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Research method in Education

Zehra Safder
4th Year (Morning)
B.Ed (Hons) 7th Semester

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Dr. Muhammad Asim
Assignment # 1
1. 2
Ethics in research

Assignment # 2
2. 3- 4
Review of literature

Assignment # 3
3. 5-9
Research tools

Assignment # 4
Research proposal

Assignment # 1
Ethics in Research
A pharmaceutical company has pattern drug for psychological alignment. The ingredients were
confidential. The representative of the company approach to present cell in the district. They sort
permission to administer the medicine trial on the prisoner from the jail ward. The side effect is
not known to date.

Ethical Concerns Unethical Concerns

Ingredients were confidential. Unknown side effects tried on human.
Permission taken from administers. Didn’t get permission from prisoners.

Ethical Concerns:
 Ingredients were confidential:
It is ethical concern of research that ingredient that included in medicine are confidential
from experts.
 Permission taken from administers:
It is ethical concern of research that before trail of medicine, permission was taken from
administration department of Jail.

Unethical Concerns:
 Unknown side effects tried on human:
It is unethical concern of research that medicine that tried on human beings, their side
effects was unknown. Medicine was not tested on animals and chimpanzees.
 Didn’t get permission from prisoners:
It is unethical concern of research that permission didn’t get from prisoners. It is include
in deception principle of ethics in research.

Before applying any medicine on human beings, we should test on animals and chimpanzees. We
should know about side effect of product. We should took permission from prisoners, we have
to tell all about research to prisoners. Then asked to them either they want to or not. Without
telling it’s against to ethical concern.
Before research any product or any problem, there are some principles for research. We should
sensitive about principles of ethics in research. We should tell to our participants all about
research and make them satisfied about for security of their personal information and responses.
We should protect our participants from socially, economically, and psychological harm. We
should keep our research away from deception, debriefing, and de-hoaxing.

Assignment # 2
Review of literature
1. Article # 1
Fahad Alkhezzi-July, 2016- effect of mobile phone on learners’ academic performance-
They use quantitative method of research to collect data.-through this research they find
that there are positive effect has been seemed usage of mobile phone on students
learning. Students have improvement in vocabulary, use of grammar correctly, and also
improved in writing skills.-Students have digital libraries to read books to improve their
reading and speaking skills, they also increase knowledge in different fields.

2. Article # 2
Blanka Klimova- April, 2019- Achievement results of students’ of mobile learning- they
use Statistical Qualitative method of research to collect data.- through this research they
fine that smartphone apps and tools those has designed to fulfill students need have
effective for students learning performance and it results has find that positive outcomes
are seem of learners’ performance.- It is best opportunity for students to learn different
skills at a time, teacher should aware their student about educational app that help to
improve students’ performance.

3. Article # 3
BJ Pratiwi1 & Rini Nuryanti- 2018- Usage of mobile impact on students’ learning
English- They use descriptive qualitative method of research to collect data. – Through
this research they find usage of mobile phone for learning process have positive impact of
students’ English learning. It has big benefit to get more and more information thorugh
mobile phone quickly thorugh internet facilities in mobile phones. Students and teachers
may have digital dictionaries in their mobile phone, that have a quick translation of any
difficult vocabulary. – students and teacher should get lots of benefits thorugh mobile
phones in teaching learning process.

4. Article # 4
Yuan Zhang – 2016 – Impact on Listening comprehensive of mobile phone learning –
They used Descriptive Quantitative method of research to collect data. – Through this
research they find that mobile phone is motivate students to learn English and make
draw interest toward leaning English. It has resulted that mobile phones have positive
effect toward listening comprehension.- In native country there is English use as a
second language, they have a motivate students , and give awareness about usage of
mobile phones in way they may improve English language.

5. Article # 5
Ismail Alrefaai- December, 2019 – Lanuage Learning through mobile phones – They
used Mixed method of research to collect data. - Through this research they find that
students have positive attitude toward use of mobile phone in development of l language
skills. Mobile phones help to learn foreign language in every easy way. It is the best way
to learn foreign language easily. But this research finds some problems of using mobile
phones. – Students should use mobile phone in positive way of leaning, not to waste
your precious time on usage of mobile phone.

1. Article # 1
Alkhezzi, F., & Al-Dousari, W. (2016). The Impact of Mobile Learning on ESP
Learners' Performance. Journal of Educators Online, 13(2), 73-101.

