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NAME ________________________________

EE 442 Homework #4
(Spring 2019 – Due February 25, 2019 )
Print out homework and do work on the printed pages.

Problem 1 Double-sideband suppressed carrier signal (24 points)

A carrier signal cos(Ct) is combined with a two-tone message signal m(t),

m(t )  2 cos(mt )  3sin(3mt ),

Homework 4
where m = 5  103 radians/sec and C = 2  104 radians/sec.

(a) Write an expression for the modulated signal DSB(t) = m(t)cos(Ct).

(b) At the receiver the modulated signal is input to a demodulator as

shown below.

DSB (t) x(t) y(t)


The carrier at the demodulator is 3 cos(ct) and is followed by a filter.
Write an expression for the signal x(t).

Homework 4
(c) Describe the filter parameters (or requirements) that you must choose
to recover the message signal m(t) from x(t)?

Problem 2 AM Signal Spectrum (24 points)

In generating an AM signal let the message signal be (two tones constitute m(t)),
m(t )  2  cos (2 10t )  cos (2  20t ) ,
which is modulated by a carrier frequency fC of 600 kHz, and where the unit of time t is
milliseconds. The AM signal AM(t) is given by
 AM (t )  5  cos(2  f C t )  m(t )  cos(2  fC t ).
(a) Sketch the magnitude of the spectrum of AM(t), that is, AM(f). What is its

Homework 4
(b) What is the modulation index ?

(c) The AM signal is passed through an ideal high-pass filter with corner frequency at
595 kHz (i.e., the filter passes all frequencies greater than 595 kHz). Sketch the
spectrum after filtering. Is this a single-sideband transmission after filtering?

Homework 4
Problem 3 AM Modulation Index & Power Efficiency (17 points)

The waveform shown below is a tone modulated AM signal as might be

displayed on an oscilloscope. Both the carrier and the message (single-
tone) are sinusoidal. Find the modulation index  and power efficiency  of
this AM signal.







Problem 4 Nonlinear AM Modulator (20 points)

The circuit diagram below shows a square-law modulator. The signal

applied to the nonlinear device is of sufficiently low level that the
characteristic of the nonlinear device can be approximated by

v2 (t )  a1v1 (t )  a2 v12 (t ), with v1 (t )  m(t )  AC cos(C t ) ,

Homework 4
where a1 and a2 are constants, v1(t) is the input voltage and v2(t) is the
output voltage. Of course, m(t) is the message signal and the Ac cos(ct) is
the carrier signal. [From Haykin & Moher, 5th ed., 2009.]

+ + +
AC cos  C t 
v1 (t ) v2 (t ) RL
+ C
m(t) _ _

(a) Evaluate the output signal v2(t).

(b) Describe the frequency response that the tuned circuit (capacitance in
parallel with the inductance of the transformer) must exhibit in order to
generate an AM signal with radian carrier frequency c

Homework 4
Problem 5 AM Signal Spectrum (15 points)

Given an AM signal of the form

 AM (t )  Am  cos(2 40t )  12 cos(2 90t )   cos(2 f C t ),
plot the positive frequency spectrum versus frequency f and identify the
specific frequencies of the spectral lines and their amplitudes.


fC f

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