of Florida’s Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, gauges only a subset of those years was available. For compari-
Ruskin, Florida. Arapaima were raised in indoor recirculat- son, occurrence data of Butterfly Peacock Bass Cichla ocellaris,
ing aquaculture systems housed inside a thermally controlled an established nonnative fish with slightly greater thermal tol-
greenhouse at about 30◦ C for approximately 6 months. Once erance than Arapaima, were downloaded from the USGS Non-
the fish reached a size robust enough to survive frequent han- indigenous Aquatic Species Database (USGS 2015) and the
dling stresses, they were moved to the experimental tanks. Eight Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH 2015) and then
juvenile Arapaima were randomly chosen from a population of uploaded into ESRI ArcMap 10.
uniformly sized individuals and placed into individual 190-L
tanks. The experimental fish had a mean length of 40.2 cm (SD,
0.9) and mean weight of 483.5 g (SD, 37.4). These fish were RESULTS
maintained at 30◦ C for 5 d until all were actively feeding on After 5 d of acclimation at 30◦ C, all eight fish were actively
floating extruded pellet feed. The experimental tanks were con- feeding and showed no external signs of stress. On day 11 of
nected to an external head tank chilled to 14◦ C and individual the 21-d experiment at a temperature of 25.1◦ C (SD, 0.08), all
500-W electric heaters were adjusted to maintain temperature in tanks were treated with 19 mL of formalin for 12 h to control
each tank independently. Fecal material and uneaten feed were Trichodina, a ciliate protozoan, which was observed on several
siphoned from the tanks daily and water changes were made of the treatment fish. On day 15 at an average temperature of
throughout the trial to maintain pH at 7.5 and ammonia nitrogen 21.7◦ C (SD, 0.15), three treatment fish attempted to consume
levels below 1 mg/L. a feed pellet but spit it out before swallowing. The following
We used chronic lethal methodology to identify the lower day at an average temperature of 20.8◦ C (SD, 0.33◦ C), all treat-
lethal temperature, following procedures used in multiple stud- ment fish ceased feeding and did not attempt to eat for the
ies of cold tolerance in Florida nonnative fishes (e.g., Shafland remainder of the experiment. All treatment fish began to show
and Pestrak 1982; Shafland et al. 2010); this methodology signs of stress, including a thickened slime coat, lethargic re-
allows stepwise reacclimation over the course of the trial actions, and reduced swimming ability, after several hours at
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 02:50 22 September 2015

FIGURE 1. Thermal map of Florida with water temperature zones (daily mean minimum water temperature data in Celsius) averaged for the month of January
from 41 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gauge stations, and sites where Butterfly Peacock Bass were observed between 1984 and 2014 (USGS 2015). The two
Butterfly Peacock Bass sites on Florida’s west coast represent a population isolated to a thermal refuge deep-water canal system, whereas the westernmost inland
site is not an established overwintering population.

17.0◦ C. Two treatment fish died within 2 h at 16.0◦ C and the DISCUSSION
remaining four treatment fish died overnight at this tempera-
Implications for Culture
ture. Control fish remained active and feeding throughout the
experiment and displayed no obvious external signs of stress or The limited cold tolerance of Arapaima (16◦ C) makes it nec-
disease. essary for thermal protection of outdoor ponds (e.g., plastic
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 02:50 22 September 2015

FIGURE 2. Average chronic lower lethal temperature for 18 species of nonnative fishes currently classified as established in the state of Florida compared with
that for Arapaima. Data sources: Shafland and Pestrak (1982), Shafland et al. (2010), Schofield et al. (2010), and Schofield and Huge (2011).

covering and pumping in warm groundwater) during winter continued research will be necessary to bring a Florida-grown
in Florida. These practices may still be insufficient for colder product to market.
years. Preliminary trials in Florida utilizing these methods sug-
gest covered pond culture is possible but potentially only in a Implications for Establishment
region south of Tampa and Orlando; further north, indoor culture Although Arapaima are not currently established or intro-
will be required. Compared with outdoor pond culture, indoor duced into Florida, the potential for commercial production in
aquaculture requires substantial up-front infrastructure capital Florida led to a recent biological synopsis and application of a
and increased operating expenses, potentially causing produc- risk screen using the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit v2 (Hill
tion costs to exceed market value of food fish (Losordo et al. 2013). The results indicated an elevated risk to portions of south-
1998; Beem 2014). Arapaima has been successfully cultured ern Florida (i.e., south of Lake Okeechobee), but the previous
commercially in outdoor ponds, but much of the success is from study was unable to take advantage of the current data on lower
South America, including Brazil and Peru, where winter tem- lethal temperature. As a large-bodied piscivore, there is concern
peratures are not an issue (Roubach et al. 2003; Schaefer et al. about the potential ecological impacts if Arapaima were to es-
2012). Although few attempts have been made to culture Ara- tablish. Speculating upon the extent of these impacts is beyond
paima in North America, the species has obvious potential due to the scope of this study; however, estimating the potential es-
a high market value, efficient feed conversion rates, and a rapid tablishment range of Arapaima using the data now available is
growth rate (10–15 kg/year; Oliveira et al. 2012). Ultimately, potentially valuable.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Losordo, T. M., M. P. Masser, and J. Rakocy. 1998. Recirculating aquaculture
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Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory (TAL) for support and assis- Regional Aquaculture Center, Publication 451, Stoneville Mississippi.
Nunez, J., F. Chu-Koo, M. Berland, L. Arevalo, O Ribeyro, F. Duponchelle, and
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ray Stanford, and Paul Shafland. Funding was provided by the Oliveira, E. G., A. B. Pinheiro, V. Q. Oliveira, A. R. Junior, M. G. Moraes,
University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sci- I. R. Rocha, R. Rocha de Sousa, and F. H. Costa. 2012. Effects of stocking
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