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Performance analysis of ML-CFAR detection for

partially correlated chi-square targets in Rayleigh

correlated clutter and multiple-target situations
T. Laroussi and M. Barkat

Abstract: The problem of adaptive constant false alarm rate detection of a pulse-to-pulse partially
correlated target with 2K degrees of freedom in pulse-to-pulse partially Rayleigh correlated clutter
and multiple-target situations is addressed. Both the target and the clutter covariance matrices are
assumed to be known and are modelled as first-order Markov Gaussian processes. An exact
expression for the probability of false alarm (Pfa) for the mean level detector is derived. It is
shown that it depends on the degree of pulse-to-pulse correlation of the clutter samples. The
probability of detection (Pd) is shown to be sensitive to the degree of correlation of the target
returns and the degree of correlation of the clutter returns as well. Swerling’s well-known cases
I, II, III and IV are handled as extreme limits of the proposed model.

1 Introduction and overview of previous work four degrees of freedom. In this case, the limiting bounds
of complete correlation and complete decorrelation of the
Various models combining correlated target and/or corre- target returns yield the Swerling models III and IV. The
lated clutter returns have been widely used in the radar work done in [1, 2] used a fixed threshold detection. It is
systems literature [1 –10]. From the experimental data, known that radar detectors with fixed threshold cannot
clutter is modelled by either Rayleigh, log-normal, maintain a constant false alarm rate, and thus adaptive
Weibull or K-distribution [11 – 16]. It is known that although threshold detection is considered. Kim and Lee [3] and
the probability density function (pdf) of the target signals Han [4] exploited the results in [1, 2] and used the residues
from modern high-resolution radar systems does not to develop the generalised order statistics (GOS) CFAR
exactly agree with the concept of chi-square pdf, we can detector and the OS-CFAR detector, respectively.
always approximate it by the chi-square function, using Considering the case of partially correlated targets returns,
the central limit theorem, when integrating many pulses. Himonas and Barkat [5, 6] proposed different architectures
Dealing with either single pulse and uncorrelated data of time diversity and distributed CFAR detectors to mini-
sample models or multiple pulse or even distributed mise the effect of the correlation factor among the received
architectures with correlated data sample models and target pulses. In [5], they first considered the detection per-
multiple-target situations, aims for improved detection formance of the generalised censored mean level detectors
while maintaining a constant false alarm rate, have led to (GCMLD), which is known to assume no prior knowledge
the consideration of several types of adaptive constant of the number of interfering targets, for time diversity and
false alarm rate (CFAR) detectors. In [1 – 6], cases of non- multiple-target situations. Then, they proposed in [6] a
adaptive and adaptive detectors, where the target returns distributed architecture for the generalised two-level
are partially correlated, were investigated. In [1], Kanter (GTL)-CMLD CFAR when a clutter power transition is
has studied the detection performance of a non-coherent present in the range-resolution cells. They showed that
integration detector accumulating M-correlated pulses an appropriate choice of the fusion rule yields a detection
from a Rayleigh target with two degrees of freedom. performance to be less sensitive to the degree of correlation
Complete correlation and complete decorrelation of the among target returns.
target returns yielding Swerling models I and II, respect- The problem of Rayleigh targets and partially correlated
ively, were treated as extreme cases of the target correlation clutter has been treated in [7 –9]. In [7], Himonas and
coefficient. The noise was assumed to be uncorrelated both Barkat proposed the generalised CA-CFAR detector that
spatially and temporarily. Weiner [2] extended the work in adapts not only to changes in the clutter level but also to
[1] by deriving exact expressions for the probabilities of changes in the clutter covariance matrix, that is, they con-
detection for partially correlated chi-square targets with sidered the case where the correlated statistics of the
received clutter returns are unknown. In their analysis,
# IEE, 2006 they assumed a single pulse, processing a Swerling I type
IEE Proceedings online no. 20045057 target embedded in a spatially correlated clutter, whereas
in the mean level (ML)-CFAR detection, we treat multiple
Paper first received 27th July 2004 and in revised form 10th November 2005
pulses, processing pulse-to-pulse correlated chi-square
T. Laroussi is with the Département d’Electronique, Université de Constantine,
target with 2K degrees of freedom in a pulse-to-pulse corre-
Constantine 25000, Algeria lated Rayleigh clutter. They also assumed Markov’s type
M. Barkat is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, American homogeneous clutter of much higher power than thermal
University of Sharjah, PO Box 26666, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates noise. Al Hussaini and El Mashade [8] studied in the detec-
