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Vocab List #10

ambi- both; changing

 ambivalent (adj): having two or more conflicting emotions
 ambidextrous (adj): able to use both hands equally well (“ambi”: both + “dexterous”:
skillful with one hand)
 ambiguous (adj): unclear, expressing more than one possible meaning
 ambivert (n): a person whose nature combines those of the introvert and extrovert
 ambilateral (adj): of, relating to, or affecting both sides

equi - equal
 equation (n): a mathematical statement in which you show that two amounts are equal
using mathematical symbols:
 equanimity (n): staying calm and even-tempered (an “equal” mood)
 equilateral (adj): having all the sides equal
o Example: an equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal.

voc - speaking
 equivocal (equal + vocal): saying two things equally.
o Example: The politician would often equivocate when asked about a
controversial issue. (He is ambiguous.)
 advocate: (n)-a person who argues in favor of a position or cause; (v)-to argue in favor
of a position or cause
 evoke (v): to call forth, to make someone remember something or feel an emotion
 invoke (v): to call upon a higher power
 irrevocable (adj): something that cannot be stopped or changed
 provoke (v): to cause, especially speaking by speaking words
o provocative (adj): causing discussion, thought, emotion, or excitement in some
 vociferate (v): to speak loudly
o vociferous (adj): talking a lot or loudly

plac - to calm or please

 placebo (n): a substance that may make you feel calm and healed although it provides
no medical value
 placid (adj): having a calm appearance or characteristics
o Example: Underneath the most placid waters, there are vicious currents and
tides, and underwater volcanoes that are constantly erupting.
 complacent (adj): satisfied with the current situation and uninterested in change
 complaisant (adj) - having a desire to please others
 implacable (adj) - impossible to calm or soothe
 placate (v) - to calm or soothe
o Example: Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future

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