Continuous Wave Modulation: Baseband Signal Message Modulated Waveform

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ECE 405

Continuous Wave Modulation

Z. Aliyazicioglu
Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept.
Cal Poly Pomona

Continuous Wave Modulation

A modulation is a process of transforming a baseband signal
(message) to another signal called modulated waveform.

The demodulation is the process of recovering the baseband signal

from the modulated waveform

In modulation, the baseband signal is referred to as the modulating

The result of modulation process is referred as the modulated wave
To shifting other frequency, we use carrier wave. Common form of
carrier is a sinusoidal wave.
Message Modulated
Signal Modulation signal

Carrier signal

Continuous Wave Modulation
Modulated signal is transmitted end of the communication system.
At the end of communication system, we have receiver. We require
the original baseband signal to be restored at the receiver. The
process at the receiver is called demodulation, which is the reverse
of the modulation process.

Received Estimated of
signal Message signal

The receiver receives the modulated signal with channel noise. The
performance of cannel noise may depend of the type of modulation

Continuous Wave Modulation

Amplitude Modulation (AM):
The amplitude of the sinusoidal carrier wave is varied in
accordance with the baseband signal.

>> t=0:0.0001:.4;
>> y=cos(2*pi*10*t);
>> subplot(3,1,1)
>> plot(t,y)
>> ylabel('m(t)')
>> subplot(3,1,2)
>> x=cos(2*pi*100*t);
>> plot(t,x)
>> subplot(3,1,3)
>> plot(t,s)
>> ylabel('s(t)')

Continuous Wave Modulation
Amplitude Modulation (AM):

Consider a sinusoidal carrier wave c(t) as fallow

c(t ) = Ac cos(2π fct )

where Ac is carrier amplitude, fc is carrier frequency. We assume

the phase of carrier wave is zero.

The amplitude modulation signal is

s(t ) = Ac [1 + kam(t )] cos(2π fct )
= Ac cos(2π fct ) + Ac kam(t )cos(2π fct )

where m(t) is the message signal, ka is called the amplitude


Continuous Wave Modulation

Amplitude Modulation (AM):

We have two requirements to have the baseband signal shape

over the envelope of the modulated signal.

1. The amplitude of is always les than one.

k am(t ) < 1 for all t

So that, 1 + kam(t ) stays positive. If the amplitude sensitivity is

large to make k am(t ) > 1 , then the carrier wave becomes
overmodulated when the factor crossses zero. This creates
envelope distortion in the modulated signal.

Continuous Wave Modulation
Amplitude Modulation (AM):

2. The carier frequency is much greater than the highest frequency

in baseband signal

f c >> W where W is message bandwidth.

Continuous Wave Modulation

Amplitude Modulation (AM):

The Fourier Transform of AM signal is given by

Ac k A
S(f ) =
[δ (f − fc ) + δ (f + fc )] + a c [M (f − fc ) + M (f + fc )]

The message signal m(t) is band-limited to the interval c.

M(f) Ac/2

ka Ac
M(0) M’(0)
sideband Lower 2 Upper
sideband sideband sideband
f f
-W W -fc-W -fc -fc+W fc-W fc fc+W

The transmission bandwidth BT for AM wave is given BT = 2W

Continuous Wave Modulation
Amplitude Modulation (AM):

AM wave has two main concern:

1. Amplitude modulation has wasteful of power. The carrier

wave c(t) is completely independent of the information-
bearing signal m(t). Therefore, the transmission of the
carrier wave is waste of power.

2. Amplitude modulation is waste of bandwidth. The upper and

lower sideband of an AM wave are uniquely related each
other by virtue of symmetry about the carrier frequency.
Hence, given magnitude and phase spectra of either
sideband, we can determine the other.

These modifications naturally result in increased system complexity.

Continuous Wave Modulation

Amplitude Modulation (AM):

Average Transmitted Power of AM :

The normalized average power of an arbitrary signal x(t) is defined

_____ T /2
1 2

T →∞ T ∫
P = x 2 (t ) = lim x(t ) dt
−T / 2

Using the definition, the average transmitted power of the AM

signal is
T /2
T →∞ T ∫
P = lim s 2 (t )dt
−T / 2

Continuous Wave Modulation
Amplitude Modulation (AM):

Average Transmitted Power of AM :

T /2
Ac2 [1 + kam(t )] cos 2 (2π fct )dt
T −T∫/ 2
P = lim
T →∞

T /2 T /2
1 1 2 1 1 2
T −T∫/ 2 2 c  T →∞ T ∫ 2
= lim A 1 + 2kam(t ) + ka2m 2 (t ) dt + lim Ac 1 + 2kam(t ) + ka2m 2 (t ) cos(4π fct )dt
T →∞
−T / 2

