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The first time you use each of your castle stats, CaStLe SiDe

assign them one from +1, +1, 0, -1.

SwOrDs CuPs CoInS WaNdS

Gear Shelter Move
When you gain your first rank of void, make a When you take Shelter, you inspire the others. The
I know that you're lost and desperate. Don't worry, I'm here now. signature weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw): next time they would rank down their Crew
Covenant, they may ignore that cost.

Affinities Shadow Moves

Also, pick one to have every delve:
Void World � A banner (wave it to get advantage on Stand � Just You and Me
Ranks � � � Ranks � � � With Me). If a foe’s within arm’s reach, you can mark void to
� Metal plates (1 Armour). reshape the castle and trap you both within an
� A noble sword (piercing, close). empty room. The previous state is restored when
you will it, or when you take a major wound.
Name Arcana Rank Castle Form � Heroic Intervention
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing When an Adversary is bearing down on an ally, you can
CREW COVENANT power. When you gain a rank of world or void, pick mark void to immediately close the distance
one from the lists below (or make your own) to add between you and Confront them – gaining
to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one. Advantage on the roll.

• Myth: Angel halo, dragon skin, infernal horns, � War Cry

vampire grin. When you let out an intimidating war cry, mark void to
• Clothes: Regal vestments, military dress choose an option from Stand With Me and apply it
uniform, academic robes, haute couture. to yourself.
• Accessories: Wings, constellations, echoing
voice, mirrored eyes. � Voice of Command
• Mien: More glorious, more terrifying, more Once per delve into the castle, you may mark void to
true, more serene. command a minion of the castle to serve you.
When they fight alongside you, your attacks gain the
cleave tag.

Projects Wounds Until bound... When you send them to act independently of you, the
NaMe NeXt StEp? +/- PrOgReSs Architect will decide how well they do.
Minor � � ...cannot Evoke the Covenant.
When you would take a Wound with them nearby, you can
major � ...take Disadvantage on all rolls. choose to have them be destroyed by the blow instead.

Deadly � ...cannot take any actions.

ArMoUr � �
CiTy SiDe
MaKiNg YoUr AuThOrItY
MiNoR CoVeNaNtS First Descent Before your first delve, work through these, and answer: What’s your personal connection with the Vassal?
Particulars The Crew
Pick from each, or make your own: Pick one to represent what you offer the group, and gain it as a Crew covenant:
• Feminine, Masculine, Ambiguous, Concealed, _______ � Auteur: Leadership, structure, grand vision.
• They, She, He, _______ Ask: Which of you works for me?
• Pristine uniform, a symbol of authority, rumpled and � Justice: Truth, fairness, accountability.
overworked, _______ Ask: Which of you did I help find justice or escape injustice?
• Bright eyes, ruthless eyes, kind eyes, watchful eyes, _______ � Sage: Guidance, tradition, spiritual wisdom.
• Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Senior, _______ Ask: Which of you regularly comes to me for advice?

Once per investigation, you can add an NPC you just met
to this list (with the group’s permission).
Mundane Life When you return to reality, work through these:
Role Contacts
When you let go of a Minor Covenant, mark world and ask: Pick a category and an occupation: Pick one to gain as a Rank 1 Covenant, and give them a name:
who here could benefit from my advice? � Delinquent: Class president, team captain, gang leader, _______
Mark a black mark in Infamy. � Chariot: The rival who spurs you to excel.
When you forsake or betray a Minor Covenant, mark void � Prodigal: Store manager, apprentice, vigilante, _______ � Fool: The novice you’re teaching.
and choose someone in your presence. They cannot Mark a black mark in Lack. � Magician: The headhunter scouting you.
contradict what you say or physically block your � Traitor: Lawyer, politician, doctor, _______
actions until you leave their presence. Mark a black mark in Fealty. Then pick another rebel’s contact, say what links you, and add them as a
Minor Covenant.
What’syour mundanerole? You're self-assured and resourceful.
rOlE Whatlocations are importanttoit? Mark one tick in Infamy and Lack, two in the rest.

When you get a new rank in void or world, get an advance;

AdVaNcEs When you lose a rank, lose an advance.

