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Kiln feed 220

Factor 1.6
Clinker Production 138

475 480 485 500

Heat IN 789.01 752.96 752.73 752.10

Kiln Feed 23.83 23.90 23.90 23.90

H2O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Fuel 749.06 707.14 707.14 707.14
Total False Air 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Primary Air 0.59 0.46 0.46 0.46
Total Cooling Air of Cooler 15.53 21.44 21.22 20.59
Fuel Requirement 16.60 35.72 36.07 37.25

Heat Out 765.59 758.08 754.97 746.03

Preheater Exit Gas 165.66 115.22 115.22 115.22
Cooler Exhaust Air 58.31 155.52 152.95 145.55
Clinker-Cooler Exit 17.18 17.18 17.18 17.18
Clinker Dust - Tertiary Air Dedusting 7.76 7.77 7.77 7.77
Clinker Dust - Exhaust Gas 1.08 2.93 2.88 2.75
Clinker Formation Heat 406.42 406.49 406.49 406.49
Preheater Dust 7.47 5.78 5.78 5.78
Water Vaporization Feed Moisture 0.0035 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wall Losses 101.69 47.19 46.71 45.30

Losses 359.17 351.59 348.49 339.54

Fuel Requirement 16.78 35.96 36.18 36.94

Kcal/kg ck
Preheater Exit Gas 165.66
Cooler Exhaust Air 58.31
Clinker-Cooler Exit 17.18
Clinker Dust - Tertiary Air Dedusting 7.76
Clinker Dust - Exhaust Gas 1.08
Preheater Dust 7.47
Water Vaporization Feed Moisture 0.00
Wall Losses 101.69
Heat Balance Summary

Cooling air Nm3/Kg Clinker

Kiln hood inleak.(%total kiln air)
Primary Air Nm3/Kg Clinker @ Main Burner
Secondary Air Nm3/Kg Clinker @ Main Burner
Tertiary air Nm3/Kg clinker
Total Air required for clinker formation (Nm3/kgck)
Preheater exit

Total Air required for fuel combustion (Nm3/kgfuel)

Ai to fuel ratio (kg air/kg fuel)
Total Air required for clinker formation (Nm3/kgck)

CO2 Kg/Kgck

CaCO3 ====== CaO + CO2

100Kg of CaCo3 evolves 44Kg of CO2

1Kg of CaCO3 will evolve Kg of CO2

CaCO3 %age in feed is
Total CaCO3 in feed in Kg is

Toatl CO2 eveloved by CaCO3 in Kg

Toatl CO2 eveloved by CaCO3 in Kg/kg ck

MgCO3 ====== MgO + CO2

84Kg of MgCo3 evolves 44Kg of CO2

1Kg of MgCO3 will evolve Kg of CO2

MgCO3 %age in feed is
Total MgCO3 in feed in Kg is
Toatl CO2 eveloved by MgCO3 in Kg
Toatl CO2 eveloved by MgCO3 in Kg/kg ck

C+O2 =====CO2
12Kg of Carbon evolves 44Kg of CO2
1Kg of Carbon will evolve Kg of CO2
Carbon %age in Fuel is
Total Fuel in kgs
Total Carbon in fuel in kgs
CO2 eveolved by carbon in kgs
Toatl CO2 eveloved by Carbon in Kg/kg ck
Nm3/kgck Nm3/hr
1.45 199080
0.016 2225
0.028 3912
0.325 44666
0.520 71454
0.976 134211
1.384 190338


120351.529981251 278621

0.44 85.3778312165308 11739451.79 6239.67

77.94 165.66 1881.4211689
171459 51.54% 1.8814211689


Secondary Firing

Fuel Rate (kg/hr) Total Combustion Air (Nm3/hr) Total Combustion Air with excess (Nm3/hr) Total Combustion Air with excess Air @21.83% (Nm3/Kg Clinker)
11000.00 72528.44 83407.71 0.607

Transport Air from Pfister to PC Kiln Inlet Sealing Leakage

(Nm3/Kg Clinker) (Nm3/Kg Clinker)
0.013 0.022

Total Firing Air

Total Combustion Air with excess

Total Combustion Air Total Combustion Air with
Fuel Rate (kg/hr) Air @21.83% ,31.19%(Nm3/Kg
(Nm3/hr) excess (Nm3/hr) Clinker)

17700.00 116704.86 134210.59 0.976

Ultimate Analysis of fuel

Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulfur Ash water

64.47 3.59 7.96 1.54 0.67 13.71 8.05

Molecular weight
Elements/ Compounds
C 12.01
H2 2.016
O2 32.064
N2 28
S 32
H20 18
CO2 44
CO 26
SO2 64
Air 29

Theoritical Oxygen required for Combustion reaction of C, H & S Total Oxygen Required for Complete Combustion Total Theoritical Air Required for Complete Combustion

Combustion of Carbon 1.72 Mass (Kg) Volume (Nm3/kg) Mass (Kg)

Combustion of hydrogen 0.29

Combustion Sulfur 0.01 1.93 1.35 8.41

Oxygen present in Fuel 0.08

Main burner Nm3/hr Kg/hr °C Nm3/ kgck % PC burner Nm3/hr

Primary air 1 3911.82156777251 5019.97 60 0.03 7.7% Transport / Primary air 1 1751.56189601754
Primary air 2 0.0% Primary air 2
Total Theoritical Air Required for Complete Combustion Amount of air with % Excess
Percentage of Excess Air %
Volume (Nm3/kg) Mass (Kg) Volume (Nm3/kg)

6.59 15.00% 9.67 7.58

Kg/hr °C Nm3/kgck %
2247.75 60 0.013 2.1%
Kiln Feed 220.0 TPH Reactive Heat
Kiln Factor 1.62 Losses
Clinker Production 135.8 TPH SHC Kcal/kg clinker
Coal Consumption 17.70 TPH Rs in Millions
Specifica Coal cons 0.130
Coal NCV 6239.672
Reference Temperature 0c
power factor 0.960

Without considering coal ash

Molecular Clinker Compound Required oxide% = (% of compund containg oxide *

Clinker Targets Weights Coeffecient * molecular weight of oxide)/(molecular weight of compund
containing oxide)
Composition % g/gmole Cao % SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3
C3S 51.00 228.00 37.58 13.42 --
C2S 26.00 172.00 16.93 9.07 --
C3A 6.00 270.00 3.73 2.27
C4AF 11.75 486.00 5.42 2.47 3.87
Free CaO 0.50 --- 0.50
Mgo 1.29 ---
Others 3.46

With considering coal ash

consideration of coal ash mixing in clinker Ash Analysis Oxides contribution
NCV Kcal/kg 6239.67 SiO2 54.00 0.97 21.52%
SHC Kcal/kg clinker 705.00 Al2O3 20.00 0.36 4.37%
% coal used % 11.30% Fe2O3 13.00 0.23 3.64%
Ash in Coal % 15.93% CaO 3.00 0.05 64.12%
Coal Ash Absop % 1.80%
Raw Mix Design

