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122 Module 4

IV. Assessment
As a future teacher, how will you ensure that the instructional materials you
use in your lesson serve their purpose in instruction?
As a future teacher I can ensure that the instructional materials that I
will use in my lesson will sure serve its purpose in instruction. I will use the
appropriate instructional materials to be fitted on my lessons to be taught. If
the instructional materials are not appropriate to the levels of students the
lesson will be mess up and senseless. If the instructional materials is
appropriate to the level of students the lesson will be smooth and more
effective. And it must be intended to the level of student’s vocabulary,
difficulty concepts, and students will be interesting to engage. The purpose
of instructional materials is very important, it serves to gain the attention of
students and the lesson to have interest and appeal. It will direct attention
and make the students more active and participated in the discussion. It
engaged more both the students and the teachers to have a good discussion
and effective teaching learning process.

Guidelines in Selecting Instructional Material

1. Instructional materials should support the educational philosophy,
goals and objectives of the District and the objectives of the curricular
offering in which the materials will be used.
2. Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional
and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the
materials are selected.
3. Instructional materials should be diverse with respect to levels of
difficulty, reader appeal, and should present a variety of points of
4. . Instructional materials should meet high standards of quality in
factual content and presentation.
5. Instructional materials should have aesthetic, cultural, literary, or
social value. The value and impact of any literary work will be judged
as a whole, taking into account the author’s intent rather than
individual words, phrases or incidents.
6. Instructional materials should foster respect for men, women, the
disabled, and minority groups and should portray a variety of roles and
life styles open to people in today’s world. Instructional materials
should foster respect for cultural diversity.
7. Instructional materials should be designed to motivate students to
examine their own attitudes and behaviors and to comprehend their
own duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges as participating
citizens in a pluralistic society.
8. Instructional materials should encourage students to utilize higher
order thinking skills and to become informed decision-makers, to
exercise freedom of thought and to make independent judgments
through examination and evaluation of relevant information, evidence
and differing viewpoints.
9. Instructional materials should be selected taking into account
instructional materials already available in the District in order to meet
the above criteria and in order to replace materials worn, obsolete or
no longer appropriate. Licensed professional staff shall provide for
constant and continuing renewal of the collection not only by the
addition of up-to-date material, but by the judicious elimination of
materials which no longer meet needs or find use.
10. Other criteria as developed by the licensed staff under the
supervision of the administrative staff.

ENG. 122 Module 6

I. Assessment
A. If you are tasked to demonstrate a lesson for reading to compare the
results of the psychological tests of the first year college students of NIPSC
Ajuy Campus from the different programs, what instructional materials will
you use? Why?

B. Enrichment Activity
Prepare a lesson plan for reading. Use IMs that suit to the lesson.
Lesson Plan
Grade 10

I. Objectives: At the end of the discussion, the students should be able

A. Interpret ideas presented on a poster.
B. Reflect on the message conveyed in the material viewed.
C. Analyze literature as a means of connecting to the world.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Understanding the literature
B. Refe6rences: A Journey through Anglo-American literature
C. Materials: Printed papers, Book, Manila paper
D. Value Focus: Cooperation
E. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation

(The teacher will show a poster and let the students analyze the
C. Presentation

Open your book on page 265 and read “For Conversation, Press #1 by
Michael Alvear.

D. Enrichment Activity

(The class will be grouped into four. The two groups will have a role
play, showing proper etiquette when using a cell phone or telephone.
The next two groups will compose a jingle about communications
technology highlighting its importance but not losing interaction with
others, then sing it.)

E. Generalization

What can you say about our modern technology?

How can you use them in useful way?

IV. Evaluation

Test I. Choose the correct answer for each item.

1. The authors purpose in writing the article is t-o make us realize that
a. Communications technology is interfering with human contact.
b. People are communicating less than they did in the past.
c. The advances in communications technology are unnecessary.
d. People are forgetting how to communicate with each others.

2. The question “Why is it the more connected we get , the more

connected I feel?” means?
a. Reveals the author’s confusion about technology.
b. Invites the reader to disagree with the author.
c. Highlights the author’s examples and arguments.
d. Challenges the reader to find answers to problem.

3. The author’s tone throughout the selection is _____________.

a. amusement b. criticism c. hostility d. indifference

4. The third and fourth paragraphs give emphasis on how a cell phone
a. provides convenience b. threatens safety c. isolate people d.
efficiently works

5. The idea that bothers the author most about the effect of
communications technology on his life is ________________.
a. limited communication with strangers
b. lack of social formula
c. extreme preference for cell phones
d. deviation from meaningful interaction

Test II.
Aside from the communications technology cited by the author, what
other technological advances in communication deviate us from human

V. Assignment

List the advances and disadvantages of communications technology.

Use the chart below.

Unit Advantages Disadvantages

Cell phone
Fax machine
voice mail

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