World Void
� Pick one of your castle abilities; get advantage using it with Vent. �� Add +1 to a Castle stat.
StReSs GaUgEs � Mystically provide a friend or follower with financial security. �� Gain a Shadow Move.
� Minions arrive in the hideout, eager to help with research or red tape. � Gain another Gear option.
Blood ⬛����� � Organisation charts and pinboards appear in the hideout, � Add a perk to your signature weapon.
automatically updating as you learn more about the castle.
Lack ⬛�����
Infamy ⬛����� NoTeS
Heat ⬛�����
FeAlTy ⬛�����
The first time you use each of your castle stats, CaStLe SiDe

assign them one from +1, +1, 0, or -1.

SwOrDs CuPs CoInS WaNdS

Gear Shelter Move
When you gain your first rank of void, make a When you take Shelter, you may kick back and relax; say
Woe is me, for in fighting the castle I have become it. Except way cooler, lol signature weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw): how. You and anyone who joins you erases 1d6 marks
from void or world, but gains fleeting Disadvantage.

Affinities Shadow Moves

Also, pick one to have every delve:
Void World � Lucky charm (destroy to reroll a missed roll). � MaDe YoU LoOk
Ranks � � � Ranks � � � � A fancy jacket (1 Armour) When you make yourself the centre of attention, markvoid
� Confusing fighting style (cleave, close). to pick one:

• An enemy reveals a hidden weakness.

Covenants • Your enemies ignore your allies.
Name Arcana Rank Castle Form
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing Whoever takes advantage of this has fleeting
CREW COVENANT power. When you gain a rank of world or void, pick Advantage. The enemy will act against you, of
one from the lists below (or make your own) to add course – that can’t be helped.
to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one.
� TeArS oF a ClOwN
• Myth: Will’o’the’wisp aura, siren scales, rabbit When you put on a pantomime of emotion in front of an
ears, monkey tail. enemy, mark void to strike to the heart of them.
• Clothes: Jester motley, shapeless habit, catwalk They’ll be overcome with the emotion you were per‐
fashion, dandy coat. forming; each Rebel gets fleeting Advantage taking
• Accessories: Laugh track, narcotic haze, prism advantage of it.
eyes, quicksilver mask.
• Mien: More glorious, more terrifying, more � I WaS NeVeR HeRe
true, more serene. When you roll a 10+ on Dodge, mark void to leave a
duplicate in your place that’ll fool your attacker.
Markvoid again to blow it up (stun, close).

Projects Wounds Until bound... � AnD NeXt YoU’lL sAy...

NaMe NeXt StEp? +/- PrOgReSs When you tell an opponent what they’ll do next, mark
Minor � � ...cannot Evoke the Covenant. void to make them pick: do exactly what you pre‐
dicted, or stumble, hesitate or flinch.
major � ...take Disadvantage on all rolls.
If they do what you predicted, you may reveal a trap
Deadly � ...cannot take any actions. you’d set up to take advantage of that and gain
Advantage on Strike.
ArMoUr � �
CiTy SiDe
MaKiNg YoUr HaRlEqUiN
MiNoR CoVeNaNtS First Descent Before your first delve, work through these, and answer: What did the Vassal do that you can’t just laugh off?
Particulars The Crew
Pick from each, or make your own: Pick one to represent what you offer the group, and gain it as a Crew covenant:
• Feminine, Masculine, Ambiguous, Concealed, ____ � Fool: Innocence, sponteneity, new starts.
• They, She, He, ____ Ask: Which of you did I believe in, when no one else would?
• Threadbare uniform, comfortable clothes, weird clothes, ____ � Vagabond: Letting go, new perspectives, pauses.
• Laughing eyes, bloodshot eyes, sleepy eyes, bright eyes, ____ Ask: Which of you enjoys wasting time with me?
• Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Senior, ___ � Oracle: Intuition, spirituality, the subconscious.
Ask: Who did I help by showing a third way out of a dilemma?

