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The art of sweet.

In a world we live in, anything can happen, how? I don't know. do you?

The art of sweet.

The art of sweet? The art of sweet is to give you a piece of delicious feeling that could be turned into a good
reminisce by tomorrow, day after tomorrow, forever.

Chapter 1

Tshepo was still drinking a beer, upper body naked, rested on the couch that he only gets to sit on, still smelling after
sex odour when he heard someone knocking bitterly on the door. He tried to ignore the saturnine knock, but this
person was now getting charged up to rap the door rough until it blows down.

He stood, took a slow walk to the door still held his beer, unlocks the door to a very much over-red, angry face.
Without Tshepo's permission, Nasir stepped inside, his eyes started to shoot everywhere and anywhere they could
reach. Still not talking, he quickened to the bedroom.

Tshepo, was still at the door, looking like a person who's now high from five beers he drunk, in his hand, right hand, it
was the sixth bottle, waiting on his door, looking like a person who wasn't even fazed by what's happening.

Nasir, came off from the bedroom now dragging Nthabiseng, the girl Tshepo had for what they often call "Sex-
favour", by the hair. Nthabiseng was trying to break free from huge hands of Nasir, but the strength of the man was
now painted on his muscles, his angrily clinged teeth and his force in pulling Nthabiseng out.
Tshepo now broke the silence he comforted himself with, seeing that things are getting outrageous "oh! I'm sorry, is
this your girlfriend?" Said Tshepo, showing his bit stretched smile, faking " I didn't know, she didn't tell me!" Taking a
sip on his bottle afterwards, spilled it off because of a forceful laughter that came off quick.

Nthabiseng was now off from Nasir's hands, standing bit distant from him. Still on her purple lace panty, uncovered
boobs with huge nipples that Tshepo licked repeatedly, when the blood was outrunning and boiled by the wildness of
sex energy. " Oh! So this is the meeting you were going to? To sleep with this bastard?" Asked Nasir, tears in his eyes,
shaking, side to side he kept on moving.

" Baby how did you know I was here--" before Nthabiseng could even finish her sentence, Tshepo uproariously
laughed again, this time his bottle slipped off and broke down on some " Oops, I'm sorry to disturb, you guys can
continue to talk, I'll be on the ground cleaning this mess".

"Does it even matter on how I knew?!! I knew you've been cheating on me, I knew that you are a bitch who goes
around sleeping with dirty people--" before Nasir could finish to out his flaming words, Tshepo, still pushed by his
drunk behavior, with his knees down, picking up broken glasses, he tried to defend himself after hearing Nasir saying
his dirty " hoa!! Hold up! Didn't I tell you that my spray costs R1.500? Okay, you missed that part, and I bath with three
different soups, so, my guy I don't believe you on your utterances saying I'm dirty, I mean three companies are
responsible of making me look fresh all day" said Tshepo, carefully picking up bottles " maybe my smell could be the
reason your wife is been giving me undivided attention" he concluded with a forced laughter this time around, but
Nthabiseng was still as shaking as a person who's out without wearing warm clothes on winter, scared to the power
of 10.

Nasir, who now un-tucked a gun from his waist, a silver 9mm, pointed it at Tshepo who now was on his feet. " Who's
funny now?" Offered Nasir, his left hand couldn't handled the damage that was about to happen, his hand was
shaking like a person who's about to shove a needle of drugs on his system but still struggling.

"Oh, so you want to kill me? For this bitch--" uttered Tshepo, now realising how far this is going but Nthabiseng
interfered his lips from finishing " Oh! Really? Am I a bitch now? You're done eating my pussy and now you're about
to die you call me a bitch in defense of your rubbish- self? Small dick you're gifted, my man is better than you".

In a full pretence of surprise, Tshepo widened his eyes, looking at Nthabiseng who was now fuming, unappreciating
words spoken by Tshepo but nevertheless he opened to give out another flame of words " Bitch please, what made
you come to me if your man's dick is bigger than mine? Huh?". Nasir this time fed up, turning the gun to Nthabiseng
who was now shaking even more, like she was few minutes from exploding " He asked you a question, now talk,
what made you come to him if my dick is bigger than his?" Softly, Nasir exuded the words.

Nthabiseng with tears now sliding on her cheeks, voice trembling like never before, as she was struggling to speak,
calmly, Nasir broke off with words of ease " Okay, let me give you five minutes to get your shit together I'll come back
to you" told Nthabiseng and quickly flipped the direction of the gun to Tshepo " So, you, do you know that Nthabiseng
has three kids with me?" Offered Nasir. Before Tshepo could speak, he placed the broken glasses safely inside
rubbish bin, brushes his hands together and answered " Well, my guy, from the first time I pushed my dick inside her
pussy, I knew that this one gave birth to my step children--" before he could finish his mocking sentence, Nasir
cocked the gun, and suggested Tshepo should continue. One of the things Tshepo cowardly tried to snub but Nasir
insisted he should.

As Tshepo was about to start to talk he interjected, Nasir interjected, blocking Tshepo from speaking and flipped the
gun again to Nthabiseng " Madam, you can start to talk now, your five minutes of rest is over now". Nthabiseng
wiped her face, cleared the throat and still with a low shaky voice she began

" Nasir, what made me to come to Tshepo, was because he's got a lot of money, and he introduced me to drugs, I
met him at the local club few months ago, when you and I were still fighting, I needed something to Pace up my
mind, I needed to think but out of that thinking I needed to be free from stress, really, it isn't about his dick, yours is
bigger than his".

