Airway and Ventilation

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Airway and Ventilation

You and your partner are dispastched to a motorcycle crash on a curvy county road. Fellow
riders report that the patient was traveling too fast to negotiate a sharp curve and was thrown
over the guardrail and into a tree. They carried the patient back up the embankment to the
Upon your arrival, you find a police officer maintaining an open airway using a nasopharyngeal
airway and administering oxygen via nonrebreathing mask. The police officer reports that the
patient has been unconscious since her arrival. You note that the patient’s helmet has
significant damage. You also note a deformed right humerus and an angulated lower leg.
 What indicators of airway compromise are evident in this patient?
 What other information, if any, would you seek from witnesses or the emergency
medical responders?
 Describe the sequence of actions you would take to manage this patient before and
during transport
Two of the most important prehospital maneuvers are those that provide and maintain
airway patency and pulmonary ventilation. The failure to adequately ventilate a trauma
patient and maintain oxygenation of ischemic sensitive organs such is the brain and
heart, causes additional damage, including secondary brain injury, compounding the
primary brain injury produced by the initial trauma, ensuring patency of the airway and
maintaining the patient oxygenation and supporting ventilation, when necessary, are
critical steps in minimizing the overall brain injury and improving the likelihood of good
outcome. to be clear on the use of terminology, oxygenation refers to the process by
which oxygen concentration increases within a tissue, ventilation refers to the
mechanical exchange of air between the outside enviromment and the alveoli of the
Cerebral oxygenation and oxygen delivery to other parts of the body provided by
adequate airway management and ventilation remain the most important components
of prehospital care. Because techniques and adjunct devices are changing and will
continue to change, keeping abreast of these changes is important. such techniques
may require active ventilation or passive observation of the patient’s breating.
The respiratory system serves two primary function:
1- To provide oxygen to the red blood cells, which carry the oxygen to all of the body’s
2- To remove carbon dioxide from the body.
Inability of the respiratory system to provide oxygen to the cells or inability of the
cells to the oxygen supplied results in anaerobic metabolism and can quickly lead to
death. Failure to eliminate carbon dioxide can lead to coma and acidosis.
The respiratory system is comprised of the upper airway and the lower airway,
including the lungs (figure 8-1 ) each part of the respiratory system plays an
important role in insuring gas exchange-the process by which oxygen enters the
bloodstream and carbon dioxide is removed.
Upper airway
The upper airway consists of the nasal cavity and the oral cavity (figure 8-2) air
entering the nasal cavity is warmed , humidified and filtered to remove impurities.
Beyond these cavities is the area known as the pharynx, which runs from the back of
the soft palate to the upper end of the esophagus. The pharynx is composed of
muscle lined with mucous membranes, the pharynx is divided in to tree discrete
sections: the nasopharynx (upper portion) the oropharynx (middle portion) and the
hypopharynx (lower or distal end of the pharynx) below the pharynx is the
esophagus, which leads to the stomach, and the trachea, at which point the lower
airway begins. Above the trachea is the larynx (figure 8-3) which contains the vocal
cords and the muscles that make them work, housed in a strong cartilaginous box.
The vocal cords are folds of tissue that meet in the midline. The vocal cords are folds
of tissue that meet in the midline. The false cords, or vestibular folds, direct the
airway through the vocal cords, supporting the cords posteriorly is the arytenoid
cartilage. Directly above the larynx is a leaf-shaped structure called the epiglottis
acting as a gate or flapper valve, the epiglottis directs air into the trachea and solids
and liquids into the esophagus.
Lower airway
The lower airway consists of the trachea, its branches, and the lungs. On inspiration,
air travels through the upper airway and into the lower airway before reaching the
alveoli, where the actual gas exchange occurs. The trachea divides into the right and
left main bronchi. The right main bronchus comes off the trachea at approximately a
25-degree angulation. (this difference explains why right main bronchus placement
of an endotracheal tube is a common complication of intubation.)
Each of the main bronchi subdivides into several primary bronchi and then into
bronchioles. Bronchioles (very small bronchial tubes) terminate at the alveoli, which
are tiny air sacs surrounded by capillaries. The alveoli are the site of gas exchange
where the respiratory and circulatory systems meet.
As discussed in the physiology of life and death chapter, the airway is a pathway that
leads atmospheric air through the nose mouth, pharynx, trachea, and bronchi to the
alveoli. with each breath, the average 150-pound (Ib) (70-kilogram(kg) adult takes in
approximately 500 milliliters (ml) of air. The airway system holds up to 150 ml of air
that never actually reaches the alveoli to participate in the critical gas-exchange
process. The space in which this air is held is known as dead space. The air inside this
dead space is not available to the body to be used for oxygenation because it never
reaches the alveoli.
With each breath, air is drawn into the lungs, the movement of air into and out of
the alveolus result from changes in intrathoracic pressure generated by the
contraction and relaxation of specific muscle groups. The primary muscle of
breathing is the diaphragm. Normally the muscle fibers of the diaphragm shorter
when a stimulus is received from the brain. In addition to the diaphragm, the
external intercostal muscles help pull the ribs forward and upward. This flattening of
the diaphragm along with the action of the intercostal muscles is an active
movement that creates a negative pressure inside the thoracic cavity. This negative
pressure causes atmospheric air to enter the intact pulmonary tree (figure
8-4) other muscles attached to the chest wall can also contribute to the creation of
this negative pressure; these include the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles.
The use of these second muscles will be seen as the work of breathing increases in
the trauma patient. In contrast, exhalation is normally a passive process in nature,
caused by the relaxation of the diaphragm and chest wall muscles and the elastic
recoil of these structure. However, exhalation can become active as the work of
breathing increases.
Generation this negative pressure during inspiration requires an intact chest wall.
For example, in the trauma patient, a wound that creates an open pathway between
the outside atmosphere and the thoracic cavity can result in air being pulled in
through the open wound rather than into the lungs. Damage to the bony structure
of the chest wall may again compromise the patient’s ability to generate the needed
negative pressure required for adequate ventilation ( see the thoracic trauma
chapter ).
When atmospheric reaches the alveoli, oxygen moves from the alveoli, across the
alveolar-capillary membrane, and into the red blood cells (RBCs) (figure 8-5) the
circulatory system then delivers the oxygen-carrying RBCs to the body tissues, where
oxygen is used as fuel for metabolism. As oxygen is transferred from inside the
alveoli across the cell wall and capillary endothelium, through the plasma, and into
the RBCs carbon dioxide is exchange in the opposite direction, from the blood to the
alveoli. Carbon dioxide, which is carried dissolved in the plasma (approximately10%)
bound to proteins (mostly hemoglobin in the RBCs[approximately20%]) and as
bicarbonate (approximately 70%) moves from the bloodstream, across the alveolar-
capillary membrane, and into the alveoli, where it is eliminated during exhalation
(figure 8-6) on completion of this exchange, the oxygenated RBCs and plasma will a
low carbon dioxide level return to the left side of the heart to be pumped to all the
cells in the body.
Once at the cell, the oxygenated RBCs deliver their oxygen, which the cells then use
for aerobic metabolism (see the physiology of life and death chapter) carbon
dioxide, a by- product of aerobic metabolism, is released into the blood plasma.
Deoxygenated blood returns to the right side of the heart. The blood is pumped to
the lungs, where it is again supplied with oxygen, and the carbon dioxide is
eliminated by diffusion. The oxygen is transported mostly by hemoglobin in the RBCs
themselves, whereas the carbon dioxide is transported in the tree ways previously
mentioned: in the plasma, bound to proteins such as hemoglobin, and buffered as
The alveoli must be constantly replenished with a fresh supply of air that contains an
adequate amount of oxygen. This replenishment of air, known as ventilation, is also
essential for the elimination of carbon dioxide. Ventilation is measurable. The size of
each breath, called the tidal volume, multiplied by the ventilator rate for 1 minute
equals the minute volume:
Minute volume = tidal volume * ventilatory rate per minute

During normal resting ventilation, about 500ml of air is taken into the lungs. As
mentioned previously, part of this volume, 150ml, remains in the airway system
( the trachea and bronchi) as dead space and dose not participate in gas exchange.
Only 350ml is actually available for gas exchange (figure 8-7). If the tidal volume is
500ml and the ventilatory rate is 14 breaths/minute, the minute volume can be
calculated as follows.