E-mail: tion performance of the CA-CFAR and OS-CFAR detectors
44 IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006
considering a non-conventional time-diversity technique. number of interfering targets present in the range-resolution
Their schemes processed correlated clutter in the presence cells on the detection performance of the detector.
of interfering targets. El Mashade [9] introduced the case Swerling’s cases I, II, III and IV are handled as extreme
where the use of the moving target indication (MTI) filter limits of the proposed model. As a conclusion, Section 5
output introduces a correlated clutter, even though if its summarises the results of our contribution.
input signal is uncorrelated. He analysed the CA-CFAR
family for the multiple-target environments scenario. 2 Statistical model and assumptions
The problem of both partially correlated target echoes and
partially correlated clutter echoes was first introduced by The received signal r(t) is processed by the in-phase and
Farina and Russo [10]. They considered the problem of quadrature phase channels as shown in Fig. 1. Assuming a
detecting pulse-to-pulse partially correlated target returns correlated chi-square target with 2K degrees of freedom
in pulse-to-pulse partially correlated clutter returns. The embedded in correlated noise, the in-phase and quadrature
target model was assumed to be as a coherent Gaussian dis- phase samples fuijg and fvijg at pulse i and range cell j,
tributed process having a known covariance matrix. They respectively, i ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . , M and j ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . , N,
suggested a batch detector and a recursive detector to esti- are observations from Gaussian random variables. M and
mate the clutter covariance matrix. They showed, by Monte N are the number of radar processed pulses and the
Carlo simulations, that the threshold multiplier is indepen- number of reference range cells, respectively. Assuming
dent of the degree of pulse-to-pulse correlation among the that the total clutter plus noise power is normalised to
clutter samples for a number of range cells around ten. unity, the integrated output of the square law detector, is
The presence of interfering targets in the reference cells M n
1X o
degrades considerably the performance of the ML detector.
qj ¼ u2ij þ v2ij j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N ð1Þ
To alleviate this problem, a lot of detectors have been 2 i¼1
proposed in the literature. The aim of these algorithms
is to show how robust a CFAR detector can be in where
multiple-target situations by taking into account the non-
homogeneous background such as clutter edge and/or uij ¼ aij þ cij i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; M and j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N
interferences, either analytically or by simulation. ð2aÞ
In summary, all of the detectors listed above did not show
the effect of the pulse-to-pulse partially Rayleigh correlated vij ¼ bij þ dij i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; M and j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N
clutter on the analytical expression of the probability of ð2bÞ
false alarm Pfa . Furthermore, they did not consider the
general case of a pulse-to-pulse partially correlated chi- Or, by accommodating M  1 vectors
square target with 2K degrees of freedom. All of this has 1 
led us to introduce, in this paper, a mathematical model to qj ¼ jU j j2 þ jV j j2 j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N ð3Þ
represent the general case of detecting a pulse-to-pulse 2
chi-square partially correlated target with 2K degrees of where
freedom embedded in a pulse-to-pulse partially Rayleigh
correlated clutter and Rayleigh but uncorrelated thermal U j ¼ Aj þ C j j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N ð4aÞ
noise. The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we V j ¼ Bj þ Dj j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N ð4bÞ
formulate the statistical model and set the assumptions.
Then, in Section 3, we investigate the effect of the temporal j.j is the Euclidean norm and T is the transpose operator.
correlation of the clutter on the probability of false alarm The aij , cij , bij and dij represent the in-phase and quadra-
and particularly on the CFAR parameter T for the ML detec- ture phase samples of the correlated clutter and the thermal
tor employing M-pulse non-coherent integration. Next, in noise, respectively. The clutter samples are assumed to be
Section 4, we first show, by means of computer simulation, first-order Markov processes with zero mean and variance
the effect of the degree of correlation of the clutter returns sc2 and are identically distributed but correlated (IDC)
and the number of processed pulses M, on the threshold from pulse-to-pulse and uncorrelated from cell-to-cell.
multiplier T and on the probability of false alarm. Then, The thermal noise samples are assumed to be independent
by deriving sets of detection curves, we show the effect of and identically distributed (IID) random variables with
the degree of correlation of the target returns, the degree zero mean and variance sn2 from pulse-to-pulse and from
of correlation of the clutter returns, the number of degrees cell-to-cell. The covariance matrices of the clutter and
of freedom, the number of processed pulses and the noise processes are denoted Lc and Ln, respectively.