Once per investigation, you can add an NPC you just met
to this list (with the group’s permission).
Mundane Life When you return to reality, work through these:
Role Contacts
When you let go of a Minor Covenant, mark world and ask: Pick a category and an occupation: Pick one to gain as a Rank 1 Covenant, and give them a name:
who here would appreciate a distraction? � Delinquent: Class clown, dropout, dreamer, _______ � Temperance: The co-worker/classmate who’s always free to hang.
Mark a black mark in Infamy. � Hermit: The recluse you bonded with over a common interest.
When you forsake or betray a Minor Covenant, mark void � Prodigal: Stoner, artist, temp, _____ � Moon: The fellow survivor who reminds you of a time you’d rather
and say what performance you begin. Until it’s over, Mark a black mark in Lack. forget.
nobody outside the crew can look away from you or � Traitor: ‘Independant means’, scam(?) psychic, cashier, _____
disrupt you. Mark a black mark in Fealty. Then pick another rebel’s contact, say what links you, and add them as a
Minor Covenant.
What’syour mundanerole? You laugh it all off.
rOlE Whatlocations are importanttoit? Mark one tick in Heat and Infamy, two in the rest.
When you get a new rank in Void or World, get an advance;
AdVaNcEs When you lose a rank, lose an advance.
World Void
� Pick one of your castle abilities; get advantage using it with Vent. �� Add +1 to a Castle stat.
� Give an enemy or rival unexpected good fortune that will shock �� Gain a Shadow Move.
StReSs GaUgEs and unsettle them, giving them a new perspective on life. � Gain another Gear option.
� Rolled dice, shuffled decks, and flipped coins will tell you the � Add a perk to your signature weapon.
Blood ⬛����� result they expect to give before anyone else knows.
� Add a relaxation space to the hideout: a karaoke bar, a cafe, a
Lack ⬛����� library, whatever fits your group.

Infamy ⬛�����
Heat ⬛�����
FeAlTy ⬛�����
The first time you use each of your castle stats, CaStLe SiDe

assign them one from +1, +1, 0, or -1.

SwOrDs CuPs CoInS WaNdS

Gear Shelter Move
When you gain your first rank of void, make a When you take Shelter, ask the Architect: What danger
Stand with me and we'll burn this whole rotten thing down. signature weapon with 1 perk and 1 flaw: should we be most on the lookout for? They must
answer honestly.

Affinities Shadow Moves

Also, pick one to have every delve:
Void World � A reminder of your cause (Expend to avoid � ShAdOw StEp
Ranks � � � Ranks � � � marking void). When you hide in the shadows, you can mark void to
� Reinforced coat (1 Armour). reappear from any other shadow in sight.
� Improvised bombs (cleave, reload).
� AvEnGeR’s ReSoLvE
Covenants When another rebel takes a major or deadly wound, you
Name Arcana Rank Castle Form may mark void to heal any wound of your own.
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing
CREW COVENANT power. When you gain a rank of world or void, pick � A ShAdOw LiKe a MiRrOr
one from the lists below (or make your own) to add When you Flow Like Water, you may markvoid to leave a
to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one. duplicate of yourself in place. You can mark void again
to reveal that the ‘duplicate’ was the real you.
• Myth: Lupine claws, promethean fire, gorgon
hair, skeleton grin. � SuBvErSiVe WhIsPeR
• Clothes: Assassin robes, insurgent fatigues, When you spy on minions of the castle unobserved, you can
punk motley, outlaw coat. mark void to whisper an incendiary secret into their
• Accessories: Shadow tendrils, mirage minds and turn them against a target of your choosing.
duplicates, pyrotechnics, shifting face.
• Mien: More glorious, more terrifying, more
true, more serene.

Projects Wounds Until bound...

NaMe NeXt StEp? +/- PrOgReSs
Minor � � ...cannot Evoke the Covenant.

major � ...take Disadvantage on all rolls.

Deadly � ...cannot take any actions.

ArMoUr � �
CiTy SiDe
MaKiNg YoUr HeReTiC
MiNoR CoVeNaNtS First Descent Before your first delve, work through these, and answer: How did you realise there was a supernatural power behind the Vassal?
Particulars The Crew
Pick from each, or make your own: Pick one to represent what you offer the group, and gain it as a Crew covenant:
• Feminine,Masculine, Ambiguous, Concealed, ____ � Devil: Temptation, heresy, iconoclasm.
• They, She, He, ____ Ask: Which of you gives me comfort when it gets too much?
• Distressed uniform, alternative fashion, identity-hiding � Magician: Innovation, sleight of hand, improvisation.
mask, ____ Ask: Which of you depends on my talents?
• Sardonic eyes, wary eyes, fiery eyes, frightened eyes, ____ � Tower: Upheaval, hard times, transformation.
• Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Senior, ___ Ask: Which of you helped me put my life back together?

