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TOPIC 4: Intended Learning Outcome(s):

Preparation and - Write research papers, academic essays with proper citations on a topic
Submission of related to globalization
Final Term Requirement
Guidelines & Mechanics:
Title: “What is the Future of Globalization?”

 Write a 3-page academic essay on “What is the Future of

 Be able to bring out substantial debate or discussion on whether
or not globalization is here to stay; globalization as a success or
failure; globalization as experiencing a rise and fall etc. In other
words, what is the trend or pattern of globalization?
 Dissecting the future of globalization means that you need to
examine whether the key concepts and principles of globalization
in the economic, political and cultural aspects are still relevant
today amidst the growing challenges in the global economy and
 The three-page academic essay should be written single space,
Calibri or Times New Roman and 11 or 12 for font size. All sheets
should have Page Numbers.
 A separate sheet marked as Page 4 should reflect all your
References or Bibliography.
 Indicate your NAME; Course & Year; Name of your Professor; and
the Date of Submission.
 Deadline of Submission will be on ___________________.
 Your academic essay will be graded based on the rubric on
Academic Essay on Globalization found in the Appendix.

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