Photovoltaic Generation Penetration Limits in Radial Distribution Systems

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3, AUGUST 2011 1625

Photovoltaic Generation Penetration

Limits in Radial Distribution Systems
Rafael Amaral Shayani, Student Member, IEEE, and Marco Aurélio Gonçalves de Oliveira, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Photovoltaic generating units connected to distribu- Steady-state voltage lower limit.

tion systems represent a type of distributed generation (DG) that
has been experiencing increased growth in recent years. Higher DG Voltage of substation bar.
penetration levels may be interesting from many different points
of view, but raise important issues about distribution system op- Steady-state voltage upper limit.
eration. Therefore, new techniques are needed to determine the
maximum amount of DG that may be installed without requiring I. INTRODUCTION
major changes in the existing electric power system. According
to the literature, voltage rises at load bus bars are a serious lim-
iting factor when installing DG. This paper presents and discusses
studies proving that conductor ampacity and voltage rises are lim-
T HE worldwide market for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems
has increased significantly in the last ten years. By the
end of 2008, the number of PV systems installed throughout the
iting factors that manifest themselves under different conditions. world surpassed 13 GW. Of this total, 6% were standalone sys-
The present study highlights situations in which line overloads are tems, 33% were grid-connected centralized systems, and 61%
more restrictive than voltage rises. Variation in substation voltage,
load, and its power factor were simulated in a simplified radial dis- were grid-connected distributed generation [1]. In 2008 alone,
tribution system model, and the amount of distributed generation 5.56 GW of photovoltaic systems were installed, representing
that may be installed was obtained. Mathematic formulae were de- an increase of 150% over the previous period [1].
veloped to determine the amount of distributed generation for ex- Distributed generation (DG) is the generic name given to a
isting utility systems. power generation which differs from centralized forms of gen-
Index Terms—Dispersed storage and generation, photovoltaic eration because it takes place in locations where a conventional
power systems, power distribution, power distribution planning, power plant would not be installed, thus contributing to increase
solar power generation, voltage control. the geographic distribution of power generation in a given re-
gion. DG systems are also characterized as: 1) connected di-
rectly to a distribution system; 2) connected on the demand side
NOMENCLATURE at any given point of the electric system; 3) supplying energy
to an electrically isolated installation; or 4) directly connected
Distributed generation. to the transmission system, provided it is not considered part of
Power factor. the centralized generation [2].
There are several policy drivers encouraging DG, such as
Active power in the line (positive when flowing gas emission reductions, energy efficiency, diversification of en-
from substation towards the load). ergy sources, availability of modular generating plants, ease of
Active power of load. finding sites for smaller generators, and shorter construction
times and lower capital costs of smaller plants [3]. However,
Active power of PVDG. the rapid growth of photovoltaic distributed generation (PVDG)
Photovoltaic distributed generation. has raised concerns in the electrical sector. One example is the
lack of storage capacity in grid connected PV systems. In this
Reactive power in the line. case, PV power is not as easily dispatched as other conven-
Reactive power of load. tional sources (e.g., hydro or thermal plants), for the output
power depends on the solar irradiance. The installation of PV
Reactive power of PVDG.
systems in thousands of residential rooftops raises additional
Apparent power of load. concerns, since it significantly increases the quantity of DG in-
Voltage of load bus. teracting with the grid. The need for greater supervision and
control by the system operator also becomes mandatory, rep-
resenting a major technical obstacle to DG large-scale deploy-
Manuscript received May 27, 2010; revised August 03, 2010; accepted ment. For large-scale PVDG applications, the effect on distri-
September 07, 2010. Date of publication October 07, 2010; date of current bution system voltages is certainly amongst the issues which
version July 22, 2011. This work was supported in part by CAPES—Coor-
denação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brazil. Paper no.
should be studied in more depth, to provide methods for evalu-
TPWRS-00419-2010. ating the maximum or optimal penetration level [4].
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of One way of controlling DG production is based on the Smart
Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil (e-mail:;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Grid concept. A fast and reliable communications system must
at be installed throughout the entire feeder, interacting with DG
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2077656 units in order to enable the centralized control of the entire
0885-8950/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

