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Vocab Quiz #16

Alleviate (v.) (n. alleviation, alleviator)

Relieve; ease

Example: The doctor prescribed Johnny Vicodin to alleviate the pain from his broken arm.
Synonyms: allay, assuage, lighten, mitigate

Candor (n.)
Frankness; open honesty; fairness

Example: The admission’s officer was impressed by the candor withwhich the student addressed his own

Synonyms: bluntness, candidness, directness, forthrightness, frankness, honesty, openheartedness,

openness, outspokenness, plainness, plain-spokenness, plumpness, straightforwardness, unguardedness,

Complacency(n.) (adj. complacent; adv. complacently)

Unaware self-satisfaction; smugness; being satisfied with the way things are

Example: After holding office for six years, the President slipped into a state of complacency.

Synonyms: complacence, conceit, conceitedness, ego, egotism, pomposity, pompousness,

pridefulness, self-assumption, self-conceit, self-congratulation, self importance, swellheadedness,
vaingloriousness, vanity
Disclose (v.) (n. discloser)
Reveal; uncover

Example: A true magician never discloses his secrets.

Synonyms: bare, discover, divulge, expose, reveal, spill, uncloak, unmask, unveil

Integrity(n.) (adj. integral)

Uprightness; adhering to a code

Example: Jean Valjean demonstrates unyielding integrity throughout Les Misérables.

Synonyms: character, decency, honesty, morality, probity, rectitude, reliability, righteousness, rightness,
scrupulousness, veracity, virtue, virtuousness

Obscure (adj.) (n. obscureness; adv. obscurely)

Not easily understood; hidden; not known to most people

Example: Seeking safety, Dr. Zhivago moved his family to an obscure village in the mountains.
Synonyms: abstruse, ambiguous, arcane, cryptic, dark, deep, Delphic (think of the oracle of Delphi),
double-edged, elliptical (or elliptic), enigmatic, equivocal, fuliginous, inscrutable, murky, mysterious,
mystic, nebulous, occult, opaque

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