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COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)

Medical Therapy
Drug Mechanism Dose Comments
Methyl- Glucocorticoid – downregulates pro- 1 mg/kg/day IV for 5-10 days is acceptable. ***Proven to be beneficial only in patients who require
prednisolone inflammatory cytokine production Higher doses (500mg/d x 3 doses) need supplemental O2/ mechanical ventilation. Should not be
further research used for mild/asymptomatic cases – may be potentially
harmful if used in this group
Dexamethasone Glucocorticoid– downregulates pro- 6mg/d PO/IV for 5-10 days (based on data
inflammatory cytokine production from RECOVERY trial)
Enoxaparin LMWH – Anticoagulant Prophylactic – 40mg s.c OD Can be tried in moderately ill & critically ill patients (for
Therapeutic - 1mg/kg s.c BID (or) standard DVT prophylaxis) and may be beneficial in
1.5mg/kg/day patients with D-dimer > 1 μg/L/ elevations > 6x ULN.
Dose is controversial. Prophylactic dose vs therapeutic
Fondaparinux Factor Xa inhibitor - anticoagulant Prophylactic –2.5mg s.c OD dose – debate is STILL ON. Therapeutic doses in the
Therapeutic -5-10mg s.c OD (based on absence of VTE can increase bleeding risk !
weight) Dose adjustments needed in elderly and those with renal
failure. Safe in pregnancy and breast feeding.
If heparins are C/I – Intermittent Pneumatic compression
devices are an alternative.
Remdesivir Adenosine nucleotide analogue, a 200mg IV on D1 & then 100mg/day IV till Need more research. Early studies demonstrated a small
prodrug D5 (or D10) benefits in terms of speed of recovery. Benefit may be
Inhibits RNA polymerase (hence viral (Till D10 in case patient is on mechanical larger in patients who are NOT on mechanical ventilation
RNA synthesis) ventilation) Use in renal & liver dysfunction/ pregnancy & breast
feeding has NOT been established
Tocilizumab Anti – IL6 receptor 400mg IV x 2 doses – 12h apart ? Benefit in patients with ARDS + elevated IL6 +
(Alternatively 6mg/kg IV x 2 doses – 12h elevated CRP (≥ 75) . Uncertainties in the right dosing as
apart) well as the timing of dose. May increase the risk of
secondary infections
***RECOVERY TRIAL: Dexamethasone resulted in lower mortality for patients on ventilators (reduced by ∼ 33%) and those requiring oxygen (reduced by ∼ 20%)
Drug Mechanism Dose Comments
Casirivimab and mAb that specifically binds to spike 1200mg + 1200mg as a single Reduce disease progression in high risk** outpatients with mild
imdevimab (Roche) protein receptor binding domain (RBD) IV infusion disease. Combination therapy is recommended to prevent
of SARS-CoV-2, and thereby block development of escape mutants and resistance.
binding to the human ACE2 receptor
Bamlanivimab (+/- mAb against ‘S’ protein and prevents Bamlanivimab – 700mg +/- Used only in mild cases who are at high risk** of progression to
etesevimab) EUA - its engagement with ACE2 receptor etesevimab – 1400mg as single severe disease. Combination with estesevimab is recommended to
Nov 9, 2020 IV infusion prevent development of escape mutants and subsequent resistance.
Baricitinib JAK inhibitor 4mg/day x 14 days. Use along Use in hospitalized patients who require supplemental oxygen,
with remdesivir. Currently use invasive mechanical ventilation, or extracorporeal membrane
without remdesivir is NOT oxygenation (ECMO). Use along with steroids – NOT
recommended. recommended. Use in patients where steroids cannot be used (or)
C/I. Overall no mortality benefit with baricitinib at present.
Convalescent Confers passive immunity 4-13 mL/kg (usually 200 mL Poor evidence for use in hospitalized patients (no benefit). Can be
plasma over ≥ 2 hours) uses in high risk elderly contacts to confer passive immunity.
Benefits may be greater with high antibody titer (≥ 1:640) and if
treated within the first 3 days of diagnosis
**High-riskdefined as meeting at least 1 of these criteria - BMI ≥35, CKD, Diabetes, Immunosuppressed state, Age ≥65 years, Age ≥55 years and have CV disease,
hypertension, or COPD/chronic respiratory disease. Administer as soon as possible after positive viral test for SARS-CoV-2 and within 10 days of symptom onset. These
drugs are NOT beneficial in patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 and data demonstrates an unfavorable risk/benefit profile in that population.
ACEi/ARB’s, NSAID’s, Pioglitazone – No special guidelines (or) precautions required in patients with COVID19.
ü Empiric antibiotic therapy: Consider in patients @ risk for HAI (especially those receiving strong immunosuppression)
ü Cytokine adsorbers (e.g., Cytosorb) – Extra-corporeal removal of cytokines (to reduce inflammatory injury to lungs). Only for use In ICU patients with severe COVID19
Pneumonia (with shock and significantly elevated inflammatory markers like IL6)
ü Vitamin C & Zinc: Downgrades cytokine mediated inflammatory response in experimental animals but NO evidence for its recommendation with regards to COVID19
ü Inhaled/nebulized corticosteroids: Postulated to reduce local inflammation but NO proven benefit in COVID19 and use outside patients with reactive airway disease is
ü Vitamin D: Vitamin D has shown to downregulate inflammatory response in experimental models. Vitamin D deficiency has been postulated to result in serious disease
but NO evidence exists for the same