Where f c >> W. Since the integral Ac2 1 + 2kam(t ) + ka2m2 (t ) cos(4π fct ) of
is close to zero, Therefore, the average power is
T /2
1 1 2
T →∞ T ∫ 2
P = lim Ac 1 + 2ka m(t ) + ka2m 2 (t )dt
−T / 2

Assume that the average value of message signal is zero

M (0) = ∫ m(t )dt = 0

Continuous Wave Modulation

Amplitude Modulation (AM): Average Transmitted Power of AM :

Therefore, the average power is

T /2
1 1 2 _____ T /2

T −T∫/ 2 2 
P = lim Ac 1 + ka2m 2 (t )dt 1
T −T∫/ 2
T →∞ m 2 (t ) = lim m 2 (t )dt
T →∞
1 2 1 2 2 _____
= Ac + Ac ka m 2 (t )
2 2

1 2 the power in the carrier

Pc = Ac
1 2 2 ______ the power contained in the two side-band
2PSB = Ac ka m 2 (t )
The efficiency of the AM wave is ka2 m 2 (t )
Eff = ______
1 + ka2 m 2 (t )

Continuous Wave Modulation
Example. When the message signal is a singe-tone
m(t ) = Am cos(2π fmt )
The total power of message signal is ka = 1, Am = 1

_____ T /2
T →∞ T ∫
m 2 (t ) = lim Am2 cos2 (2π fmt )dt
−T / 2
T /2
1 1
Am2 [1 + 2cos(4π fmt )]dt
T →∞ T ∫
= lim
−T / 2

Thus, the efficiency is Am2

Eff = 2 2 x100% ≤ 33.33%
1+ m

The maximum efficienys is

That means 66.66% power is spent on carrier.

Continuous Wave Modulation

Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) Modulation
A double sideband suppressed carrier wave is obtained when a
message signal m(t) is multiplied by the carrier Ac cos(2π fct ) .
The DSB-SC wave is given by

sDSB−SC (t ) = Ac m(t )cos(2π fct )

m(t) Acm(t)cos(ωct)


Generation of DSB-SC signal

Continuous Wave Modulation
Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) Modulation

The FT of the DSB-SC wave in the frequency domain is

sDSB−SC (f ) =
[M (f − fc ) + M (f + fc )]

M(0) Upper M (0)
sideband Lower Lower Upper
sideband sideband sideband

-W W f -fc-W -fc -fc+W fc-W fc fc+W f

The transof mission bandwidth the DSB-SC wave is BT=2W (Hz)

Continuous Wave Modulation

Example: Sketch the waveform in the time domain and spectrum in
the frequency domain of the sinusoidal message
signal m(t ) = A cos(2π f t )
m m

The carrier signal is c (t ) = Ac cos(2π fct )

sDSB−SC (t ) = Ac Am cos(2π fct )cos(2π fat ) fc >> fm

Upper Lower sideband
Am Upper
sideband sideband Am Ac
2 M (0) sideband
f f
-fm fm -fc- fm -fc -fc+ fm fc- fm fc fc+ fm

Matlab Example
Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) Modulation

>> t=0:0.0001e-3:4e-3;
>> m=cos(2*pi*1000*t);
>> subplot(3,1,1)
>> plot(t,m)
>> ylabel('m(t)')
>> subplot(3,1,2)
>> c=cos(2*pi*10000*t);
>> plot(t,c)
>> s=m.*c;
>> subplot(3,1,3)
>> plot(t,s)
>> ylabel('s(t)')

Continuous Wave Modulation

Example: Let’s have a message signal as m(t ) = 2cos(2π 1000t )
The carrier signal is c(t ) = 100cos(2π 10000t )
a. Determine and sketch the modulated waveform sDSB−SC (t )
b. Determine and sketch the spectrum of the modulated waveform
c. What is the transmission bandwidth of the modulated signal?

a. sDSB−SC (t ) waveform is
sDSB−SC (t ) = Ac Am cos(2π fct )cos(2π fat )
= 200cos(2π 1000t )cos(2π 10000t )

b. Using trigonometric identity

sDSB−SC (t ) = 100 cos(2π 9000t ) + 100 cos(2π 11000t )

Continuous Wave Modulation
Example: (cont)

The Fourier transform of cosine signal is

cos(2π fct ) ⇔
[δ (f − fc ) + δ (f + fc )]

Then, Euler Fourier transform of

sDSB−SC (f ) = 50 [δ (f − 9000) + δ (f + 9000)] + 50 [δ (f − 11000) + δ (f + 11000)]

c. As we can see from the following figure the transmission

bandwidth is 2 KHz.

