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The 7 African Powers Book of Sage Burning


S Rob

Chapter 1

You may wonder why this book uses the Seven African Powers or why this magick uses sage

and uses it so much that it is in the title. To answer the first it is simply that the Seven African

Powers are awesome and very powerful, to answer the second is because sage has within it

inherently protective magical properties. Yes, this does mean that merely burning sage alone

will cause some protective magick to be done: as long as you intend magical protection

through the burning. The Seven African Powers are powerful and each have powers over

different aspects of the world. The Seven African Powers are: Elegua, Obatala, Yemaya,

Oshun, Orunla, Chango and Ogoun. This book will begin with using Elegua alone, although

he will play a small part in all magick within this book. The reason this is so is because he

has doorways as his power and it is through his doorway that all others of the African Powers

can come through to our world and back again to theirs, meaning this magick here is possible

in this form because of Elegua. Elegua is also in charge of roads and paths, and is a

messenger to the great god Olofi. Elegua is also classes as a trickster although Elegua is

tough and on more than one occasion he was used by myself and others, to help me perform

occult robberies of holy relics, meaning that I in fact own the only working spear of destiny

and the only potent Buddhas tooth. However part of this magick is will, that you strongly will

and so intend this magick to work because this is the fuel for this magick here.

I now want to discuss the burning of sage, in fact sage can be difficult to burn unless it is

dried out a so you may find it easier to but a sage stick: these are sticks with sage in them and
you just light them for the smell of sage to spread. The incense sticks are the used the same

way. But not worry because these types of sticks are easily bought from many shops and

certainly online. However sage is also used in cookery and you may try lighting some sage in

a non-burnable, non-meltable bowl and see how well it works. The burning of the sage is

very important to this magick however you do not need to use one full stick per ceremony

and they can be put out after the ritual you have decided to perform has ended in any usual

way. I will now show you a ritual that gives general protection using Elegua.

Elegua for general protection

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you who controls all roads, paths and doorways, you trickster the messenger to the

great god Olofi. Elegua I ask that you give your protection to me, protect be from all harm,

from all attacks of any sort whatsoever and this is what I ask of you. Elegua agrees to help.

So it is and will be.


Elegua can also be used to work magick on your life path. I feel that clearing your life path is

a type of protective magick and so it fits well within this book: this is a book of protective

magick. But remember that for this magick to work you must will it to with your strongest


Elegua to clear all obstacles from your life path

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you who controls all roads, paths and doorways, you trickster the messenger to the

great god Olofi. Elegua I ask that you clear all obstacles from my life path so that the way

ahead for me is easier and this is what I ask of you. Elegua agrees to help. So it is and will be.


You will now learn how to protect an area because in reality without magick to protect an

area you will not be fully protected. Its simply that we need to make a good solid protection

that works on many levels. In fact when working protective magick its difficult to have too

much and so for the strongest protective magick simply use everything in this book.

Elegua for the protection of an area

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you who controls all roads, paths and doorways, you trickster the messenger to the

great god Olofi. Elegua I ask that you give your protection to this place may wherever the

smoke or smell of this sage goes so shall your protective magick and this is what I ask of you.

Elegua agrees to help. So it is and will be.


Most of the time if something happens to family and friends we get involved or upset. At the

time of writing the coronavirus is sweeping the world and we have no idea as to how long

this global pandemic will last: or if it can be stopped at all: we all hope for a vaccine and this

seems likely with several being tested. Will what follows to work and it shall.

Elegua to protect all family and friends

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you who controls all roads, paths and doorways, you trickster the messenger to the

great god Olofi. Elegua I ask that you give your protection to all my family and friends,

protect them all and this is what I ask of you. Elegua agrees to help. So it is and will be.


This next magick will help a person of your choosing. But do remember this magick is easier

to use if its someone you know well enough to know their name and what they look like. Will

what follows to work and it shall.

Elegua for general protection for a chosen person

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you who controls all roads, paths and doorways, you trickster the messenger to the

great god Olofi. Elegua I ask that you give your protection to state name of chosen person

protect them from all harm, from all attacks of any sort whatsoever and this is what I ask of

you. Elegua agrees to help. So it is and will be.


You have now learnt magick using Elegua meaning that already you can use one of the Seven

African Powers. As you move through the book you knowledge and power will increase.