Fig. 1 Processing element: square law detector and non-coherent integration

IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006 45

Let the overall clutter plus noise variance be scn ¼ sn2 þ Table 1: Partially correlated chi-square target models,
sc2 and define the clutter-to-noise ratio as CNR ¼ sc2/sn2. 0x1
Thus, the (i, j)th element of the pulse-to-pulse covariance
matrix Lcn , can be shown to be [7] Number of Target Clutter Target
8   degrees of correlation correlation model
> 2 dij þ CNR
> s cn rjijj 0 , rc , 1 freedom, K coeff., rt coeff., rc
< 1 þ CNR c
1 1 x Swerling I
½Lcn i;j ¼ s2cn dij rc ¼ 0 ð5Þ
>   0 , rt , 1 x Partially correlated
> dij þ CNR
: s2cn rc ¼ 1 0 x Swerling II
1 þ CNR
2 1 x Swerling III
Note that this correlation model is exponentially decaying 0 , rt , 1 x Partially correlated
as a function of time difference ji 2 jj. rc W exp(2Tvc) is 0 x Swerling IV
the correlation coefficient between pulse-to-pulse received
.2 x x Upper degrees
clutter samples, T is the pulse-repetition interval (PRI)
and fc W vc/2p is the mean Doppler frequency of the 1 x x Non-fluctuating
clutter signal [10]. dij is the Kronecker delta.
The detection performance is based upon the statistics of
q, which is given by processes with zero mean and variance st2 [17].
The (i, j)th element of the pulse-to-pulse covariance of
1X M   the target process Lt , is given by
q¼ u2i þ v2i ð6Þ 8
2 i¼1 < s2t rtjijj 0 , rt , 1
½Lt i;j ¼ s2t dij rt ¼ 0 ð10Þ
where : 2
st 8i; j rt ¼ 1
ui ¼ x i þ ai þ c i i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; M ð7aÞ Note that, here also, the target correlation model is expo-
vi ¼ yi þ bi þ di i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; M ð7bÞ nentially decaying as a function of time difference ji 2 jj.
p PK 2 p PK 2
rt W exp(2Tvt) is the correlation coefficient between
where xi ¼ ( k¼1 xik) and yi ¼ ( k¼1 yik) are, respect- pulse-to-pulse received target samples for a given k and
ively, the magnitudes of the in-phase and the quadrature ft W vt/2p is the mean Doppler frequency of the target
phase components of the complex target signal at pulse i, signal [1, 10]. For convenience, we assume that both
present in the test cell q. xi2 and yi2 each represents the clutter and target processes are stationary and that the PRI
sum of the squares of K real Gaussian variables. K is is constant.
called either the fluctuation parameter or the number of Referring to Table 1, our model assumes that any value of
degrees of freedom. The ai , ci , bi and di represent the in- K  1 is acceptable. The four Swerling cases (I, II) and (III,
phase and quadrature phase samples of the correlated IV) correspond to K ¼ 1 and K ¼ 2, respectively. In this
clutter and the thermal noise, respectively. manner, we model the partial correlation between pulses
In vector form, by accommodating M  1 vectors, we as in [1, 2]. Thus, for example, to model Swerling cases I
have and II, we should set K ¼ 1 and rt ¼ 1 and rt ¼ 0,
1 2  respectively.
q¼ jUj þ jV j2 ð8Þ The target signal is assumed to be independent of the
2 clutter plus noise signal. The in-phase samples are
where assumed to be independent of the quadrature phase samples.
The test cell q is then compared to the adaptive threshold
U ¼X þAþC ð9aÞ TQ to make a decision H0 or H1 , according to the following
V ¼Y þBþD ð9bÞ hypothesis test
and . TQ
q, ð11Þ
X ¼ ½x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xM T ð9cÞ
where Q denotes the estimated background level, H0
Y ¼ ½y1 ; y2 ; . . . ; yM T ð9dÞ
denotes absence of a target and H1 denotes presence of a
The system under consideration assumes that the random target.
vectors X and Y are IID, A and B are IID stationary 3 Analysis of the ML-CFAR detector
Gaussian and that the noise signal is additive and
independent of the target signal [1, 2]. Therefore the The probabilities of false alarm and detection of a CFAR
M  1 in-phase and quadrature phase target vectors X and detector can be obtained by using the contour integral,
Y of the correlated chi-square target model with 2K which can also be expressed in terms of the residue
degrees of freedom are uncorrelated. However, their theorem as [18, 19]
respective components are correlated with each other with X
an unknown and difficult to evaluate correlation matrix. In Pfa ¼  res½s1 Fq=H0 ðsÞFQ ðTsÞ; si0  ð12Þ
fact, the chi-distributed components of X and Y represent i0
the successive correlated magnitudes of the in-phase and Pd ¼  res½s1 Fq=H1 ðsÞFQ ðTsÞ; si1  ð13Þ
quadrature phase components of the target signal echoes i1
over the M pulses.
The random variables representing the signal samples xik where res[.] denotes the residue. si0 (i0 ¼ 1, 2, . . .) and si1
and yik (i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , M ) are assumed first-order Markov (i1 ¼ 1, 2, . . .) are the poles of the moment generating
46 IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006
function (MGF) Fq/H0(s), from a noise background and the Or, in terms of the clutter vectors
MGF Fq/H1(s), from a target with noise, lying in the ð þ1 ð þ1
left-hand of the complex s-plane. FQ(2Ts) is the MGF of Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ pðA; BÞ
the estimated background level at s ¼ 2Ts. 1 1
To simplify the analysis, we confine our attention, in the  
1  2 2

