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1.Describe what you see in the picture.

The picture represents the impact of globalization most specifically the technology that changes the
standard lifestyles of the society as each time passes by. Almost all of the individuals in the picture are
holding the highest demand for electronic devices nowadays and that is smartphones. There were
people who have their focus on their devices while walking and standing, two persons perhaps friends
were physically exist with each other’s side yet actively present in one’s own smartphones. A person on
a bicycle was also holding a cellphone acting as if her life depends on it. A couple who are physically
together yet the man had his head down with his gadget while his partner clings on his side without
interaction. The pictures scream a “world within another world”.

2.Discuss the relation between the picture and the subject of communication and globalization.

Globalization is great, seeing the world improving into a better one is also great, besides, there is
nothing permanent in this world aside from change. However, this change not only comes with the good
sides of development but parallel to this one was also the change of the people’s interaction towards
one another. It cannot be neglect that technology allows people to have faster communication,
however, it also became a hindrance to what truly good personal communication is. People are living in
a world created by these gadgets, for instance, there are people who posted their daily life activities on
the internet and sometimes come to the point where they neglect privacy. It’s like they cannot live a day
without posting something, this reality is dragging people from the actual world to live in the new virtual
world. As result, there will be tendencies that people will forget the true essence of living in the real
world. People will choose to communicate with friends they meet on social media, they will disregard
the personal interaction with their family and friends that truly exist just beside them. The people who
are walking and likewise the other one who is while getting their heads down to their smartphones have
the possibility to acquire an accident because they are not looking to their directions. On the other
hand, they may be using the smartphone for finding locations using GPS or asking the friend from text
messages, etc. which is also one of the advantages of technology. Having technology around has now
become a standard of living in this generation, it is because globalization is continuously growing hence
communication system is also expanding. The communication is accommodated diversely from different
communities around the world with the help of technology. This is also the reason why there is a need
in developing strong communication skills since it could be used for the growth of globalization.

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