Chapter 2

You shall now learn about Obatala: he is the creator of humans, the land and just about

everything. Obatala also has power over justice and law and so he upholds many of the things

which are us and make up our civilization. As before you will need some sage to burn: or a
sage burning stick. You will also still be using Elegua and the reason for this is that it is

Elegua that makes it possible for us to summon Obatala to us, we will then ask for what we

want and Obatala shall depart back to his own realm. But I would like to give you something

to think about: if Obatala is some potent that he created us and much of what is our world

then surely he can have influence over almost everything: or quite possibly everything. The

reason this is possible is because in this magick there is a great god named Olofi: but Olofi is

a power rather than a thinking being. In fact I class all entities I use as being magical beings

and this rather general term I find is enough to help me get to the truth. You will next learn

how to remove negative energy so that lawfulness shall rule.

Obatala to remove negative energy so that lawfulness shall rule

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Obatala through the doorway, Obatala

creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the doorway

to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here for me. Obatala I ask that

you remove negative energy so that lawfulness shall rule here let the scent and smoke of this

sage carry your power, and this is what I ask of you. Obatala agrees to help and departs back

through the doorway.


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Evil is real it exists as something of and yet also separate of people: we have it in us and good

and yet it also has a force and power of its own. I want you to be able to clear away evil from

any place you choose. Magick has this power and so do you too.

Obatala to remove evil from a place

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Obatala through the doorway, Obatala

creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the doorway

to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here for me. Obatala I ask that

you remove evil so that only good remains let the scent and smoke of this sage carry your

power so that goodness alone remains and this is what I ask of you. Obatala agrees to help

and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask
that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Anyone can get cursed but if we have worked out that we have been cursed we have an

advantage because we can work strong protective magick to deal with it: but do remember

that its best to work protective magick before you get cursed or attacked: but feel free to work

this magick whenever you want to.

Obatala to remove curses from you

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Obatala through the doorway, Obatala

creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the doorway

to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here for me. Obatala I ask that

you remove all curses from me and let the scent and smoke of this sage carry your power, and

this is what I ask of you. Obatala agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

People have great problems trying to remove spirits from locations. In fact one problem is

that people think this must be a one off try when in fact some locations may require several

treatments so that a strong enough effect builds up to banish the spirit away. This following

magick is potent and here it is.

Obatala to remove ghosts and hauntings from a location

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Obatala through the doorway, Obatala

creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the doorway

to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here for me. Obatala I ask that

you remove all ghosts all possessing spirits from this place, let the scent and smell of the

burning sage send you power to banish the all possessing spirits forever more and this is what

I ask of you. Obatala agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

I now show you some magick to help a chosen person: it is to remove curses from anyone of

your choosing. In fact its easier to use this magick successfully if you know the target person

quite well; well enough to know their name and what they look like. Will this magick to work

and it shall.

Obatala to remove all curses from a chosen person

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Obatala through the doorway, Obatala

creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the doorway

to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here for me. Obatala I ask that

you remove all curses from state name of chosen person and let the scent and smoke of this

sage carry your power into the world and to them and this is what I ask of you. Obatala

agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

This next magick is to banish demons from a place. I understand that in reality the thing is

that we imagine that magick such as this is somehow the work of priests and others that work

within a church when this is not the case. I myself used to carry the Roman Rite of exorcism

and the Rite of Jesus and the fallen angels in my wallet just in case. Now that I have grown

up some and gained in power I know I could invent such a ritual on the fly if needed: I am


Obatala to banish demons from a place

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Obatala through the doorway, Obatala

creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the doorway

to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here for me. Obatala I ask that

you use your power here so that all demonic beings all demons and infernal spirits be

banished from this place and let the scent and smoke of this sage carry your power, let the

power spread and banish demons everywhere and this is what I ask of you. Obatala agrees to

help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask
that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

You have gained in power and yet have only just began to work this magick. I feel that its

great that with use you will feel that each of these African Powers begin to feel familiar to

you. Work this magick and gain more magick.

Chapter 3

Yemaya is the divine mother of all and is a creator goddess, and she also has power over

creation, water, seas, rivers etc.. and fertility and childbirth and also has power over

sustainment because everything draws some power from the oceans if it is alive and so

without her, there would be no life. This next magick is for you to be able to fight evil for

however long is necessary.

Yemaya to fight evil however long is needed

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Yemaya: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Yemaya through the doorway, Yemaya

divine mother of all, her with domain over the oceans, rivers and all water, and sustainment is

her power, as is creation, fertility and childbirth come through the doorway to this world:

Yemaya does come through the doorway and is here for me. Yemaya I ask that you use your

power here so that in the fight against evil I may never run out of energy so that I may fight

on forever if need be and give this power to the smoke and scent of the burning sage so that
the power spreads and banishes demons everywhere and this is what I ask of you. Yemaya

agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

I will now give you magick to protect children and babies born and unborn. I feel that this

magick should be performed by those that do not even have a child because they are after all

the future of the world and it just feels to be the right things to do. I will share this magick

with you now.