system. However, PVDG dispatch techniques need to be clearly in customers’ revenue, since the generation installed at the end
defined, so that they may be applied when Smart Grid becomes of the line would have higher power limitations than those con-
fully operational. Planning studies must take high PVDG pene- nected nearer to the substation [5]. Voltage may also be reduced
tration levels into consideration, so that impacts on the distribu- by controlling the reactive power. The PVDG power factor may
tion network may be analyzed and control techniques defined. be controlled by the power electronic devices of the converter,
The present paper outlines a theoretical framework regarding regulating voltage while active power is being supplied. How-
PVDG penetration limits in radial distribution systems, fo- ever, in certain situations, losses in the network may be high [5].
cusing on voltage rises and conductor ampacity. It presents On the other hand, with greater DG penetration, PVDG
and discusses studies proving that conductor ampacity and systems may prove to be an interesting voltage regulation
voltage rises are limiting factors that manifest themselves tool, acting in cooperation with other more usual means (e.g.,
under different conditions. Simulations were carried out on a voltage regulators, shunt capacitors, and transformer on-load
generic two-bus distribution system model and the maximum tap changers). A large portion of PVDG generation may ac-
amount of PVDG that may be accommodated considering each tively participate in voltage control by adjusting active and
of the criteria was determined. Depending on the load and the reactive power production [12]. The existence of a communi-
power factor (PF), the substation voltage was adjusted in order cations system interconnecting customers and utility may help
to analyze the impact on the amount of PVDG. Lastly, some to control voltage in worst-case scenarios [15].
concluding remarks are made regarding situations in which There are several ways to increase PVDG penetration in dis-
certain criteria are more restrictive. tribution systems from a voltage rise perspective [5]. For ex-
ample, one way of accommodating more DG is to reduce the
II. DISTRIBUTED GENERATION PENETRATION series impedance of the line. To do this, it is necessary to re-
CONSTRAINT FACTORS inforce the feeder, either by increasing the number of conduc-
A consensus is yet to be reached regarding DG penetration tors per phase or by substituting the conductors with others of
limits in distribution systems. Various limits are found in the greater cross-sections. This solution reduces voltage drops and
bibliography, ranging from 5% to up to 100% of the load [7], losses, but the associated cost is quite prohibitive. Besides, this
[8]. The reverse flow of power from load bus bars to the substa- increases short circuit currents, affecting protection devices and
tion provokes an impact on the feeder voltage profile, increasing the interruption capacity of circuit breakers accordingly [8].
bus voltages [5]–[15]. This is usually pointed out as a major con- The modification of steady-state voltage limits also affects
cern regarding DG penetration. However, another important as- DG penetration limits in distribution systems. The concern re-
pect must be considered in determining the PVDG penetration lated to voltage rises is aggravated when generation is located
in a distribution feeder: the actual line and transformer current near the end of the line, since the impedance seen from the DG
carrying capacity [5], [6]. IEEE Std. 1547-2003 “IEEE Standard to the substation is greater. The amount of PVDG that may be
for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power installed in a feeder is not an absolute number, since it depends
Systems” establishes criteria and requirements for some relevant on the location of sources along the line sections [5].
aspects, such as the DG shall not cause the voltage to go outside
steady-state limits. However, this standard does not define the B. PVDG Penetration Limits From a Conductor
maximum DG capacity that may be interconnected to a single Ampacity Perspective
point of common coupling or connected to a given feeder [9]. Power injected by the DG must not surpass the current con-
It is considered that two basic steady-state operation criteria duction capacity of lines and transformers. Feeders supplying
must always be met, regardless of whether generation is cen- consumer units should not have their cross-sections reduced,
tralized or distributed: 1) voltage must remain within certain as prescribed by technical norms that consider the coincidence
limits, typically between 0.95 and 1.05 pu; and 2) lines and factor, to avoid restrictions to the DG power injection capacity
transformers must not be submitted to overloads. When these [5]. Generally, the dimensioning of low-voltage lines uses a co-
criteria are met, it is possible to determine the amount of PVDG incidence factor, since the load individual maximum demands
that may be injected into a distribution system. do not occur at the same time. However, the coincidence factor
for PVDG generation is much greater, since an entire distribu-
A. PVDG Penetration Limits From a Voltage Rise Perspective
tion feeder may be exposed to the same irradiance, therefore
PVDG penetration must consider admissible voltage limits, enabling all PVDG systems to reach maximum output power
which depends, among other factors, on line impedance [7]. Due simultaneously. This may limit PVDG penetration, and some
to voltage regulators (e.g., transformer on-load tap changer), authors state that the installed peak capacity must be lower than
the voltage at the substation is kept constant; thus, the oppo- the coincident load [6].
site flow of power from the load bus bars towards the substa-
tion provokes the voltage to rise along the feeder. The limit to
the PVDG power injection is identified when the upper voltage
limit is attained. The voltage rise in the low voltage circuits (i.e., Simulations were carried out to determine the maximum
secondary of transformers) can also be significant, and should amount of PVDG that may be installed in a distribution system,
be included in the analyses [11], [15]. considering both voltage rise and line capacity criteria. Several
One way of limiting voltage rises is by reducing the power configurations were analyzed, with regard to substation voltage
injected by PVDG when voltage reaches the upper limit. How- and different load conditions. The simulations were performed
ever, this option would require measures to compensate losses in Matlab® with the power flow program MatPower [16].