Once per investigation, you can add an NPC you just met
to this list (with the group’s permission).
Mundane Life When you return to reality, work through these:
Role Contacts
When you let go of a Minor Covenant, mark world and Pick a category and an occupation: Pick one to gain as a Rank 1 Covenant, and give them a name:
ask: who here is desperately yearning to be free? � Delinquent: Runaway, hoodlum, defiant, _______ � Vagabond: An old friend battling chronic illness.
Mark a black mark in Infamy. � Sun: The visionary firebrand who fills you with righteousness.
When you forsake or betray a Minor Covenant, mark void � Prodigal: Punk, activist, thief, _______ � Oracle: The artist who helps you see a better world.
and pick a rule - written or unwritten - governing the Mark a black mark in Lack.
social context you’re in. Nobody will be able to apply it � Traitor: Thinker, scene mom, whistleblower, _______ Then pick another rebel’s contact, say what links you, and add them as a
to you for the next scene, no matter how hard they try. Mark a black mark in Fealty. Minor Covenant.

What’syour mundanerole? You live for the fight.
rOlE Whatlocations are importanttoit? Mark one tick in Heat and Fealty, two in the rest.

When you get a new rank in Void or world, get an advance;

AdVaNcEs When you lose a rank, lose an advance.

World Void
� Pick one of your castle abilities; get advantage using it with Vent. �� Add +1 to a Castle stat.
StReSs GaUgEs � Erase all traces of a friend's debts or criminal convictions. �� Gain a Shadow Move.
� You may talk to one form of vermin that lives in your city. � Gain another Gear option.
Blood ⬛����� � Add a costume rack to the hideout, filled with props and uniforms � Add a perk to your signature weapon.
that’ll let you blend in anywhere.
Lack ⬛�����
Infamy ⬛����� NoTeS
Heat ⬛�����
FeAlTy ⬛�����
The first time you use each of your castle stats, CaStLe SiDe

ThE IcOn
assign them one from +1, +1, 0, or -1.

SwOrDs CuPs CoInS WaNdS

Gear Shelter Move
When you gain your first rank of void, make a When you take Shelter, you may ask the Architect:
The darkness can’t stop us - not when I can outshine the sun. signature weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw): What is the Vassal currently feeling most guilty
about? They will answer honestly, and you gain
fleeting advantage acting on it.
Affinities Shadow Moves
Also, pick one to have every delve:
Void World � Loyal fans (can be sent to do simple tasks). � ImPoSsIbLe PeRfEcTiOn
Ranks � � � Ranks � � � � Bulletproof confidence (1 Armour). You are impossibly beautiful, and that perfection
� Microphone (stun, grazing). cannot be marred. So long as you're least wounded rebel
in the party, you can mark void to reduce the severity
of an incoming wound by a rank.
Name Arcana Rank Castle Form � StEaL YoUr HeArT
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing When you attempt to sway, dazzle or seduce a minion of the
CREW COVENANT power. When you gain a rank of world or void, pick castle, mark void and roll +Cups. On a hit, they're
one from the lists below (or make your own) to add enamoured with you – pick one:
to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one. • They'll actively fight other minions.
• They'll see your allies as friendly too.
• Myth: Siren voice, Sylph wings, stag's antlers, • They tell you something useful.
infernal hooves/tail.
• Clothes: Wrestler's costume, diva's gown, On a 7-9, your influence only lasts a few moments - and
sharpest suit, trendsetting style. once it's broken they'll hate you for the manipulation.
• Accessories: Champion's laurels, spectral backing
singers, gleaming medals, glorious jewellery. � AuDaCiTy
• Mien: More glorious, more terrifying, more When you encounter the Avatar or an Enforcer, mark void
true, more serene. to prevent any immediate hostilities and pick one:
• Your castle self obfuscates your mundane form,
and you refresh Heat.
• They let slip how you can reduce the pressure
Projects Wounds Until bound... state of their clock.
NaMe NeXt StEp? +/- PrOgReSs • They reveal deeper meaning to a Token you hold.
Minor � � ...cannot Evoke the Covenant.
� BeSt oF tHe BeSt
major � ...take Disadvantage on all rolls. When you attempt an impossible feat of grace, strength or
endurance, mark void for each benefit:
Deadly � ...cannot take any actions.
• For as long as the feat takes, you have +1 Armour.
ArMoUr � � • You can easily stop doing it if you need to.
• No-one who sees you can do anything but watch.
CiTy SiDe
MaKiNg YoUr IcOn
MiNoR CoVeNaNtS First Descent Before your first delve, work through these, and answer: How is the Vassal exploiting your image?
Particulars The Crew
Pick from each, or make your own: Pick one to represent what you offer the group, and gain it as a Crew covenant:
• Feminine, Masculine, Ambiguous, Concealed, ____ � Strength: Courage, compassion, energy.
• They, She, He, ____ Ask: Which of you am I teaching confidence and resilience?
• Customised uniform, athletic gear, stunning cosmetics, ____ � Chariot: Travel, willpower, discipline.
• Bright eyes, intense eyes, laughing eyes, Ask: Which of you gives me a place to crash when home is too far away
sunglasses-hidden eyes, ____ or too much of a burden?
• Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Senior, ___ � Lovers: Harmony, consensus, shared goals.
Ask: Which of you is in a committed relationship with me?
Once per investigation, you can add an NPC you just met
to this list (with the group’s permission).
Mundane Life When you return to reality, work through these:
Role Contacts
When you let go of a Minor Covenant, mark world and Pick a category and an occupation: Pick one to gain as a Rank 1 Covenant, and give them a name:
ask: who here is looking for their chance to shine? � Delinquent: Track champ, diva, vandal, _______ � Auteur: The coach guiding your growth.
Mark a black mark in Infamy. � Wheel of Fortune: An old rival, fallen on hard times.
When you forsake or betray a Minor Covenant, mark void � Prodigal: Athlete, influencer, streamer, _______ � Star: A new talent, naive in the ways of your trade.
and say how you borrow unreal grace, strength or Mark a black mark in Lack.
presence from your legend. It’ll last for the scene. � Traitor: Author, celeb, pundit, _______ Then pick another rebel’s contact, say what links you, and add them as a
Mark a black mark in Fealty. Minor Covenant.

