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Project Report of

Business Research Methods


The Factors Affecting Choice

of Telecom Operators
Problem Statement:

To determine the factors affecting choice of Telecom operator

The telecom sector has seen a major change in the recent years. With a few telecom operators
successfully surviving in the market, the report aims to determine and analyse the factors that
affect people’s choice, while opting for a telecom operator. For this purpose, a Focus group
discussion was conducted to determine the variables that help people determine the telecom
operator they would choose. After analysing the entire discussion, 10 variables were found that
people felt are important in affecting the choice of their telecom operator. Currently, four major
telecom operators exist in the telecommunications industry.

Exploratory research

Method of exploratory research used: Focus group discussion

Two Focus group discussions were conducted with 8 members in each group. The final
variables are a result of combined analysis of both the FGDs.

Insights from Focus Group Discussions

1. Insights from FGD 1

o Sakshi Sood
o Ateet Rawatkar
o Subham Singha Roy
o Supriya Kadu
o Parvathy Pillai
o Saumya Sachdeva
o Divya Bhatiya
o Visalani R.

The purpose of the FGD was to figure out what factors affect the choice of telecom provider
for the customers. These factors will be used in the project later.

The group was first asked to answer the question in the most basic form to get an idea of what
factors people consider essential off the top of their heads. They were asked to write down
three factors on a sheet of paper so they won’t end up influencing each other.

The most common answers that people gave were:

• Price
• Attitude of customer care employees
• Internet speed
Another factor that a few people wrote down was voice quality.

They were further asked about how these factors affect their choice and the degree to which
they alter their choice. People who had not written down certain factors were asked whether
they agreed with those as well.

Sakshi Sood, for example, had not mentioned “customer care” as one of the three factors that
affect her choice. On asking her if it would be an additional factor for her, she claimed that she
has never had to contact customer service, so she does not consider it an important factor.

Subham Singha Roy had not written voice quality as a factor since he rarely makes calls and
prefers using voice call or video call option available on whatsapp or other such apps. He
considers internet speed as the most important factor for him.

Ateet Rawatkar does not consider price a significant factor for himself while making a choice
and, like Shubham, considers internet speed as the most important factor.

Parvathy agreed that internet speed is important for her, even though she had not mentioned it
as one of the three factors that affect her choice.

We came across certain factors through secondary research. These were:

• Caller tunes and other services

• Data bundle

• Interactive voice response during customer care call

• Proximity of customer care centre

• Call stability in terms of drop rate with other operators

We asked the participants whether these factors affect their choice when deciding on a telecom
provider, and if they do, the extent of the effect.

Their opinion was similar when it came to “caller tunes and other services”. All of them felt
that it has little if any impact when deciding the telecom provider. It is a factor that will not
make them change their preference. Their reasoning for it was that it does not directly affect
their experience in any way.

Data bundle seemed to be an important factor for people who travel a lot and do not have
regular access to wifi connections. On the other hand, people who spend most of their time at
home or office were not bothered by the factor. Since the main factor in data bundle is the price
of the bundle, two factors have been combined to form one factor “Price and data bundle”.

Most people said that they have never had trouble with “Interactive voice response during
customer care call”, making it yet another factor that they have not had to think about while
making a decision. Participants claimed to have had a smooth experience when it comes to on-
call customer care services

Proximity of customer care centre was also a factor that most people were not bothered by.
They believed that most of the customer service interactions can be done online these days or
can be done on call. There is hardly ever a need for people to visit customer care centres.

Most people in the group agreed that “Call stability in terms of drop rate with other operators”
is an important factor because they are used to making long duration calls and it becomes very
annoying if the call drops too often. If they are on an important call and the call keeps dropping,
it becomes challenging to communicate what might be vital information.

