Activitats D'Avaluació: GES-Graduat en Educació Secundària

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GES-Graduat en educació secundària 1 My favourites


Activitat 1
Omple els buits del text. Tria l’opció adequada i completa el buits amb el mot adeaquat. (Fill in with the
correct word)

a. Live Lives From

b. Near On In

c. Like Liking Likes

d. Runs Running Run

e. short Old but

f. Engineer Waitress Shop assistant

g. Study Studys Studies

h. Mathematics Fantastic Study

i. Don’t Not Doesn’t

j. Get up Gets up Get ups

k. Goes Go Gos

l. Boring Difficult interesting

Toni a)__________ in Mataró, b)__________ the sea. Toni c)__________ swimming and d)__________. He
is 26 and he is e)__________. Toni is a f)__________ and he g)__________ in the evenings. He likes
h)__________ but he i)__________ like languages. Ann lives in Barcelona. She j)__________ early and
k)__________ to school. She loves languages because they are very l)__________.

Activitat 2
Relaciona cada expressió amb el seu contrari. (Match the opposites)
a) Short 1. Blue eyes
b) Slim 2. Ugly
c) Handsome 3. Dark hair
d) Blonde hair 4. Tall
e) Brown eyes 5. Fat
GES-Graduat en educació secundària 2 My favourites

Activitat 3
Escriu les paraules a la columna corresponent. (Complete the table)

History - chocolate – juice – Geography – orange – mineral water – meat – potatoes – milk – fish – Biology –
rice - Computer Science – apple – sandwich – cheese- beer – banana – coke – languages



Activitat 4
Tranforma les frases següents a la forma negative (put these sentences into the negative form)

ex. He likes reading > / (negative) He doesn’t like reading

a. I like listening to music

b. Peter likes going out with friends
c. My parents like dancing
d. We like swimming
e. You like walking
6. Mary using computers

Activitat 5
Escriu completa amb el present simple del verb entre parèntesis. (Write the verb)

a) She (play) _____________ football on Mondays.

b) He (go) _____________ to the cinema with Ann.
c) Alice (study) _____________ Japanese.
d) Tim (watch) _____________ TV at home.
e) She (wash) _____________ her hands.
GES-Graduat en educació secundària 3 My favourites

f) He (read) _____________ the newspaper in the morning.

Activitat 6
Ordena les frases interrogatives següents. (Put the words in the correct order)

a) you / do / on / work / Saturdays / ?

b) Susan / do / the / does / exercise / ?

c) Like / we / cooking / do / ?

d) Go / library / does / to / he / the / ?

e) Going / with / their / do / like / out / friends / they / ?

Activitat 7
Completa les frases amb a / an / some / any. (Complete the sentences with a / an / some / any)

a) There is ____________ milk in the fridge.

b) There aren’t ____________ bananas in the basket.
c) He eats ____________ apple and ____________ oranges every day.
d) Have you got ____________ tea in the kitchen?
e) I need ____________ tomato.
f) There is ____________ bread but there isn’t ____________ cheese.
g) Have you got ____________ vegetables today?

Activitat 8
Ordena les rèpliques del diàleg següent. (Put the dialogue in the correct order)

a) Yes, I would like a coffee. __

b) Do you want any chocolate cake? It is delicious. __
c) Can I have the bill, please? __
d) Can I take your order, madam? 1
e) Of course! I love chocolate cake! __
f) Ok, madam. A coffee and some chocolate cake. __
g) Yes, madam. That’s € 9. __
GES-Graduat en educació secundària 4 My favourites


Activitat 1
Toni lives in Mataró, near the sea. Toni likes swimming and running. He is 26 and he is short. Toni is a shop
assistant and he studies in the evenings. He likes mathematics but he doesn’t like languages. Ann lives in
Barcelona. She gets up early and she goes to school. She loves languages because they are very

Activitat 2
a.4 / b.5 / c.2 / d.3 / e.1

Activitat 3



Chocolate Juice Orange History

Meat Mineral water Potatoes Geography

Fish Milk Apple Biology

Sandwich Beer Banana Computer Science

Cheese Coke Rice Languages

Activitat 4
a. I don't like listening to music
b. Peter ldoesn't like going out with friends
c. My parents don't like dancing
d. We don't ike swimming
e. You don't like walking
6. Mary doesn't like using computers

Activitat 5
a) plays d) watches
b) goes e) washes
c) studies f) reads

Activitat 6
a) Do you work on Saturdays?
GES-Graduat en educació secundària 5 My favourites

b) Does Susan do the exercise?

c) Do we like cooking?
d) Does he go to the library?
e) Do they like going out with their friends?

Activitat 7
a) some c) an / some e) a g) any
b) any d) any f) some / any

Activitat 8
a) Yes, I would like a coffee. 2
b) Do you want any chocolate cake? It is delicious. 3
c) Can I have the bill, please? 6
d) Can I take your order, madam? 1
e) Of course! I love chocolate cake! 4
f) Ok, madam. A coffee and some chocolate cake. 5
g) Yes, madam. That’s € 9. 7

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