remainder of this paper, to the case where the clutter power  exp  s jAj þ jBj dA dB ð15bÞ
is much higher than the thermal noise power, that is, the
overall covariance matrix Lcn given by (4) is approximated As the in-phase and quadrature phase samples of the clutter
by the clutter covariance matrix Lc and scn ¼ sc2 ¼ 1. are IID, the joint pdf p(A, B) may be written as
In order to derive an expression for the Pfa , we must p(A, B) ¼ p(A)p(B) and p(A) ¼ p(B) . p(A) is the multi-
evaluate the MGF Fq/H0(s) of the test cell q in the variate Gaussian pdf with zero mean and covariance
absence of the target and the MGF FQ(s) of the background matrix Lc which gives rise to partially correlated clutter
level. The block diagram of the ML-CFAR detector signals [20]. Thus
integrating M pulses is given by Fig. 2.  
1 1 T 1
pðAÞ ¼ exp  A Lc A ð16aÞ
ð2pÞM=2 jLc j1=2 2
3.1 MGFs of the test statistic and the background
where j . j denotes the determinant.
Note that when rc ! 1, the clutter samples are comple-
The MGF of q in the absence of the target can be obtained tely correlated. This corresponds to a singular covariance
as [7] Lc and (16) becomes [1]
ð þ1 1 1 2 Y
pðAÞ ¼ exp  a dðai  a1 Þ ð16bÞ
Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ pðq=H0 Þ expðsqÞ dq ð14Þ ð2pÞ1=2 2 1 i¼2
where ai (i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , M ) are the components of the
where p(q/H0) ¼ p(q/X ¼ Y ¼ 0) is the pdf of the test cell in-phase clutter vector.
q under hypothesis H0 . Note that Fq/H0(s) is the Laplace Combining (15) and (16a) and after some simple mathe-
transform of p(q/X ¼ Y ¼ 0). Substituting (8) for q, we matical manipulations, the MGF of the cell under test under
can write hypothesis H0 can be expressed as
ð þ1 ð þ1 (ð )2
1 þ1
exp½ð1=2ÞAT ðL1
c þ IsÞA
Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ pðU; V jX ¼ Y ¼ 0Þ Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ dA
1 1 jI þ Lc sj 1 ð2pÞM=2 jðL1 1 1=2
c þ IsÞ j
1  2 2
 exp  s jUj þ jV j dU dV ð15aÞ
2 where I is the identity matrix.