What’syour mundanerole? You're immaculate and in peak condition.
rOlE Whatlocations are importanttoit? Mark one tick in Infamy and Blood, two in the rest.

When you get a new rank in Void or World, get an advance;

AdVaNcEs When you lose a rank, lose an advance.

World Void
� Pick one of your castle abilities; get advantage using it with Vent. �� Add +1 to a Castle stat.
StReSs GaUgEs � Grant a friend or ally whatever they need to have creative independence. �� Gain a Shadow Move.
� Awaken images of you; you can talk to them, ask what they’ve � Gain another Gear option.
Blood ⬛����� seen, and get them to change their pose and expression. � Add a perk to your signature weapon.
� Add a broadcast studio to your hideout, with which you can record
Lack ⬛����� and send out messages to the city.

Infamy ⬛�����
Heat ⬛�����
FeAlTy ⬛�����
The first time you use each of your castle stats, CaStLe SiDe

assign them one from +1, +1, 0, or -1.

SwOrDs CuPs CoInS WaNdS

Gear Shelter Move
When you gain your first rank of void, make a When you take Shelter, you may tap into the thoughts
The void doesn't understand you humans, and hates you for it. I'm not sure I get signature weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw): of a nearby Enforcer. The Architect will describe what
you either, but I love every second. they can see and hear, and you may ask a question
about what they’re thinking and feeling.
Affinities Shadow Moves
Also, pick one to have every delve:
Void World � A disguise (once per delve, can pass as a castle � My TrUe FoRm
Ranks � � � Ranks � � � minion). You realise that the Castle had a stronger hand in
� Hardened skin (1 Armour). your creation than you thought. Describe how your
� Gleaming claws (piercing, close). Castle Form changes to reflect this. You may mark
void to grow an organ or limb - arms, tentacles, eyes,
Covenants wings, mouths or similar.
Name Arcana Rank Castle Form
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing � GhOsT EaTeR
CREW COVENANT power. When you gain a rank of world or void, pick When you defeat a minion of the Vassal, you can consume
one from the lists below (or make your own) to add its body and roll +Cups. On a hit, you ingest it; on a 7-
to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one. 9, it taints you and you mark void. So long as the
creature is ingested, you can freely use one of its
• Myth: Ghostly veil, animal gait, cosmos eyes, moves. When you would mark void, you can destroy
automaton gears. the ingested creature instead. You must destroy your
• Clothes: Something archaic, something currently ingested creature to catch another.
futuristic, nothing at all.
• Accessories: Lesser spirits, eerie music, � PsYcHoPoMp
localised storms, runic halo. You can mark void and spend 2 Traces to guide your
• Mien: More mundane, more pleasant, less true, group to or from: any individual’s psyche, the land
more chaotic. of the dead, the castle's home realm.

� ApPaRiTiOn's BlAdE
You are a conduit for the hunger of the void. Mark
Projects Wounds Until bound... void to channel its full power into an attack, giving
NaMe NeXt StEp? +/- PrOgReSs it Advantage and a tag of your choice.
Minor � � ...cannot Evoke the Covenant.

major � ...take Disadvantage on all rolls.