Minute volume = 500ml * 14 breaths /minute = 7,000ml,or 7 liters/minute

Therefore, at rest, about 7 liters of air must move in and out of the lungs each
minute to maintain adequate carbon dioxide elimination and oxygenation. If the
minute volume falls below normal, the patient has inadequate ventilation, a
condition called hypoventilation. Hypoventilation leads to a buildup of carbon
dioxide in the body. Hypoventilation is common when lead or chest trauma causes
an altered breathing patient or an inability to move the chest wall adequately.
For example, a patient with rib fracture who is breathing quickly and shallowly
because of the pain of the injury may have a tidal volume of 100ml and a ventilator
rate of 40 breath/minute. This patient’s minute volume can be calculated as follows:

Minute volume = 100ml * 40 breath/minute = 4,000ml/minute, or 4 liters/minute

If 7 liters is necessary for adequate gas exchange in a nontraumatized person at rest,

4 liters /minute is much less than the body requires to eliminate carbon dioxide
effectively, indicating hypoventilation. Furthermore, 150ml of air is necessary to
overcome dead space. If the patient’s tidal volume is 100ml, oxygenated air will
never reach the alveoli but instead will only get as far as the trachea and bronchi. If
left untreated, this hypoventilation will quickly lead to sever respiratory distress and,
ultimately, death.
In the previous example, the patient with rib fracture is hypoventilating even
through the ventilatory rate is 40 breath/minute. This patient is breathing fast
(tachypneic) but at the same time is hypoventilating. Thus respiratory rate does not,
by itself, indicate the adequacy of the ventilation. Evaluating a patient’s ability to
exchange air involves assessing both ventilatory rate and depth. A common mistake
is assuring that any patient with a fast ventilatory rate is hypoventilating. A much
better measure of ventilatory status is the amount of carbon dioxide eliminated,
which can be determined using carbon dioxide monitors. The effect of carbon
dioxide alimination on metabolism is discussed with the fick principle and aerobic
and anaerobic metabolism in the physiology of life and death and the shock
Assessment of ventilatory function always includes an evaluation of how well a
patient is taking in, diffusing, and delivering oxygen to the tissue cells. Without
proper intake, delivery of oxygen to the tissue cells, and processing of oxygen within
these cells to maintain aerobic metabolism and energy production, anaerobic
metabolism will begin. In addition, effective ventilation must be ensured. A patient
may accomplish ventilation completely, partially, or not at all. Aggressive assessment
and management of these inadequacies in both oxygenation and ventilation are
paramount to a successful outcome.
Oxygenation and ventilation of the trauma patient
The oxygenation process within the human body involves the following three

oxygen can help overcome some of these factors. The tissues and cells cannot
consume adequate amounts of oxygen if adequate amounts are not available.
Adequate oxygenation depends on all three of these phases. Although the ability to
assess tissue oxygenation in prehospital situations is improving rapidly, appropriate
ventilatory support for all trauma patient’s begins by providing supplemental oxygen
to help ensure that hypoxia is corrected or averted entirely.

Trauma can effect the respiratory system’s ability to adequately provide oxygen and
eliminate carbon dioxide in the following ways.
 Hypoxemia (decreased oxygen level in the blood) can result from decreased diffusion of
oxygen across the alveolar-capillary membrane.
 Hypoxia (deficient tissue oxygenation ) can be caused by:
- The inability of the air to reach the capillaries, usually because the airway is
obstructed or the alveoli are filled with fluid or debris.
- Decrease blood flow to the alveoli.
- Decrease blood flow to the tissue cells.
 Hypoventilation can result from:
- Obstruction of airway through the upper and lower airways.
- Decreased expansion of the lungs as a result of direct injury to the chest wall or
- Loss of ventilatory drive, usually because of decreased neurologic function, most
often after a traumatic brain injury.

Hyper ventilation can cause vasoconstriction, which can be especially detrimental in

the management of the traumatic brain-injured patient.
Hypoventilation result from the reduction of minute volume. If left untreated
hypoventilation result in carbon dioxide buildup, acidosis, and eventually death.
Management involves improving the patient’s ventilator rate and depth by
correcting existing airway problems and assisting ventilation as appropriate.
The following sections discuss two of the causes of inadequate ventilation:
decreased neurologic function and mechanical obstruction. The third cause, a
reduction in minute volume as a result of decreased pulmonary expansion, is
discussed in the thoracic trauma chapter. The remaining causes are discussed in the
shock chapter.
Decreased neurologic function
Decreased minute volume can be caused by two clinical conditions related to
decreased neurologic function: mechanical obstruction and a decreased level of
A common cause of decreased minute volume is mechanical airway obstruction. the
source of mechanical airway obstructions may be neurologically influenced or purely
mechanical in nature. Neurologic insults that alter the LOC may disrupt the
“controls” that normally hold the tongue in an anatomically neutral (nonobstructing)
position. If these controls are compromised, the tongue falls rearward, occluding the
hypopharynx (figure 8-8) this complication commonly present as snoring with
respiration. To prevent the tongue from occluding the hypopharynx or to correct the
problem when it occurs, an open airway must be maintained in any supine patient
with a diminished LOC, regardless of whether signs of ventilator compromise exist.
Such patients may also require periodic suctioning because secretion, saliva, blood,
or vomitus may accumulate in the oropharynx.
Foreign bodies in the airway may be objects that were in the patient’s mouth at the
time of the injury, such is false teeth, chewing gam, tobacco, real teeth, and bone.
Outside materials, such as glass from a broken windshield or any object that is near
the patient mouth on injury, may also threaten airway patency.
Upper and lower airway obstructions may also be caused by bone or cartilage
collapse from a fractured larynx or trachea, by mucous membrane avulsed from the
hypopharynx or tongue, or by facial damage in which blood and fragments of bone
and tissue create an obstruction.
Management of mechanical airway obstructions can be extremely challenging.
Foreign bodies in the oral cavity may become lodged and create occlusion in the
hypopharynx or the larynx. Crush injuries to the larynx and edema of the vocal cords
may be present. Patient’s with facial injuries may present with two of the most
common foreign body obstructions: blood and vomit. Direct trauma to the anterior
neck can cause rupture of the trachea leading to hemoptysis and massive
subcutaneous emphysema as air leaks out into the soft tissue (figure8-9) treatment
of these problem is aimed at immediate recognition of the obstruction and the steps
taken to ensure airway patency.
A decreased LOC, from traumatic brain injury or associated issues such as alcohol or
drug use, will also affect vetilatory drive and may reduce the rate of ventilation, the
volume of ventilation, this reduction in minute volume may be temporary or
Hyperventilation is when alveolar ventilation is so great that carbon dioxide removal
exceeds its production in metabolizing cells, thus leading to hypocapnia (decreased
amount of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood) alveolar ventilation is usually
measured by obtaining arterial blood measurements in the emergency department
(ED) and intensive care unit (ICU). While we cannot obtain this lab test in the field,
we do have the ability to monitor end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2). When carbon
dioxide levels are below normal levels of 35 to 45 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)
vasoconstriction begins to occur.
Hyperventilation in the trauma patient does not usually occur without the
intervention of the prehospital care provider using a bag-mask device at too fast a
rate or too great a depth.
Evidence has shown that critical brain trauma patients in urban environments have a
better outcome if managed with simple procedure rather than endotracheal
intubation. While there are many factors that may contribute to this outcome,
including increased scene time, aspiration, and hypoxia during intubation, it is
important to understand functional minute volume or the actual exchange that
takes place at the alveolar level. It has been noted that as time goes on in the
resuscitation process, ventilatory rate creeps up as the prehospital care provider
become distracted.
While the ventilator rate may increase while using the bag-mask device, the loss of a
tight mask seal will cause volume leak, and thus the minute volume will remain near
the normal levels. Once intubated however, a greater volume is available for gas
exchange, and as the ventilatory rate increase, the combination of faster rate and
greater volume causes hypocarbia(low carbon dioxide). This, in turn, causes
vasoconstriction of the blood vessels within the brain. While this shrinking of the
blood vessels within the brain. While this shrinking of the blood vessels will allow
more apace for expansion from bleeding or swelling of brain tissue, it causes a
decrease amount of oxygenated bool to reach the brain tissue. This in turn causes
more edema to develop.
Assessment of the airway and ventilation
The ability to assess the airway is required in order to effectively manage it.
Prehospital care providers perform many aspect of assessing the airway
automatically. A patient who is alert and talking as the prehospital care provider
walks through the door has an open and patent airway. But when the patient’s LOC
is decreased, it is essential to thoroughly assess the airway prior to moving to other
lower priority injuries. When examining the airway during the primary assessment,
the following need to be assessed:
- Position of the airway and patient
- Any sounds emanating from the upper airway
- Airway obstruction
- Chest rise
Position of the airway and patient
as you make visual contact with the patient, observe the patient’s position. Patients
in a supine position with a decreased LOC are at risk for airway obstruction from the
tongue falling back in to the airway. Most trauma patients will be placed in the
supine position on a backboard for spinal immobilization. Any patient exhibiting
signs of decrease LOC will need constant re-examination for airway obstruction and
the placement of an adjunctive device to ensure an open airway. Patients who
present with an open airway while lying on their side may obstruct their airways
when placed supine on a backboard patients with massive facial trauma and active
bleeding may need to be maintained in the position in which they are found if they
are maintaining their own airway. In some cases, this may mean allowing the patient
to sit in an upright position as long as the airway is being maintained. Placing these
patients supine on a backboard may cause obstruction to the airway and possible
aspiration of blood. In such causes if the patients are maintaining their on airways,
the best course of action may be to let them continue. If necessary, stabilization of
the cervical spine can be accomplished by manually holding the head position
needed to allow for maintenance of an opine airway (figure 8-10).
Remember that the principle is to maintain an open airway and provide stabilization
for the cervical spine when indicated. This effort does not always require a full spine
board and the patient lying flat.
Upper airway souds
noise coming from the upper airway is never a good sign. These noises can often be
heard as you approach the patient. They are usually a result of a patient airway
obstruction caused by the tongue, blood, or foreign bodies in the upper airway.
Stridorous breath sounds point to a partially obstructed upper airway. This
obstruction may be an anatomic obstruction, such as a tongue that has fallen back
into the airway or an edematous (swollen) epiglottis or airway. It may also be caused
by foreign bodies. An edematous airway is an emergency situation that demands
quick action to prevent total airway obstruction. Steps maintain an open airway.
Examine the airway for obstructions
Look in the mouth for any obvious foreign matter or any gross anatomic
malformation. Remove any foreign bodies found (as discussed later).
Look for chest rise
Limited chest rise may be a sign of an obstructed airway. The use of accessory
muscles and the appearance of increased work of breathing should lead to a high
index of suspicion of airway compromise. Asymmetric chest rise may provide a
subtle clue to the presence of a pneumothorax, although this sign is often difficult to
identify in the prehospital environment.
Airway control
Insuring a patent airway is the first priority of trauma management and
resuscitation, and no action is more crucial in airway management than appropriate
assessment of the airway (figure 8-11). Regardless of how the airway is managed, a
cervical spine injury must be considered if the mechanism of injury suggest the
potential for injury. The use of any of these methods of airway control require
simultaneous manual stabilization of the cervical spine in a neutral position until the
patient has been compleletly immobilized (see the spinal trauma chapter ) the
exception to this role would be in penetrating trauma. Data have shown that spinal
immobilization is usually not necessary in many of these patients (see the spinal
trauma chapter).
Essential skills
Management of the airway in trauma patients is a primary consideration because
without an adequate airway, a positive outcome cannot be achieved. Management
of the airway can be challenging, but in most patients, manual or simple procedures
may be sufficient initially. Even prehospital care providers who have been trained in
more complex airway techniques need to maintain their ability to perform these
essential manual and simple skills, because these methods, depending on the
situation, may lead to a better patient outcome. Prehospital care providers always
need to weigh the risk versus the benefit of performing highly invasive complex
procedures. Such procedure require a high degree of skill proficiency. And close
oversight by the medical director. Airway maintenance skills can be broken into
three different levels. The application of these skills, as long as they are within the
prehospital care providers scope of practice, should be patient driven, dependent on
the situation and the severity of the patient.
Categories for airway adjuncts and procedure
Manual methods of opening the airway are the easiest to use and require no
equipment other than the prehospital care provider’s hands. The airway can be
maintained with these methods, even