Feed Target Clinker Targets %ages of RM

LSF Target 0.95 LSF 0.909 limestone
SM Target 2.69 SM 2.62 slate
Kiln factor 1.62 AM 1.58 Laterite

Components limestone slate laterite Raw Mix Clinker without ash Ash Analysis
SiO2 10.21 43.83 42.63 13.38 21.68 54.00
Al2O3 2.48 7.82 12.71 3.05 4.95 20.00
Fe2O3 1.43 4.15 20.56 1.93 3.12 13.00
CaO 43.00 15.79 6.79 40.29 65.27 3.00
MgO 0.77 1.12 1.13 0.80 1.30 0.70

consideration of coal ash mixing in clinker

NCV Kcal/kg 6239.67
SHC Kcal/kg clinker 705.00
% coal used % 11.30%
Ash in Coal % 15.93%

Coal Ash Absop % 1.80%


Clinker Analysis With Ash Without Ash

Q = (4.11*Al2O3)+(6.48*MgO)+(7.646*CaO)-(5.116*SiO2)-
(0.59*Fe2O3) 411.87 415.08 kcal/kg clinker

C3S = 4.07HCa-(7.6HSi+ 6.72HAl+ 1.43HFe+ 2.85HS) 51.85

61.78 %
C2S = 2.87HSi- 0.75C3S 26.10 15.88 %
C3A = 2.65HAl- 1.69HFe 8.40 7.84 %
C4AF = 3.04HFe 10.19 9.48 %
LSF = 100HCa/ 2.8HSi+ 1.65HAl+ 0.65HFe 90.91 95.20 %
MS = HSi/ HAl+ HFe 2.62 2.69 %
MA = HAl/ HFe 1.58 1.59 %
Percent Liquid = (1.13*C3A)+(1.35*C4AF)+%MgO+%Alkalies 25.76 24.16 %
BT = 1300 +(4.51*C3S)-(3.74*C3A)-(12.46*C4AF) 1375.48 1431.18 C

Type of Coal TM (ARB) IM (ADB) GCV (ADB) Ash (ARB) Sulphur VM (ARB) H2 (Calc)

South African 1 10.00% 3.30% 6305.00 14.00% 0.73% 28.39% 3.73%

South African 2 11.00% 3.50% 6805.00 14.50% 0.73% 28.39% 4.06%
Afghan 1 10.80% 3.00% 6900.00 15.00% 0.83% 30.00% 4.22%
Afghan 2 10.80% 3.00% 7124.00 15.00% 0.83% 30.00% 4.37%
Afghan 3 10.80% 3.00% 7300.00 15.00% 0.83% 30.00% 4.48%
Afghan 4 10.80% 3.00% 7250.00 15.00% 0.83% 30.00% 4.45%
Darra 1 11.00% 4.00% 5000.00 18.00% 3.70% 20.00% 2.44%
Darra 2 11.00% 4.00% 6000.00 18.00% 3.50% 20.00% 3.10%
Darra 3 11.00% 4.00% 5059.00 18.00% 3.70% 20.00% 2.48%
Darra 4 11.00% 4.00% 5759.00 18.00% 3.70% 20.00% 2.94%
Indonesian 1 12.80% 0.00% 6900.00 7.00% 1.41% 40.00% 4.49%
Indonesian 2 12.50% 0.00% 6850.00 7.20% 1.39% 40.00% 4.47%

Fine Coal Mixture

Ash 15.93%
Sulphur 2.38%
TM (ARB) 12.45%
IM (ADB) 3.09%
VM 30.34%
GCV (ARB) 6530.45
H2 4.15%
NCV 6239.67

Clinker to be Produced (tons per day) 3259.259259

Targetted Fuel Consumption (kcal/kg) 705
NCV Calculated for Coal MixCoal 6239.67
Coal required for Clinker to be Produced (tons) 368
Handling Losses 2.50%
Moisture Losses 4.00%
Gross Coal Requirement (tons) 392

PC Main
Ratio of Usage 70% 30%
Qty Used per day (ton) 258 110
Coal Feed Rate (tph) expected 10.7 4.6
Coal Feeder Limit (tph) at NCV of 6000 kcal/kg 30 30

SA Indonesia Afghan
Mix Ratios 10.00% 25.00% 25.00%
Coal required for Clinker to be Produced (tons per day)) 37 92 92
Value of Coal for Clinker (Rs) 699,681 1,657,138 1,786,027
Gross Coal Requirement (tons per Day) 39 98 98
Value of Gross Coal Required (Rs) 741,661 1,764,852 1,902,119
Coal Average Rate per ton (Rs) 1,900 4,500 4,850
Available Stocks (Tons) 24,687 15,846 19,501
Numbers of Days 632 162 199

Coal Mix Derived Can be Used for Days --> 7

406.4 kcal/kg ck
359.2 kcal/kg ck
765.6 kcal/kg ck
7.4 Rs

Total Compound Required Parameters Required

Cao 64.16 LSF 0.90

SiO2 22.49 SM 2.61
Al2O3 4.73 AM 1.22
Fe2O3 3.87

Feed Target
LSF 0.95
SM 2.69
AM 1.20

550.00 Rs/ton Rs/ton meal Rs/ton clinker

90.53 497.90 200.00 2005.51
8.00 44.01 300.00 225.64 Rs/ton coal
1.47 8.08 1400.00 17750.00

Ash Absorption clinker with Ash

0.97 22.64
0.36 5.31
0.23 3.35
0.05 65.31
0.01 1.31
Quantity to be used

Tonnage Heat Price (Coal Rs

GCV (ARB) NCV (Calc) Cost Rs / NCV % Used Rs / NCV per ton/ GCV ARB)=

5868.15 5614.29 20000 3.562 5.00% 0.18 18 3.408

6276.11 5999.31 18000 3.000 5.00% 0.15 18 2.868
6345.15 6061.07 17000 2.805 0.00% 0.00 0 2.679
6551.14 6259.64 19400 3.099 25.00% 0.77 92 2.961
6712.99 6415.67 18000 2.806 0.00% 0.00 0 2.681
6667.01 6371.34 17500 2.747 0.00% 0.00 0 2.625
4635.42 4438.60 19200 4.326 0.00% 0.00 0 4.142
5562.50 5332.33 13000 2.438 50.00% 1.22 184 2.337
4690.11 4491.33 13100 2.917 0.00% 0.00 0 2.793
5339.07 5116.94 1200 0.235 0.00% 0.00 0 0.225
6016.80 5712.25 18000 3.151 25.00% 0.79 92 2.992
5993.75 5691.84 15000 2.635 0.00% 0.00 0 2.503
17750 110.00%
6,500 17,750
SM* (A+F)-S1
a2 0.27
b2 -11.67
c2 -46.79
(a1c2 - a2c1)/(a1b2-a2b1)