Tshepo now, paled up, seeing the realness of everything " Drugs huh? Drugs?" He turned to Nasir who was ready to
hear anything that could be said " This hoe of yours came to me, telling me she's in need of warmth of a man and
that you're so cold, boring bastard who doesn't even know how to fuck" Tshepo, loudly, his words took off with

Both, Tshepo and Nthabiseng started to stage the argument, throw shades at each other, threatening each other and
still, Nasir was in the middle of this, as bemused as he were, he was still trying to understand what is going on, and
they weren't making it easy for him. " SHUT UP, BOTH OF Y'ALL" he then shouted, began to move from left to right like
a person who was thinking and thinking but couldn't find the answer. At last the moment of 'aha' came.
" I got a plan" said Nasir, laughing nervously, he never done this before but he was about to do it, was he because he
was still angry or was he because he was starting to be lured by mischievous act, Nobody knew.

" Take off your trouser " he instructed Tshepo who began to do so, slowly, thinking Nasir would change his mind. He
then herd both parties into bedroom, ran his eyes looking for something, and that something was roll on, gave it to
Nthabiseng. " Shove it into his ass, like you're fucking him, do it" he now ruled. Tshepo tried to fight the rule but he
was over powered by a gun on Nasir's hand.

"Nasir, are you sure about this?" Asked Nthabiseng. " When he was fucking you, did you ask him on his sureness
about fucking you? Did you question his confidence?!!" asked Nasir, now blazing. Tshepo was still grumbling, but it
was for nothing.

Nthabiseng, began to push a roll on inside Tshepo'ass painfully, about three or four times, starting to enjoy it, Nasir
saw the wrongness that came with it, and asked Nthabiseng to stop. Tshepo was now crying overturning on bed.

Panic led Nasir to drop his gun on the small blue and white leathered chair to try and comfort Tshepo when
Nthabiseng began to lead now. She slowly picked up the gun and pointed on both of them " Who's got the gun now?".

Nasir, now obeying, tried to get into Nthabiseng's mind, tempting to overthrow her consistent handle on the gun,
trying to make her fall into weak side but she wasn't about to listen to anyone now, it was her time now.

" Okay, let me tell you the real story Nasir, I loved you, really I did, until I found out about you and your side chick, I
wasn't impressed at all, no. I paddled my boat to beat strong winds and challenges, I was heartbroken but I needed
vengeance, I needed to make you feel what I did, and because I know your weakness, i plotted everything, cheating
was " she stopped to fix her words " nah, I wasn't cheating, It was only a " do like I do" type of a thing, but see, I'm
strong Nasir, I handled it, why don't you? Because you're weak".

After a bit of silence, Tshepo regained strength, jumped on top of Nasir, lashed out three punches on his face, Nasir
managed to turn him over, buttheaded Tshepo straight on the mouth, that came with a straight shot of a fist on a left
cheek. Nthabiseng was now relaxed watching the maniacs painting each other with bruises, she loved it but she
knew she needed to stop it, she tried to separate them eagerly but the gun fell down and, Tshepo noticed and rapidly
picked the gun, moved a bit distant, still wiping blood on his mouth, he gave out painful smile, his teeth were red like
Morocco flag.

" This has been a wonderful story to be on, remotely, let me direct the story now" said Tshepo. Nasir, called on to
Tshepo to give him his gun, angry, with a bruised right eye.

" Gun? You want a gun?" He started to laugh, like a evil person, and palliated what Nasir said. " Well it was wonderful
to be with you guys, we had fun. Oh! And your pussy is so good I can hit that again, matter of fact why don't i jump on
it right---" Before Tshepo could finish talking with his steamy, ridiculous behavior, Nasir screamed "SHUT THE FUCK
UP!!" the reactivity made Tshepo to laugh even more harder.

Without paying attention, Nthabiseng was now nearing him, she tried to pull them gun off his hands, they fought for
the gun forcefully, Nasir started to join on the crowded gun, for few seconds the gun needed to decide, who to take
out first, and because Nasir was behind Nthabiseng, Tshepo pressed and shot gun, pressed the gun on Nthabiseng's
chest, the bullet penetrated from behind, meeting up with Nasir's neck, hitting him on jugular. Both of them fell off

The heartbeat of Tshepo started to grow faster and louder, he lost his mind, this never happened before, especially
controlled by his own hands, he cried, loud enough to wake the neighbor.

Thabang, who was Tshepo's neighbor, with a concern called the police on some anonymous tip because he thought
it was nothing serious, but a thing that needed to be solved because it involved a gun, he heard the shot of course.

later came on rushing to see what was going on, as he kicked the door, rushed straight to the bedroom, he opened a
door to two bodies and Tshepo was now going crazy, he took two step back, placed a gun inside his mouth just
when Thabang was trying to run to him for a save, Tshepo shot himself, the gun fell inside Thabang's hands who was
later charged for three murders he didn't know nothing about, the gun was in his position, nobody would speak for
him, yes he called the police, but they held him responsible for trying to fake the move. He was all alone.

Sweet? Three of them held a gun, they had a complete control over it, they died with the truth, but now the gun
knows the significant truth, A to Z, the only truth that could set Thabang free.

Written by Thabang Liutloileng.

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