The Twentieth First: Learning & Teaching

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The Twentieth First

Learning & Teaching

By:Salwa Abozaid
How’s today different from yesterday at schoo?
Some of the 20 Century Classroom Qualities


2-Focus: memorization of discrete facts

3-Lessons focus on the lower level of Bloom’s Taxonomy – knowledge, comprehension

and application.

4-Textbook-driven (content comes from textbooks)

5-Passive learning

6-Learners work in isolation – classroom within 4 walls

7-Teacher-centered: teacher is center of attention and provider of information

Some of the 21 Century Classroom Qualities


2-Focus: What students Know, Can Do and Are Like after all the details are forgotten.

3-Learning is designed on upper levels of Blooms’ – synthesis, analysis and evaluation (and

include lower levels as curriculum is designed down from the top.)

4-Research-driven (content comes from student research)

5-Active Learning

6-Learners work collaboratively with classmates and others around the world – the Global


7-Student-centered: teacher is facilitator/coach

What are the 4Cs of learning in the twenty first century?
The 4 C's of 21st Century Skills are :
1-Critical Thinking
Why Critical Thinking in class?
•To teach critical thinking help the students to
develop different skill, be more able to solve
problem and create a ´´habit mind´´ in which
they can have a higher level of
concentration.Students should develop critical
thinking abilities to become a competent of the
21st century citizens.
ways to integrate critical thinking skill in classroom :
· Adding articles, books, interesting documents according to the grade for
the students to read them.

· Developing discussion in class about social problems.

· Asking students to analyze, reflect and interpret in some topics.

· Asking students to write reaction papers.

· Let the students investigate about different themes and share it in

class by their own.
Definition of Collaboration skill

1.Show abilities to work effectively and respectful with

others team.
2.Have the flexibility to help playing whatever role in the
3.Value the individual collaboration.
4.Show compromise to the group and individual outcome!
Ways to integrate collaborative in the classroom
1.Teachers can assign work to be done outside and
inside classroom ,but students must plan it themselves.
2.Students can make groups to investigate the behavior
for others groups outside the class and to report the
(under the teacher’s supervising)
Definition of communication

● It is the articulation of thoughts and idea properly and effectively in

different forms. beyond to talk, communication is the capacity to listen

effectively to others.

● Communication is also to use different technology and media resources

and to know their impact and their effectiveness for both teachers and
● It is the capacity to communicate effectively in different ways in
different environments.
Ways to integrate communication skill into your classroom
● Watch films that model conversation skills and . ...

● Use technology to ...

● Reinforce active listening.through ...

● Offer group presentations and the form of…. ...

● Ask open-ended ...

● Use tasks and activities that foster critical thinking like... ...

● Offer reflective learning opportunities. like…...


Creativity is the practice of thinking outside the

box. While creativity is often treated like a
you-have-it-or-you-don't quality, students can
learn how to be creative by solving problems,
creating systems, or just trying something they
haven't tried before.
Develop your students' creativity in the classroom

● Create a compassionate, accepting environment. ...

● Be present with students' ideas. ...
● Encourage autonomy. ...
● Re-word assignments to promote creative thinking.
● Give students direct feedback on their creativity.
● Help students know when it's appropriate to be

● Do You See Yourself As A Teacher :

● Sit in the teachers’ room and

● Lecture all day long
● Prevent change
● Teach one year 25 times
● Be the sage on the stage
● I want a computer just to
● Teach to the test
report grades
● Be able to chew gum all day
● Keep my mouth shut and wait
and tell my students they
to become an administrator
● Cover rather than uncover
● Retire next year and it just
material and use chalk
doesn't matter anymore
● Quit learning
OR You Want To:

● create my own personal

● Collaborative work will be
learning network
just as important as
● Add students on my space
individual work
in Facebook ( humm i
● PBL ( project based
personally don't agree with
learning) won't just be an
● Encourage appropriate
● Edit, remix, and share
online interaction
media with my students
● I won't fear technology , I
● Learn from my students
ll embrace it
● Expect change
● Create positive learning

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