Deadly � ...cannot take any actions.

ArMoUr � �
CiTy SiDe
MaKiNg YoUr InHuMaN
MiNoR CoVeNaNtS First Descent Before your first delve, work through these, and answer: How did the rebels catch your attention? Why are you helping them?
Particulars The Crew
Pick from each, or make your own: Pick one to represent what you offer the group, and gain it as a Crew covenant:
• Feminine, masculine, agender, concealed, __ � Moon: Illusions, primal nature, fear.
• They, She, He, ____ Ask: Who is obsessed with me, and doesn't fully know why?
• Animal, construct, spirit, ghost, dream, ____ � Star: Hope, faith, new things.
• Human form, mundane animal, bizarre creature, ____ Ask: Who is trying to bring out my potential?
� Death: Change, endings, transformations.
Ask: Who remembers me as I used to be?

Once per investigation, you can add an NPC you just met
to this list (with the group’s permission).
Mundane Life When you return to reality, work through these:
Role Contacts
When you let go of a Minor Covenant, mark world and Pick a category and an occupation: Pick one to gain as a Rank 1 Covenant, and give them a name:
ask: who here is longing to express their wild side? � Pretender: Ordinary high school student, office drone, pensioner, ____ � Judgement: An ancient inhuman, ambivalent to humanity.
Mark a black mark in Blood. � Sage: A humble shop owner teaching you how to be human.
When you forsake or betray a Minor Covenant, mark void and � Interloper: Surreal performer, mystic consultant, possessor, _____ � Strength: An activist ostracised from society like you, but still
indulge your inhuman nature.Pick one: terrify someone Mark a black mark in Infamy. standing firm.
present,move faster and further than humanly possible, � Lurker: Stray, haunter, monster, _______
or sense something you should not be able to sense. Mark a black mark in Fealty. Then pick another rebel’s contact, say what links you, and add them as a
Minor Covenant.
What’syour mundanerole? You're not completely real.
rOlE Whatlocations are importanttoit? Mark a tick in Blood and Lack, two in the rest.

When you get a new rank in Void or World, get an advance;

AdVaNcEs When you lose a rank, lose an advance.

World Void
� Pick one of your castle abilities; get advantage using it with Vent. �� Add +1 to a Castle stat.
StReSs GaUgEs � Free an Enforcer from their Vassal and let them build a new life. �� Gain a Shadow Move.
� Add a portal to your hideout leading directly to your target’s shard. � Gain another Gear option.
Blood ⬛����� � Grant sentience to the hideout, and give it some kind of avatar � Add a perk to your signature weapon.
that can speak to you all and use the hideout’s facilities.
Lack ⬛�����
Infamy ⬛����� NoTeS
Heat ⬛�����
FeAlTy ⬛�����
The first time you use each of your castle stats, CaStLe SiDe

ThE PrOvIdEr
assign them one from +1, +1, 0, -1.

SwOrDs CuPs CoInS WaNdS

Gear Shelter Move
When you gain your first rank of void, make a When you take Shelter, you may ask the other rebels:
We have to care for each other. That’s the only way this becomes something that lasts. signature weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw): who has a problem with another rebel? If you help
them work through their problems, they each rank
up their crew covenant.
Affinities Shadow Moves
Also, pick one to have every delve:
Void World � Home cooking (Expend when you Shelter to let � PrOtEcTiVe bInDiNgS
Ranks � � � Ranks � � � everyone pick an extra option). When you bind someone else’s wound, mark void to also
� Hard-wearing clothes (Armour 1). give them 1 Armour. Their next wound this delve will
� Sanctified bow (ranged, brace). be automatically bound.

Covenants � MaMa BeAr

Name Arcana Rank Castle Form You can mark void to augment your strength and stabil‐
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing ity, letting you lift and carry any weight. Leverage
CREW COVENANT power. When you gain a rank of world or void, pick may still present issues.
one from the lists below (or make your own) to add
to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one. � EnDlEsSlY ReSoUrCeFuL
When you reach into your bags and pockets, mark void to
• Myth: Medusa hair, dryad bark, spider eyes, pull out something impossible: something too big,
merfolk scales. too dangerous, on the other side of the world, or
• Clothes: Temple robes, bodyguard armour, previously in your opponent’s hands.
doctor's coat, quartermaster’s bandoleers.
• Accessories: Flocks of doves, floral wreaths, � MoThEr oF MoNsTeRs
belts of potions, a caduceus. When you craft a creature from the swirling chaos, mark
• Mien: More glorious, more terrifying, more void and describe them to the group. They have a
true, more serene. weapon (one perk, one flaw), and can take one
wound; the second kills them.