2.8*LSF Target*S 1.18*Al2O3 0.65*Fe2O3 CaO value

a1 27.05 2.92 0.93 43.00 -12.10
B1 116.07 9.22 2.70 15.79 112.20
C1 112.89 15.00 13.36 6.79 -134.46

x1 1.47
final values

limestone x1*x 90.53

slate x1*y 8.00
laterite x1*1 1.47


Rs saved
Mixture Heat Price
(Rs/1000 Kcal) Rs in Millions against saved
Kcal/kg clinker

2.971 7.412 2.368

Heat Assessment

Reactive heat for clinkering 406.42 Kcal/Kg KK Heat Price 2.87 Rs/kcal

System Heat Loss 359.48 Kcal/Kg KK NCV 6239.67 Kcal/Kg

Clinker Production HEAT LOSS THROUGH fuel Extra Fuel
Heat of Heat Heat Cons Saving Saving per Saving Per
Reaction Total System Radiation Convection Heat out by Evaporaton Heat out by Pre heater Heat out by cooler outlet Consumption Total Heat Saving Rs/ ton ton cement Year in
TPH TPD (Kcal/Kg KK) Losses Clinker at Kcal/Kg Ck TPH TPH Kcal/kg kk Clinker (Rs/ton) Million Rs
(Kcal/Kg KK) Losses loss Cooler out of moisture Clinker dust Exit gases PH dust gases

293 7032 406 359.47 47.69 17.18 0.0035 10.49 147.85 5.97 130.29 705 206565.00 33.11 0.0 0.0 0 0
294 7056 406 358.87 47.59 17.18 0.00 10.47 147.64 5.97 130.02 704 206972.02 33.17 0.07 1.0 2.9 3 8.4
295 7080 406 357.68 47.39 17.18 0.00 10.42 147.23 5.97 129.49 703 207380.24 33.24 0.07 2.0 5.8 7 16.8
296 7104 406 356.50 47.19 17.2 0.00 10.38 146.82 5.97 128.96 702 207789.63 33.30 0.07 3.0 8.6 10 25.0
297 7128 406 355.90 47.1 17.2 0.00 10.36 146.61 5.97 128.69 701 208200 33.37 0.07 4.0 11 13 33.2
298 7152 406 355.32 47.00 17.18 0.00 10.33 146.41 5.97 128.43 700 208610 33.43 0.07 5.0 14.2 16 41.3
Cost Calculation

Material cost
Previous Current Used %age
Limestone 61913 69040 7127 85.48%
Slate 26631 27614 983 11.79%
Laterite 31272 31500 228 2.73%
HG 65089 65089 0 0.00%
Total 8338
Fuel cost
Coal 859
Clinke Prdocution 7050
Factor 0.122

Coal Type %age Actual Rs/Ton Rs/ton fuel

Local Dara % 20% 13267 2653.4
South Africa % 0% 17325 0
Afghan % 40% 17800 7120
Indo % 20% 18000 3600
Aus % 20% 19000 3800
Pet Coke % 0% 20000 0

Previous Current %
Clinker 29080 35859 6779 87.17%
PI 2546 3155 609 7.83%
Gypsum 1666 2055 389 5.00%

Previous Current Production Kwhs
Crusher 6925.4 6935.1 8240 9700
Raw Press 97890.6 98041.2 8338 150600
Coal Mill 15508.9 15533.5 875 24600
Kiln 91353.7 91483.7 7051 130000
Cement Mill 140712 140965.2 7777 253200
Packing Plant 5781.2 5792.1 12331.25 10900
Utility 9538.9 9550.4 7052 11500

Packing Cost
Production Percent
Rs/Bag Rs/Ton Tons Usage
Plastic Bags 22 440 4000 47.5%
Paper Bags 25 500 4422 52.5%
Sum 8422 Bags Cost =

Total Rs/ton cement 3373.23

Cost Calculation

Rs/ton Total Rs/ton Rs/Ton ck

276 235.91
0 0.00
932 25.49 428.69
228 0.00

Rs/ton ck


Rs/ton Total Rs Rs/ton cement

2521.17 2197.64
228.00 17.85
1000.00 50.02

Kwh/ton Kwh/ton cem Rs/ton cement Rs/ton cement

1.18 1.71 13.13
18.06 26.17 201.52
28.11 3.08 23.74
18.44 16.59 127.77
32.56 32.56 250.69
0.88 0.88 6.81
1.63 1.63 12.56

Bags Cost = 472
Kiln feed 475
Factor 1.62
Clinker Production 293
PC fuel 11
Kiln Fuel 7
Kiln Feed
Fuel Analysis SiO2
Carbon 64.47 Al2O3
Hydrogen 3.59 Fe2O3
Oxygen 7.96 CaO
Nitrogen 1.54 MgO
Sulfur 0.67 LOI
Ash 13.71 CO2
water 8.05 K2O

CO2 Kg/Kgck
CaCO3 ====== CaO + CO2
100Kg of CaCo3 evolves 44Kg of CO2

1Kg of CaCO3 will evolve Kg of CO2

CaCO3 %age in feed is
Total CaCO3 in feed in Kg is

Toatl CO2 eveloved by CaCO3 in Kg

Toatl CO2 eveloved by CaCO3 in Kg/kg ck

MgCO3 ====== MgO + CO2

84Kg of MgCo3 evolves 44Kg of CO2

1Kg of MgCO3 will evolve Kg of CO2

MgCO3 %age in feed is
Total MgCO3 in feed in Kg is

Toatl CO2 eveloved by MgCO3 in Kg

Toatl CO2 eveloved by MgCO3 in Kg/kg ck

C+O2 =====CO2
12Kg of Carbon evolves 44Kg of CO2
1Kg of Carbon will evolve Kg of CO2
Carbon %age in Fuel is

Total Fuel in kgs

Total Carbon in fuel in kgs
CO2 eveolved by carbon in kgs
Toatl CO2 eveloved by Carbon in Kg/kg ck
CO2 Emission per Kg clinker

13.59 Kiln Feed Totalised to 100
3.32 CaCO3 75.36 72.68
2.39 MgCO3 2.6 2.48
41.55 SiO2 13.59 13.11
1.69 Al2O3 3.32 3.20
36.5 Fe2O3 2.39 2.31
34.51 CaO 0.00 0.00
0.22 MgO 0.38 0.36
0.22 K2O 0.22 0.21
0.04 Na2O 0.22 0.21
0 Total 103.68 100.00

0.528 LOI 34.51

Ash % 15.93%
SFC 0.06
0.3265 Ash Abs 0.01
72.68 Raw Meal to Ck factor 1.53
345237 Kiln Feed to clinker 1.66
0.384 51.49
Kcal/kg clinker
Kcal carreid by CO2
Coal NCV
Fuel in Kgs
Fuel in Tons
0.955 LSF
2.38 SM
11795.38 32.6464
1.39 AM
219.28 0.3265