Fig. 2 Decision element: ML-CFAR detector

IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006 47

As the integral equals unity, the MGF of q under hypo- and
thesis H0 is
1 FQ ðsÞ ¼ ð25Þ
Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ ð18Þ ð1 þ MsÞN
jI þ Lc sj
The poles of the MGF Fq/H0(s) of q under hypothesis H0 are
If the clutter signal arises from stationary process, then Lc is a simple pole at s ¼ 21/M lying in the left-hand s-plane.
a symmetric Toeplitz matrix with M distinct positive real Hence, substituting (24) and (25) into (12), we can write
eigenvalues denoted by bi , i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , M. Therefore the
determinant of (18) may be expressed as the product of its 1
Pfa jrc¼1 ¼ ð26Þ
eigenvalues. Also, the background noise level Q isP estimated ð1 þ T ÞN
by the average of the N reference cells (Q ¼ Nn¼1 qn).
Since the qn , n ¼ 1, 2, . . . , N, given by (1), are assumed The result of (26) can also be obtained intuitively. Indeed, if
to be IID and that we deal with uniform clutter power, rc ¼ 1, the clutter samples are expected to be the same
then the MGFs of the cell under test under hypothesis H0 (pairwise) from one pulse to another. Therefore the first
and the ML detector can be expressed, respectively, as pulse contains all the average signal clutter power and the
remaining pulses contain no signal clutter. In other words,
1 we are in a single pulse situation in which (26) is readily
Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ QM ð19Þ
þ bn sÞ obtained.
n¼1 ð1

and Case III: 0 , rc , 1

In this case the clutter returns are partially correlated. The
FQ ðsÞ ¼ QM ð20Þ poles of the MGF Fq/H0(s) of q under hypothesis H0 are
n¼1 ð1 þ bn sÞN at sn ¼ 21/bn , n ¼ 1, 2, . . . , M. They are all distinct (Lc
is a symmetric Toeplitz matrix) and all lie in the left-hand
3.2 Analysis of the probability of false alarm s-plane. Hence, substituting (19) and (20) into (12) and
assuming that the correlation coefficient rc is known, we
As the probability of false alarm Pfa of the ML-CFAR can write, after some simple mathematical manipulations
detector is a function of the pulse-to-pulse clutter corre- 2 3
lation coefficient rc , we derive expressions of the Pfa for X6Y
M M  1 YM   N
bj b 7
rc ¼ 0, rc ¼ 1 and 0 , rc , 1. Pfa ¼ 6 1 1þT n 7 ð27Þ
4 bi bi 5
i¼1 j¼1 n¼1
Case I: rc ¼ 0
In this case, the clutter samples are statistically independent, Equation (27) shows that the actual probability of false
that is, bn ¼ 1 8n ¼ 1, 2, . . . , M, (Lc ¼ I), and therefore alarm of the ML-CFAR detector is a function of the
(19) and (20) reduce, respectively, to number of reference cells N, the number of processed
1 pulses M, the threshold multiplier T and the correlation
Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ ð21Þ coefficient rc . That is, for every value of the threshold T,
ð1 þ sÞM
there is a unique value of rc, so that the actual probability
and of false alarm is equal to the prescribed probability of
false alarm. Therefore the search for the threshold multi-
1 plier T can be summarised as follows.
FQ ðsÞ ¼ ð22Þ
ð1 þ sÞMN
(i) we assign a desired value for the Pfa and a given value
The poles of the MGF Fq/H0(s) of q under hypothesis H0 are for rc
a simple pole at s ¼ 21 of multiplicity M lying in the left- (ii) we assume a value for T
hand s-plane. Thus, substituting (21) and (22) into (12), we
(iii) (a) if rc ¼ 0 then, we compute the Pfa using (23)
can write
  (b) if rc ¼ 1 then, we compute the Pfa using (26)
1 dM1 1 (c) if 0 , rc , 1 then, we compute the Pfa using (27)
Pfa jrc¼0 ¼  ð23aÞ
ðM  1Þ! dsM1 sð1  TCA sÞMN s¼1 (iv) if the value of the Pfa from step (iii) is equal to the
Equation (23a) can be expressed as [19] desired value of the Pfa stop, otherwise go to step (ii).