Yemaya to protect all children and babies born and unborn

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Yemaya: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Yemaya through the doorway, Yemaya

divine mother of all, her with domain over the oceans, rivers and all water, and sustainment is

her power, as is creation, fertility and childbirth come through the doorway to this world:

Yemaya does come through the doorway and is here for me. Yemaya I ask that you use your

power to protect all children and babies: born or unborn: and give this power to the scent and
smoke of this sage so that this power shall spread everywhere and this is what I ask of you.

Yemaya agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Negative energy is around us and can be within us. I want everyone to be free of negative

energy because it has such a strong damaging effect upon us. Have positivity within you and

remove the negative with this next magick. Will what follows to work and it shall.

Yemaya to rid yourself of negative energy

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Yemaya: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Yemaya through the doorway, Yemaya

divine mother of all, her with domain over the oceans, rivers and all water, and sustainment is

her power, as is creation, fertility and childbirth come through the doorway to this world:

Yemaya does come through the doorway and is here for me. Yemaya I ask that you use your

power here so as to rid me of negative energy and give this power to the smoke and scent of
the burning sage so that the magick will spread everywhere and this is what I ask of you.

Yemaya agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

This next magick will use the power of Yemaya to cast demons back to Hell itself. I feel that

demonic beings have no place within our world at all and they should be sent back to Hell

regardless of anything else at all. To be sending them back to Hell if they trouble us is a

useful task for us. However demons can be summoned and commanded to help us but once

again if they trouble us send them back from where they came: Hell.

Yemaya to send demons back to Hell

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Yemaya: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Yemaya through the doorway, Yemaya

divine mother of all, her with domain over the oceans, rivers and all water, and sustainment is

her power, as is creation, fertility and childbirth come through the doorway to this world:

Yemaya does come through the doorway and is here for me. Yemaya I ask that you use your
power here so that all demonic beings may be banished back to Hell and give this power to

the smoke and scent of the burning sage so that the power spreads and banishes demons

everywhere and this is what I ask of you. Yemaya agrees to help and departs back through the




Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

I think that many of us have people we wish to protect and in the doing make ourselves feel

better. I understand that it may seem odd to work magick to protect another but often even if

there is no one we care about it does mean we cannot get dragged into their problems because

we have protected them against at least some of them. Will what follows to work and it shall.

Yemaya to protect a chosen person from evil

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Yemaya: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Yemaya through the doorway, Yemaya

divine mother of all, her with domain over the oceans, rivers and all water, and sustainment is

her power, as is creation, fertility and childbirth come through the doorway to this world:
Yemaya does come through the doorway and is here for me. Yemaya I ask that you use your

power here to protect state name of chosen person and give this power to the smoke and scent

of the burning sage so that the protective power shall spread everywhere and this is what I

ask of you. Yemaya agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

You have now learnt more about Yemaya than many people would ever imagine. I

understand that in life it is often the case that things only seem important when we need them.

After all who truly thinks about light bulbs until one blows and ceases to work. We rarely

think about our health until we become sick. Magick need not be like that its okay to use

magick to create good situations and so do use protection as a matter of course rather than to

think it only must be used when we know something has went wrong. But also remember that

your will must be focused on what you want to occur for the magick to work: intend real

magick to be done and it shall.

Chapter 4

Oshun has power over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny, fresh water and

divination and these are her areas of power. Oshun is also a goddess: I prefer to call all such

beings magical beings. But these labels always seem to stop us from understanding these

beings because on some level they are much, much more than that. This next magick is to
protect love from being harmed because it can and this is always bad for us; we need to

protect our love and here is how.

Oshun to protect love from curses

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Oshun through the doorway, Oshun you

with domain over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny and divination come

through the doorway to this world: Oshun does come through the doorway and is here for me.

Oshun I ask that you use your power to protect love from curses and give this power to the

smoke and scent of the burning sage so that the power spreads and love is protected

everywhere and this is what I ask of you. Oshun agrees to help and departs back through the




Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Devils exist just as demons do but while a demon or demonic being can be thought of as

almost anything a devil is a being that was once an angel that fell from grace. The fact is that
people can become demons after life and many people hold this to be true. A demon can be

many things but a devil was once an angel. I therefore think this next magick to banish a

devil is especially potent and very useful at the right time.