Fig. 1. Simplified distribution system model for simulations.

A generic 13.8-kV, triphase, symmetric, balanced radial Fig. 2. Voltage at the load bus and line current as a function of P at rated
line is considered, comprised of an aluminum conductor with
cross section 4/0 AWG ( , ,
). The substation that supplies energy to
this line is modeled as an infinite bus. The line is 2.85 km locally, and the surplus is injected into the grid. The PVDG gen-
long; this length was defined in order to allow a 5% voltage eration is increased until the upper voltage limit is reached (i.e.,
drop under rated conditions. The active power at the load bus ) at the load bus (Fig. 2).
corresponds to that which is consumed by the load , In the base case, without PVDG, the load consumes
produced by the PVDG , and supplied through the line and . By increasing the
. amount of PVDG until it supplies all the active power of the
In order to simplify load flow calculations, the entire load is load (i.e., ), the voltage at the load bus rises to
concentrated at the end of the line and step-down transformers . In this situation, the voltage at the load bus
are not represented (Fig. 1). Besides, the following assumptions is lower than that at the substation , since the
have been made: 1) line is modeled only by its series impedance. reactive power of the load continues to be supplied through
Shunt capacitances may be neglected, since the line is short; 2) the line. As only reactive power flows through the line, the
the line may be loaded up to its rated capacity; 3) the substation substation is supplying the equivalent to a load with a null
voltage is taken as reference and is kept constant, since there power factor (not considering the active losses in the line). It
normally exist voltage regulators, such as on-load tap changer; thus becomes clear that the amount of PVDG may be greater
4) no capacitor banks nor any other voltage control devices than the maximum value of the load, for no limit was reached
are used throughout the line; 5) PV generation is modeled as yet.
a constant power injection [10], [15]; 6) the load is modeled By further increasing the amount of PVDG, it may be ob-
as constant power; 7) PV systems operate with a unity power served that the upper limit of the voltage at the load bus (i.e.,
factor, i.e., they generate only active power, in order to repre- ) is reached for (i.e.,
sent the typical situation of products readily available on the and ) flowing from the
market; and 8) the steady-state lower and upper voltage limits load bus towards the substation. In this situation, the amount
are and , respectively. of PVDG corresponds to 160% of the load active power, but
the current at the line represents only 64.6% of its rated ca-
pacity. The amount of PVDG was limited by the voltage rise,
since the line would be capable of conducting more power to-
A. Rated Load wards the substation. However, the load could be damaged with
steady-state voltage above the limit.
Initially, the rated load configuration is considered, dimen-
sioned so as to use the entire conductor capacity. Since a single B. Effects of Changing the Substation Voltage
4/0 AWG aluminum conductor feeder supports 314 A in steady-
state operation, the maximum power conducted is 7.5 MVA. Since previous simulations demonstrated that the first limit
This value is adopted as the power base for per unit (pu) calcu- reached is at the load bus, one way of increasing the
lations. Considering a 0.92 lagging power factor, the reference amount of PVDG is to reduce the voltage at the substation (i.e.,
for the Brazilian electric power system, the load is modeled with reference bus). However, the voltage at the substation must en-
and . sure the load is always supplied within the adequate voltage
With the voltage at the substation fixed at , limits. In this regard, six base cases were developed, each corre-
the voltage at the load bus is , considering rated sponding to a different voltage value at the substation, ranging
load and null PVDG production. The amount of PVDG is then from 1.050 pu to 1.000 pu. Then, based on each base case (i.e.,
incremented in the load bus. Since the PV system injects only without PVDG), simulations were carried out increasing the
active power, the active component of the load is thus supplied power injected by PVDG until the upper voltage limit is reached