Continuous Wave Modulation

Example: (cont)

SDSB-SC(f) Bandwidth
Upper Lower sideband
sideband Upper
sideband 50 sideband

f (KHz)
-11 -fc -9 9 fc 11

Frequency Spectrum of a SDSB-SC signal

Continuous Wave Modulation
Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation

A coherent detector, also called synchronous detector can be

used to recover the message m(t) from the modulated signal

SDSB-SC (t) v0(t)
X Lowpass
Filter at W


1 1 A A
v1(t ) = Ac m(t ) + Ac m(t )cos(2ωct ) ⇔ c M (f ) + c [M (f − 2fc ) + M (f + 2fc )]
2 2 2 2

The output of the low-pass filter

v0 (t ) = Ac m(t )

Continuous Wave Modulation

Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation

If there is a frequency offset ∆ω between the two signal,

received signal and oscillator signal

1 1
v1(t ) = Ac m(t )cos(∆ω t ) + Ac m(t )cos(2ωct + ∆ω t )
2 2

The output of the low-pass filter

v0 (t ) = Ac m(t )cos(∆ω t )

Thus recovered signal is a distorted version of the original

message signal

Continuous Wave Modulation
Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation

If there is a phase offset φ between the two signal, received

signal and oscillator signal
1 1
Ac m(t )cos(φ ) + Ac m(t )cos(2ωct + φ )
v1(t ) =
2 2
The output of the low-pass filter v0 (t ) = 1 Ac m(t )cos(φ )

Thus, unless φ is small, the output amplitude is attenuated by a

factor of cos (φ). If π/2≤ φ ≤ 3π/2 the output is inverted

If there are both the frequency and the phase offset , the
output voltage is

v0 (t ) = Ac m(t )cos( ∆ω t + φ )

Continuous Wave Modulation

Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation using Costas Loop

We need some kind of tracking system at the receiver

v1(t) v3(t)
X Filter at W
A1cos[ωct+θ(t)] v5(t)
Voltage Lowpass X
SDSB-SC (t) controlled osc Filter at W
Phase Shifter

v2(t) v4(t) Output

X Filter at W

Continuous Wave Modulation
Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation using Costas Loop
SDSB−SC (t ) = Ac m(t )sin[ωct + φ (t )]
v1(t ) = Ac m(t )sin[ωct + φ (t )]A1 cos[ωct + θ (t )]
Ac A1 AA
= m(t )sin[φ (t ) − θ (t )] + c 1 m(t )sin[2ωct + φ (t ) + θ (t )]
2 2
Ac A1 sin( x )cos( y ) =
1 1
sin( x + y ) + sin( x − y )
v3 (t ) = m(t )sin[φ (t ) − θ (t )] 2 2
v1(t ) = Ac m(t )sin[ωct + φ (t )]A1 sin[ωct + θ (t )]
Ac A1 AA
= m(t )cos[φ (t ) − θ (t )] − c 1 m(t )cos[2ωct + φ (t ) + θ (t )]
2 2
Ac A1 2 2
v 4 (t ) = m(t )cos[φ (t ) − θ (t )] v (t ) = Ac A1 m 2 (t )sin[φ (t ) − θ (t )]cos[φ (t ) − θ (t )]
2 5
Ac2 A12 2
1 1 = m (t )sin [ 2[φ (t ) − θ (t )]]
sin( x )sin( y ) = cos( x − y ) − cos( x + y ) 8
2 2

Continuous Wave Modulation

Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation using Costas Loop
Ac2 A12 2
v 6 (t ) = m (t )sin [ 2[φ (t ) − θ (t )]]

The output frequency of VCO is fc when the input amplitude is zero

When input amplitude is positive, the output frequency of VCO
increases from fc in proportion to the voltage
When input amplitude is negative, the output frequency of VCO
decreases from fc in proportion to the voltage

That means θ (t ) ≈ φ (t )

Thus, the demodulated output signal when the loop is in lock

Ac A1 AA
v 4 (t ) = m(t )cos[φ (t ) − θ (t )] = c 1 m(t )
2 2

Continuous Wave Modulation
Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation using Costas Loop

The normalized average power of an arbitraray signal x(t) is

_____ T /2
1 2

T −T∫/ 2
P = x 2 (t ) = lim x(t ) dt
T →∞

The average transmit ed power of the DSB-Sc signal is

T /2
T −T∫/ 2 DSB−SC
PT = lim S2 (t )dt
T →∞

T /2
T →∞ T ∫
= lim AC2 m 2 (t )cos2 (wct )dt
−T / 2
T /2
1 1
AC2 m 2 (t ) [1 + cos(2wct )] dt
T →∞ T ∫
= lim
−T / 2

Continuous Wave Modulation

Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation using Costas Loop

AC2  1
T /2
T /2

→∞ T ∫ T →∞ T ∫
PT = Tlim m 2 (t ) + lim m 2 (t )cos(2wct )dt 
2  −T / 2 −T / 2 

Usually the carrier frequency fc is much greater than the baseband

bandwidth W. fc>>W. The second term is close to zero
AC2   A2 _____
T /2
PT =
2 
Tlim ∫
T −T / 2
m 2 (t ) = C m 2 (t )
 2