M   The above procedure requires the knowledge of rc which,

X MN þ i  2 i1
TCA in general, is not available a priori. The value of rc used in
Pfa jrc¼0 ¼ ð23bÞ
MN  1 ð1 þ TCA ÞMN þi1 step (i) is the estimated value of the correlation coefficient
between pulse-to-pulse neighbouring clutter samples [10].
We denoted T as TCA since, in this case, the clutter plus However, it is practically reasonable to assume a known
noise samples are assumed IID. Equation (23b) is the well correlation coefficient rc, as the two-pulse MTI causes the
known expression for the probability of false alarm of the clutter samples for a given range cell to be correlated from
ML detector processing M pulses. pulse-to-pulse and this correlation can be easily determined
[8]. This is the case that we want to confine our attention to.
Case II: rc ¼ 1
In this case, the clutter samples are completely correlated, 3.3 Detection performance of the ML-detector
that is, b1 ¼ M and bn ¼ 0 for n ¼ 2, . . . , M, (Lc is singu-
lar), and therefore (19) and (20) reduce, respectively, to Now that we analysed the effect of the correlation coeffi-
cient rc on the probability of false alarm, we should study
1 the effect of both correlation coefficients rc and rt of the
Fq=H0 ðsÞ ¼ ð24Þ
ð1 þ MsÞ clutter and target returns, respectively, on the detection
48 IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006
performance of the ML detector. The determination of the from (31) by setting K ¼ 1 and assuming uncorrelated
probability of detection given by (13) requires the knowl- clutter. That is, for the case of a two degrees of freedom
edge of the MGF Fq/H1(s) of the test statistic q under target embedded in uncorrelated Gaussian noise. That is,
hypothesis H1 and the MGF FQ(s) of the background X ¼ X1 , p(X) ¼ p(X1) and Lc ¼ I.
noise level given by (20). Next, we simulate the probability of detection of the ML
The MGF of q in the presence of the target can be detector.
expressed as
ð þ1 4 Simulation results
Fq=H1 ðsÞ ¼ pðq=H1 Þ expðsqÞ dq ð28Þ
1 To evaluate the detection performance and the false alarm
where p(q/H1) is the pdf of the test cell q under hypothesis properties of the proposed model, we conducted several
H1 . Note that Fq/H1(s) is the Laplace transform of p(q/H1). computer simulations. All clutter samples and target
To find an expression for Fq/H1(s), we need to further samples were generated from the correlation models given
expand (8). That is, making use of (9a) and (9b) and by (16) and (33), respectively. We assume a reference
taking into account the assumption on the clutter power, window size of N ¼ 16 and design Pfa ¼ 1024. First, the
the test statistic q may be written as threshold multipliers T are computed using the algorithm
listed in Section 3.2 to achieve the prescribed Pfa for
1  values of rc going from 0 to 1, and for values of the
q¼ jX þ Aj2 þ jY þ Bj2 ð29Þ
2 number of processed pulses M ¼ 2, 4 and 8. Fig. 3, shows
a set of curves of T against rc . We observe that, for the pre-
Taking into account the independence of all target vectors scribed Pfa , all curves increase monotonically with rc to
and clutter vectors and in-phase and quadrature phase converge to the same value at rc ¼ 1. Therefore for a
vectors, we can write the joint pdf p(q/H1) as given M, a variety of choices for T are then possible. The
pðq=H1 Þ ¼ pðX ; Y ; A; BÞ ¼ pðX Þ pðY Þ pðAÞ pðBÞ ð30Þ choices of the threshold multipliers that assume the actual
clutter correlation provide a good regulation of the Pfa as
As the in-phase and the quadrature phase samples of the shown in Fig. 4. However, the curves for rc ¼ 1 and
target signal echoes are also identically distributed, then rc ¼ 0 do not assume that the clutter correlation is chan-
p(X) ¼ p(Y). ging, and therefore the prescribed Pfa is not achieved. Our
Finally, substituting (29) and (30) into (28), we obtain the ML-CFAR detector assumes knowledge of the value of rc
general MGF expression for any target and clutter pdfs and then computes the corresponding T.
ð þ1 ð þ1 The detection performance of the ML-CFAR detector
Fq=H1 ðsÞ ¼ pðX ÞpðAÞ for a design Pfa , depends upon several important para-
1 1 meters. As it would be tedious to exhaustively simulate
2 the behaviour of the detector with respect to each parameter
1 T T T taken apart, our attention has been focused on the signal-
 exp  sðX X þ A A þ 2X AÞ dX dA
2 to-clutter ratio (SCR), the target correlation coefficient rt ,
the clutter correlation coefficient rc , the number of
degrees of freedom K and the number of processed pulses
At this stage, we only know the pdfs of the vectors Xk and M with an emphasis on the problem of multiple-target situ-
Yk which are defined as ations. Fig. 5 shows the probability of detection against
SCR for rt ¼ 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 1 for rc ¼ 0.5, M ¼ 2
X k ¼ ½x1k ; x2k ; . . . ; xMk T k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K ð32aÞ and K ¼ 1, 2 and 4. We can observe from this figure that