Drug Mechanism Dose Comments

Favipiravir Inhibits RNA dependent RNA 1800mg PO x 2 doses on D1 & Doubtful benefit (only in moderate cases). Unlikely
polymerase. It is a nucleoside then 800mg/d PO till 14 to be beneficial in mild/asymptomatic patients and
analog those requiring mechanical ventilation.
Molnupiravir Oral antiviral prodrug of N4- Unknown Experimental/ under clinical trial
hydroxycytidine, which blocks
replication of some RNA viruses
by introducing copying errors
during replication
Ivermectin Inhibits nuclear import protein Not established. Active area of research. Initial studies from
IMPα/β1 (heterodimer) In trials: 200μg/kg/day PO Bangladesh established a small benefit in clinical
(empty stomach) x 6 days outcome. Often used in combination with
(If used - can consider a dose of Nitazoxanide (under trial) or doxycycline (under
12mg/d PO) trial)
Dipyridamole Binds to a SARS-CoV-2 protease 100mg/day Experimental/ under clinical trial
and can suppress viral replication
in vitro
Sitagliptin May reduce SARS-CoV-2 entry 100mg/day if eGFR > 45. (If Experimental/ under clinical trial. Can be tried in
into human cells by inhibiting viral eGFR < 45 à 50mg/day. patients with DM + COVID19
binding to DPP-4 Avoided if eGFR < 30)

Drug Mechanism Dose Comments

Bevacizumab Anti-VEGF 400mg IV single dose Likely beneficial. Most likely to get upgraded in the
near future. Trials are on-going and and early results
seen promising especially if given at the beginning
of clinical decompensation & early ARDS. Based on
the autopsy evidence of florid endothelial
proliferation in COVID19 patients.
Doxycycline ? inhibits microbial protein 200mg PO STAT on D1 and Ongoing trial in combination with Ivermectin. Early
synthesis by binding to the 16S then 100mg BID PO from D2-5 reports from Bangladesh trials showed a marginal
rRNA benefit in clinical outcomes
Nitazoxanide Interference with host-regulated 500mg PO BID x 6 days Often used along with Ivermectin in trials
pathways involved in viral
replication, amplifying
cytoplasmic RNA sensing and
type I IFN pathways
Famotidine H2 receptor blocker –beneficial Not established. 40-80mg PO Benefit unknown. Currently under trial. Initial
effects maybe mediated by TID x 14 days. reports from experts suggested a marginal reduction
blocking effects of histamine, Ongoing trial done with a dose in mortality and reduced need for ventilators and
released by dysfunctional mast of 140mg IV TID increased speed of recovery from illness.
cells in COVID19
ü Others: Camostat (protease inhibitor), Umifenovir (fusion inhibitor), Baloxavir marboxil (cap dependent endonuclease inhibitor in influenza virus) ,
Recombinant ACE2 (rhACE2, APN01), Itolizumab (Anti CD6), Ibrutinib, acalabrutinib, Leflunomide and lenalidomide.

Drug Mechanism Dose Comments

Hydroxychloroquine Increases endosomal pH required for 400mg PO x 2 doses on D1 More research needed. FDA currently revoked the
virus/cell fusion, as well as interfering & then 400mg/d PO till D5 emergency use authorization given initially to treat
with the glycosylation of ACE-2 COVID19 and determined that hydroxychloroquine
Chloroquine 500mg PO BID for 5-10
is unlikely to be effective in treating COVID19.
Azithromycin ? Immunomodulator (acts as a 500mg PO on D1 and then Combination with HCQ/chloroquine can result in
acidotropic lipophilic weak base which 250mg PO BID till D5 clinically significant QT prolongation and fatal
modulate the pH of endosomes and cardiac arrhythmias. Early reports show no benefit
trans-Golgi network) compared to standard care.
Lopinavir/Ritonavir Viral protease inhibitor (3CL protease 400/100mg PO BID for 14 No benefit/dangerous
and papain like protease) days
Darunavir/Ritonavir Viral protease inhibitor (3CL protease 600/100mg PO BID for 14 No benefit/dangerous
and papain like protease) days
Ribavirin Multiple – most important being 400mg PO BID for 14 days Often used in combination with a protease inhibitor
inhibition of RNA polymerase (e.g., Lopinavir/ritonavir). No benefit observed in
early clinical trials
Oseltamivir Neuraminidase inhibitor 75mg PO BID for 5 days No benefit observed in early clinical trials

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