Factors collected from FGD 1 are:

-Voice quality

-Proximity of customer care centre

-Call stability in terms of drop rate with other operators

-Internet speed, Attitude of customer care executive in interaction with customers

-Caller tunes and other services

-Price of call and data bundle

-Interactive voice response during customer care call

2. Insights from FGD 2

Interviewer: Prasun Prabhat


Mayur Kr Agarwalla, Snehashish Debnath, Jaideep Mandal, Divyanshu Pandey, Thanshali

Narzary, Dinesh Kumar, Vishal Verma, Siddharth Kumar

Group discussion conversation:

Prasun: Hi everyone! We are here to discuss the factors affecting their telecom subscription
attitude for various companies. Let’s start by Thanshali. What do you think, what matters most
when it comes to selecting a telecom network service provider?

Thanshali: I think, the services, i.e., additional benefits provided by the service providers are
very important. Along with better network provider, I and in fact, many other people believe
that the ad-ons provided over the network determines their core customers. And I see Jio and
Airtel doing well in this regard. Jio and Airtel provide access to live TV, music, news etc as an
additional features over the network to acquire customers.
Mayur: No, I slightly disagree with what Thanshali thinks. According to me, price is the
determiner. If a service provider comes up with a better ad-ons but is priced expensive, then
not I won’t be subscribing it. I and in fact, many feel that the prime function of a service
provider is to provide cheaper network service and not the ad-ons. If 2 players are providing a
similar network service, then people determine their service provider based on the additional
services and the efficiency of their services.

Jaideep: Even I agree with Mayur. According to me, the prime job of a service provider is to
provide top-class services on network calling and messaging. If everything goes fine, then
people look after the additional benefits. And these days, the service itself is not satisfactory.

Prasun: I understand that the service in self is the most important factor but many people value
different parameters differently and thus it’s subjective. Thus I would like to know the
viewpoint of Divyanshu Pandey.

Divyanshu: I agree with what Jaideep and Mayur said. But I feel that along with all the above
inputs, a proper service also plays an important role. The one with the best service quality can
also be considered. So, in this regard, customer service, according to me, is the most important
attribute to judge a survive provider for my best.

Dinesh: I agree with Divyanshu. I feel the same that the service provider with good quality
customer service is very important. The quality of customer care, their approachability and
attitude matter the most. Many a time, a couple of helping words and true intent of solving the
issues of the customer is very important. And very few follow it. Airtel and Jio are among those
with very helping customer services.

Siddharth: It’s important to have good service quality and great customer service both. In terms
of service quality, I feel, quality of the call is very critical. These days, everyone has issues
with the quality of call and messages. People often face high call drop issues with other service
providers. Due to the price war, these issues have increased and it’s a concern these days.

Vishal: it’s true about the call drops. Even I faced the call drops with my Jio sim. But now,
after the intervention of ministry, it got minimised. So I understand that call quality is very
important. If people are unable to communicate, it’s a failure of the telecom company.

Prasun: I have a common feeling. Mayur, what do you think, is the point valid?

Mayur: Yes, I do. I do accept the points about the importance of the provided service. In fact,
all the service providers are facing these issues and ministry is trying to normalise the gaps.
What telecom companies can work on for better service is the additional services and the
quality of customer service.

Vishal: True. Telecom companies have now come up with free caller tune services, which was
earlier charged. They also prove anti-theft schemes, free online music, movies etc. Some even
provide access to Amazon Prime and Netflix. This is what drives the market these days.

Prasun: Thanks for making a very important point. It’s true that telecom service providers are
facing some issues and in order to gain market share, they have now come up with additional
services. These services nowadays are market drivers. Would someone like to add anything to
the above discussion?
Jaideep: When we are discussing customer care, I feel the attitude of the customer care
executive is something worth discussing. Whenever I interacted with a customer care
executive, most of the times they seem rude and end up irritating you and taking a long time
for some 2 min issue. This really disappoints many. And this many times becomes a reason for
someone to be inclined towards some services.