Airway management indicated

If the patient has a gag reflex. There are no contraindications for the use of manual techniques
in airway management of the trauma patient. Examples of this type of airway management
include the trauma chin lift and the trauma jaw thrust. Positioning and manual clearing of the
airway also fall into this category (figure 8-12)

Simple airway management involves the use of adjunctive devices that require only one piece
of equipment, and the technique for inserting the device necessitated minimal training
requirements. The risks associated with placement of this type of airway device are extremely
low compared to the potential benefit of maintaining a patient airway. If the airway is
improperly placed, it is easily recognizable and correctable. Examples of this airways include
oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways (figure 8-13).

Complex airways include airway adjuncts that require significant initial training and then
ongoing training to ensure continuing proficiency. Adjuncts that fail into this category require
multiple pieces of equipment and the possible use of pharmaceuticals as well as multiple steps
to insert the airway and, in some cases, direct visualization of the tracheal opening in addition,
surgical airway techniques such as cricothyroidotomy ( both needle and surgical ) fall into this
category. The penalty for failure when using complex airways is high and may result in a less
than optimal outcome for the patient. Continuous monitoring of oxygen saturation and ETCO2
is also highly recommended when using this group of airways, adding to the complexity of their
use. Examples of these airway include endotracheal tubes and supraglottic airways (figure 8-14)
See figure 8-15 for a breakdown of the three methods of airway management.
Figure 8-15 methods of airway
- Hands only
- Oropharyngeal airway
- Nasopharyngeal airway
- Endotracheal intubation
- Supraglottic airways
- Pharmacologically assisted/rapid-sequence intubation
- Percutaneous airway
- Surgical airway
Manual clearing of the airway-
The first step in airway management is a quick visual inspection of the
oropharyngeal cavity. Foreign material (e.g, pieces of food) or broken teeth or
dentures and blood may be found in the mouth of a trauma patient. These objects
are swept out of the mouth using a gloved finger or, in the case of blood or vomitus,
may be suctioned away. In addition, positioning of the patient on his or her side,
when not contraindicated by possible spinal trauma, will allow for gravity-assisted
clearing of secretions, blood, and vomitus.
Manual maneuvers
In unresponsive patients, the tongue becomes flaccid, falling back and blocking the
hypopharynx (see figure 8-8) the tongue is the most common cause of airway
obstruction. Manual methods to clear this type of obstruction can easily be
accomplished because the tongue is attached to the mandible(jaw) and moves
forward with it. Any maneuver that moves the mandible forward will pull the tongue
out of the hypopharynx:
- Trauma jaw thrust. In patient with suspected head, neck, or facial trauma, the
cervical spine is maintained in a neutral in-line position. The trauma jaw thrust
maneuver allows the prehospital care provider to open the airway with little or no
movement of the head and cervical spine (see figure 8-12) the mandible is thrust
forward by placing the thumbs on each zygoma (cheekbone), placing the index and
long fingers on the mandible, and at the same angle, pushing the mandible forward.
- trauma chin lift. The trauma chin lift maneuver is used to relieve a variety of
anatomic airway obstructions inpatients who are breathing spontaneously (see
figure 8-12) the chin and lower incisors are grasped and then lifted to pull the
mandible forward. The prehospital care provider wears gloves to avoid body fluid
Both these techniques result in movement of the lower mandible anteriorly
(upward) and slightly caudal (toward the feet), pulling the tongue forward, away
from the posterior airway, and opening the mouth. The trauma jaw thrust pushes
the mandible forward, whereas the trauma chin lift pulls the mandible. The trauma
jaw thrust and the trauma chin lift are modifications of the conventional jaw thrust
and chin lift. The modification provide protection to the patient’s cervical spine
while opening the airway by displacing the tongue from the posterior pharynx.
A trauma patient may not be capable of effectively clearing the buildup of
secretions, vomitus, blood, or foreign objects from the trachea. Providing suction is
an important part of maintaining a patient airway.
The most significant complication of suctioning is that suctioning for prolonged
periods will produce hypoxemia, which produces significant detrimental effects at
the tissue level in many organs. The most obvious clinical clue that the patient is
becoming hypoxic is a cardiac abnormality (e.g., tachycardia or dysrhythmias).
Preoxygenation of the trauma patient by providing supplemental oxygen will help
prevent hypoxemia. In addition, when suctioning close to or below the larynx (i.e.,
when suctioning an endotracheal tube), the suction catheter may stimulate either
the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve or the recurrent laryngeal nerve
that supplies the larynx above and below the cords, both of which are vagal in origin.
Vagal stimulation may lead to profound bradycardia and hypotension.
The trauma patient whose airway has not yet been managed may require aggressive
suctioning of the upper airway. Large amounts of blood and vomit may have already
accumulated in the airway before the arrival of emergency medical services (EMS)
and may have already compromised ventilation and oxygen transport into the
alveoli. This accumulation may be more than a simple suction unit can quickly clear.
If so the patient may be rolled onto his or her side while maintaining cervical spine
stabilization; gravity will then assist in clearing the airway . a rigid suction device is
preferred to clear the oropharynx. Although hypoxia can result from prolonged
suctioning, a totally obstructed airway will provide no air exchange. Aggressive
suctioning and patient positioning are continued intel the airway is at least partially
clear. At that point, hyperoxygenation followed by repeated suctioning can be
performed. Hyperoxygenation, like preoxygenation, may be accomplished will either
a nonrebreathing mask on a high flow of oxygen or a bag-mask device running at 15
liters per minute. The goal when hyperoxygenating is to maintain an oxygen
saturation at or above 95% at sea level.
When suctioning intubated patients through the Endotracheal tube (ET) the suction
catheter should be made of soft material to limit trauma to the tracheal mucosa
and to minimize frictional resistance. It needs to be long enough to pass the tip of
the artificial airway (20 to 22 inches, or 50 to 55 centimeters [cm] and should have
smooth ends to prevent mucosal trauma. The soft catheter will probably not be
effective in suctioning copious amounts of foreign material or fluid from the pharynx
of a trauma patient, in which case the device of choice will be one with a tonsil-tip or
Yankauer design. Under no circumstances should a tonsil-tip or Yankauer rigid
suction device be placed in the end of the ET tube.
When suctioning an intubated patient, aseptic procedures are vital. This technique
includes the following steps:
1- preoxygenate the trauma patient with 100% oxygen (fraction of inspired oxygen
2- prepare the equipment while maintaining sterility.
3- Insert the catheter without suction. Suctioning is then initiated and continued for
up to 10 second while with-drawing the catheter.
4- Reoxygenate the patient, and ventilate for at least five assisted ventilations.
5- Repeat as necessary, allowing time for reoxygenation to take place between