Pick one, or two if you mark void again:

Projects Wounds Until bound...
NaMe NeXt StEp? +/- PrOgReSs • They’re obedient.
Minor � � ...cannot Evoke the Covenant. • They’re knowledgeable.
• Their desires and interests are humanlike.
major � ...take Disadvantage on all rolls.
At the end of a delve, markvoid to let them leave this shard
Deadly � ...cannot take any actions. and become a permanent resident of your hideout.

ArMoUr � �
CiTy SiDe
MaKiNg YoUr PrOvIdEr
MiNoR CoVeNaNtS First Descent Before your first delve, work through these, and answer: Who did the Vassal hurt, and how did you comfort them?
Particulars The Crew
Pick from each, or make your own: Pick one to represent what you offer the group, and gain it as a Crew covenant:
• Feminine, Masculine, Ambiguous, Concealed, ____ � Gardener: Nurturing, procurement, protection.
• They, She, He, ____ Ask: Which of you can always come to me to feel cared for?
• Practical uniform, a bag of supplies, rumpled and � Temperance: Moderation, patience, advice.
overworked, ____ Ask: Which of you trusts me to rein you in when you go too far?
• Kind eyes, weary eyes, hooded eyes, intense eyes, ____ � Wheel of Fortune: Celebration, investment, stockpiling.
• Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Senior, ___ Ask: Which of you did I guide through misfortune?

Once per investigation, you can add an NPC you just met
to this list (with the group’s permission).
Mundane Life When you return to reality, work through these:
Role Contacts
When you let go of a Minor Covenant, mark world and ask: Pick a category and an occupation: Pick one to gain as a Rank 1 Covenant, and give them a name:
who here needs a hug or a kind word? � Delinquent: Big sibling, gardener, carer, _______ � Tower: The charity case you can’t help but take care of.
Mark a black mark in Infamy. � Death: A critically-ill confidante, unsure if they’ll be able to find
When you forsake or betray a Minor Covenant, mark void � Prodigal: Bartender, teaching assistant, medic, _____ treatment.
and say what wound, illness or affliction you purge Mark a black mark in Lack. � Lovers: Your paramour/partner who you can trust implicitly.
from them. They’ll feel a compulsion to perform a � Traitor: Emergency responder, parent, cleric, _____
single favour in return. Mark a black mark in Fealty. Then pick another rebel’s contact, say what links you, and add them as a
Minor Covenant.
What’syour mundanerole? You stay strong for others.
rOlE Whatlocations are importanttoit? Mark a tick in Fealty and Blood, two in the rest.

When you get a new rank in Void or World, get an advance;

AdVaNcEs When you lose a rank, lose an advance.

World Void
� Pick one of your castle abilities; get advantage using it with Vent. �� Add +1 to a Castle stat.
StReSs GaUgEs � Pick a community nonprofit, food bank, mutual aid society, etc. �� Gain a Shadow Move.
that will no longer need to worry about resources. � Gain another Gear option.
Blood ⬛����� � Gain the aid of a guardian spirit; when you send it to watch over � Add a perk to your signature weapon.
someone, you’ll know if they run into danger.
Lack ⬛����� � Add plentiful supplies to the group’s hideout, able to feed, rest
and care for about a dozen people.
Infamy ⬛�����
Heat ⬛����� NoTeS
FeAlTy ⬛�����
The first time you use each of your castle stats, CaStLe SiDe

assign them one from +1, +1, 0, or -1.

SwOrDs CuPs CoInS WaNdS

Gear Shelter Move
When you gain your first rank of void, make a When you take Shelter, you may submerge your mind
How do you fight something you can't even see? By looking for the pain it causes, signature weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw): into the labyrinth. Roll 2d6; on a 7+ gain a Trace, on
the ones who benefit, the cracks its shadows lurk in. a 6- mark void. Either way, tell the group what you
understand better about this shard or the vassal.
Affinities Shadow Moves
Also, pick one to have every delve:
Void World � Detailed notebook (Expend for advantage on � BrAiN RaDiO
Ranks � � � Ranks � � � See Clear). When you’re in the castle, you can mark void to talk to
� Smoke bomb (Expend to disappear from sight). any one person who’s felt the castle’s touch - rebels,
� Hunting rifle (ranged, ammo). vassals, covenants, etc.