Fig. 3. Voltage at the load bus and line current as a function of P at rated
by the load . In fact, when is twice
, the apparent power flowing through the line is the
same as in the base case (with null PVDG), and thus, there is
at the load bus (Table I). Although Table I includes line cur- no line overload. However, voltage rises more slowly when
rents, this criterion was not considered in the analysis. Shaded the active and reactive power flow in opposite directions, since
cells in Table I indicate the limiting criterion, where the interac- the voltage rise caused by the active component of the current
tive process of increasing PVDG production is stopped flowing towards the substation is partially offset by the voltage
. drop caused by the reactive component flowing towards the
The simulations showed that with , up to 1.81 load.
pu of PVDG may be installed at the feeder. This represents an
increase of 22% in PVDG over the amount in the previous case, C. Effects of the Load Condition
with only a 0.010 pu reduction in the voltage at the substation. In the following simulations, the substation voltage was set
For lower values of , greater amounts of PVDG could be to , since it allows larger amounts of PVDG
injected, without surpassing the upper limit of the voltage at than . This value provides a better regulation,
the load bus. However, for values lower than 1.038 pu, the allowing the voltage to drop during heavy load (0.95 pu), and to
current in the line surpasses its rated value, characterizing an rise during high PVDG generation periods (1.05 pu). This sym-
overload at conductors. metric regulation provides a better assessment of the behavior
Fig. 3 presents the variation in the modules of voltage and of the voltage and current as a function of the amount of PVDG.
of line current as a function of , for . It Maintaining the reference bus voltage at and
may be noted that, considering only the voltage limit, the current considering , ten new cases were set up, in order to
reaches 221% of the conductor ampacity. Restricted by both assess how the amount of load affects the voltage at the load
criteria (i.e., voltage rise and conductor ampacity), a of bus and, consequently, influences the PVDG penetration limit.
is obtained, as opposed to . With Simulations were carried out for load conditions varying from
this result, a second set of simulations was carried out, based on 100% to 10% of the rated value, covering light, medium, and
the same base cases. The amount of PVDG was increased until heavy load conditions (Table III). Shaded cells in Table III in-
either the upper voltage or the line current limit was reached dicate the limiting criterion, where the interactive process of in-
(Table II). Shaded cells in Table II indicate which criterion was creasing PVDG production is stopped .
first reached in each case. Negative values indicate that As the load is reduced in the situation with no PVDG gener-
power flows from the load bus towards the substation. ation, lower currents flow through the line, with lower voltage
For substation voltages ranging between 1.030 pu and 1.000 drops, which bring the voltage at the load bus closer to its upper
pu, it may be noted that the amount of active power injected limit. For example, at rated load, the voltage is ,
in the system is approximately equal to the amount consumed and at 10% of the rated load, the voltage is .