Selection of adjunctive device

Problems found with the airway during the primary assessment require
immediate action to establish and maintain a patent airway.
These initial steps are the manual maneuvers such as a trauma jaw thrust or chin
lift. Once opened, the airway must be maintained. The particular device should
be selected based on the prehospital care provider’s level of training and
proficiency with that particular device and a risk-benefit analysis for the use of
various types of devices and techniques that relate to the particular patient( see
the chapter titled the science, art, and ethics of prehospital care principles,
preferences, and critical thinking). The choice of the airway adjunct should be
patient driven: what is the best airway for this particular patient in this particular
During original training as well as during ongoing continuing education,
prehospital care providers at various levels are exposed to a range of adjunctive
devices to help maintain an open airway. The amount of training directly relates
to the difficulty in placement of the device. At the emergency medical responder
level, prehospital care providers are trained to place oropharyngeal airways. At
the other end of the spectrum, advanced prehospital care providers have been
trained to use complex airway devices, with some protocols allowing surgical
airway procedures.
With complex skills such as intubation or surgical cricothyroidotomy, the more
times a skill is performed, the better the chance for a successful outcome. A new
paramedic who has performed these procedures only in the classroom setting
has less of a chance of intubating a difficult patient successfully compared to a
10-year veteran who has performed these interventions numerous times during
his or her career. the more steps there are in a procedure, the more difficult the
procedure is to learn and master. These complex skills also lend themselves to a
greater probability of failure as greater knowledge is required and more steps
are involved in completing the intervention. As a skill increases in difficulty, so do
the educational requirements, both in initial training and ongoing skills
maintenance (figure 8-16 and 8-17). Generally the more difficult a procedure is
to perform, the greater the penalty to the patient for failure or error. With
airway procedure, this is particularly true.
These are several types of airway device that may be selected depending on the
needs or potential needs of the patient (figure 8-18).
1-Simple adjuncts
- Devices that lift the tongue from the back of the pharynx only
 Oral airway
 Nasal airway
- To ventilate requires a mask (usually with bag-mask device
2- Complex airways
- Devices that occlude the oral pharynx
 Supraglottic airways
“ combitube
“ laryngeal mask airway
“ laryngeal tube (LTs) (e.g, king LT)
 Devices that isolate the trachea from the esophagus
“ ET tube
 No mask require to ventilate
Simple adjuncts
When manual airway maneuvers are unsuccessful or when continued maintenance of
an open airway is the next step. After placement of a simple adjunctive device, a
decision to escalate to a complex airway may be appropriate depending upon the
particular patient and situation. The simple airway adjuncts are listed below.
Oropharyngeal airway
The most frequently used artificial airway is the oropharyngeal airway (OPA) (see
figure8-13) the OPA is inserted in either a direct or an inverted manner.
 Patient who is unable to maintain his or her airway
 To prevent an intubated patient from bring an ET tube
 Because it stimulates the gag reflex, use of the OPA may lead to gagging, vomiting, and
laryngospasm in patients who are conscious
Nasopharyngeal airway
The nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) is a soft, rubberlike device that is inserted through
one of the nares and then along the curvature of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx
and oropharynx (see figure 8-13)
 Patient who is unable to maintain his or her airway
 No need for an airway adjunct
 Evidence has not supported the claim that facial/basilar skull fracture are a
contraindication to placement of an NPA
 Bleeding caused by insertion may be a complication
Complex airway
Complex airway adjuncts and management techniques are appropriate when simple
airway maneuvers and devices are inadequate to maintain a patent airway. Anytime a
complex airway device is considered for placement in a patient, t
He prehospital care provider must consider the possibility that the procedure will be
unsuccessful and have a backup plan in mind. Alternate methods of managing the
airway should be considered and the necessary equipment prepared in the event the
first choice of intervention proves unsuccessful.
Supraglottic airways
Supraglottic airways offer a functional alternative airway to indotracheal intubation
(figure 8-14 and figure 8-19) many jurisdictions allow the use of these devices because
minimal training is required to achieve and retain competency. These devices are
inserted without direct visualization of the vocal cords. They are also a useful backup
airway when endotracheal intubation attempts and unsuccessful, even when rapid-
sequence intubation has been attempted, or when after careful evaluation of the
airway, the prehospital care provider feels that the chance successful placement is
higher than for endotracheal intubation. The primary advantage of supraglottic airways
is that they may be inserted independent of the patient’s position, which may be
especially important in trauma patients with access and extrication difficulties or a high
suspicion of cervical injury.
When placed into a patient, supraglottic airways in pediatric sizes. Prehospital care
providers should insure proper sizing according to the manufacture’s specification if
using these types of airways pediatric patients.

Figure 8-11 common supraglottic airways

 King LT airway
 Combitube
 Laryngeal mask airway
 Intubating LMA
 Basic providers. if the prehospital provider is trained and authorized, a supraglottic
airway is the primary airway device for an unconscious trauma patient who lacks a gag
reflex and is apneic ventilating at a rate of less than 10 breaths/minute.
 Advanced providers. a supraglottic airway os often the alternative airway device when
the prehospital care provider is unable to perform endotracheal intubation and con not
easily ventilate the patient with a bag-mask device and an OPA or NPA.
 intact gag reflex
 nonfasting (recent med)
 known esophageal disease
 recent ingestion of caused substances
 gagging and vomiting, if gag reflex is intact
 aspiration
 damage to esophagus
 hypoxia if ventilated using the incorrect lumen

endotracheal intubation
endotracheal intubation traditionally has been the preferred method for achieving
maximum control of the airway in trauma patients who are either apneic or who require
assisted ventilation (figure 8-20 and figure 8-21). Recent studies, however, have shown
that in an urban environment, critically injured trauma patients with endotracheal
intubation had no better outcome than those transported with bag-mask device and
OPA as a result, the role of endotracheal intubation has increasingly come under
question. Few studies have demonstrated any benefit to the technique. The decision to
perform endotracheal intubation or use an alternative device should be made after
assessment of the airway has determined the difficulty of the intubation. The risk of
hypoxia from prolonged intubation attempts of a patient who has a difficult airway
needs to be weighed against the need to insert the ET tube. Consideration should also
be given to the effect of any increase in scene time necessary to perform the procedure.

Figure 8-21 equipment for endotracheal intubation

As with any advanced life support skill, prehospital care providers need to have the
proper equipment. The standard component of an intubation kit should include the
 laryngoscope with adult- and pediatric-sized straight and curved blades
 extra batteries and spare light bulds
 suction equipment including rigid and flexible catheters
 adult- and pediatric- sized ET tubes
 stylet
 gum elastic bougie
 10-ml syringe
 Water-soluble lubricant
 Magill forceps
 End-tidal detection device for ETCO2 detection
 Wave from capnography
 Tube-securing device

Prediction of potentially difficult endotracheal intubation

It is imperative that prior to performing endotracheal intubation an assessment of the
difficulty of the intubation be done. There are many factors that can result in a difficult
intubation of the trauma patient (figure 8-22) some of these are directly related to the
trauma that they have sustained; others are due to anatomic of their face and upper
The mnemonic LEMON has been developed to assist in the assessment of the relative
difficulty that will be involved in a particular intubation (figure 8-23) although not all
component of the LEMON mnemonic may be applied to the trauma patient in the field,
an understanding of the components can help the prehospital care provider prepare for
the difficult intubation. Other procedures or devices may be selected if the difficulty of
the procedure is deemed high.