Y k ¼ ½y1k ; y2k ; . . . ; yMk T k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K ð32bÞ

We assume that the in-phase and quadrature phase target
samples are spaced sufficiently far apart to assure uncorrela-
tion or independence of the real and imaginary parts of the
complex target signal. Thus, the M  1 target in-phase
vectors X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk and the quadrature phase vectors
Y1 , Y2, . . . , Yk are independent from each other but their
components are correlated from one pulse to another with
the same pdf given by
1 1 T 1
pðX k Þ ¼ exp  X k Lt X k
ð2pÞM=2 jLt j1=2 2
k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K ð33aÞ
1 1
pðY k Þ ¼ M=2 1=2
exp  Y Tk L1
t Yk
ð2pÞ jLt j 2
k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K ð33bÞ
As the pdf p(X) is difficult to evaluate and that the cross
product XTA is also difficult to uncouple for any K, the
integral of (31) cannot be evaluated. Hence, the probability
of detection given by (13) cannot be evaluated analytically. Fig. 3 Threshold multiplier against clutter correlation coeffi-
It is clear, that the result in [1, equation (7)] can be obtained cient for N ¼ 16 and Pfa ¼ 1024

IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006 49

Fig. 6 Simulated probability of detection against SCR for
N ¼ 16, rt ¼ 0.5, M ¼ 2 and Pfa ¼ 1024
Fig. 4 Simulated probability of false alarm against clutter corre-
lation coefficient for N ¼ 16, M ¼ 2 and Pfa ¼ 1024
Figs. 7 –11, we examine the effects of rt , rc , K, M and
the number of interferers (NI), respectively, on the detect-
a target correlation going from rt ¼ 1 to rt ¼ 0 helps the ability of correlated chi-square targets with 2K degrees of
detection. Also, note that the greater the K, the more insen- freedom at SCR ¼ ICR ¼ 15 dB, for the same N and the
sitive to rt the detection becomes. As illustrated earlier, see same Pfa . In Fig. 7, we plot the probability of detection
Table 1, the Swerling’s cases are the extreme limits rep- Pd in terms of rt for rc ¼ 0.5 and M ¼ 2. We remark that
resented by (rt , rc) ¼ (1, x) which denotes complete corre- for two interferers, the curves increase abnormally when
lation of the target and (rt , rc) ¼ (0, x) which denotes the target correlation coefficient increases. Moreover, it
complete decorrelation of the target, (0  x  1). On the seems that the presence of three interferers privileges the
other hand, Fig. 6 shows the effect of the clutter correlation detection of targets with lower degrees of freedom to the
rc ¼ 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 1 for rt ¼ 0.5, M ¼ 2 and K ¼ 1, 2 ones with higher degrees. These undesirable situations indi-
and 4, on the probability of detection against SCR. Note that cate that the detector is unable to contain highly correlated
a clutter fluctuation going from rc ¼ 1 to rc ¼ 0 also helps targets issued from only M ¼ 2 pulses in the presence of a
the detection. However, unlike Fig. 5, an increase in K does certain number of interferers. This is primarily because of
not affect the impact of rc upon the detection. the nature of the interferers, that is, each of the interfering
In all forthcoming experiments, we assume that the sec- targets has the same number of degrees of freedom, the
ondary targets present in the range cells are of the same same pulse-to-pulse covariance matrix as the primary
nature as the primary targets. The interference-to-clutter
ratio is denoted ICR and we assume that ICR ¼ SCR. In