to the limit provoked the line overload in

PVDG MAXIMUM AMOUNT AS A FUNCTION OF THE LOAD POWER FACTOR all situations simulated. Lower power factors allowed greater
CONSIDERING THE UPPER VOLTAGE LIMIT CRITERION (VALUES IN pu) values, since the reactive current always flows from the
substation towards the load, provoking a voltage drop in the line.
This voltage drop partially offsets the voltage rise caused by
the active current, which in these situations flows from the load
towards the substation. For example, at ,
, while at , .
If the amount of PVDG that does not surpass the conductor
ampacity is considered (Table VI), it may be perceived that
is approximately twice , for power factors varying
between 1.0 and 0.5. This results from the fact that the same
amount of current that flows in the line towards the load may
also flow towards the substation, when the load is locally sup-
plied by the PVDG. For very low power factors (less than 0.5),
Therefore, in this last situation, even a small amount of power the amount of active power becomes too small to affect the line
flowing from the load bus towards the substation makes the current. For example, with a (Table VI), the line is
voltage to rapidly reach the upper limit. However, it may be already overloaded in the base case and the
noted that for all load conditions, the conductor ampacity is sur- amount of active power injected by the PVDG is too small to
passed, prohibiting the installation of the PVDG amount that reduce it to rated current. However, these situations are not rel-
would be allowed solely by the voltage rise criterion. Thus, the evant, since the power factor of loads is usually greater than or
current conduction capacity criterion must necessarily be ana- corrected to values above 0.8.
lyzed (Table IV). Shaded cells in Table IV indicate the limiting
criterion, where the interactive process of increasing PVDG pro- IV. RULES OF THUMB TO DETERMINE
duction is stopped . THE PENETRATION LIMIT OF PVDG
With the amount of PVDG restricted by the conductor am- The simulations carried out allow practical rules to be ob-
pacity, it may be noted that the PVDG system to be installed tained that may be applied when load flow planning studies are
will have the capacity to supply the load locally, and also to ex- used to determine the maximum amount of PVDG that may be
port the surplus by using the available current carrying capacity injected in distribution systems. Table VII presents a summary
of the line during lower than rated load periods. With the reduc- for the studied cases.
tion in load, the amount of PVDG is also reduced, but with the
guarantee that at least may be installed, even A. Conductor Ampacity
in an extreme no-load situation. From the simulations where PVDG penetration was limited
by conductor ampacity, a mathematical formula can be ob-
D. Effects of the Load Power Factor
tained, allowing to determine the amount of PVDG that can
In order to assess the influence of the load power factor, a new be installed without provoking line overloads. The amount of
set of ten base cases was simulated considering rated load with PVDG must be sufficient to supply active power to the load,
lagging power factor varying from 1.0 to 0.1. Simulations were export an equal quantity to the system, and also compensate for
carried out and the amount of PVDG was determined consid- any differences at the line if the consumed load is below the
ering both the voltage rise (Table V) and the conductor ampacity rated value (1):
(Table VI) criteria.
If one considers only the voltage rise criterion (Table V), the
amount of PVDG that increases the voltage at the load bus up (1)

TABLE VII tribution feeder without resorting to computer simulations. For

SUMMARY FOR PVDG MAXIMUM AMOUNT distribution system planning studies, the use of an equation is
easier and more practical than simulations. Moreover, as was
shown, it presents results with comparable accuracy.
A nontrivial conclusion obtained from (1) and Table VIII is
the possibility of installing PVDG with capacity greater than 1.0
pu, a fact that was not registered in the bibliography consulted in
this study. With rated load and unity power factor, up to 2.0 pu of
PVDG may be installed without exceeding conductor ampacity,
provided that the voltage at the load bus does not surpass the
upper limit. This situation can be handled by a rule of thumb
presented below.