Oshun to banish devils

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Oshun through the doorway, Oshun you

with domain over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny and divination come

through the doorway to this world: Oshun does come through the doorway and is here for me.

Oshun I ask that you use your power to banish devils and give this power to the smoke and

scent of the burning sage so that the power spreads and devils everywhere are banished and

this is what I ask of you. Oshun agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Areas need protecting just as people do. I want you to protect your home because without this

you will discover that your life is not as you will want it because the disruptions caused

through attacking magick will disrupt your life. Wish this next magick to work and it shall.

Oshun to protect an area

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Oshun through the doorway, Oshun you

with domain over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny and divination come

through the doorway to this world: Oshun does come through the doorway and is here for me.

Oshun I ask that you use your power to protect this place and all within it and around it and

give this power to this burning sage so that its smoke and scent may spread giving protection

wherever it goes and this is what I ask of you. Oshun agrees to help and departs back through

the doorway.


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

This following magick exists to protect your finances from any and all attacking magick.

After all wealth lost to magick is still lost.

Oshun to protect your finances from attacking magick

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Oshun through the doorway, Oshun you

with domain over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny and divination come

through the doorway to this world: Oshun does come through the doorway and is here for me.

Oshun I ask that you use your power to protect my finances from any attacking magick and

let the smoke and scent of this burning sage protect my wealth wherever it goes and this is

what I ask of you. Oshun agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Sex: when attacked by demonic beings or dark magick: can become a way of harming the

reproductive and sexual function of the sexual organs. These problems can last life long and

so do use magick to protect yourself from all attacking dark magick. People after all curse

others for the strangest of reasons and sometimes very little reason at all. Be protected use

this magick.
Oshun to protect sex from dark magick

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Oshun through the doorway, Oshun you

with domain over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny and divination come

through the doorway to this world: Oshun does come through the doorway and is here for me.

Oshun I ask that you use your power to protect sex from dark magick and give this power to

the smoke and scent of the burning sage so that the power spreads and sex is protected

everywhere from evil and this is what I ask of you. Oshun agrees to help and departs back

through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Beauty and good looks can be attacked using magick. The pretty and handsome can be

rendered ugly with very little effort if ones magick is powerful enough. The truth is that if we

concentrate enough on protective magick we can maintain whatever beauty we have: and we

should all protect what we have: and so do so with this next magick.
Oshun to protect beauty from occult attacks

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Oshun through the doorway, Oshun you

with domain over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny and divination come

through the doorway to this world: Oshun does come through the doorway and is here for me.

Oshun I ask that you use your power to protect all my beauty and handsomeness and give this

power to the smoke and scent of the burning sage so that the power spreads and beauty is

protected everywhere and this is what I ask of you. Oshun agrees to help and departs back

through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Your range of magick you can use has expanded. I know that protective magick sometimes

gets left as if it is unimportant. In truth one should never work any magick of any magnitude

without protective magick. In fact all of those I love are protected 24/7 with the most

powerful range of magick I could do at the time: I do add more over time. But do not neglect

yourself use strong protective magick on yourself too. To be well protected is to have some
freedom in your movements because you know that a curse will be unlikely to affect you

from time to time: or even if cursed non-stop. But protective magick also gives us a way of

practicing the method of using magick: practice really does make perfect.

Chapter 5

Orunla is often thought of as a god or spirit: I class all such beings as magical beings but

realize that sometimes the word god or goddess becomes almost part of the name for beings

such as the Seven African Powers. To protect your good destiny use this next magick.

Orunla to protect my good destiny

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Orunla: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you

with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through

the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla

I ask that you use your power to protect my good destiny and make the scent and smoke of

this sage spread and wherever it does may this magical power spread too and this is what I

ask of you. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask
that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Dark magick can get into all sorts of places. Dark magick is powerful and usually more

useful than light magick. The fact is I have nothing against most dark magick but I also know

that if you haven’t worked any dark magick that they’re shouldn’t be any around you unless

someone has put it there; bear in mind this can be done for the good as well as the bad of you.

However do not take a chance and work this next magick.

Orunla to chase away all dark magick

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Orunla: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you

with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through

the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla

I ask that you use your power to chase away all dark magick and make the scent and smoke

of this sage spread and wherever it does may this magical power spread too and this is what I

ask of you. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask
that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

To be well protected we need to protect our home; and maybe some other areas. However

this next magick simply protects anywhere you work this magick and this means that can

protect areas for other people if you so desire.