Figure 8-22
factors that contribute to difficult intubation
 Receding chin
 Short neck
 Large tongue
 Small mouth opening
 Cervical immobilization
 Facial trauma
 Bleeding into the airway
 Active vomiting
 Access to the patient
 Obesity

Figure 8-23
Lemon assessment for difficult intubation
L= look externally: look for characteristic that are known to cause difficult intubation or
E= evaluate the 3-3-2 rule: to allow for alignment of the pharynx, laryngeal, and oral
axes, and therefore simple intubation, the following relationships should be observed:
 The distance between the patient’s upper and lower incisor teeth should be at least 3
finger breadths(3)
 The distance between the thyroid notch and floor of the mouth should be at least 2
finger breadths(2)
M=mallampat: the hypopharynx should be visualized adequate. This has been done
traditionally by assessing the malampati classification.
 when possible, the patient is asked to sit upright, open the mouth fully, and protrude
the tongue as far as possible. The examiner then looks into the mouth with a light to
assess the degree of hypopharynx visible. In supine patients, the malampati score can
be estimated by asking the patient to open the mouth fully and protrude the tongue; a
laryngoscope light is then shone into the hypopharynx from above.
O=obstruction: any condition that can cause obstruction of the airway will make
laryngoscopy and ventilation difficult. Such condition include epiglottitis, peritonsillar
abscess, and trauma.
N=neck mobility: this is a vital requirement for successful intubation. It can be assessed
easily by asking the patient to place his or her chin onto the chest and then extending
the neck so that he or she is looking toward the ceiling. Patients in a hard collar neck
immobilizer obviously have no neck movement and are, therefore, more difficult to
Figure 8-12

Transport time may also be a factor when deciding the appropriate modality; an
example may be a patient who is being maintained effectively with an OPA and bag-
mask with a short transport time to the trauma center. The prehospital care provider
may elect not to intubate but rather transport while maintaining the airway using simple
airway techniques. Prehospital care providers need to assess the risks versus the
benefits when making the decision to perform complex airway procedure.
Despite the potential challenges of this procedure, endotracheal intubation remains the
preferred method of airway control because it does the following:
 isolates the airway
 allows for ventilation with 100% oxygen
 eliminates the need to maintain an adequate mask-to-face seal.
 Significantly decrease the risk of aspiration (vomitus, foreign materials, blood)
 Facilitates deep tracheal suctioning
 Prevents gastric insufflation

Indications, contraindications, and complication

 Patient who is unable to protect his or her airway
 Patient with significant oxygenation problem, requiring administration of high
concentration of oxygen
 Patient with significant ventilatory impairment requiring assisted ventilation
 Lack of training or maintenance of training in technique
 Lack of proper indication
 Proximity to receiving facility (relative contraindication)
 High probability of failed airway
 Hypoxemia from prolonged intubation attempts
 hypercarbia from prolonged intubation attempts
 vagal stimulation causing bradycardia
 increased intracranial pressure
 trauma to the airway with resultant hemorrhage and edema
 right main bronchus intubation
 esophageal intubation
 vomiting leading to aspiration
 loose or broken teeth
 injury to the vocal cords
 conversion of a cervical spine injury without neurologic deficit to one with neurologic

as with all procedure, the prehospital care provider, along with the medical director,
makes a risk-benefit judgment when using any complex procedures. Performing
procedures simply because “the protocols allow it” is inappropriate. Think of the
possible benefits and the possible risks, and from a plan based on the best interest of
the patient in a given situation. Situation differ drastically based on transport time,
location (urban vs. rural), an the prehospital care provider’s level of comfort in
performing a given procedure (figure 8-24)

method of endotracheal intubation

several alternative methods are available for performing endotracheal intubation. The
method of choice depends on such factors as the patient’s needs the level of urgency
(orotracheal vs. nasotracheal) patient positioning (face to face), or training and scope of
practice (pharmacologically assisted intubation).

Figure 8-24 practice improves the intubation success rate

Research studies have shown that practice increases the likelihood of success when
intubating although no correlation was found between success rate and length of time
as a paramedic, there was a correlation between the number of patients intubated by
the paramedic and the success rate. Experience with the procedure increases the
likelihood of successful performance .

Regardless of the method selected, the patient’s head and neck should be stabilized in a
neutral position during the procedure and until spinal immobilization is completed. In
general, if intubation is not successful after three attempts, consider a defferent
Orotracheal intubation
Orotracheal intubation involves placing an ET tube into the trachea through the mouth.
The nontrauma patient is often placed in a”sniffing” position to facilitate intubation.
Because this position hyperextends the cervical spine at C1-C2 (the second most
common site for cervical spine fracture in the trauma patient) it should not be used for
patients with blunt trauma (figure 8-25)
Nasotracheal intubation
In conscious trauma patients or in those with an intact gag reflex, endotracheal
intubation may be difficult to accomplish. If spontaneous ventilations are present, blind
nasotracheal intubation (BNTI) may be attempted if the benefit outweighs the risk.
Although nasotracheal intubation is often more difficult to perform than direct
visualization and oral intubation, a 90% success rate has been reported in traumatized
patients. During BNTI, the patient must be breathing to insure that the ET tube is passed
through the vocal cords. Many text suggest that BNTI is contraindicated in the presence
of midface trauma or fractures, but an exhaustive literature search reveals no
documentation of an ET tube entering the cranial vault. Apnea is a contraindication
specific to BNTI. In addition, no stylet is used when BNTI is performed.

Face-to-face intubation
Face-to-face intubation is indicated when standard trauma intubation technique cannot
be used because of the inability of the prehospital care provider to assume the standard
position at the head of the trauma patient. These situations include but are not limited
to the following:
 vehicle entrapment
 pinning of the patient in rubble

pharmacologically assisted intubation

intubation using pharmacologic agents may occasionally be required to facilitate ET
tube placement in injured patients. In skilled hands, this technique can facilitate
effective airway control when other methods fail or are otherwise not acceptable. To
maximize effectiveness of this procedure and ensure patient safety, personnel using
drugs to assist with intubation need to be familiar with applicable local protocols,
medications, and indications for use of the technique. The use of the drugs to assist
with intubation, particularly rapid-sequence intubation. Pharmacologically assisted
intubation using drugs fail into the following two categories:
 intubation using sedatives or narcotics. Medications such as diazepam, midazolam,
fentanyl, or morphine are used alone or in combination, with the goal being to relax the
patient enough to permit intubation but not to abolish protective reflexes or breathing.
The effectiveness of a single pharmacologic agent, such as midazolam, has been well
 Rapid- sequence intubation(RSI) using paralytic agent (figure 8-26). The patient is
chemically paralyzed after first being sedated. This providers complete muscle paralysis
but remove all protective reflexes and causes apnea. studies of this method of airway
management have demonstrated success. Full performance technique in the field, with
intubation success rates reported in the mid-90% range. However few studies have
critically evaluated whether patient outcome is affected. One center reported its
experience with RSI in the field and documented that patients with traumatic brain
injury who underwent RSI had a poorer outcome that those who did not require RSI.
Subsequent analysis has shown that unrecognized hyperventilation leading to
hypocarbia and unrecognized hypoxia were major contributors to the poor outcome.
Another study showed a better outcome at 6 mouths for patient with traumatic brain
injury who were intubated in the field when compared to those intubated in the
hospital. The final answer to this important question has not yet been provided by the
available research.

Figure 8-26 simple protocol for Rapid- sequence intubation(RSI)

1- Ensure availability of required equipment.
A- Oxygen supply
B- Bag-mask device of appropriate size and type
C- Nonrebreathing mask
D- Laryngoscope with blades
E- ET tube
F- Gum elastic bougie
G- Surgical and alternative airway equipment
H- RSI medications
I- Materials or devices to secure ET tube after placement
J- Suction equipment
K- Pulse oximeter
L- Cardiac monitor
M- Capnometer
2- Ensure that at least one (but preferably two) patient intravenous line is present.
3- Preoxygenation the patient using a nonrebreathing mask or bag-mask device with
100% oxygen. Preoxygenation for 3 to 4 minutes is preferred.
4- Apply cardiac and pulse oximetry monitors.
5- If the patient is conscious, strongly consider the use of sedative agents.
6- Consider the administration of sedative agents and lidocaine in the presence of
potential or confirmed traumatic brain injury (figure 8-27).
7- Consider the use of analgesic medications as well since none of the medications
routinely used for induction or paralysis provide pain relief.
8- After administration of paralytic agents, use the sellick maneuver (cricoid pressure)
to decrease the potential for aspiration(figure 8-28)
9- Confirm ET tube placement immediately after intubation. Continuous cardiac and
pulse oximeter monitoring is required during and after RSI. Reconfirm ET tube
placement periodically throughout transport and each time the patient is moved.
10- Use repeat doses of sedation and paralytic agents as needed.