2. Article # 2
Klimova, B. (2019). Impact of mobile learning on students’ achievement
results. Education Sciences, 9(2), 90.

3. Article # 3
Pratiwi, B. J., & Nuryanti, R. (2018). Smartphone Usage on Students Learning English:
The Impact of School Policy. ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in
Humanities, 1(2), 199-209.

4. Article # 4
ZHANG, Y. (2016). The Impact of Mobile Learning on ESL Listening
Comprehension. DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human
Science, (icaem).

5. Article # 5
Alrefaai, I. (2019). Exploring EFL graduate students’ attitudes toward, and use of,
mobile phones in language learning. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue:
The Dynamics of EFL in Saudi Arabia.

Assignment # 3
Research Tools

Respected Participant,
I am student of B.ed Hons ( Final year) from University of Karachi.
I would very graceful, If you could please participate in my survey activity project. Aim of
survey is to know “How mobile phones are effective on our performance of Students’
learning?? Your responses and information will be confidential.
Please complete this questionnaire; your participation will be highly appreciated.
With best wishes,
Zehra Safder
Please place a tick ( ) mark in the relevant box:
Gender: Qualification:

Male Matric
Female Intermediate
Less than 20 years
20.1 ____30 years Marital Status:
30.1 ____40 years Single
More than 40 years Married

Instruction: Please fill questionnaire by circling on giving number.

S. No Statement Agree Neutral Disagree

1. I believe that mobile phone help me in educational
purpose 1 2 3
2. Using mobile phone help me to sharp my language
skills 1 2 3
3. Using mobile phone is help me improve learning
skills 1 2 3
4. I believe that mobile phone help me to improve my
grammar skill 1 2 3
5. Watching videos is help to enhance listening skills 1 2 3
6. Mobile phone helps to improve my reading skills. 1 2 3
7. Mobile phone helps to increase in my vocabulary 1 2 3
8. Digital library help me to reading lots of free
different books 1 2 3
9. Digital dictionary help to quickly find meaning of
different new words. 1 2 3

Digital dictionary help me in my education purpose
1 2 3
11. I believe that educational institutes should give
awareness about using mobile phones to their
students 1 2 3
12. Educational institutes allow to use mobile phone in
classroom 1 2 3
Mobile phone help me in preparation of my exams
1 2 3
14. Videos and websites help to clear my difficult
concepts. 1 2 3
Mobile phone is wastage of time for students.
1 2 3
Students using social media in study time.
1 2 3
Using mobile phone effects on students’ health
1 2 3

Your responses help me in my survey project.

Thank you for giving your time, and share your opinion.
Sign (optional):____________________________

Respected Participant,
I am student of B.ed Hons ( Final year) from University of Karachi.
I would very graceful, If you could please participate in my survey activity project. Aim of
survey is to know “How mobile phones are effective on our performance of Students’
Please share your opinions for my survey project; your participation will be highly appreciated.
With best wishes,
Zehra Safder
This interview protocol design for students.
1. Introduced about self.
 Name
 Qualification
 Marital status
 hobbies
2. How many hours do your use your mobile phone in a day?
3. How mobile phones help to improve your different language skills?
 Does mobile phone help to sharp your skills?
 Did you experienced, you’re learning skills enhance from using mobile phone?
 Which skill did you improve by using mobile phone?
4. How mobile phones help to improve your grammar skill?
5. How mobile phones help to enlace your listening skills?
 Watching videos help to enhance your listening skill?
 Share your experience; did mobile phone using help to improve your listening skills?
6. Share your opinion, how does mobile phone help in reading skill?
7. People believe that mobile phone help to increase in vocabulary. Share your opinion.
8. How digital library and digital dictionary help in your learning process?
 Do you use digital library for your educational purpose?
 How much digital dictionary helps to find meanings of new words?
9. What do you think that educational instituted should give awareness about using mobile
phones to students?
10. Share your opinion, should educational institutes allowed to use mobile phone in
11. How does mobile phone help in preparation of exam?
 Did it help to sharing material with classmates?
 Do you believe that videos and other website help to clear your difficult concepts?
12. What negative impact has been seemed of using mobile phone?
 Is it wastage of time?
 Playing videos game in study time?
 Effect on health.
13. What do you suggest to students about using mobile phone?
Your responses help me in my survey project.
Thank you for giving your time, and share your opinion.

Sign (optional):____________________________

Assignment # 4
Research Proposal


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