B. Voltage Rise
The simulations showed that the upper voltage limit was re-
strictive only for substation voltage (Table II).
With (Tables IV and VI), the conductor ampacity
limit proved to be more restrictive than the voltage rise limit at
the load bus, regardless of the load condition or its power factor.
Consider as an example the situation of rated load and unity PF.
When , maximum current flows from the substation to-
wards the load bus, provoking a voltage drop in the line. When
PV generation is at its maximum , the cur-
rent is also at a maximum, but flows from the load bus towards
the substation. In this case, the voltage drop was
, and the voltage rise was .
P VALUES: COMPARISON BETWEEN 1) SIMULATIONS Assuming the same current amplitude, same line parameters,
AND 2) EQUATION (1) (VALUES IN PU) and same voltage at substation , the voltage drop for null
PVDG and the voltage rise for maximum PVDG have approx-
imately the same value (i.e., the voltage drop is slightly higher
than the voltage rise):


It thus may be concluded that the same range of values al-

lowed for voltage drops (i.e., with null PVDG) needs to be avail-
able for voltage rises (i.e., with maximum PVDG). As a rule
of thumb, if the voltage at the substation is adjusted to a value
halfway between the upper and the lower
voltage limits, the voltage rise criterion will not be reached be-
fore the conductor ampacity criterion. Therefore, an adequate
value for the voltage at the substation would be


From the simulations, the voltage drop and voltage rise were
determined for several different conditions (Table IX). Results
confirm that and are approximately equal,
where power of the load, in pu. with the voltage drop slightly higher than the voltage rise. The
A comparison between the values obtained with simu- values are not exactly the same because the load was modeled
lations and those calculated by (1) indicates that the error is less as constant power, and thus, the current varied with the voltage
than 3% for the main cases (Table VIII). This error is caused at the load bus. From Table VIII, one can see that the voltage
by different load models adopted in simulations (i.e., constant rise is for rated load and . In order
power) and in (1) (i.e., constant current). PF values less than 0.5 not to reach the voltage criteria, it is necessary that the voltage
are not shown because the corresponding active power is too at the substation be . For all other conditions,
small to affect the system. it can be noted that all voltage rises are lower than the voltage
With the help of this mathematical formula, one can deter- drops, indicating that could be even greater than 1.000 pu
mine the amount of PVDG that can be installed in a radial dis- [i.e., as would be calculated by (3)].