Simple procedure
1- Assemble the required equipment.
2- Ensure the potency of the intravenous lines.
3- Preoxygenate the patient with 100% oxygen for approximately 3 to 4 minutes if
4- Place the patient on cardiac and pulse oximeter monitors.
5- Administer a sedative, such as midazolam, if appropriate.
6- Administer analgesic, such as fentanyl, if appropriate.
7- In the presence of confirmed or potential traumatic brain injury, administer
lidocaine (1.5mg/kg) 2 to 3 minute before administration of a paralytic agent
(see figure 8-27)
8- For pediatric patients, prepare atropine (0,01-0.02mg/kg) 1 to 3 minutes before
paralytic administration in the event of vagal response to intubation.
9- Administer a short-acting paralytic agent intravenously, such as succinylcholine.
Paralytic and relaxation should occur within 3 seconds.
a. Adult: 1 to 2 mg/kg
b. Pediatric: 1 to 2 mg/kg
10- Insert an ET tube. If initial attempts are unsuccessful, precede repeat attempts
with preoxygenation.
11- Confirm ET tube placement.
12- If repeated attempts to achieve endotracheal intubation fail, consider placement
of an alternative or surgical airway.
13- Use doses of a long-acting paralytic agent, such as vecuronium , to continue
a- Initial dose: 0.1mg/kg iv push
b- Subsequent doses: 0.01mg/kg every 30 to 45 minutes
14- Repeat doses of sedation may also be needed.

Figure 8-28 the sellick maneuver

The sellick maneuver has been gradually falling out of favor. While it has been
considered to reduce the likelihood of aspiration from regurgitated stomach
Contents, there is little evidence that it, in fact, does so several studies show that
the esophagus is located to the side of the trachea and that the sellick maneuver
does little to actually compress the esophagus. In addition, cricoid pressure may
actually obscure the view of the larynx and make intubation more difficult.
Also, pharmacologically assisted intubation of any type requires time to
accomplish. For every trauma patient for whom this time to accomplished. The
benefit of securing an airway are weighed against the addition time spent on the
scene to perform the procedure.
 A patient who requires a secure airway and is difficult to intubate because of
uncooperative behavior ( as induced by hypoxia, traumatic brain injury, hypotension,or
intoxication )
Relative contraindications
 availability of an alternative airway (e.g.supraglottic)
 sever facial trauma that would impair or preclude successful intubation
 neck deformity or swelling that complicates or precludes placement of a surgical airway
known allergies to indicated medications
 medical problems that would preclude use of indicated medications

absolute contraindications
 inability to intubate
 inability to maintain airway with bag-mask device and OPA

 inability to insert the ET tube in a sedated or paralyzed patient no longer able to protect
his or her airway or breathe spontaneously; patients who are medicated and then
cannot be intubated require prolonged bag-mask ventilation until the medication wears
 development of hypoxia or hypercarbia during prolonged intubation attempts
 aspiration
 hypotension_ virtually all the drugs have the side effect of decreasing blood pressure

patients who are mildly moderately hypovolemicbut compensating may have a

profound drop in blood pressure associated with intravenous administration of many of
these drugs. Exercise caution whenever the use of medication for intubation is
considered (figure-8-29)


verification of endotracheal tube placement

once intubation has been performed, take specific measures to ensure that the ET tube
has been properly placed in the trachea. Inadvertent esophageal placement of an ET
tube, if unrecognized for only a brief period, may result in profound hypoxia, with
resultant brain injury (hypoxic encephalopathy) and even death. Therefore, it is
important that proper placement be confirmed. Technique to verify intubation include
the use of both clinical assessments and adjunct devices. Clinical assessment include the
 direct visualization of the ET tube passing through the vocal cords
 presence of bilateral breath sounds ( auscultate laterally below the axilla) and absence
of air sounds over the epigastrium
 visualization of the chest rising and falling during ventilation
 fogging (water vapor condensation) in the ET tube on expiration
unfortunately none of these technique is 100% reliable by itself for verifying proper ET
tube placement. Therefore, prudent practice involves assessing and documenting all
these clinical signs, if possible. On rare occasions, because of difficult anatomy,
visualization of the ET tube passing through the vocal cords may not be possible. In
moving vehicle (ground and aeromedical) engine noise may make auscultation of breath
sounds almost impossible. obesity and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may
interfere with the ability to see chest movement during ventilation.
Monitoring devices including the following:
 ETCO2 monitoring (capnography)
 Colorimetric carbon dioxide detector
 Pulse oximetry

In a patient with perfusing rhythm, ETCO2 monitoring (capnography) serves as “gold

standard “ for determining ET tube placement. This technique should be used in the
prehospital setting whenever available. Patients in cardiopulmonary arrest do not
exhale carbon dioxide; therefore, neither colorimetric detectors nor capnography may
be useful in patients who lack a perfusing cardiac rhythm.
Because none of this technique is universally reliable, all the clinical assessment noted
previously should be performed, unless impractical, followed by use of at least one of the
monitoring devices. If any of the technique used to verity proper placement suggests
that the ET tube may not be properly positioned, the ET tube should be immediately
removed and reinserted, with placement verified again. All the technique used to verity
ET tube placement should be noted on the patient care report.

Securing an endotracheal tube

Once endotracheal intubation has been performed, the ET tube must be manually held
in place and proper tube placement verified; the depth of tube insertion at the central
incisors ( front teeth) should be noted . next the ET tube is secured in place. Several
commercially available products may serve to secure the ET tube adequately. A recent
study identified that umbilical tape held the ET tube as effectively commercial devices;
however it needs to be tied around the ET tube using appropriate knots and technique.
Ideally, if sufficient EMS personal are present, someone should be assigned the task of
manually holding the ET tube in proper position to ensure that it does not move.
Continuous pulse oximetry should be considered necessary for all patients who require
endotracheal intubation. Any decline in the pulse oximetry reading (i.e oxygen
saturation (spo2j) or development of cyanosis require reverification of ET tube
placement. Additionally, an ET tube may also become dislodged during any movement
of the patient. Reverify ET tube position after every move of a patient, such as logrolling
to a long backboard, loading or unloading into or from the ambulance, or carrying the
patient down a staircase.

Alternative technique
if endotracheal intubation has been unsuccessful after tree attempts, consideration of
airway management using the manual and simple skills described previously and
ventilating with a bag-mask device is appropriate. If the receiving facility is reasonably
close , these techniques may be the most prudent option for airway management when
faced with a brief transport time. If the nearest appropriate facility is move distant, one
of the following alternative techniques may be considered.

Digital intubation
Digital, or tactile, intubation was a precursor to the current use of laryngoscopy for
endotracheal intubation. Essentially, the intubator’s fingers act in similar fashion to a
laryngoscope blade by manipulating the epiglottis and acting as a guide for placement of
the ET tube. This technique is done without direct visualization of the airway.
 patients in whom standard endotracheal intubation failed but for whom ventilations can
be assisted with a bag-mask device
 when laryngoscope is unavailable or fails
 when the airway is obscured or blocked because of large volumes of blood or vomitus
 entrapment with inability to perform face-to-face intubation
 any patient who is not comatose and may bite the intubator’s fingers (dental clamp or
bite stick may be used to hold the patient’s mouth open )
 esophageal intubation
 lacerations or crush injuries to the prehospital care providers fingers
 hypoxia or hypercarbia during the procedure
 damage to the vocal cords

laryngeal mask airway

the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is another alternative for unconscious or seriously
obtunded adult and pediatric patients. The device consist of an inflatable silicone ring
attached diagonally to a silicone tube(figure8-30) when inserted, the ring creates a low-
pressure seal between the LMA and the glottic opening, without direct insertion of the
device into the larynx itself.
Advantages of the LMA include the following:
 the LMA is designed for blind insertion. Direct visualization of the trachea and vocal
cords is unnecessary.
 With proper cleaning and storage, some LMAs can be reused multiple times.
 Disposable LMAs are now available.
 The LMA is available in a range of sizes to accommodate both pediatric and adult patient
groups prehospital use of the LMA thus far has been more prevalent in Europe than in
north America. A recent development is the introduction of an “intubating LMA “ this
devise is inserted similarly to the original LMA, but a flexible ET tube is then passed
through the LMA, intubating the trachea (see figure 8-14) this approach secures the
airway without the need to visualize the vocal cords.
 May be used as a primary airway device in some EMS systems
 When unable to perform endotracheal intubation and the patient cannot be ventilated
using a bag-mask device
 When endotracheal intubation can be performed
 Insufficient training
 aspiration, because LMA does not completely prevent regurgitation and protect the
 laryngospasm