Orunla to protect an area

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Orunla: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you

with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through

the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla

I ask that you use your power to protect this area and all within it and make the scent and

smoke of this sage spread and wherever it does may this magical protection spread too and

this is what I ask of you. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Our books are where we keep part of the knowledge we need to have access to and never

forget. Our library and computer records are like an external memory we have with us. A

greater many things are achievable when we have access to knowledge than can be done

otherwise. I must admit that my most important part is my creativity because it is that which

has helped form much of the magick I have written in my many books.

Orunla to protect books from harm

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Orunla: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you

with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through

the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla

I ask that you use your power to protect books from any harm and make the scent and smoke

of this sage spread and wherever it does may this magical power spread too and this is what I

ask of you. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

You need to be able to protect your knowledge from magical attacks. Most of the knowledge

that will be protected will be inside of your brain meaning this magick will help stop you

from getting mentally harmed through a curse or curses. I feel this magick is important:

important enough for everyone that reads this to perform.

Orunla to protect your knowledge from magical attacks

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Orunla: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you

with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through

the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla

I ask that you use your power to protect my knowledge from magical attacks and make the

scent and smoke of this sage spread and wherever it does may this magical power spread too

and this is what I ask of you. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

I will now show you some magick that is to clear your life path of evil; life path is a way of

summing up you future, past and present. Like all the magick here you must powerfully will

it to work so that it shall; this magick follows now: here it is.

Orunla to clear my life path of evil

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Orunla: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you

with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through

the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla

I ask that you use your power to clear my life path of evil and make the scent and smoke of

this sage spread and wherever it does may this magical power spread too and this is what I

ask of you. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Demonic beings can be used in magick and usually if used correctly they can be helpful for

us. Much magick is worked with demonic beings and yet this following magick is to attack
demons. However if you have demons around you and you did not work demonic magick

then generally you should remove them through this following magick. Magick to attack

demons is tough and there must be no ambivalence in your mind about attacking them; you

attack, you do not attack, there is no middle ground with this magick. This magick follows.

Orunla to attack demons

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Orunla: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you

with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through

the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla

I ask that you use your power to attack demons and make the scent and smoke of this sage

spread and wherever it does may this magical power spread too and this is what I ask of you.

Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

This magick will bring you closer to Orunla and to magick. Certainly I feel that you should

be thankful for what you have already learnt and achieved. I am proud of you my dear

student. Learn more by going through the rest of this book.

Chapter 6

Chango has power over thunder, lightning, justice, dance, virility and power itself. All of this

means that he can be used for some rather interesting magick. This following magick shall

attack the sender of any attacking evil back one hundred fold.

Chango send attacking evil back to the sender 100 fold

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Chango: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Chango through the doorway, Chango

he with domain over thunder, lightning, justice, dance, virility and power come through the

doorway to this world: Chango does come through the doorway and is here for me. Chango I

ask that you use your power to send back any attacking evil to the sender 100 fold and make

the scent and smoke of this sage do likewise: wherever it goes may this magical power spread

too and this is what I ask of you. Chango agrees to help and departs back through the



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

This following magick is for your home to be happy and this means that it shall be more

difficult to be anything but happy there. Have a happy house through this next magick. I wish

you to know that you should remember to will this magick to work so that it shall.

Chango happy home spell

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Chango: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Chango through the doorway, Chango

he with domain over thunder, lightning, justice, dance, virility and power come through the

doorway to this world: Chango does come through the doorway and is here for me. Chango I

ask that you use your power to make this home happy and make the scent and smoke of this

sage spread and wherever it does happiness will spread too and this is what I ask of you.

Chango agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask
that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Infidelity destroys relationships and our emotional lives. I therefore offer magick so that there

will be no infidelity: no one shall cheat on another. Do this magick, wish it to work and it


Chango protection from infidelity

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Chango: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Chango through the doorway, Chango

he with domain over thunder, lightning, justice, dance, virility and power come through the

doorway to this world: Chango does come through the doorway and is here for me. Chango I

ask that you use your power to protect me and my loving partner from infidelity and make the

scent and smoke of this sage spread and wherever it does may this faithfulness spread too and

this is what I ask of you. Chango agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

I now show you some magick to make you happy. I think that no one should be without

happiness and so I offer magick to make you happy. This magick however needs you to will

it to work because this is the fuel for it.