TABLE IX [7] PVUPSCALE—PV in Urban Policies—Strategic and Comprehensive

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P, Sandia National Laboratories,, 2008. [Online]. Available:
[9] IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources With Elec-
tric Power Systems, IEEE Std. 1547-2003, Jul. 2003.
[10] T. Ortmeyer, R. Dugan, D. Crudele, T. Key, and P. Barker, Renewable
Systems Interconnection Study: Utility Models, Analysis, and Simula-
tion Tools, Sandia Rep. SAND2008-0945 P, Sandia National Labora-
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[11] R. Tonkoski and L. Lopes, “Voltage regulation in radial distribution
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[12] M. Mcgranaghan, T. Ortmeyer, D. Crudele, T. Key, J. Smith, and P.
Barker, Renewable Systems Interconnecyion Study: Advanced Grid
Planning and Operations Sandia Rep. SAND2008-0944 P, Sandia Na-
tional Laboratories, 2008. [Online]. Available: http://www1.eere.en-
[13] IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV)
The installation of large amounts of PVDG provokes impacts Systems, IEEE Std. 929-2000, Jan. 2000.
when installed in existing utility systems. When distributed gen- [14] Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, Overcoming PV Grid Issues
eration is greater than the load and the surplus power is injected in the Urban Areas, International Energy Agency, 2009, IEA-PVPS
T10-06-2009, IEA PVPS Task 10, Activity 3.3.
in the feeder, a voltage rise takes place at the load bus, with a [15] E. Liu and J. Bebic, Distribution System Voltage Performance Analysis
possible overload at the feeder. It was determined in this study for High-Penetration Photovoltaics, National Renewable Energy Lab-
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value (1.05 pu), the voltage rise criterion tends to be the most [16] R. Zimmerman and C. Murillo-Sánchez, MATPOWER-A MATLAB
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By reducing the voltage at the substation to a value halfway be- 2007. [Online]. Available:
tween the upper and lower limits of the proper voltage (in this Rafael Anaral Shayani (S’06) was born in São
case 1.00 pu), the voltage rise is no longer a limiting factor, and Paulo, Brazil, on March 25, 1976. He received the
the limit is then imposed by the conductor ampacity. Through Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from the
computational simulations, it was proven that it is possible to Polytechnical School of the University of São Paulo,
São Paulo, Brazil, in 1998 and the M.Sc. degree from
install PVDG values between 1.00 pu and 2.00 pu (of rated the University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil, in 2006.
load) and maintain adequate voltage and current conditions in He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the
the utility system, provided that the voltage at the substation is University of Brasília, doing research in photovoltaic
solar energy.
adjusted to 1.00 pu and the load have a inductive. His professional experience includes the Univer-
Two useful equations were obtained allowing to determine the sity of Brasília, where he teaches a course on energy
amount of PVDG a radial feeder can accommodate without re- conversion, the Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos, where he works as a
consultant in the Prospective Study on Photovoltaic Energy, and Johnson Con-
sorting to computer simulations. trols, where he supervised electric power and air conditioning systems. His areas
of interest include renewable energy sources, power quality, and energy effi-
[1] Photovoltaic power systems programme, Trends in Photovoltaic Appli- Mr. Shayani received an award at the 8th Brazilian Energy Congress in 1999,
cations—Survey Report of Selected IEA Countries Between 1992 and presenting a comparison on overall costs between energy production from hy-
2008, International Energy Agency, 2009, IEA-PVPS T1-18:2009. droelectric power plants and from natural gas plants.
[2] M. M. Severino, “Avaliação Técnico-Econômica de um Sistema
Híbrido de Geração Distribuída Para Atendimento a Comunidades
Isoladas da Amazônia, PPGENE.TD 027/08,” Ph.D. dissertation,
Dept. Elect. Eng., Univ. Brasília, Brasília, Brazil, 2008. Marco Aurélio Gonçalves de Oliveira
[3] N. Jenkins, R. Allan, P. Crossley, D. Kirschen, and G. Strbac, Em- (M’91–SM’98) was born on December 20, 1958, in
bedded Generation, Power and Energy Series 31. London, U.K.: Inst. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He received the Bachelor of
Elect. Eng., 2000. Electrical Engineering degree from the University of
[4] PVUPSCALE—PV in Urban Policies—Strategic and Comprehensive Brasília, Brasília, Brazil, in 1982 and the M.Sc. and
Approach for Long-Term Expansion, WP4—Deliverable 4.1: State-of- Ph.D. degrees from the University of Paris, Paris,
the-Art on Dispersed PV Power Generation: Publications Review on France, in 1989 and 1994, respectively.
the Impacts of PV Distributed Generation and Electricity Networks, From 1982 to 1988, he was with the Operation Di-
2007. [Online]. Available: vision of Eletronorte (Brazil) where he was involved
[5] PVUPSCALE—PV in Urban Policies—Strategic and Comprehensive with load flow, stability, and electromagnetic tran-
Approach for Long-Term Expansion. WP4—Deliverable 4.4: Recom- sient studies. He joined the University of Brasilia in
mendations for Utilities, 2008. [Online]. Available: http://www.pvup- 1994, where he was the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering from 2006 to 2010. His research interests include power electronics, power quality,
[6] J. Bebic, Power System Planning: Emerging Practices Suitable renewables, and energy efficiency. He has published over 50 papers in those
for Evaluating the Impact of High-Penetration Photovoltaics, Na- fields.
tional Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2008. [Online]. Available: Dr. de Oliveira was Chair of the IEEE Brasilia Section and IEEE Brazil Council.

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