Covenants � EyEs oN tHe InSiDe

Name Arcana Rank Castle Form You can mark void to perceive the intangible and
Your shape in the castle shifts with your growing immaterial - auras, thoughts, hearts.
CREW COVENANT power. When you gain a rank of world or void, pick
one from the lists below (or make your own) to add When you use this sight to guide your mystic arts, roll
to your avatar. Every time you lose a rank, erase one. +Coins instead of +Cups on Drink Deep.

• Myth: Grigori eyes, gargoyle skin, mothman � ChAoS EyEs

wings, ghost translucence. Some eyes are windows to the soul; yours are portals
• Clothes: Street camo, PI longcoat, cyberpunk to the shifting chaos of the void. When someone meets
apparel, urbex rigging. your gaze, markvoid to force them to pick one:
• Accessories: Hacker tech, goggles and lenses,
satchels of books, occult junk. • They cannot think or move for a few moments.
• Mien: More glorious, more terrifying, more • They must move far away from you.
true, more serene.
� AsTrAl PrOjEcTiOn
You may mark void to send your soul out into the
castle. As long as you concentrate you can see
Projects Wounds Until bound... through its eyes and - with effort - pull switches,
NaMe NeXt StEp? +/- PrOgReSs open doors, move small object, etc. Most castle min‐
Minor � � ...cannot Evoke the Covenant. ions won’t be able to see or interact with it. Most.

major � ...take Disadvantage on all rolls.

Deadly � ...cannot take any actions.

ArMoUr � �
CiTy SiDe
MaKiNg YoUr WaTcHeR
MiNoR CoVeNaNtS First Descent Before your first delve, work through these, and answer: Who’s the Vassal going after now?
Particulars The Crew
Pick from each, or make your own: Pick one to represent what you offer the group, and gain it as a Crew covenant:
• Feminine, Masculine, Ambiguous, Concealed, ____ � The Hermit: Insight, awareness, distance.
• They, She, He, ____ Ask: Which of you knew me by my pseudonym long before we met in person?
• Sturdy coat, drab camouflage, nerd chic, ____ � The Sun: Perception, clarity, vision.
• Shiny glasses, hooded eyes, piercing eyes, ____ Ask: Which of you found fortune through my advice?
• Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Senior, ___ � Judgement: Analysis, discernment, absolution.
Ask: Which of you have I been tasked with assessing?

Once per investigation, you can add an NPC you just met
to this list (with the group’s permission).
Mundane Life When you return to reality, work through these:
Role Contacts
When you let go of a Minor Covenant, mark world and Pick a category and an occupation: Pick one to gain as a Rank 1 Covenant, and give them a name:
ask: who here is lost in confusion or indecision? � Delinquent: Star pupil, nerd, junior reporter, _______ � Devil: The journalist you swap tips with.
Mark a black mark in Infamy. � Gardener: The (surrogate?) parent who makes sure you’re safe
When you forsake or betray a Minor Covenant, mark void � Prodigal: Blogger, hacker, researcher, _____ and well.
and name someone. Anyone. You’ll see what they’re Mark a black mark in Lack. � Justice: The whistleblower who leaks to you.
doing right now - and can roll Rebel Eyes to probe � Traitor: PI, professor, conspiracy theorist, _____
further. Mark a black mark in Fealty. Then pick another rebel’s contact, say what links you, and add them as a
Minor Covenant.
What’syour mundanerole? You maintain your distance.
rOlE Whatlocations are importanttoit? Mark a tick in Infamy and Heat, two in the rest.

When you get a new rank in Void or World, get an advance;

AdVaNcEs When you lose a rank, lose an advance.

World Void
� Pick one of your castle abilities; get advantage using it with Vent. �� Add +1 to a Castle stat.
StReSs GaUgEs � A friend or ally gains a sixth sense that can detect the castle. �� Gain a Shadow Move.
� Gain an animal familiar that you can project your mind into. � Gain another Gear option.
Blood ⬛����� � Scrying windows appear in the hideout, able to observe locations � Add a perk to your signature weapon.
you’ve been to in the city and the castle.
Lack ⬛�����
Infamy ⬛����� NoTeS
Heat ⬛�����
FeAlTy ⬛�����

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