The mean-squared value of the message signal

____ T /2
T −T∫/ 2
m 2 (t ) = lim m 2 (t )dt +
T →∞

Continuous Wave Modulation
Demodulation of DSB-SC Modulation using Costas Loop

When the message signal is a single-tone

m(t ) = Am cos(ωmt )

The mean-squared value of the message signal

m 2 (t ) =

The average transmitted power is

Am2 AC2
PT =

Handy Equations
cos(a + b) = cos(a)cos(b) − sin(a)sin(b)
cos(a − b) = cos(a)cos(b) + sin(a)sin(b)
sin(a + b) = sin(a)cos(b) + cos(a)sin(b)
sin(a − b) = sin(a)cos(b) − cos(a)sin(b)
1 1
cos(a)cos(b) = cos(a − b) + cos(a + b)
2 2
1 1
sin(a)sin(b) = cos(a − b) − cos(a + b)
2 2
1 1
sin(a)cos(b) = sin(a − b) + sin(a + b)
2 2
cos2 (a) =
[1 + cos(2a)]
sin2 (a) = [1 − cos(2a)]

PSpice Example
AM signal in time domain
4. 0V

2. 0V


V 0V

VOFF = 0 V2
VAMPL = 1 VOFF = 0
FREQ = 1000 VAMPL = 2
FREQ = 10000
- 2. 0V

- 4. 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms 6 . 0 ms
V( SUM1 : OUT)
Ti me

2. 0V
AM signal in Frequency domain

1. 0V

0 Hz 5 KHz 1 0 KHz 1 5 KHz 2 0 KHz 2 5 KHz
V( S UM1 : OUT)
Fr e q u e n c y

PSpice Example
Message signal
1. 0V


V 0. 5V

V1 = 0 V3
V2 = 1 V2
TD = 0 VOFF = 0
TR = 0.000001ns VAMPL = 1
TF = 0.000001ns FREQ = 10000
PW = 1ms
PER = 20ms
0 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms 6 . 0 ms
V( V3 : +)
Ti me

AM signal in time domain

1. 2V
AM signal in Frequency domain
2. 0V

0. 8V

1. 0V

0. 4V

- 1. 0V

- 2. 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms 6 . 0 ms 0 Hz 5 KHz 1 0 KHz 1 5 KHz 2 0 KHz 2 5 KHz
V( S UM1 : OUT) V( SUM1 : OUT)
Ti me Fr e q u e n c y

PSpice Example
1. 0V

Message signal
AM 0. 5V


V1 = -1 V3
V2 = 1 V2
TD = 0 VOFF = 0 - 0. 5V
TR = 0.000001ns VAMPL = 1
TF = 0.000001ns FREQ = 10000
PW = 0.5ms
PER = 1ms
- 1. 0V
0 0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms 6 . 0 ms
V( V3 : +)
Ti me

AM signal in time domain AM signal in Frequency domain

1. 0V
2. 0V

1. 0V

0. 5V

- 1. 0V

- 2. 0V 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms 6 . 0 ms 0 Hz 5 KHz 1 0 KHz 1 5 KHz 2 0 KHz 2 5 KHz 3 0 KHz
V( SUM1 : OUT) V( S UM1 : OUT)
Ti me Fr e q u e n c y

PSpice Example
1. 0V

DSB-SC DSB-SC signal in time domain

0. 5V

VOFF = 0 V Ct
VAMPL = 1 VOFF = 0
FREQ = 1000 VAMPL = 1
FREQ = 10000 - 0. 5V

- 1. 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms
Ti me

Message signal
5 0 0 mV

1. 0V
AM signal in Frequency domain
0. 5V

2 5 0 mV

- 0. 5V

- 1. 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms
V( Vm: +)
Ti me 0 Hz 5 KHz 1 0 KHz 1 5 KHz 2 0 KHz 2 5 KHz
Fr e q u e n c y

PSpice Example
1. 0V
DSB-SC signal in time domain
0. 5V


V1 = -1 V3 0V
V2 = 1 V2
TD = 0 VOFF = 0
TR = 0.000001ns VAMPL = 1
TF = 0.000001ns FREQ = 10000 - 0. 5V
PW = 0.5ms
PER = 1ms
- 1. 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms

Message signal Ti me

1. 0V AM signal in Frequency domain

8 0 0 mV

0. 5V


4 0 0 mV

- 0. 5V

- 1. 0V
0s 1 . 0 ms 2 . 0 ms 3 . 0 ms 4 . 0 ms 5 . 0 ms
V( V3 : +) 0V
Ti me 0 Hz 5 KHz 1 0 KHz 1 5 KHz 2 0 KHz 2 5 KHz 3 0 KHz
Fr e q u e n c y


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