Chango happy you spell

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Chango: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Chango through the doorway, Chango

he with domain over thunder, lightning, justice, dance, virility and power come through the

doorway to this world: Chango does come through the doorway and is here for me. Chango I

ask that you use your power to make me happy and make the scent and smoke of this sage

spread and wherever it does may happiness spread too and this is what I ask of you. Chango

agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Stress can cause lots of problems in marriages and relationships and I want you to be able to

do something about this. I know that it’s easier to attack each other than to admit that stresses
are too much for you to cope well with. Stress happens to everyone at some time, this magick

that follows will help but it isn’t about judging, it’s about helping. However you must still

strongly will this magick to work so that it shall. This magick is potent because obviously

removing stress is no small thing and it should not be underestimated. This magick means

that many relationships that would end now will not.

Chango magick to remove stress from marriage/relationships

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Chango: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Chango through the doorway, Chango

he with domain over thunder, lightning, justice, dance, virility and power come through the

doorway to this world: Chango does come through the doorway and is here for me. Chango I

ask that you use your power to remove stress from all marriages and relationships and make

the scent and smoke of this sage spread and wherever it does may this magical power spread

too and this is what I ask of you. Chango agrees to help and departs back through the




Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Your knowledge of magick has grown and it is developing all the time. Magick works best

however when it us used alongside your non-magical mundane powers and abilities too. In

fact magick can make your mundane powers much more effective by creating avenues that

they can be used effectively within. I want you to get the most out of this following magick

and so do remember learning magick never requires you to forget anything else you have

learnt: we are adding to our knowledge and skills not removing them. This book is after all

like all nonfiction is in the teaching game and yet doing so as time passes for you. Do not

forget that this book is here to serve you the reader because a book isn’t truly a book unless it

has been read by someone. In this case you are that person the reader and although it may

seem that I know nothing about you this is not true here because I have been you I have been

the person taking first steps into magick, I have been the more learned occultist and I have

been the skilled occultist and the journeyer, the wanderer, the sceptic and all other positions

in order to get to this one I am now. But your path may be different you can choose to move

faster if this is what you desire. But most of all do use this magick it is here to help you.

Chapter 7

Ogoun has a diverse range of powers and these are centered around him being a warrior, a

fighter and about metal and metal making and business and politics. In fact these latter two

are quite new but show that Ogoun and how people work with him is evolving and

progressing. In fact because Ogoun is also linked to metal he has some link to technology and

science: material science being a more evolved sort of blacksmithing because Ogoun’s roots

to blacksmithing was when it was still something very special indeed as technology is now.

This next magick is to get Ogoun to protect you from enemies; and here it is.

Ogoun to protect you from enemies

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Ogoun through the doorway, Ogoun he

that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord of blacksmiths, and soldiers, metal

workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under your control come through the

doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway and is here for me. Ogoun I

ask that you use your power to protect me from all enemies and make the scent and smoke of

this sage spread and wherever it does may the protective magick of it spread too and this is

what I ask of you. Ogoun agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

This next magick will enable you to protect an area irrespective of where it is. This does

mean that you do not need to be physically there when you perform the magick for it to work.

Ogoun to protect an area irrespective of distance

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Ogoun through the doorway, Ogoun he

that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord of blacksmiths, and soldiers, metal

workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under your control come through the

doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway and is here for me. Ogoun I

ask that you use your power to protect the area state address or location and make the scent

and smoke of this sage travel to the destination through the doorway and its protective power

be felt there and this is what I ask of you. Ogoun agrees to help and departs back through the



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Poverty is like an attacker the way it changes peoples lives for the worse. No one ever gained

an advantage from poverty and it is a real handicap; far worse than many others. I desire to

stop poverty and so I do this through magick; by passing this ritual along to you so that you

may use it.

Ogoun for protection from poverty

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Ogoun through the doorway, Ogoun he

that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord of blacksmiths, and soldiers, metal

workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under your control come through the

doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway and is here for me. Ogoun I

ask that you use your power to protect me from poverty and make the scent and smoke of this

sage spread and wherever it does may power work for me and this is what I ask of you.

Ogoun agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

We all have rivals and so I offer you some magick to be protected against them. The thing is

that rivals are at times sneakier than enemies because an enemy is more likely to want to see

your complete end, whereas a rival may have a very different aim, one that is harder to spot:

more like sabotage than an attack.

