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Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)

Department of Business Administration-General
Semester Final Examination –January-June 2021
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Batch: BBA 2018 (Major-Marketing)
Global Marketing (MKT-4703)

Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 70


• Answer any 05 (Five) questions.

• Answer each question from a fresh sheet. Answer all parts of each question consecutively.
• Sub-questions must be answered consecutively.
• Marks are shown against each question in bracket.
• Any evidence of cheating identified during or after the exam will be severely penalized.

Question No. 1 (6 + 8 = 14)

a) Why are the Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment important in global marketing?
b) “The future of open global markets lies with the controlled and equitable reduction of trade
barriers.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Discuss.

Question No. 2 (6 + 8 = 14)

a) Why is the social and cultural environment important in global marketing? How does this
environment influence global marketer’s strategies? Discuss.
b) How important is the self-reference criterion to global marketers in analyzing culture? How
a global marketer can minimize the Self-Reference Criterion and Perception problem while
designing global marketing strategies? Discuss.

Question No. 3 (7 + 7 = 14)

a) Briefly explain the meaning of “expropriation,” “confiscation,” and “nationalization.” What

options are available for global companies to mitigate potential risks such as these?
b) There are an increasing number of international judicial institutions that produce decisions
and opinions on a variety of matters related to international relations and trade. These
international courts no longer restrict themselves to settling disputes; they have adopted a
role in what could be described as global governance. Why is fair and impartial justice at the
international level so important?

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Question No. 4 (4 + 10 = 14)

a) How important is branding and positioning for the tea industry in global marketing spectrum?
b) Discuss the segmentation of the global tea industry. With more tea products and varieties
being introduced, do you think the sales growth of the industry will be sustainable? Why or
why not? Discuss.

Question No. 5 (7 + 7 = 14)

a) You have been asked by a supermarket chain to propose suitable packaging and labeling for
a range of snack food products such as chocolate chip cookies, ginger snaps, crackers, peanut
butter cookies, cereal bars, and granola bars. The packaged products are meant to be exported
to its various supermarkets on the international market. You are required to highlight the key
considerations on eco-packaging and labeling for the export market.
b) Consumer electronics company Lenovo topped a list of the most popular Chinese brands
among people outside China. What challenges do Chinese brands face in the global market?

Question No. 6 (6 + 8 = 14)

a) What is the difference between a low-context culture and a high-context culture? Name a
country that is an example of each type and offer evidence for your answer.
b) What role do cultural and social factors play in building Dubai’s tourism appeal? How well
do you think Dubai has managed to bring the East and the West together?


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