needle cricothyroidotomy
in rare cases a trauma patient’s airway obstruction cannot be relieved by the methods
previously discussed. In these patients a needle cricothyriodotomy may be performed
using a percutanously placed needle or catheter. In has been shown that adequate
oxygenation can be achieved using percutaneous transtracheal ventilation (PTV) this
technique, while it provides for oxygenation, does not support adequate ventilation for
any length of time. As a result, rising levels of carbon dioxide will occur, which can be
tolerated for approximately 30 minutes, after which formal airway management must
be accomplished to prevent profound respiratory acidosis from development. This
technique is a temporizing measure to maintain oxygenation until a definitive airway
can be obtained to provide adequate ventilation.
The advantages of PTV include the following:
 ease of access (landmarks usually easily recognized)
 ease of insertion
 no incision necessary
 minimal training
 when all other alternative methods of airway management fail or are impractical and
the patient cannot be ventilated with a bag-mask device
 insufficient training
 lack of proper equipment
 ability to secure airway by another technique (as described previously) or ability to
ventilate with a bag-mask device
 hypercarbia from prolonged use (carbon dioxide elimination is not as effective as with
other methods of ventilation)
 damage to surrounding structures, including the larynx, thyroid gland, carotid arteries,
jugular veins, and esophagus

surgical cricothyrotomy
surgical cricothyrotomy involves the creation of surgical opening in the cricothyroid
membrane, which lies between the larynx (thyroid cartilage) and the cricoid cartilage.
In most patients, the skin is very thin in this location, making it amenable to immediate
access to the airway. Consider this a technique of last resort in prehospital airway
There are a number of ways that surgical cricothyrotomy can be accomplished. The
traditional method is to formally incise the skin and cricothyroid membrane using a
scalpel. An alternative method is to utilize one of the several different types of
commercially available cricothyroidotomy kits. learning to use these kits is easier than
learning to perform a formal surgical cricothyroidotomy, and generally they create an
opening that is larger than that of a needle cricothyroidotomy but smaller than the
surgical technique.
The use of this surgical airway in the prehospital arena is controversial. Complications
are common with this procedure. Proficient endotracheal intubation skills should
minimize the need even to consider its use. Surgical aricothyroidotomy should never be
the initial airway control method. Insufficient data exist at this time to support a
recommendation that surgical cricpthyroidotomy be established as a national standard
for routine use in prehospital airway management.
For this technique to be successful in actual field practice, training must be done on real
tissue. Current mannequins and other simulation devices do not replicate the actual
tissue and feel of the anatomy of the patient. The prehospital care provider’s first
exposure to real tissue should not be a dying patient. In addition, this skill, perhaps
more than other airway interventions, require frequent practice in order to maintain the
anatomic familiarity and skills needed to perform it correctly in only seconds during a
true emergency. There is usually not a second chance to get it right. It must be done
correctly the first time.
 massive midface trauma precluding the use of bag-mask device
 inability to control the airway using less invasive maneuvers
 ongoing tracheobronchial hemorrhage
 any patient who can be safely intubated, either orally or nasally
 patients with laryngotracheal injuries
 children under 10 years of age
 patients with acute laryngeal disease of traumatic or infectious origin
 insufficient training
 prolonged procedure time
 hemorrhage
 aspiration
 misplacement
 injury to neck structures or vessels
 perforation of the esophagus

continuous quality improvement

with the literature questioning the effectiveness of prehospital intubation of the trauma
patient, it is important that the medical director or his or her designee individually
review all out-of-hospital intubations or invasive airway techniques. This is even more
imperative if medications have been used to facilitate the intubations attempt. Specific
points include the following:
 adherence to protocol and procedures
 number of attempts
 confirmation of tube placement and the procedures used for verification
 outcome and complications
 proper indications for the use of induction agents if used
 proper documentation of drug dosage routes and monitoring of the patient during and
after intubation
an effective continuous quality improvement (CQI) program for airway management
must not be seen as a “punishment” but rather an educational opportunity by the
prehospital care providers, management, and the medical director. Most CQI programs
are self-reporting, any results that are used to discipline a particular prehospital care
provider may results misreporting CQI should be tied directly to the continuing
education program within an organization after identifying a problem In performance,
an educational component should be developed that addresses those issues follow-up
evaluation should take place to determine if the educational component has been
Pocket masks
Regardless of which mask is chosen to support ventilation of the trauma patient, the
ideal mask has the following characteristics:
 is a good fit
 is equipped with a one-way valve
 is made of a transparent material
 has a supplemental oxygen port
 is available in infant, pediatric, and adult sizes
mouth-to-mask ventilation satisfactorily delivers adequate tidal volumes by ensuring a
tight face seal even when performed by those who do not use this skill often.

Bag-mask devices
the bag-mask device consists of self-inflating bag and nonrebreating device; it can be
used with simple (OPA, NPA) or complex (endotracheal, nasotracheal) airway device
most bag-mask device currently on the market have a volume 1,600ml and can deliver
an oxygen concentration of 90% to 100% some models also have a built-in colorimetric
carbon dioxide detector. However, a single prehospital provider attempting to ventilate
with a bag-mask device may create poor tidal volume secondary to the inability to both
create a tight face seal and to squeeze the bag adequately. ongoing practice of this skill
is necessary to ensure that the technique is effective and that the trauma patient
receives adequate ventilatory support.

Manually triggered ( oxygen-powered) device

Manually triggered (oxygen-powered) device can deliver oxygen concentrations of
100%. Because these devices do not permit the prehospital care provider to feel the
compliance of the chest during the ventilation process, care is taken not to overinflate
the lungs. Maintaining a tight face seal with the device is easy because the trigger
mechanism requires only one hand to operate. Complications may include gastric
distention, overinflation of the lungs, barotrauma, and lung rupture. These devices
Positive-pressure ventilation
Positive-pressure volume ventilators during prolonged transport have long been used in
the aeromedical environment. However more ground units are now adopting the use of
mechanical ventilation as a means of controlling rate, depth, and minute volume in
trauma patients. Importantly, only volume ventilators with appropriate alarms and
pressure control/relief should be used. These ventilators do not need to be as
sophisticated as those used in the hospital and only have a few simple modes of
ventilation, as follows.

Assist control ventilation

Assist control (A/C) ventilation is probably the most widely used mode of ventilation in
prehospital transport from the scene to the ED. The A/C setting delivers ventilations at a
preset rate and tidal volume. If patients initiate a breath on their own, an additional
ventilation of the full tidal volume is delivered, which lead to breath-stacking and
overinflation of the lungs.

Intermittent mandatory ventilation

Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) delivers a set rate and tidal volume to
patients. If patients initiate their own breath. Only the amount that they actually pull on
their own will be delivered.

Positive end-expiratory pressure

Positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP) provides an elevated level of pressure at the end
of expiration, thus keeping the alveolar sacs and small airways open and filled with air
for a longer time. This intervention provides greater oxygenation. However, by
increasing the end expiratory pressure and, therefore, the overall intrathoracic
pressure, PEEP may decrease blood return to the heart, in hemodynamically unstable
patients, PEEP may further decrease blood pressure. PEEP should also be avoided in
patients with traumatic brain injuries. The increase in thoracic pressure can cause an
elevation in intracranial pressure.

Initial setting for mechanical ventilations

The rate is set initially at between 10 and 12 breaths per minute on nonbreathing adult

Tidal volume
The tidal volume (vt) should be set using 5 to 7 ml/kg of the patient’s ideal body weight.
This should be used as a guide and may need to be adjusted in the trauma patient.