Prasun: I mostly agree with most of your points. I feel your input is invaluable and highly
important. I would like to thank everyone for your precious time. Once again, thank you,

Summary of the FGD

The interviewee felt the following factors as relevant:

1. Prices of the networks and different packs

2. Offers provided by the telecom service providers like free access to OTT platforms
such as Netflix and Amazon.

3. Quality of services, such as quality of call and call drop frequency.

4. Additional services like caller tunes etc.

5. The overall efficiency of customer service and their attitude towards customers

6. Interactive voice response during customer care call


In order to evaluate the validity of the variables that emerged from the primary research, we
referred to a research paper titled,

“An exploratory study on determinants of customer satisfaction of leading mobile network

providers- Case of Kolkata, India”:

-Shibashish Chakraborty (IIM Ranchi)

Kalyan Sengupta (IISWBM Kolkata)

After conducting the exploratory research using the above mentioned techniques, we came up
with the following variables:

no. Variable name
V1 Offers offered like subscriptions of Netflix and Amazon
V2 Overall efficiency of customer care executives for grievance redresses
V3 Voice Quality
V4 Proximity of customer care center
V5 Call Stability in terms of drop rate with other operators
V6 Internet Speed
Congenial attitude of customer care executives in their interaction with
V7 customers
V8 Caller tunes and other value added services
V9 Bundle of price in terms of voice and data
V10 Interactive voice responses of customer care executives

Quantitative Research Methods

A questionnaire was floated across the college students, friends and family. The main idea was
to get as much diversity as possible to asses it better how people across the nation perceive
various factors to select the telecom operator they use.

The data was analysed in the form of pie charts and various quantitative research

Research Methods used in the report:

1. Discriminant Analysis

2. Factor Analysis

3. Cluster Analysis

For questionnaire design, Refer to Appendix 1

The questionnaire was designed to assess the perception and importance given by the
respondents to the variables determined in the exploratory research.

The questionnaire served two purpose for the report analysis:

1. Assess the importance given by the customers to the variables by getting a rating for each

2. Rating for each variable in terms of the services provided by their current telecom operator.

Responses obtained:
For raw data obtained from the responses obtained from the questionnaire, refer to Appendix
2. The data is provided in the form of an excel sheet.

The data obtained shows diversity in terms in age, area of residence and relative importance
given to the factors by the respondents.
Analysis of the Demographics of the data obtained
As discussed earlier, the data is rich in terms of diversity. The analysis in form of pie charts is
provided below:

Number Of Respodents by Age

4 3 4


Below 18 18-23 24-29 30-35 36-40 41-45 46 and above

Number Of Respodents by Profession

18, 13% 4, 3%
4, 3%

114, 81%

Home Maker Students Unemployed Working Professional

Number Of Respodents by Area of


Rural Semi-Urban Urban

Research Methodologies
As discussed earlier, we used 3 methodologies to analyse the data obtained from the

Factor Analysis: Factor analysis is a class of procedures for data reduction and data
summarization. There may exist a large no. of variables, most of which are correlated. Factor
Analysis aims to reduce them to a manageable level.

Among the inter-related variables, relationships are examined and displayed in terms of a lesser
number of factors that are comparatively unrelated to each other.

In Factor analysis, an entire set of inter dependent relationships are examined and thus it is also
known as Interdependence technique. Thus, we can say that Factor analysis also converts
correlated variables into uncorrelated factors.

Discriminant Analysis: After performing factor analysis on variables, we performed

Discriminant analysis using the obtained factor coefficients.

Discriminant analysis is used to derive discriminant functions, which further help to determine
which category (group) of respondents, a new respondent would fall into.

Cluster Analysis: Finally, we performed cluster analysis on the data obtained to group our
respondents into different categories based on their current telecom operator.

We came up with 4 clusters:

o Jio users
o Vodafone users
o Airtel users
o BSNL users
We began with data obtained from the respondents based on how they much they value each
variable used in the questionnaire.
After analysing the data on the software- IBM SPSS, we realized that the data was not in-line
with our expectations. The reason behind this was that the factors obtained were not clearly
defined. This may be due to extremity bias, response bias, unwillingness of the respondents to
share. Hence, we discarded the perception data set, the results of which are provided in
Appendix 3.
Hence, we started our analysis on data received on the basis of ratings provided by the
respondents on each variable.