Primary Firing Secondary Firing
Neutral waste gases Neutral waste gases
Volume Volume
Flowrate (Nm³/kg fuel) 16.88 Flowrate (Nm³/kg fuel)
CO2 1.20 CO2
H2O 10.532 H2O
SO2 0.005 SO2
N2 5.14 N2
% CO2 7.1% % CO2
%H2O 62.4% %H2O
%N2 30.4% %N2
Mass Mass
Flowrate (kg/kg fuel) 17.25 Flowrate (kg/kg fuel)
CO2 2.36 CO2
H2O 8.46 H2O
SO2 0.01 SO2
N2 6.42 N2
% CO2 13.7% % CO2
%H2O 49.0% %H2O
%N2 37.2% %N2
Fuel feed rate (kg/h) 6700.00 Fuel feed rate (kg/h)
Total (Nm³/kgck) 0.382 Total (Nm³/kgck)
NCV (Kcal/Kg Fuel) 5800.000 NCV (Kcal/Kg Fuel)
Kcal/h, Fuel 38860000 Kcal/h, Fuel

Neutral Including Meal Including Including

KILN EXIT kiln 2.87% 10.24% 0.00%
Volume waste gases CO2 and TOC O2 dry CO dry
Flowrate (Nm³/kgck) 0.822 0.842 1.162 1.162
CO2 0.059 0.078 0.078 0.078
H2O 0.513 0.513 0.518 0.518
SO2 0.000 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
N2 0.250 0.250 0.499 0.499
O2 0.06586 0.0659
CO 0
% CO2 7.1% 9.3% 6.7% 6.7%
%H2O 62.4% 60.9% 44.6% 44.6%
SO2 ppm 277 271 196 196
%N2 30.4% 29.7% 43.0% 42.95%
%O2 5.7% 5.67%
%CO 0.00%
Flowrate (kg/kgck) 0.841 0.841 1.245 1.284
CO2 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.153
H2O 0.412 0.412 0.412 0.412
SO2 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
N2 0.313 0.313 0.623 0.624
O2 0.09 0.094
CO 0.000
% CO2 13.7% 13.7% 9.2% 12.0%
%H2O 49.0% 49.0% 33.1% 32.1%
%N2 37.2% 37.2% 50.1% 48.6%
%O2 7.6% 7.3%
%CO 0.0%

Excess air kiln (Nm³/kgck) 0.320

(Nm³/h) 96,274
Total combustion air kiln (Nm³/kgck) 0.641
(Nm³/h) 88,125

Total kiln exit gas (wet) (Nm³/kgck) 1.162

(Nm³/h) 159,721

Secondary air
Primary air kiln (% total kiln air) 4.4% 0.028 (Nm³/kgck)
including transport air 3,912 (Nm³/h)
Kiln hood inleak.(%total kiln air) 4.4% 0.028 (Nm³/kgck)
3,844 (Nm³/h)
Secondary air flow 0.585 (Nm³/kgck)
80,370 (Nm³/h)
Air from the cooler(secondary + tertiary air) 0.898 (Nm³/kgck)

Air Composition
%O2 air 20.61% %N2 air 77.75%
waste gases Decarbonatisation Nm³ CO2 / kg clinker 0.292 Nm3/Kgck

0.005 Total Combustion Air with excess Air @21.83% (Nm3/Kg Clinker)
5.14 0.607
62.2% 137500
Total Theoritical Air Required for Complete Combustion
17.17 Mass (Kg) Volume (Nm3/kg)
2.36 8.59294619799271 6.5934948090252
6.42 Total Theoritical Air Required for Complete Combustion
13.8% Mass (Kg) Volume (Nm3/kg)
48.8% 8.40786060639598 6.5934948090252

Neutral Including Including Including

calciner Neutral decarbo 2.90%
Volume kiln total O2 dry
Flowrate (Nm³/kgck) 1.342 2.164 2.456 2.637
CO2 0.096 0.155 0.447 0.447
H2O 0.834 1.347 1.347 1.350
SO2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
N2 0.411 0.662 0.662 0.802
O2 0.000 0.037
% CO2 7.2% 7.2% 18.2% 17.0%
%H2O 62.2% 62.2% 54.8% 51.2%
SO2 ppm 279 173 153 142
%N2 30.6% 30.6% 26.9% 30.4%
%O2 0.0% 0.0% 1.4%
Flowrate (kg/kgck) 1.373 2.214 2.787 3.018
CO2 0.189 0.304 0.877 0.877
H2O 0.670 1.082 1.082 1.084
SO2 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0011
N2 0.514 0.826 0.826 1.002
O2 0.000 0.000 0.053
% CO2 13.8% 13.7% 31.5% 29.1%
%H2O 48.8% 48.9% 38.8% 35.9%
%N2 37.4% 37.3% 29.7% 33.2%
%O2 0.0% 0.0% 1.8%

Neutral air calciner (Nm³/kgck) 0.049

Excess air (Nm³/kgck) 0.181 /neutral air
(Nm³/h) 24906 (21.34%)
Total combustion air (Nm³/kgck) 1.030
(Nm³/h) 141611

Total calciner exit gas (wet) (Nm³/kgck) 2.637 11.429

(Nm³/h) 362,593 1,571,455

Tertiary air
Primary air preca including transport air 0.013 (Nm³/kgck)
1,752 (Nm³/h)
Kiln inlet inleakage (% kiln exit gas) 3.5% 0.041 (Nm³/kgck)
5,659 (Nm³/h)
False air kiln inlet / calciner 3,000 0.022 (Nm³/kgck)
Tertiary air into calciner 0.313 (Nm³/kgck)
43,075 (Nm³/h)
False air into tertiary air 335.01814793 (Nm³/h)
Tertiary air from cooler 42,740 (Nm³/h)

%H2O air 1.64%

Reintroduced bypass gas to secondary air:
Reintroduced bypass gas to tertiary air:
CO dry

PC Exit
Am³/kgck kg/Nm³
Am³/h 1.145


0 Nm³/h
0 Nm³/h
0 Nm³/h
Primary Firing Secondary Firing
Neutral waste gases Neutral waste gases
Volume Volume
Flowrate (Nm³/kg fuel) 7.45 Flowrate (Nm³/kg fuel)
CO2 1.20 CO2
H2O 0.50 H2O
SO2 0.005 SO2
N2 5.74 N2
% CO2 16.1% % CO2
%H2O 6.7% %H2O
%N2 77.1% %N2
Mass Mass
Flowrate (kg/kg fuel) 9.95 Flowrate (kg/kg fuel)
CO2 2.36 CO2
H2O 0.40 H2O
SO2 0.01 SO2
N2 7.17 N2
% CO2 23.7% % CO2
%H2O 4.0% %H2O
%N2 72.1% %N2
Fuel feed rate (kg/h) 6700.00 Fuel feed rate (kg/h)
Total (Nm³/kgck) 0.363 Total (Nm³/kgck)
NCV (Kcal/Kg Fuel) 5800.000 NCV (Kcal/Kg Fuel)
Kcal/h, Fuel 38860000 Kcal/h, Fuel