Fig. 7 Simulated probability of detection against target corre-

Fig. 5 Simulated probability of detection against SCR for lation coefficient at SCR ¼ 15 dB, for N ¼ 16, M ¼ 2, rc ¼ 0.5,
N ¼ 16, rc ¼ 0.5, M ¼ 2 and Pfa ¼ 1024 ICR ¼ SCR and Pfa ¼ 1024

50 IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006

Fig. 8 Simulated probability of detection against clutter corre- Fig. 10 Simulated probability of detection against number of
lation coefficient at SCR ¼ 15 dB, for N ¼ 16, M ¼ 2, rt ¼ 0.5, pulses at SCR ¼ 15 dB, for N ¼ 16, rt ¼ rc ¼ 0.5, ICR ¼ SCR
ICR ¼ SCR and Pfa ¼ 1024 and Pfa ¼ 1024

target and ICR ¼ SCR. Such a problem can be overcome The curves shown in Figs. 9 – 11 have been evaluated at
just by increasing the number of processed pulses integer values of K, M and NI, respectively, and interpolated
M. Besides, we may note that as these situations happen to non-integer values. First, note that when the number of
for values of Pd , 0.4, they are of no great interest to the pulses increases, the undesirable situations occur at higher
performance of the ML-CFAR detector. numbers of interferers than for the case of M ¼ 2 pulses.
With the same operating conditions as for Fig. 7, we plot In Fig. 9, we plot the probability of detection Pd in terms
Fig. 8, where rt is substituted by rc . Here also, an increase of K for rt ¼ rc ¼ 0.5 and M ¼ 2, 4 and 8. Note that, in
of the number of interferers seems to help the detection of the presence of interferers, two pulses are not appropriate
targets with lower number of degrees of freedom. In other for a good detection even for primary targets with a large
words, whenever M ¼ 2 pulses, the ML-CFAR detector number of degrees of freedom. Very large values of K cor-
becomes vulnerable to cases in which the number of inter- respond to the non-fluctuating limit. In Fig. 10, we plot the
ferers is over 1. Consequently, here also, one has to increase probability of detection Pd in terms of M for rt ¼ rc ¼ 0.5
the number of pulses so as to avoid situations in which and K ¼ 1, 2 and 4. Note that in the multiple-target cases,
targets with lower degrees of freedom become more detect- more pulses are needed to achieve the same desired Pd
able than those with higher degrees. than in the no interferers’ case. For instance, when M  4
pulses, the ML-CFAR detector behaves normally in the

Fig. 9 Simulated probability of detection against number of Fig. 11 Simulated probability of detection against number of
degrees of freedom at SCR ¼ 15 dB, for N ¼ 16, rt ¼ rc ¼ 0.5, interferers at SCR ¼ 15 dB, for N ¼ 16, rt ¼ rc ¼ 0.5,
ICR ¼ SCR and Pfa ¼ 1024 ICR ¼ SCR and Pfa ¼ 1024

IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006 51

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52 IEE Proc.-Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 153, No. 1, February 2006

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