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KEJURUTERAAN STRUKTUR 1. BAHAN BINAAN 2. REKABENTUK STRUKTUR KONKRIT BERTETULANG KONKRIT Nibah Bancuan Kook 1A tasNinml ase eNom LA t0oNme cot Sen Fae Ages) Gred Kank Sonn 35/20 Nhn (se endl 20 aera) asia Kook Seca ejuruteraanStruktur BAHAN-BAHAN BINAAN 1. KONKRIT 2. TETULANG 3. KAYU. 4, BATU-BATA, {Forsmallvolume of 1. For mast structural concreting concreting works works 2 Designation 15,257, 2, Designation as Grade 30/20 aah 3. Te provide information in 4. Notfor Portland PFA or "drawing, minimum cement log Cement Concrete cantent w/erati, slum, ype of cement ‘Tal Mix and Designed Mi ‘Approved by 5 _i— ee + Workabity compliance + other requirements itany) ‘Acceptance of Ready Mix Plant Concrete as Designed Mix Konlrt yang dhasihan oleh Ready Mix Plant tidak memerlukan teal mines. ‘Keluatan mampatan knkrt yang dperukandaripads Ready Mix Plan untuk designed mic adalah Target Mean Strength > fs current margin (cart margn= 1.6 st Devaar of tent 0040 bch) (Std Denton tnt be lstan th in speed inca 323) Pensampelan Konkrit (seenouo= comtrt womans 49) Mobb ed 1 sane ates take sete Trial Mixes to produce designed mix + Tol mites hana dperukan sekiranya site mix akan igurakan semesa pembinaan, + Kejuatan mampatan raf mixyang dsrlkan untuk designed smuxadaah (x 0f9 cubes > feu sfeurent margin~3.5 MPa) ) I atches less than 40/10 the current margin= 12 MPa (Refer clause 32.1) Ws Sirens» Yes eurent margin 35 MPa) "ble 6A 28 OAY STRENGTH COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT FOR DESIGN 9x Example 2: Grade 30 Strength Test Results UJIAN-UIIAN KONKRIT AAAAARAA pura 4. veoerest 1. Meanofgoupotconestetatreute mma (aera 2628/4342 Ms > 23403) nan) inca engin otherbsthchsconly LIAN MAMPATAN KIUB KONKRIT 2. Ujian Runtuhan ( Slump Test ) — 3. Compacting Factor Test 4 Vebe Test — Pendle —Tavlonpure see) = yates sears tpar lp arr eng = asec rngen-mert elton, dn perro + Faitoryang mempengarutekuatan kaye + Semin pina + Ringer nen mein fesah npc 2. TETULANG Jenisenis Tetons > etn esan nes 2 Wlitelantan epson tetulong=4601W/mn? , AHORUL OMe Notes tetulane, T Suz tetulang 8, 10,12, 16,20, 25,32, 40mm B + Teudangegsansederhane Nila kekustan teas tetlong= 250 N/mm! Notas tetulang,R ‘S1efup,LINK- Sai tetlang 8,10, 12, 1, 20, 25,32 40mm Dawa eating =i eat togasan «485 Nl! + Sot sifatkekuatan kay ~ Keluatan Tegangan sift rntangan techadap cava tegangan yang menor ays hs = Keluatan mampatan- ft rintangan erhacap aya rmampatan yang memampat ayu ea ~ Keluatan Rich sift rintangan kay tu torhadap day Yanga menggelangsarsan sebahagiandaipasa datas Sebahagian yang iain ~ Keluatan tenturan Statik kethanan tay darpada patah Alsebabian beban yang clkenakan “ okerasan Kayu~kekuatan kay terhadap rintangan dat aya, hertaman dan lekahan (gerakbalas lpakan kay ka suatu tndatan baj denakan) + Rawatan Pengawetan untuk meningkatkan tat klasakan ‘ayuterhadop seranganserang dan cendowan arsehoerg sere + ebaitan dan keburukan kay sebagai bahan binaan = Kebskan * Sey Ste tpn ee + temionan yi ronan Sura eng et + Kooynserantininseorg spre Sagar en maaan a + pemesutn 4. BATU-BATA + Jenisjenis bat bata = satubatranah at-bats ae pera arpa ana at 1 atjunconie = scesntaapnyp thus gustan ark meng sts Pela nangceroone anager = See pardopr lsum atc orp bohancapurn par ‘engonparSenganisan 8 Yenc dergon ec + Jenssens Susur (hkatan) Bata F TESS + Kegunaan kay sebogaibahan binaan = retinas pengangltn