Ogoun to protect you from rivals

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Ogoun through the doorway, Ogoun he

that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord of blacksmiths and soldiers, metal

workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under your control come through the

doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway and is here for me. Ogoun I

ask that you use your power to protect me from all rivals and make the scent and smoke of

this sage spread and wherever it does may the protective magick of it spread too and this is

what I ask of you. Ogoun agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

We all of us can lose money and so I offer this magick to protect you from money loss. I

understand that in life it’s difficult to deal with money loss some times because the less we

have to begin with the more a loss matters. But even for the well off losing money hurts and

so I offer magick to help.

Ogoun to protect you from money loss

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Ogoun through the doorway, Ogoun he

that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord of blacksmiths, and soldiers, metal

workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under your control come through the

doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway and is here for me. Ogoun I

ask that you use your power to protect me from loss of money and make the scent and smoke

of this sage spread and wherever it does may it protect my money there too and this is what I

ask of you. Ogoun agrees to help and departs back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

Unemployment is one of the most difficult things to deal with because once unemployed we

discover that people are less willing to give us a chance at a job and this increases the longer

you stay unemployed. Basically if you are unemployed you need to get a job as fast as you

can because otherwise you are liable to stay that way.

Ogoun for protection from unemployment

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. I summon Ogoun through the doorway, Ogoun he

that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord of blacksmiths, and soldiers, metal

workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under your control come through the

doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway and is here for me. Ogoun I

ask that you use your power to protect me from unemployment and make the scent and

smoke of this sage spread and wherever it does may it protect me from unemployment by

bringing opportunities to me and this is what I ask of you. Ogoun agrees to help and departs

back through the doorway.



Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here and now: the

doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

You have now learnt how to work magick with Ogoun. By all means use all the magick in

this book whenever you wish after all you have learnt all up to this point. However next

things will get a lot more potent than anything you have tried or learnt so far.

Chapter 8

You will now learn the most potent magick in this whole book because these are the master

rituals, magick that uses all Seven African Powers together simultaneously. However this
does mean that it’s a good idea to have worked magick with each of the Seven African

Powers individually before moving to this magick. But if you have here is the first.

7 African Powers unbreakable protection to protect you, your family and where the

magick is performed

(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here

and now: the doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to

Yemaya. Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here and now: the doorway is open wide

open. Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun. Elegua opens the doorway it

is opening here and now: the doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you open a

doorway that leads to Orunla. Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here and now: the

doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to Chango.

Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here and now: the doorway is open wide open.

Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun. Elegua opens the doorway it is

opening here and now: the doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you protect me, my

family and this place from all harm and may this power spread further through the scent and

smoke of this sage and this is what I ask of you. I summon Obatala through the doorway,

Obatala creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the

doorway to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here with me. Obatala

I ask that you protect me, my family and this place from all harm and all attacks no matter

what the source and may the scent and smoke of this sage carry your power, and this is what I
ask of you. I summon Yemaya through the doorway, Yemaya divine mother of all, her with

domain over the oceans, rivers and all water, and sustainment is her power, as is creation,

fertility and childbirth come through the doorway to this world: Yemaya does come through

the doorway and is here for me. Yemaya I ask that you use your power to protect me, my

family and this place from all harm and give this power to the smoke and scent of the burning

sage so that the power spreads and this is what I ask of you. I summon Oshun through the

doorway, Oshun you with domain over love, beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny

and divination come through the doorway to this world: Oshun does come through the

doorway and is here for me. Oshun I ask that you use your power to protect me, my family

and this place from all attacks and give this power to the smoke and scent of the burning sage

so that the power spreads everywhere and this is what I ask of you. I summon Orunla through

the doorway, Orunla you with domain over wisdom, knowledge, divination, prophecy, fate

and destiny come through the doorway to this world: Orunla does come through the doorway

and is here for me. Orunla I ask that you use your power to protect me, my family and this

place from all harm and all attacks and make the scent and smoke of this sage spread and

wherever it does may this magical power spreads too and this is what I ask of you. I summon

Chango through the doorway, Chango he with domain over thunder, lightning, justice, dance,

virility and power come through the doorway to this world: Chango does come through the

doorway and is here for me. Chango I ask that you use your power to protect me, my family

and this place from all harm and all attacks and make the scent and smoke of this sage spread

and wherever it does may this power spread too and this is what I ask of you. I summon

Ogoun through the doorway, Ogoun he that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord

of blacksmiths, and soldiers, metal workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under

your control come through the doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway

and is here for me. Ogoun I ask that you use your power to protect me, my family and this
place from all attacks and all harm and make the scent and smoke of this sage spread and

wherever it does may the protective magick of it spread too and this is what I ask of you.