PEEP should be set initially at 5 centimeters of water (cmH2O). this setting will maintain
what is known as physiologic PEEP which is the amount of PEEP that is normally present
in the airway prior to intubation. Once intubated, this positive pressure is taken away.
Although increased levels of PPEP may be needed as the traumatic insult worsens, this
rarely ever takes place in the first couple of hours following the traumatic event. The
prehospital care provider may encounter patients requiring high levels of PEEP during a
transfer of a patient from one hospital to another. The hospital staff prior to the transfer
will have established these levels of PEEP care must be taken if PEEP is increased, as
there can be adverse complication:
 decreased blood pressure secondary to decreased thoracic return
 increased intracranial pressure
 increased intrathoracic pressure leading to pneumothorax tension pneumothorax
oxygen concentration
the oxygen concentration should be set to maintain a saturation of 95% or greater at
sea level in the trauma patient.
high-pressure alarm/pop-off
the high-pressure alarm and pressure relief pop-off should be set at no more than 10 cm
H2O above the pressure needed to normally ventilate the patient (peak inspiration
pressure). Care should be taken when setting the alarm above 40 cm H2O level above
this have been shown to produce barotrauma and a higher possibility of a
pneumothorax. Should more than 40 cm H2O be needed to deliver the desired tidal
volume, reassessment of the airway and preset tidal volume is required decreasing the
tidal volume and increasing the rate to maintain the same alveolar minute ventilation
may be the prudent action in this case.
As with any alarm, if the high-pressure alarm continues to activate for more than a few
breaths, the patient should be removed from the ventilator and manually ventilated
with a bag-mask device the ventilator circuit and ET tube are evaluated. The patient
should also be re-evaluated foe an increase in compliance or resistance may be caused
by many factors. The most common, early in the care of the trauma patient, is either
tension pneumothorax or an increasing LOC causing “bucking” on the ET tube. The
tension pneumothorax should be treated with chest decompression as indicated. An
increasing LOC should be treated with the administration of a sedative agent if available.
Other potential problems include displacement or obstruction of the ET tube. In no case
should the prehospital care provider simply continue to increase the upper pressure
limit and alarm.
Low-pressure alarm
The low-pressure alarm alerts the prehospital care provider if the connection between
the patient and the ventilator is disconnected or is losing significant volume through a
leak in the ventilator circuit. In most transport ventilators, this alarm is preset and
cannot be adjusted.
Pulse oximetry
Over the post decades, use of pulse oximetry has increased in the prehospital
environment. Appropriate use of pulse oximetry device allows early detection of
pulmonary compromise or cardiovascular deterioration before physical signs are
evident. Pulse oximeters are particularly useful in prehospital applications, because of
their high reliability, portability, ease of application, and applicability across all age
ranges and races (figure 8-32)
Pulse oximeters provide measurement of oxygen saturation (spo2) and pulse rate. Spo2
is determined by measuring the absorption ratio of red and infrared high passed
through tissue. A small microprocessor correlates changes in high absorption cuased by
the pulsation of blood through vascular beds to determine arterial saturation and pulse
rate. Normal spo2 is greater than 94% at sea level. When spo2 falls below 90% oxygen
delivery to the tissue is likely severely compromised. At higher altitudes, the acceptable
levels of spo2 are lower than at sea level. Prehospital care providers should know what
spo2 levels are acceptable at higher altitudes, if practicing in such settings.
To ensure or obstruction oximetry readings, the following general guidelines should be
1- use the appropriate size and type of sensor.
2- Ensure proper alignment of sensor light.
3- Ensure that sources and photodetectors are clean, dry, and in good repair.
4- Avoid sensor placement on grossly edematous(swollen) sites.
5- Remove any nail polish that may be present.
Common problems that can produce inaccurate spo2 measurement include the
 Excessive motion
 Moisture in spo2 sensors
 Improper sensor application and placement
 Poor patient perfusion or vasoconstriction from hypothermia
 Anemia
 Carbon monoxide poisoning
In a critical trauma patient, pulse oximetry may be less than accurate because of poor
capillary perfusion status. Therefore, pulse oximetry is a valuable addition to the
prehospital care provider’s “toolbox” only when combined with a thorough knowledge
of trauma pathophysiology and strong assessment and intervention skills.
Capnography, or end-tidal carbine dioxide (ETCO2) monitoring has been used in critical
care units for many years. Recent advances technology have allowed smaller, more
durable units to be produced for prehospital use (figure8-33) capnography measures the
partial pressure of carbine dioxide (PCO2or ETCO2) in a simple of gas. If this simple if
taken at the end of exhalation in a patient with good prehospital perfusion, it correlates
closely to arterial PVO2 (PaCO2) however, in the multiple trauma patient with
compromised perfusion the correlation of ETCO2 to arterial PCO2 remain questionable.
Most critical care unite within the hospital setting use the mainstream technique. This
technique places a sensor directly into the “mainstream” of the exhaled gas. In the
patient being ventilated with a bag-mask device, the sensor is placed between the bag-
mask devise and the ET tube. In the critical patient, the PaSO2 is generally 2 to 5 mm Hg
higher than the ETCO2. (A normal ETCO2 reading in a critical trauma patient is 30 to 40
mm Hg) although these readings may not totally reflect the patient’s PaCO2 working to
maintain the readings between normal levels will usually be beneficial to the patient.
Although capnography correlates closely with PaCO2 certain conditions will cause
variation in accuracy. These conditions are often seen in the prehospital environment
and include severe hypotension, high intrathoracic pressure, and any increase in dead
space ventilation, as with pulmonary embolism. Therefore, following trends in ETCO2
levels may be more important than focusing on specific readings.
Continuous capnography provides another tool in the prehospital management of a
trauma patient and most be correlated with all information about a patient. Initial
transport decisions are based on physical and environmental conditions. For example, it
would be inappropriate to take time to place the patient on monitors if the patient is
losing blood. Instead, capnography should be used to monitor ET tube placement and
continuously monitor patient status during transport. A sudden drop in expired carbon
dioxide may result either from dislodgement of the ET tube or from decreased perfusion
and should prompt a re-evaluation of patient status and ET tube position.

Prolonged transport
Airway management of a patient prior to and during a prolonged transport requires
complex decision making on the part of the prehospital care provider. Interventions to
control and secure the airway, especially using complex techniques, depend on
numerous factors, including the patient’s injuries, the clinical skills of the prehospital
care provider, the equipment available, and the distance and transport time to definitive
care. Risks and benefits of all the airway options available should be considered prior to
making a final airway decision. Both a longer distance of transport and a longer
transport time lower the threshold for securing the airway with endotracheal
intubation. For transports of 15 to 20 minutes, essential skills, including and oral airway
and bag-mask ventilation, may be sufficient. Use of air medical transport also lowers the
threshold to perform endotracheal intubation, as a cramped, noisy environment makes
ongoing airway assessment and management difficult.
Any patient requiring airway management or ventilatory support requires ongoing
patient monitoring. Continuous pulse oximetry should be performed on all trauma
patients during transport, and capnography should be strongly considered for all
intubation patients. Loss of ETCO2 indicates that the ventilator circuit has become
disconnected or, more importantly, the ET tube has been dislodged, or the patient’s
perfusion has decreased significantly. All of these possible causes require immediate
Serial vital signs should also be recoded on patients requiring airway or ventilation
intervention. Confirmation of endotracheal intubation, as described above, should be
performed each time the patient is moved or repositioned. It is also a good idea to
frequently confirm the security of any airway device.
Any patient who requires increasing FiO2 or PEEP in order to maintain oxygenation
needs to be carefully re-evaluated possible etiologies include the development of a
pneumothorax or worsening of pulmonary contusions. Any known or suspected
pneumothorax must be monitored closely for the development of a performed if
hemodynamic compromise occurs. If the patient has had an open pneumothorax sealed,
the dressing should be opened to release any pressure that may have accumulated if
the patient is receiving positive pressure ventilation the positive pressure ventilation can
convert a simple pneumothorax to a tension pneumothorax.
Burn patients should receive supplemental oxygen to maintain SPO2 greater than 95%
whereas those with known or suspected carbon monoxide poisoning should receive
100% oxygen.
Prior to embarking on a prolonged transport of a patient, potential oxygen needs should
be calculated, and sufficient amount of oxygen should be available for the transport
(figure 8-34) a good rule of thumb is to bring 50% more oxygen than anticipated.
Intermittent sedation may be required for an agitated intubated patient. Sedation may
also decrease the work of breathing and any “ fighting the ventilator” when mechanical
ventilation is being used. If sedating the patient, small doses of benzodiazepines should
be titrated intravenously. The use of neuromuscular blocking agents may also be
considered if the patient is significantly combative, the airway is secured with an ET
tube, and prehospital care personnel are properly trained and credentialed

 The trauma patient is susceptible to various injuries that may impair ventilation and gas
 Trauma to the chest, airway obstruction, central nervous system injury, and hemorrhage
can all result in inadequate tissue perfusion.
 To properly care for the trauma patient, the provider must understand and be able to
do the following:
- Integrate the principles of ventilation and gas exchange with the pathophysiology of
trauma to identify patients with inadequate perfusion.
- Relate the concepts of minute volume and oxygenation to the pathophysiology of
- Explain the mechanisms by which supplemental oxygen and ventilatory support are
beneficial to the trauma patient.
- Given situation that involve various trauma patients, formulate a plan for airway
management and ventilation.
- Given current research, understand the risks versus benefit when discussing new,
invasive procedures.
- Determine by examination of the patient the relative difficulty of endotracheal
- Given a scenario, develop a plan for airway management for a given patient in a
given location.
 Managing the airway is not without risks. When applying certain skills and modalities,
the risk has to be weighed against the potential benefit for that particular patient. What
may be the best choice for one patient in a certain situation may not be for another with
a similar presentation.
 Sound critical-thinking skills need to be in place to make the best judgment for the
trauma patient.

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