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PSSL-LAB#2: Symmetrical Components Analysis Using MATLAB Summer Semester 2020/2021

College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering

Power System Simulation Lab

Dr. Khaled Alawasa

LAB No. 2 Symmetrical Components Analysis Using MATLAB

1. Objective
1. To obtain symmetrical components of set of unbalanced voltages.
2. To obtain the original unbalanced phase voltages from symmetrical
2. Pre-Lab Preparation

Refer to the Textbook Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat. Chapter 10.
Go through Section 10.2 and Examples 10.1 and 10.2 of the textbook. Learn
the format of input data and MATLAB commands used for a Symmetrical
Components solution.

3. Theory and background

Symmetrical components are derived to analyze unsymmetrical faults. The
unsymmetrical network can be expressed in terms of three linear symmetrical
components. The three symmetrical components are positive sequence component,
negative sequence component and zero sequence component.
Figure 1 is the symmetrical components derived from an unsymmetrical or unbalanced

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PSSL-LAB#2: Symmetrical Components Analysis Using MATLAB Summer Semester 2020/2021

Fig 1
3.1 Calculating the Three phase voltages from their symmetrical components
The unsymmetrical or unbalanced three phase voltages, can be expressed in terms of
linear symmetrical components Vo, V1, V2.
Vo is zero sequence component voltage, V1 is positive sequence component voltage, and V2 is
negative sequence component voltage.

The symmetrical components can be expressed in the form of matrix as,

Where, are three phase voltages, are zero sequence components of

three phases, are positive sequence components of three phases, are
negative sequence components of three phases.

The a-operator is equals to , where:

𝑜 1 √3
𝑎 = 𝑒 𝑗120 = − + 𝑗
2 2
𝑜 1 √3
𝑎2 = 𝑒 𝑗240 = − − 𝑗 = 𝑎∗
2 2
𝑎3 = 𝑒 𝑗360 = 1 Also note that we have 1 + 𝑎 + 𝑎2 = 0

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PSSL-LAB#2: Symmetrical Components Analysis Using MATLAB Summer Semester 2020/2021

3.2 Symmetrical components of the voltage in terms of the three-phase voltage

Va012 = C Vabc
where C is the symmetrical component transformation matrix and is given by

then Vabc = C-1 Va012

Inverting the matrix C we get

4. Lab Procedure and Practice

4.1 Task 1 Manual Calculation of symmetrical components:

Solved examples
4.1.1 Three phase voltages from their symmetrical components
Given Vo = 0.690o , V1 = 1.030o, and V2 =0.8-30o
Find phase quantities: Va , Vb , and Vc .
V012 = [0.6 90
1.0 30
0.8 -30];
% 1st column magnitude & 2nd column phase angle in degree.

mag= V012(:,1); ang=pi/180*V012(:,2);


C = [1 1 1; 1 a^2 a; 1 a a^2];
Vabc= C*V012r
Vabcp= [abs(Vabc) 180/pi*angle(Vabc)];
fprintf(' \n Unbalanced phasors \n')
fprintf(' Magnitude Angle Deg.\n')

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PSSL-LAB#2: Symmetrical Components Analysis Using MATLAB Summer Semester 2020/2021

4.1.2 Symmetrical components from the Three phase voltage

Given Va = 1.625o , Vb = 1.0180o, and Vc =0.9132o

Find the symmetrical components Vo , V1 , and V2 .
Vabc = [ 1.6 25
1.0 180
0.9 132];
% 1st column magnitude & 2nd column phase angle in degree.

mag= Vabc(:,1); ang=pi/180*Vabc(:,2);


C = [1 1 1; 1 a^2 a; 1 a a^2];


V012p = [abs(V012) 180/pi*angle(V012)];

fprintf(' \n Symmetrical components \n')
fprintf(' Magnitude Angle Deg.\n')

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PSSL-LAB#2: Symmetrical Components Analysis Using MATLAB Summer Semester 2020/2021

4.2 Task 2 symmetrical components Analysis using Hadi Sadaat toolbox :

Go through the developed commands in page 404 in the

textbook. And Practice Examples 10.1 and 10.2.

4.3 Task 2 Using the developed MATLAB commands and solved the
A. Determine the sequence components of the following cases

Case#1: Va = 132 0 o kV , Vb = 132 -120 o kV , Vc = 132 120 o kV

Case#2: Va = 0 p.u , Vb = 1.179 231.3 p.u , Vc =1.179 128.7o p.u

Case#3: Ia = 2520 -90 o A , Ib = 2520 150 o A , Ic = 2520 30 o A

Case#4: Ia = 0A , Ib = 2361 0 o A , Ic = 2361 180 o A

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PSSL-LAB#2: Symmetrical Components Analysis Using MATLAB Summer Semester 2020/2021

B. Determine the phase qualities of the following cases

Case#1: V1 = 132 kV 0 o , V2 = 0, Vo = 0

Case#2: I1 = 369 -90o , I2 = 369 90o , Io = 0

Case#3: I1 = 2603 -11.5 o , I2 = 2603 -11.5 o , Io = 2603 -11.5 o

Case#4: I1 = -j3.73 A , I2 = +j1.75 , Io = +j1.99

Lab report should include the following

1- Tabulate all the results in Tables.
2- Enough explanation and analysis for the previous cases in A and B.
3- Describe the real condition in power system for each case the above items.
4- Plot the phasor diagram for each case.
5- Discuss the need and importance of symmetrical sequence components.

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