Elegua agrees. Obatala agrees to help and departs back through the doorway. Yemaya agrees

to help and departs back through the doorway. Oshun agrees to help and departs back through

the doorway. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway. Chango agrees to

help and departs back through the doorway. Ogoun agrees to help and departs back through

the doorway. Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and

doorways and so I ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many

places. Elegua I ask that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here

and now: the doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

This following magick is to send back all attacks with one thousand times the power: at least:

and with the power to destroy all attackers: do not use this if you merely want them hurt

because the power of this magick is such that this cannot be guaranteed: but anyway here it


7 African Powers to send back all attacks with 1000 times the power-destroy all


(You will need some sage and something to light it with)


Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and doorways and so I

ask that you open a doorway that may swing many ways and to many places. Elegua I ask

that you open a doorway that leads to Obatala: Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here
and now: the doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to

Yemaya. Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here and now: the doorway is open wide

open. Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to Oshun. Elegua opens the doorway it

is opening here and now: the doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you open a

doorway that leads to Orunla. Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here and now: the

doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to Chango.

Elegua opens the doorway it is opening here and now: the doorway is open wide open.

Elegua I ask that you open a doorway that leads to Ogoun. Elegua opens the doorway it is

opening here and now: the doorway is open wide open. Elegua I ask that you attack all

attackers with 1000 times the power and may the scent and smoke of this sage spread; this

power too and this is what I ask of you. I summon Obatala through the doorway, Obatala

creator of humanity, ground, and with power over law and justice come through the doorway

to this world: Obatala does come through the doorway and is here for me. Obatala I ask that

you attack all attackers with 1000 times the power and may the scent and smoke of this sage

does carry your power, and this is what I ask of you. I summon Yemaya through the

doorway, Yemaya divine mother of all, her with domain over the oceans, rivers and all water,

and sustainment is her power, as is creation, fertility and childbirth come through the

doorway to this world: Yemaya does come through the doorway and is here for me. Yemaya

I ask that you use your power to attack all attackers with 1000 times the power and give this

power to the smoke and scent of the burning sage so that the power spreads and this is what I

ask of you. I summon Oshun through the doorway, Oshun you with domain over love,

beauty, intimacy, wealth, diplomacy, destiny and divination come through the doorway to

this world: Oshun does come through the doorway and is here for me. Oshun I ask that you

use your power to attack all attackers with 1000 times the power and give this power to the

smoke and scent of the burning sage so that the power spreads and this is what I ask of you. I
summon Orunla through the doorway, Orunla you with domain over wisdom, knowledge,

divination, prophecy, fate and destiny come through the doorway to this world: Orunla does

come through the doorway and is here for me. Orunla I ask that you use your power to attack

all attackers with 1000 times the power and make the scent and smoke of this sage spread and

wherever it does may this magical power spreads too and this is what I ask of you. I summon

Chango through the doorway, Chango he with domain over thunder, lightning, justice, dance,

virility and power come through the doorway to this world: Chango does come through the

doorway and is here for me. Chango I ask that you use your power to attack all attackers with

1000 times the power and make the scent and smoke of this sage spread and wherever it does

may this magical power spreads too and this is what I ask of you. I summon Ogoun through

the doorway, Ogoun he that is the warrior, he with metal as his domain, lord of blacksmiths,

and soldiers, metal workers, CEO and business people, politicians are under your control

come through the doorway to this world: Ogoun does come through the doorway and is here

for me. Ogoun I ask that you use your power to attack all attackers with 1000 times the power

and make the scent and smoke of this sage spread and wherever it does may the protective

magick of it spreads too and this is what I ask of you.



Elegua agrees. Obatala agrees to help and departs back through the doorway. Yemaya agrees

to help and departs back through the doorway. Oshun agrees to help and departs back through

the doorway. Orunla agrees to help and departs back through the doorway. Chango agrees to

help and departs back through the doorway. Ogoun agrees to help and departs back through

the doorway. Elegua you are powerful and it is you that controls all roads and paths and

doorways and so I ask that you shut the doorway that may swing many ways and to many
places. Elegua I ask that you close the doorway: Elegua closes the doorway it is closing here

and now: the doorway is shut closed. So it is and will be.

You have now performed magick so powerful that most people that learn occultism will

never perform anything as potent as this. But this need not be the end of your journey because

I: S Rob: the author of this book has written well over 500 books almost all on occultism: real

magick: for you to spend some time on. Magick can be a life time study if you desire it. But

walk tall be proud of yourself because you are now a mage of great power.

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