Neutral Including Meal Including Including

KILN EXIT kiln 2.87% 10.24% 0.00%
Volume waste gases CO2 and TOC O2 dry CO dry
Flowrate (Nm³/kgck) 0.363 0.386 0.738 0.738
CO2 0.059 0.082 0.082 0.082
H2O 0.024 0.024 0.030 0.030
SO2 0.000 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
N2 0.280 0.280 0.554 0.554
O2 0.07253 0.0725
CO 0
% CO2 16.1% 21.2% 11.1% 11.1%
%H2O 6.7% 6.3% 4.1% 4.1%
SO2 ppm 629 591 309 309
%N2 77.1% 72.4% 75.0% 74.96%
%O2 9.8% 9.82%
%CO 0%
Flowrate (kg/kgck) 0.485 0.485 0.930 0.977
CO2 0.115 0.115 0.115 0.161
H2O 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
SO2 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
N2 0.350 0.350 0.691 0.692
O2 0.10 0.104
CO 0.000
% CO2 23.7% 23.7% 12.4% 16.5%
%H2O 4.0% 4.0% 2.1% 2.0%
%N2 72.1% 72.1% 74.3% 70.8%
%O2 11.1% 10.6%
%CO 0.0%

Excess air kiln (Nm³/kgck) 0.352

(Nm³/h) 48,397
Total combustion air kiln (Nm³/kgck) 0.673
(Nm³/h) 92,573

Total kiln exit gas (wet) (Nm³/kgck) 0.738

(Nm³/h) 101,529

Secondary air
Primary air kiln (% total kiln air) 4.2% 0.028 (Nm³/kgck)
including transport air 3,912 (Nm³/h)
Kiln hood inleak.(%total kiln air) 2.4% 0.016 (Nm³/kgck)
2,225 (Nm³/h)
Secondary air flow 0.629 (Nm³/kgck)
86,436 (Nm³/h)
Air from the cooler(secondary + tertiary air) 0.888 (Nm³/kgck)

Air Composition
%O2 air 20.61% %N2 air 77.75%
waste gases Decarbonatisation Nm³ CO2 / kg clinker 0.292 Nm3/Kgck

0.005 Total Combustion Air with excess Air @21.83% (Nm3/Kg Clinker)
5.13 0.607
7.3% 137500
Total Theoritical Air Required for Complete Combustion
9.19 Mass (Kg) Volume (Nm3/kg)
2.36 8.59294619799271 6.5934948090252
6.41 Total Theoritical Air Required for Complete Combustion
25.7% Mass (Kg) Volume (Nm3/kg)
4.4% 8.40786060639598 6.5934948090252
69.8% 0 0

Neutral Including Including Including

calciner Neutral decarbo H2O
Volume kiln total
Flowrate (Nm³/kgck) 0.547 0.910 1.202 1.202
CO2 0.096 0.155 0.447 0.447
H2O 0.040 0.064 0.064 0.064
SO2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
N2 0.411 0.690 0.690 0.690
O2 0.000 0.000
% CO2 17.6% 17.0% 37.2% 37.2%
%H2O 7.3% 7.1% 5.3% 5.3%
SO2 ppm 686 412 312 0.0%
%N2 75.0% 75.9% 57.4% 57.4%
%O2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Flowrate (kg/kgck) 0.735 1.220 1.793 2.722
1.039 CO2 0.189 0.304 0.878 0.8777
H2O 0.032 0.052 0.052 0.067
SO2 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0516
N2 0.513 0.863 0.863 0.863
O2 0.000 0.000 0.863
% CO2 25.7% 24.9% 48.9% 32.2%
%H2O 4.4% 4.2% 2.9% 2.5%
%N2 69.8% 70.7% 48.1% 1.9%
%O2 0.0% 0.0% 31.7%

Neutral air calciner (Nm³/kgck) 0.049

Excess air (Nm³/kgck) 0.182 /neutral air
(Nm³/h) 25046 (21.46%)
Total combustion air (Nm³/kgck) 1.031
(Nm³/h) 141751

Total Preheater exit gas (wet) (Nm³/kgck) 1.384 5.999

(Nm³/h) 190,338 824,911

Tertiary air
Primary air preca including transport air 0.013 (Nm³/kgck)
1,752 (Nm³/h)
Kiln inlet inleakage (% kiln exit gas) 1.6% 0.012 (Nm³/kgck)
2,969 (Nm³/h)
air lift / PH / calciner (Nm³/h) 10,202 0.074 (Nm³/kgck)
Tertiary air into calciner 0.259 (Nm³/kgck)
35,640 (Nm³/h)
False air into tertiary air 335.01814793 (Nm³/h)
Tertiary air from cooler 35,305 (Nm³/h)

%H2O air 1.64%

Reintroduced bypass gas to secondary air:
Reintroduced bypass gas to tertiary air:
Including Including
2.85% 0.00%
O2 dry CO dry
1.384 1.384
0.447 0.447
0.067 0.067
0.000 0.000
0.832 0.832
0.038 0.038
32.3% 32.3%
4.9% 4.9%
271 271
60.1% 60.1%
2.7% 2.7%
2.026 2.026
0.878 0.878
0.054 0.054
0.0011 0.001
1.039 1.040
0.054 0.054
43.3% 43.31%
2.7% 2.67%
51.3% 51.32%
2.6% 2.64%

PC Exit
Am³/kgck kg/Nm³
Am³/h 1.464


0 Nm³/h
0 Nm³/h
0 Nm³/h
Radiation Losses in Cooler
Average Surface Temperature 100 °C 373.15 K
Ambient Temperature °C 273.15 K
Alpha Emisivity Boltzmann Constant Eq Dia
1 0.9 5.67E-08 5.079912
Length 26 m
Total Heat Losses
Width 4.8 m
Height 4.5 m Total Clinker
Area 526.8 m2 Production
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation Total Heat Losses
371551.049195677 319533.9

Convection Losses in Cooler

Velocity Hnat e
5 2.49 0.6
h 5.58
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation
293995.14520737 252835.8

Radiation Losses in Kiln

Average Surface Temperature 280 °C 553.15 K
Ambient Temperature 25 °C 298.15 K
Alpha Emisivity Boltzmann Constant
1 0.9 5.67E-08
Length 60 m
Total Heat Losses
Diameter 5.4 m
Radius 2.7 m Total Clinker
Area 1063.68 m2 Production
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation Total Heat Losses
4652773.11100148 4001385

Convection Losses in kiln

Velocity Hnat e
6 3.09 0.6
h 7.55
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation
2046554.56 1760037
Radiation Losses in Tertriary Air
Average Surface Temperature 150 °C 423.15 K
Ambient Temperature 25 °C 298.15 K
Alpha Emisivity Boltzmann Constant
1 0.9 5.67E-08
Length 60 m
Total Heat Losses
Diameter 5.4 m
Radius 2.7 m Total Clinker
Area 1063.68 m2 Production
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation Total Heat Losses
1311340.24 1127753

Convection Losses in Tertiary Air

Velocity Hnat e
5 2.59 0.6
h 5.81
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation
772696.05 664518.6