For results obtained on conducting factor analysis using the data, Refer to Appendix 4.
1. Correlation matrix shows high correlation between certain variables. Thus, to negate
the effect of multi- collinearity before Discriminant analysis, factor analysis is done.
2. KMO and Bartletts test have successfully passed our data tests.
3. 73% of total variance is explained using the Principal Component Analysis. The Eigen
value obtained from these 3 factors is 7.26.
4. From the scree plot, it is evident that there is a steep fall up till Component number 3.
Hence, we can interpret that we would obtain 3 factors after data reduction procedure.
5. Rotated component matrix shows that our 10 variables have been reduced to 3 un-
correlated factors successfully.
The factors are named as follows:
Factor 1: Customer care
Factor 2: Pricing and core utilities
Factor 3: Value added services


For results obtained on conducting Discriminant analysis using the data, Refer to Appendix 4.
1. With the use of factor coefficients obtained from Factor analysis, we derived the
Discriminant function.
2. Eigen value of the 1st function is 2.142 and explains 68.1% of the variance.
3. The Eigen values of function 2nd and 3rd are 0.892 and 0.11 respectively. Thus, function
1 is likely to be superior.
1. Of the original grouped cases, 79.3% are correctly classified. This is significantly
higher than the hit ratio of 25%.
2. Thus, the improvement over chance is greater than 25%, indicating at least satisfactory


Finally, we performed Cluster Analysis on the data. For results, Refer to Appendix 4.
1. We performed hierarchical clustering process. From the Agglomeration schedule, it
could be seen that at stage 137, a comparatively significant shift in the coefficients was
observed (from 2188 to 2828). The percentage change was observed i.e.: approximately
33% followed by a change of nearly 37% at stage 138.
2. Hence, from the Agglomeration schedule, we decided to form 3 clusters.
3. From the Icicles plot, it was difficult to come up with a reasonable no. of clusters.
4. Finally, we interpreted the Dendrogram using Ward linkage. Again we found 3 cluster
membership to be the most suitable.
o Cluster 1 represents members from 54-77
o Cluster 2 represents members from 25-139
o Cluster 3 represents members from 3-55.
5. Cluster membership for 3 clusters is shown in Appendix 4.
Factors Analysis on the Perception Set
The output is redundant as no meaningful factors emerged. We have disregarded this set and
conducted the entire study on the rating set.
The Output has been summarised as below:

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N
Offers offered like 8.19 1.622 140
subscriptions of Netflix and
Overall efficiency of 7.33 1.860 140
customer care executives for
grievance redressal
Voice Quality 6.06 2.729 140
Proximity of customer care 7.09 2.077 140
Call Stability in terms of drop 7.70 1.884 140
rate with other operators
Internet Speed 8.04 1.873 140
Congenial attitude of 7.61 1.669 140
customer care executives in
their interaction with
Caller tunes and other value 7.37 2.190 140
added services
Bundle of price in terms of 8.17 1.404 140
voice and data
Interactive voice responses 7.04 2.715 140
of customer care executives

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .767
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 672.910
df 45
Sig. .000

Although, the sample is adequate and the null is getting rejected, the analysis is meaningless.
There exists also high multi collinearity in the correlation matrix as depicted below:
As depicted in the scree plot, the percentage of variance explained by the two factors is only
60% which is not sufficient. The variable allocation in the factors also does not make sense.

Link to Excel

Brm Project (1).xlsx

Factors Analysis on the Rating Set
As depicted in the KMO and Barrett’s test and the correlation matric, the data has the presence
of multi collinearity and is optimum for dimension reduction.
The presence of three factors is clearly visible, however, the use of rotated component matrix
is recommended.
Discriminant Analysis on the Factor Score Obtained

The above table correctly says that the null hypothesis of equality of group means is rejected
for all the three factors across the groups. Wilks’ lambda is in our favour.
The interpretation of the above tests is given in the analysis part of the report. Either function
1 or 2 can be used for further analysis. Since, the output of factor analysis was in
standardized format, the further analysis is standardised.

