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Vocab Quiz #19

Ponderous (adj.) (n. ponderousness; adv. ponderously; v. ponder)

Weighty; boring

Example: The students all fell asleep during the professor’s ponderous lecture.

Synonyms: colorless, cumbersome, cumbrous, drab, dreary, drudging, dry, dull, humdrum, jading, jejune,
leaden, mind-numbing, monochromatic, monotonous, numbing, pedestrian, stale, stodgy, stuffy, tedious,
tiresome, tiring, uninspired, uninteresting, unwieldy, wearisome, wearying

Mitigate (v.) (n. mitigation, mitigator; adj. mitigative, mitigatory)

Moderate; appease

Example: The doctor prescribed painkillers to mitigate the pain from the patient’s broken back.

Synonyms: allay, alleviate, assuage, lighten, relieve

Indifferent(adj.) (n. indifference; adv. indifferently)

Unmoved; impartial or unbiased

Example: Do you want to grab dinner tonight? asked John. Mary shrugged her shoulders indifferently.
Synonyms: apathetic, casual, complacent, disinterested, incurious, insensible, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory,
pococurante, unconcerned, uncurious, uninterested, unsympathetic
Impeccable (adj.) (n. impeccability; adv. impeccably)

Having no flaws

Example: The dandy was always impeccably dressed.

Synonyms: absolute, ideal, faultless, immaculate, indefectible, irreproachable, picture-perfect, seamless,
unblemished, unimpeachable, unsullied

Gregarious(adj.) (n. gregariousness; adv. gregariously)


Example: Everybody loved John for his gregarious personality.

Synonyms: clubbable, companionable, convivial, expressive, extroverted, outgoing, unreserved

Feasible (adj.) (n. feasibility; adv. feasibly)

Practical; realistic

Example: It’s completely unfeasible that you pass this class with only a 50 on your midterm.
Synonyms: achievable, attainable, possible, practicable, realizable, viable, workable

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