Radiation Losses in Preheater

Average Surface Temperature 130 °C 403.15 K
Ambient Temperature 25 °C 298.15 K
Alpha Emisivity Boltzmann Constant
1 0.9 5.67E-08
Area 3700.00 m2
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation
3495634.61 3006246

Convection Losses in Preheater

Total Heat Losses
Velocity Hnat e
5 3.80 0.6 Total Clinker
h 8.53 Production
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
Q radiation Total Heat Losses
3314752.12 2850687
Kj/hr Kcal/hr
665546.19 572369.72719
137500.00 Kg/hr

4.1626889 Kcal/kg clk

Kj/hr Kcal/hr
6699327.7 5761421.7998
137500.00 Kg/hr

41.901249 Kcal/kg clk

Kj/hr Kcal/hr
2084036.3 1792271.2091
137500.00 Kg/hr

13.0347 Kcal/kg clk

Kj/hr Kcal/hr
6810386.7 5856932.5892
137500.00 Kg/hr

42.595873 Kcal/kg clk

Power Assessment

Off Load Condition On Load Condition (492 TPH) Difference New Power
Clinker Production consumption Accumulative Saving in Saving
Off Load On load Total Power Total Power Total Power Total Power Total Power
Serial Power Cons Rs per ton Per year in
No Equipment Contribution Contribution Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption KWH/T
KWH/T KWH/T KWH/T (296) KWH/T (297) KWH/T (298) KWH/T (299) (300) Million Rs
Speed Power (Kw) Speed Power (Kw) Kw Ton per Ton per Power con/t kwh/t cement
hour day clinker

296.00 297.00 298.00 299.00 300.00

1 Bag House Fan 30% 50.9 66% 718.43 667.6 0.17 2.26 2.43 2.42 2.41 2.40 2.40 Base 296 7104 18.06
2 ID Fan 20% 45.00 81% 1650.00 1605.0 0.15 5.42 5.57 5.56 5.54 5.52 5.50 297 7128 18.02 0.05 0.77 2.0
3 Main Drive 0.8 RPM 393.42 4.1 RPM 605.27 211.8 1.33 0.72 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 298 7152 17.98 0.10 1.54 4.0
4 Kiln Pfister Blower - 150.00 492 TPH 166.00 16.0 0.51 0.05 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 299 7176 17.94 0.14 2.30 6.1
5 PC Pfister Blower - 100.00 492 TPH 160.00 60.0 0.34 0.20 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 300 7200 17.90 0.19 3.06 8.0
6 Cooler Fan FA 05 Damper 20 % 70.18 80% 96.49 26.3 0.24 0.09 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32
7 Cooler Fan FA 06 20% 61.40 70% 87.72 26.3 0.21 0.09 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
8 Cooler Fan FA 07 40% 67.25 80% 84.21 17.0 0.23 0.06 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
9 Cooler Fan FA 08 40% 87.72 90% 105.26 17.5 0.30 0.06 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.35
10 Cooler Fan FA 09 40% 92.40 95% 157.90 65.5 0.31 0.22 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
11 Cooler Fan FA 10 20% 57.31 96% 153.22 95.9 0.19 0.32 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51
12 Cooler Fan FA 11 20% 99.42 96% 172.52 73.1 0.34 0.25 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58
13 Cooler Fan FA 12 30% 81.87 94% 140.35 58.5 0.28 0.20 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47
14 Cooler Fan FA 13 30% 46.78 80% 81.87 35.1 0.16 0.12 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
15 Cooler Fan FA 14 20% 64.33 70% 106.43 42.1 0.22 0.14 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36
16 Cooler Fan FA 15 20% 17.54 65% 59.65 42.1 0.06 0.14 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
17 311BE45 Bin Elevator - 26.32 492 TPH 42.69 16.4 0.09 0.06 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14
18 314BE14 Kiln Feed Elevator 0 TPH 105.26 492 TPH 224.56 119.3 0.36 0.40 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.75
19 314BE15 Return Dust Elevator 0 TPH 2.92 492 TPH 3.51 0.6 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
20 319PA01 Pan Conveyor 0Tph 24.56 492 TPH 60.23 35.7 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
21 Cooler EP Fan 30% 51.89 80% 469.74 417.9 0.18 1.41 1.59 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.57
Total KWH per Ton 5.73 12.33 18.06 18.02 17.98 17.94 17.90

Total Kw 5346.06 5351.79 5357.52 5363.25 5368.98

Note: Kwh/ton decreases while over all Kw increases, with the increase of 1 ton clinker.
I have kept the static constant and it added it to new onload power.
Kwh/ton at new feed = (off load Kwh/ton + (onload power *296/297))
No of Bricks Calculation for Line II

Standards Dimensions (mm)

a b h
Flexdura 425
103 90 250

a b h
Flexdura 825
103 96.5 250

a b h
Ankral QC 425
76 67 250

a b h
Ankral QC 725
74 69 250
a b h
Kronex 425
74 69 250

a b h
Kronex 825
74 69 250

Bricks Composition No of bricks per ring

Al Si SiC
55% 23% 20% For Flexdura bricks (ISO),

MgO Al 103X+103Y=(3.14*5400)
86% 9% 90X+96.5Y=(3.14*4900)

Al Solving the above equations, we get

80-85% X 76.92
Y 87.7
ForAnkral QC bricks(VDZ),
Total Bricks in one ring

Solving the above equations, we get

X 116.3 Where,
Y 109.7 X represents B 425
Y represents B 725
Total Bricks in one ring

ks Calculation for Line III Kiln

Kiln Diameter 5400 mm

r ring
Lining thickness 250 mm
Effective Diameter 4900 mm
ks (ISO),

ations, we get X represents B 425
Y represents B 825

ne ring
Cooler input
kg/h T°C Nm3/kgck kcal/kgck %

Cooling fans 255294 35 1.45 15.53 3.89%

Hot Clinker 129372 1450 0.00 360.58 90.42%

Exhaust air water injection 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

False air 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Clinker Dust return (SA) 3127 1450 0.00 8.71 2.19%

Clinker Dust return (TA) 5002 1450 0.00 13.94 3.50%

0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.0

Total 0 0 0.00 398.77 100.00%

Cooler output
kg/h T°C Nm3/kgck kcal/kgck %
Secondary air 57753 1030 0.325 117.12 31.2

Tertiary air 92390 908 0.520 163.48 43.6

Exhaust air 105151 300 0.596 58.31 15.5

Cold clinker 126913 90 0.00 17.18 4.6

Wall losses 0 0 0.00 4.16 1.1

Dust secondary air 3127 1030 0.00 6.11 1.6

Dust tertiary air 5002 908 0.00 7.76 2.1

Dust exhaust air 2458 300 0.00 1.08 0.3

Total 0 0 0.00 375.20 100.00%

Out - In -24

% Deviation -6.28%

Recovery Efficiency, ρ 75.90%

Cooling Efficiency, η 95.24%
Recovery Factor, k 1.68
Cooler Load, tday/m2 #REF!
Air Load, Nm3/kgck 1.45
Average Blowing Density, Nm3/s/m2 #REF!
Cooler Loss, kcal/Kg clinker 80.73
Tertiary Air To AQC
Nm3/kg 0.520 Nm3/kg 0.596
Kcal/kg 163.48 Kcal/kg 58.31