Prior Probabilities for Groups

Cases Used in Analysis
Telecom Operator (No.s) Prior Unweighted Weighted
1 .193 27 27.000
2 .264 37 37.000
3 .486 68 68.000
4 .057 8 8.000
Total 1.000 140 140.000
Cluster Analysis on the Factor Score Obtained

Agglomeration Schedule
Cluster Combined Stage Cluster First Appears
Stage Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Coefficients Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Next Stage
1 128 138 .001 0 0 82
2 16 57 .002 0 0 25
3 64 77 .005 0 0 33
4 54 112 .011 0 0 66
5 5 70 .017 0 0 32
6 18 72 .034 0 0 41
7 68 73 .052 0 0 52
8 66 87 .073 0 0 18
9 52 83 .095 0 0 94
10 93 106 .121 0 0 40
11 53 61 .147 0 0 24
12 24 34 .175 0 0 53
13 48 132 .205 0 0 89
14 12 99 .236 0 0 30
15 97 114 .268 0 0 72
16 49 85 .309 0 0 55
17 15 20 .351 0 0 81
18 66 133 .393 8 0 106
19 96 125 .437 0 0 76
20 7 35 .484 0 0 50
21 13 27 .533 0 0 85
22 3 65 .582 0 0 93
23 117 137 .633 0 0 96
24 53 94 .683 11 0 65
25 16 123 .734 2 0 68
26 29 122 .786 0 0 74
27 107 110 .841 0 0 82
28 31 127 .900 0 0 84
29 44 116 .959 0 0 51
30 12 36 1.020 14 0 63
31 90 115 1.082 0 0 106
32 5 120 1.145 5 0 52
33 26 64 1.208 0 3 65
34 43 118 1.275 0 0 90
35 14 126 1.344 0 0 97
36 23 139 1.415 0 0 89
37 17 135 1.491 0 0 88
38 40 109 1.572 0 0 90
39 79 89 1.655 0 0 95
40 93 108 1.738 10 0 103
41 18 60 1.825 6 0 95
42 8 86 1.915 0 0 57
43 82 91 2.007 0 0 70
44 4 101 2.100 0 0 62
45 76 129 2.195 0 0 80
46 88 104 2.294 0 0 59
47 22 62 2.400 0 0 81
48 46 98 2.514 0 0 67
49 37 78 2.632 0 0 72
50 7 41 2.751 20 0 114
51 1 44 2.883 0 29 120
52 5 68 3.025 32 7 80
53 24 45 3.167 12 0 78
54 11 113 3.310 0 0 116
55 49 81 3.453 16 0 69
56 25 69 3.599 0 0 60
57 8 84 3.749 42 0 105
58 38 102 3.910 0 0 92
59 71 88 4.077 0 46 86
60 25 100 4.245 56 0 99
61 6 56 4.418 0 0 77
62 4 59 4.595 44 0 98
63 12 28 4.784 30 0 101
64 47 55 4.981 0 0 108
65 26 53 5.179 33 24 117
66 54 121 5.382 4 0 83