sae pera, et nds bare ~ Peruataanbersaton qu pasa aps, pba ‘Ujan-ujan untuk bata ~setap yan memerfukan 10 unit ate ~ poate ramble at ~ ngenerdon [REKASENTUK STRUKTUR KONKRIT BERTETULANG {JENISJENIS BINAAN KONKRIT BERTETULANG. (Cxsrmesma) sentra Irencaunasan un paTuals(RECASTUNIT SrrnouiowcoRe Sa choc Lopangan rong Tengsona) Criteria for a safe design es thaisschevea npc by designe stare ese 4. The ltimate limit state—the whole structure ort flement shoud not collapse eertum or buckle when subjected tothe design loads. Servceability limit states. the strecture should not become unfit for use due to excessive deflection, cracking, drab excessive vation, fie resistance fatigue and special ccumstances such as earthquake resistance, Design oad = character oad x paral safety ator for load AY ‘The paral safety factor tates account of 1 Possible increases in oad 2. Inaccurate asessment ofthe effects of loads 3. Unforescen stress ditrbutions in members 44. The importance of them state balng considered SINAAN MENGGUNAKAN UNIT PRATUANG ‘ra Ts ala ead perbnatn mangznatan “nteatane per nga print rte ‘petson BS corer 20% abe 2007 Seige 30% pas 2000, traaboan mannose ut paang/pngp bh {Shane ston mentor peri tame pence wire) LoaDING CCharacterities and Design Loads The characteristic load or service loads are the actual loads that thestractre designed teary {The characterise dead load G, isthe self weight ofthe Structure and the weight of ish, celings, services and partons 2:The characterise Imposed load Q, i caused by people, furniture, equipment et on floor. Imposed asd or various types of bulding are given ni 8S 6399 Part: 22: The wind load W, depends on the action, shape and ‘mensions ofthe bulangs. Wind loads ae estimated using (3: Chapterv: Pare 2. Materials ~ Properties and Design Strength ‘The characteris strength or grades of materials areas follows Concrete, isthe 28 day cube strength in Nim? Reiforcement, the yield or proof stressin N/mm? Concrete grades, #30, 36, 40,45, S0N/mm? Hotroled mikdsteel, —=250 Nem? High yield steel, not alld f= 460 N/mm? Steel Fabric, @g BRC f= 485 Nm? Partial factor of safety for material = 7, Reinforcement 125 1 a he factors takes account of LUncertantos inthe strength of materia the structare Uncertainties inthe accuracy of the method used to predict, the behavior of members Variation in member sites and building dimensions 2. RASUKSORONG MUDAN DENGAN BERAN TIT (7) artes Fon tormenttaer amen 2 ajahaye ch PIAWAIAN-PIAWAIAN/STANDARDS DALAM REKABENTUK KONKRIT BERTETULANG. 1, B58110~ Structural use of eanerete 2, 5.6359 ~ Design leading fo bling 3. UBBL~ Uniform Bulg By Law 44 CP3- Wind Loads IRAN MOMENT LENTUR & DAYA RICH 1. RASURSOKONG MUDAH DENGAN ERAN UDL won hea —* — wanes tapos ec re ‘Sinton tan fofonbore ch conTon-conTow tums sTHUKTUR ‘onmauscneo Ki 4 — Eetett sme SS Manone ten * 2 BUTIRAN-UTIRAN TIPKAL 2. RASUK SOKONG MUDAK ® @ 4. RASUKIULUR |. AS SLAUARSOKONG MUD 2 ENTANG ® ® @ ® 9 Pepe — 6, BUTIRAN TETULANG ASAS PENAPAK PAD |, SUSUNATUR TETULANG PAPAK TERAMPA! ‘Types of joints + conractonon- maybe compete parton with efoearert ‘img oh vk Terror inna gap an ony coneatonl the + laganson tis made with compte scanty ad ap between ‘ones porions. Both onarsun endeontactonana ret smastbefeedvm see + Steg oint-comltedsconnty andthe deg scene ta prt + anarston joints eure swthocinrecngstte probe ae the sags of oncrenngwars

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