Sec Air
Nm3/kg 0.325
Kcal/kg 117.12

Line III IKN Cooler Balance

Hot Clinker
Kcal/kg 360.58

Nm3/kg 1.45
Kcal/kg 15.53
Cold Clinker
nce Kcal/kg 17.18
Fan Data line III
Rated Values Operating Vlaues
Equipment Equipment no.
Voltage Ampere Power (kw) RPM m3/hr Pa Ampere Power Factor Power (kw) Kwh/ton cem

Cooler's EP Fan 318FA02 6300 69.9 630 740 630000 2250 38 365 2.39

Kiln ID Fan 313FA07 6300 273 2600 994 1000000 6800 215 2065 13.51

Booster Fan 613FA34 400 330.3 185 980 155000 2500 174 0.88 106 0.26 Affanity Laws
Coal Mill Exhaust Fan 613FA18 6300 74 710 1485 165000 ---- 61 586 1.44 CFM2 = CFM1 * (RPM 2/RPM1)
Raw Press System Fan 216FA65 6300 242.6 2240 980 805000 7000 200 1920 5.32 Pressure2 = Pressure1 * (RPM2/RPM1)2

Main Bag House Fan 314FA03 6300 127.8 1120 740 1000000 2800 90 864 2.4 Power2 = Powe1 * (RPM2/RPM1)3
Total Kw 5906

Coal Mill boster fan by law

RPM 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00% 55.00% 60.00% 65.00% 70.00% 75.00%
Power (kw) 0.02 0.19 0.62 1.48 2.89 5.00 7.93 11.84 16.86 23.13 30.78 39.96 50.81 63.46 78.05

This is our operating range of fan%

Actual Operating Vlaues

By Law Kw Difference
RPM Ampere Power (kw) Kwh/ton cem Power (kw)
54.72% 129.39 78.89 0.19 30.31 48.58

59.75% 138.62 84.51 0.21 39.46 45.05

61.95% 140.97 85.95 0.21 43.98 41.96

62.85% 144.50 88.10 0.22 45.93 42.17
Power (kw)
63.69% 151.88 92.60 0.23 47.80 44.80

64.79% 153.56 93.62 0.23 50.31 43.31

69.94% 170.34 103.85 0.26 63.29 40.56

73.93% 169.00 103.04 0.25 74.75 28.28

74.20% 172.02 104.88 0.26 75.58 29.30

54.72% 59.75% 61.95% 62.85% 63.69% 64.79% 69.94% 73.93% 74.20% 77.95%
77.95% 194.51 118.59 0.29 87.62 30.97
Affanity Laws
CFM2 = CFM1 * (RPM2/RPM1)
Pressure2 = Pressure1 * (RPM2/RPM1)2
Power2 = Powe1 * (RPM2/RPM1)3



Power (kw)

Kiln Feed 220.00

Kiln Factor 1.60

KWh/ton Cement 90.92
Clinker Production 138

Coal Consumption 17.70

Specifica Coal cons 0.129
power factor 0.880

Motor list line CRUSHER (kw) Raw Press


Main motor #01 Main motor #02 Toatl Kw Main drive # 01 Main Drive# 02 Raw Fan

Rated Power 800KW (each) 2240 KW (VFD) 2240

Rated RPM 989 989

Rated Amp 242.6 242.6

Rated Voltage 6300 6300

Operating 411 308 720 1824 1863 1920

Production TPH 1260
Kwh/ton of each unit 0.82

Kiln Audit

Identification Number Euipment Volts Ampere Power factor Power Kwh

316DRO01MTO1 Kiln main drive 690 522 0.880 549

Cooler Fans
317FA05 400 161 0.88 98
317FA06 400 158 0.88 96
317FA07 400 150 0.88 91
317FA08 400 190 0.88 116
317FA09 400 232 0.88 141
317FA10 Cooler Fans 400 344 0.88 210
317FA11 400 390 0.88 238
317FA12 400 266 0.88 162
317FA13 400 134 0.88 82
317FA14 400 303 0.88 185
317FA15 400 94 0.88 57
Toal 1477

Cooler Exhaust Fan

318FA02 Cooler EP Fan 6300 38 0.88 365

Cooler Drives
317DR03MT01 Cooler Drive 1 400 25 0.88 15
317DR03MT03 Cooler Drive 2 400 33 0.88 20

Clinker Crusher
317CR02MT01 Clinker Crusher motor 400 23 0.88 14
317CR02MT02 Clinker Crusher motor 400 17 0.88 10
317CR02MT03 Clinker Crusher motor 400 12 0.88 7
317CR02MT04 Clinker Crusher motor 400 10 0.88 6

Drag Conveyor
318CV05MT01 Chain Conveyor 400 11 0.88 7
318ES01MT01 Chain Conveyor 400 6 0.88 4
318ES01MT02 Chain Conveyor 400 6 0.88 4
318ES01MT03 Chain Conveyor 400 2 0.88 1

318ES01MT04 Chain Conveyor 400 2 0.88 1

318CV05MT09 Chain Conveyor 400 5 0.88 3

318CV05MT10 Chain Conveyor 400 5 0.88 3

Electrostatic Precipitator
Transformer Power 210

Coal Mill
613DR07MT01 Main Drive 6300 58 0.88 557
SP 08 separator 400 71 0.88 43
FA 34 Booster Fan 400 174 0.88 106
FA18 Exhaust fan 6300 61 0.88 586

Coal Conveyor & Screws

612BC01MT01 Belt Conveyor 400 45 0.88 27
613SC19MT01 400 10 0.88 6.10
613SC20MT01 400 9.3 0.88 5.67
Screw Conveyor
613SC21MT01 400 8.5 0.88 5.18
613SC24MT01 400 8 0.88 5.00

Nose Cooling Fans

316FA07MT01 400 173 0.88 105
Nose Cooling fans
316FA08MT01 400 141 0.88 86

Shell Cooling Fans

316VX11MT01 400 4.8 0.88 2.9
316VX12MT01 400 4.9 0.88 3.0
316VX13MT01 400 5.1 0.88 3.1
316VX14MT01 400 4.8 0.88 2.9
316VX15MT01 400 4.9 0.88 3.0
Shell Cooling Axial Fans
316VX16MT01 400 5.1 0.88 3.1
316VX17MT01 400 5.1 0.88 3.1
316VX18MT01 400 4.9 0.88 3.0
316VX19MT01 400 4.8 0.88 2.9
Shell Cooling Axial Fans

316VX20MT01 400 5.6 0.88 3.4

ID Fan
313FA07MT01 ID Fan Motor 6300 215 0.88 2065

Kiln Feed Handling

312BE14MT01 400 175 0.88 107
Bucket Elevetor
312BE14MT02 400 175 0.88 107
311BE45MT01 Pfister Elevetor 400 72 0.88 44