67 46 140 5.600 48 0 91
68 16 131 5.825 25 0 100
69 49 105 6.058 55 0 109
70 50 82 6.296 0 43 87
71 80 136 6.537 0 0 116
72 37 97 6.779 49 15 104
73 63 95 7.022 0 0 102
74 19 29 7.277 0 26 110
75 58 134 7.532 0 0 104
76 96 119 7.793 19 0 99
77 2 6 8.071 0 61 96
78 24 51 8.358 53 0 85
79 32 111 8.650 0 0 107
80 5 76 8.944 52 45 115
81 15 22 9.250 17 47 94
82 107 128 9.580 27 1 92
83 54 92 9.963 66 0 108
84 9 31 10.360 0 28 98
85 13 24 10.789 21 78 115
86 10 71 11.222 0 59 113
87 21 50 11.667 0 70 125
88 17 33 12.117 37 0 113
89 23 48 12.574 36 13 103
90 40 43 13.049 38 34 111
91 46 75 13.538 67 0 123
92 38 107 14.049 58 82 109
93 3 103 14.563 22 0 105
94 15 52 15.106 81 9 100
95 18 79 15.679 41 39 124
96 2 117 16.258 77 23 119
97 14 130 16.837 35 0 118
98 4 9 17.507 62 84 127
99 25 96 18.185 60 76 126
100 15 16 18.879 94 68 131
101 12 30 19.626 63 0 117
102 63 74 20.412 73 0 111
103 23 93 21.224 89 40 112
104 37 58 22.051 72 75 114
105 3 8 22.883 93 57 127
106 66 90 23.724 18 31 112
107 32 124 24.629 79 0 122
108 47 54 25.554 64 83 119
109 38 49 26.590 92 69 124
110 19 42 27.668 74 0 129
111 40 63 28.863 90 102 128
112 23 66 30.206 103 106 130
113 10 17 31.655 86 88 121
114 7 37 33.275 50 104 118
115 5 13 35.025 80 85 128
116 11 80 36.881 54 71 120
117 12 26 38.881 101 65 123
118 7 14 40.890 114 97 131
119 2 47 43.183 96 108 125
120 1 11 45.494 51 116 129
121 10 67 47.871 113 0 126
122 32 39 50.295 107 0 135
123 12 46 53.225 117 91 130
124 18 38 56.374 95 109 132
125 2 21 60.850 119 87 133
126 10 25 65.560 121 99 134
127 3 4 70.336 105 98 133
128 5 40 75.353 115 111 136
129 1 19 81.561 120 110 132
130 12 23 88.179 123 112 137
131 7 15 95.405 118 100 134
132 1 18 106.310 129 124 136
133 2 3 117.384 125 127 135
134 7 10 132.573 131 126 137
135 2 32 148.582 133 122 139
136 1 5 183.189 132 128 138
137 7 12 233.019 134 130 138
138 1 7 320.224 136 137 139
139 1 2 417.000 138 135 0

