Vocab List #14

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Vocab List #14

1. Antipodal means “situated on opposite sides.”  root “anti”

2. Autocrat wants to manage a country by him- or herself (not in a democratic

manner)  root “auto”

3. Contraband is something that is illegally or unethically acquired.  root “contra”

4. To perform a task autonomously means to do it by yourself  roots “auto” and “nom”

5. Debilitate is to weaken.  root “de”

6. To debunk is to prove false.  root “de”

7. If a machine is defunct, it is no longer functioning.  root “de”

8. A degenerate person is morally weak or bad.  root “de”

9. A dejected person is sad and disappointed.  root “de”

10. Debase, decry, defame, defile, degrade, deplore, and deride mean criticizing, harming, or

rejecting.  root “de”

11. Replete means “filled up.” (opposite to deplete)

12. A magnanimous person is generous.  root “magna” (great)

13. A peripatetic person would travel a lot.  root “peri” (around)

14. Posthumously means “after death”.  root “post” (after)

15. A malapropism is an improper use of a word.  root “mal” (bad)

16. A benign tumor is the opposite of a malignant tumor.  root “ben” (good) and “mal”

17. Being enamored with something means to be in love with it.  root “amo” (love)

18. To exonerate means to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of

something.  root “ex” (outside) (exonerate literally means that the accused is being taken
“outside” of blame.)

- synonym: exculpate

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