Bag House Raw press

314BH02MT03 400 1.3 0.88 0.79
314BH02MT04 400 1.2 0.88 0.73
314BH02MT05 400 1.2 0.88 0.73
314BH02MT06 400 1.4 0.88 0.85
314BH02MT07 400 1.3 0.88 0.79
Chain Conveyors
314BH02MT09 400 1.4 0.88 0.85
314BH02MT10 400 1.4 0.88 0.85
314BH02MT11 400 1.6 0.88 0.98
314BH02MT12 400 7 0.88 4.27
314BH02MT13 400 7.5 0.88 4.57
314FA03MT01 Bag House Exhaust 6300 90 0.88 864.22
314FA65MT01 System FAn 6300 200 0.88 1920.50


715CM04MT01 400 251 0.88 153

715CM05MT01 Compressor 400 150 0.88 91
715CM06MT01 400 250 0.88 152


919PU01MT01 400 104 0.88 63

centrifugal Pump
919PU03MT01 400 114 0.88 70

With System & Bag House Fan Without System & Bag House Fan
Total power (KWh) 9176 Total power (KWh)
Clinker production 138 Clinker production
KWh/Ton clinker 66.74 KWh/Ton clinker
Power Monitoring Tool
Cherat Cement company Limited, Line III
Process Engnieer

Raw Press KILN

Bag House Cooler EP kiln feed

Seperator Total KW ID Fan main motor cooler fans Pfister elevator
Fan fan elevator

280 KW
1120 2800 KW (VFD) 1000 KW (VFD) 630

743 994 1494 740

127.8 273 961.8 69.9

6300 6300 690 6300

71 864 6543 2065 549 365 1477 44 213


216 Raw press Area Motor List

No Motor Tag Description Power (Kw) Volts (V) AMP (A) RPM Current Amps
22 216BC33MT01 Belt Conveyor 55 400 98.7 1479 63
23 216BC10MT01 Belt Conveyor 45 400 81.1 1479 50
24 216BE41MT01 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 202
25 216BE41MT02 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 184
26 216BE41MT03 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0
27 216BE41MT04 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0
28 216BE53MT01 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 220
29 216BE53MT02 Bucket Elevator 185 400 312 1485 196
30 216BE53MT03 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0
31 216BE53MT04 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 34.5 0
32 216DR47MT01 Main Drive Raw press 2240 6300 242.6 989 190
33 216DR48MT01 Main Drive Raw press 2240 6300 242.6 989 194
34 216FA65MT01 Raw press Fan 2240 6300 242.6 989 185
37 216RA58MT01 Rotary Airlock 1.1 400 2.6 1455 4.7
38 216RA60MT01 Rotary Airlock 1.1 400 2.6 1455 4.6
39 216RA62MT01 Rotary Airlock 1.1 400 2.6 1455 4.9
40 216RA64MT01 Rotary Airlock 1.1 400 2.6 1455 4.3
41 216BF17MT01 Rotary Airlock 1.1 400 2.6 1455 1.2
42 216LU51MT01 Lubrication unit 15 400 28 1465 27.5
48 216BF11MT03 Rotary Airlock 1.1 400 2.6 1410 1.2
49 216FA12MT01 Fan 18.5 400 34.5 1470 24.5
51 216BF13MT03 Rotary Airlock 1.1 400 2.6 1410 1.2
52 216FA14MT01 Fan 18.5 400 34.5 1470 24.5
53 218FA13MT01 Fan 18.5 400 34.5 1470 21.2
54 218FA09MT01 Fan 5.5 400 10.5 2935 6.3
55 218FA15MT01 Fan 5.5 400 10.5 2935 6.3
56 218BL24MT01 Blower Fan 5.5 400 11 1465 6.2
57 218BE07MT01 Bucket Elevator 200 400 347 1488 246
58 218BE07MT02 Auxilary Drive 18.5 400 35 1465 0
59 218FA28MT01 Fan 11 400 21.3 1471 11.2
60 218FA11MT01 Fan 15 400 28.1 1470 16.2
61 218FA05MT01 Fan 7.5 400 13.8 2925 12
62 218FA06MT01 Fan 7.5 400 13.8 2926 10
63 218FA02MT01 Fan 4 400 7.65 2915 3.8
64 Separator 280 400 472 116

Total Operating power

Designed power
8272.2 Kw
8.2722 Mw

ystem & Bag House Fan

Coal Mill Cement Mill

Total Kw Main Motor Separator Booster fan Exhaust Fan Toatl Kw Main Motors Separator

800KW 185 (VFD) 710 (VFD) 1950KW (each) 916KW(VFD)

991 990 1488

81.6 330.3 74

6300 400 6300 690 6300

4712 557 43 106 586 1292 6600 278

137.50 47
34.27 3.18

Operating power

Total Operating power 6359.32 Kw

6.36 Mw
Cement Mill Packing Utilities

Exhaust Fan Total Kw

Total Plant Kw

Total Kw Total Kws


3084 9962 421 512 24162

365 120
27.29 3.51 3.72

Frictional HP = (W*Bd*Td*N*F*0.000

Bd Roller shaft bearing diameter

Td Tire diameter
N RPM of shell
Rd Roller diameter
F Coeffecient of friction for oil lub bearings

W Total vertical load on roller

Required Calculation for W

Steel plate thickness is 30mm, across this thickness weight of stee

weight , so we will multiply with area o

Area of plate Calculation

Frictional HP 4.05
KW 3.02
Rotary Kiln power Input Calculation

Total required power = Frictional Horse Power + Load Horse Power

ictional HP = (W*Bd*Td*N*F*0.0000092)/Rd Load Hp = ((D*Sinφ)^3)*

bearing diameter inches 35.40 D Kiln Dia, inside lining

diameter inches 261.00 Sinφ angle of repose
M of shell RPM 4.60 N Rpm of kiln shell
er diameter inches 94.40 L Length of kiln
ction for oil lub bearings 0.02 K

cal load on roller lb 54259.20 Load HP 1014.90

KW 757.12

Total Power Required (HP)

across this thickness weight of steel plate is 50 lb/ft2. But as we need only
Total Power Required (KW)
ght , so we will multiply with area of that plate.

According to dia of kiln sheel i.e; 5.4 m

Circumference/ length 16.96 m Note: This calculation is not 100% accuate as
load even on cntacting with mechanical team, s
width 1.00 m net. However other readings
Area of one plate 16.96 m2
For 64 plates 1085.18 m2
Weight of all shell plates 54259.20 lb
Load Hp = ((D*Sinφ)^3)*N*L*K

Kiln Dia, inside lining ft 0.80

angle of repose 30.00
Rpm of kiln shell RPM 4.60
Length of kiln ft 21.00

ower Required (HP) 1018.95

ower Required (KW) 760.14

on is not 100% accuate as I had no data about vertical

g with mechanical team, so I managed to get that from
. However other readings are correct.

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