Agglomeration Schedule
Cluster Combined Stage Cluster First Appears
Stage Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Coefficients Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Next Stage
1 128 138 .001 0 0 82
2 16 57 .002 0 0 25
3 64 77 .005 0 0 33
4 54 112 .011 0 0 66
5 5 70 .017 0 0 32
6 18 72 .034 0 0 41
7 68 73 .052 0 0 52
8 66 87 .073 0 0 18
9 52 83 .095 0 0 94
10 93 106 .121 0 0 40
11 53 61 .147 0 0 24
12 24 34 .175 0 0 53
13 48 132 .205 0 0 89
14 12 99 .236 0 0 30
15 97 114 .268 0 0 72
16 49 85 .309 0 0 55
17 15 20 .351 0 0 81
18 66 133 .393 8 0 106
19 96 125 .437 0 0 76
20 7 35 .484 0 0 50
21 13 27 .533 0 0 85
22 3 65 .582 0 0 93
23 117 137 .633 0 0 96
24 53 94 .683 11 0 65
25 16 123 .734 2 0 68
26 29 122 .786 0 0 74
27 107 110 .841 0 0 82
28 31 127 .900 0 0 84
29 44 116 .959 0 0 51
30 12 36 1.020 14 0 63
31 90 115 1.082 0 0 106
32 5 120 1.145 5 0 52
33 26 64 1.208 0 3 65
34 43 118 1.275 0 0 90
35 14 126 1.344 0 0 97
36 23 139 1.415 0 0 89
37 17 135 1.491 0 0 88
38 40 109 1.572 0 0 90
39 79 89 1.655 0 0 95
40 93 108 1.738 10 0 103
41 18 60 1.825 6 0 95
42 8 86 1.915 0 0 57
43 82 91 2.007 0 0 70
44 4 101 2.100 0 0 62
45 76 129 2.195 0 0 80
46 88 104 2.294 0 0 59
47 22 62 2.400 0 0 81
48 46 98 2.514 0 0 67
49 37 78 2.632 0 0 72
50 7 41 2.751 20 0 114
51 1 44 2.883 0 29 120
52 5 68 3.025 32 7 80
53 24 45 3.167 12 0 78
54 11 113 3.310 0 0 116
55 49 81 3.453 16 0 69
56 25 69 3.599 0 0 60
57 8 84 3.749 42 0 105
58 38 102 3.910 0 0 92
59 71 88 4.077 0 46 86
60 25 100 4.245 56 0 99
61 6 56 4.418 0 0 77
62 4 59 4.595 44 0 98
63 12 28 4.784 30 0 101
64 47 55 4.981 0 0 108
65 26 53 5.179 33 24 117
66 54 121 5.382 4 0 83
67 46 140 5.600 48 0 91
68 16 131 5.825 25 0 100
69 49 105 6.058 55 0 109
70 50 82 6.296 0 43 87
71 80 136 6.537 0 0 116
72 37 97 6.779 49 15 104
73 63 95 7.022 0 0 102
74 19 29 7.277 0 26 110
75 58 134 7.532 0 0 104
76 96 119 7.793 19 0 99
77 2 6 8.071 0 61 96
78 24 51 8.358 53 0 85
79 32 111 8.650 0 0 107
80 5 76 8.944 52 45 115
81 15 22 9.250 17 47 94
82 107 128 9.580 27 1 92
83 54 92 9.963 66 0 108
84 9 31 10.360 0 28 98
85 13 24 10.789 21 78 115
86 10 71 11.222 0 59 113
87 21 50 11.667 0 70 125
88 17 33 12.117 37 0 113
89 23 48 12.574 36 13 103
90 40 43 13.049 38 34 111
91 46 75 13.538 67 0 123
92 38 107 14.049 58 82 109
93 3 103 14.563 22 0 105
94 15 52 15.106 81 9 100
95 18 79 15.679 41 39 124
96 2 117 16.258 77 23 119
97 14 130 16.837 35 0 118
98 4 9 17.507 62 84 127
99 25 96 18.185 60 76 126
100 15 16 18.879 94 68 131
101 12 30 19.626 63 0 117
102 63 74 20.412 73 0 111
103 23 93 21.224 89 40 112
104 37 58 22.051 72 75 114
105 3 8 22.883 93 57 127
106 66 90 23.724 18 31 112
107 32 124 24.629 79 0 122
108 47 54 25.554 64 83 119
109 38 49 26.590 92 69 124
110 19 42 27.668 74 0 129
111 40 63 28.863 90 102 128
112 23 66 30.206 103 106 130
113 10 17 31.655 86 88 121
114 7 37 33.275 50 104 118
115 5 13 35.025 80 85 128
116 11 80 36.881 54 71 120
117 12 26 38.881 101 65 123
118 7 14 40.890 114 97 131
119 2 47 43.183 96 108 125
120 1 11 45.494 51 116 129
121 10 67 47.871 113 0 126
122 32 39 50.295 107 0 135
123 12 46 53.225 117 91 130
124 18 38 56.374 95 109 132
125 2 21 60.850 119 87 133
126 10 25 65.560 121 99 134
127 3 4 70.336 105 98 133
128 5 40 75.353 115 111 136
129 1 19 81.561 120 110 132
130 12 23 88.179 123 112 137
131 7 15 95.405 118 100 134
132 1 18 106.310 129 124 136
133 2 3 117.384 125 127 135
134 7 10 132.573 131 126 137
135 2 32 148.582 133 122 139
136 1 5 183.189 132 128 138
137 7 12 233.019 134 130 138
138 1 7 320.224 136 137 139
139 1 2 417.000 138 135 0

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