Classifying The Arts: Rizal'S Speech

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Learning Assessment/Enrichment Activity

a. Individual activity: In your respective locality, find a native Philippine product

(work of art) such as basket, bracelet, hut, rags, textile, sandals, etc.
b. Make a documentation of the artifact: Where did you find it? If you buy the
artifact, how much? What is its local name? What is it made of? Its color, size?
Other information.

c. Take a video of artifact and answer the question: How does the product or
artifact express the Filipino concept of art? Send your video in


“In the history of mankind there are names which in themselves signify an
achievement…. To such belong the names of Luna and Hidalgo: their splendor
illuminates two extremes of the globe-the Orient and the Occident, Spain and the
Philippines. As I utter them, I seem to see two luminous arches that rise from either
region to blend there on high…to unite two peoples with eternal bonds; two peoples,
whom the seas and space vainly separate; two peoples among whom do not
germinate the seeds of disunion blindly sown by men and their despotism. Luna and
Hidalgo are the pride of Spain as of the Philippines-though born in the Philippines,
they might have been born in Spain, for genius has no country; genius bursts forth

Question: What does Rizal trying to convey in his message? Write your answer in 150
words. (10 points).
Rizal is a genius man that can think perspective and he has an amazing mind. He was
trying to convey that We can have our own mind with us wherever we are, we are
able to have unity if we know how to understand each other. If we are an educated
person wherever we are or Wherever we are we must know to ourselves that we are
not an idiot that are easy to fool by others. We Filipinos are known for our fighting
spirit, we always fight for our rights and determine enough to stand our pride and
dignity. Rizal thought us that we should learn how to stand with our own, we have
the freedom to express ourselves and how we can live our lives. If we are Intelligent
we can do everything and we can create something that can be beneficial to everyone.
No one could turn off our lights and we will be used being at the top.

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