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Vocab Quiz #15

Adversity (n.) (adj. adverse; adv. adversely)

A difficult condition or situation; tragedy

Example: His childhood was marked by poverty, his teen years by alcoholism, and his adulthood
with chronic illness. His ability to succeed despite a lifetime of adversities marked his resilience.

Synonyms: mischance (a situation involving slight inconvenience or annoyance), misfortune (bad luck),
mishap (a small incident of bad luck)

Advocate (v.) (n. advocate; adj. advocation)

To urge or plead for

Example: The lawyer advocated on behalf of his defendant.

Synonyms: apostle, backer, booster, champion, espouser, exponent, expounder, herald, hierophant,
promoter, proponent

Affable (adj.) (n. affability; adv. affably)

Approachable; friendly and easy to talk to

Example: It’s pertinent that a restaurant’s hostess has an affable persona so that clients feel welcome.
Synonyms: easygoing, cordial (stresses warmth and heartiness), genial (stresses cheerfulness), happy-go-
lucky, sociable

Immutable (adj.) (n. immutability, immutableness; adv. immutably)


Example: Even after forty years of marriage, Mary’s love for John remained immutable.

Synonyms: unassailable, fixed, inalterable, incommutable, incontrovertible, inflexible, invariable,

irreversible, unalterable

Meticulous (adj.) (n. meticulosity, meticulousness; adv. meticulously)

Painstaking; excessively careful

Example: The baker meticulously piped flowers onto the cupcakes.

Synonyms: accurate, careful, conscientious, detailed, duteous, finicky, fussy, punctilious, scrupulous

Ratify (v.) (n. ratification)

To formally approve

Example: The Constitution of the United States was ratified in 1788.

Synonyms: accredit, approbate, authorize, clear, confirm, endorse, finalize, formalize, homologate,
indorse, sanction, verify, warrant

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