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Waste Management 23 (2003) 879–886

Mercury speciation in fluorescent lamps by thermal release analysis

Cláudio Raposoa,*, Cláudia Carvalhinho Windmöllerb, Walter Alves Durão Júniorb
Nuclear Technology Development Center—CDTN/CNEN, Cidade Universitária, 30.123-970 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Chemistry Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Cidade Universitária 30.123-970 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Accepted 1 April 2003

In this work, mercury speciation in phosphorus powder matrices and soda lime glass waste from new and spent fluorescent lamp
wastes has been studied by thermo-desorption/atomic absorption spectrometry (TDAAS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), cold vapor-
atomic absorption (CV-AAS) and atomic emission spectrometry/inductively coupled plasma (ICP/AES). TDAAS results show the
presence of oxidized forms of mercury, i.e., Hg1+ and Hg2+, especially in wastes with high mercury concentration. Such forms are
mobile, and therefore represent a potential hazard waste material. Glass TD profiles of spent fluorescent lamps suggested the pre-
sence of mercury strongly linked to the matrix, which desorbs only at high temperatures.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction condensation. However, recent studies carried out in

Brazil (Raposo and Roeser, 2001) show that mercury
Mercury lamps (fluorescent, compact fluorescent, lamps are thrown in the garbage in almost all cases, and
mercury vapor, sodium vapor and metal multi-vapors also that only a few, about 3%, are recycled by means
and mixed) use mercury as a vital component for its of chemical treatment.
functioning. Mercury concentration in these lamps var- Data of the National Electrical Manufacturers Asso-
ies considerably depending on the manufacturer, lamp ciation—NEMA (USEPA, 1997) in a work carried out
type and year of manufacturing. The amount of mer- along with Sylvania, a lamp manufacturer, pointed out
cury in a 40 W/T121 standard fluorescent lamp has that the mercury contained in an up-to-date fluorescent
decreased over the past years from 41 mg in the early lamp is probably 0.2% (0.042 mg) elemental mercury
1990s to 21 mg after 1997 (USEPA, 1997). Once the (vapor phase) and the other 99.8% (20.958 mg) divalent
lifetimes of these lamps have ended, they generate a mercury form incorporated into the phosphorus powder
hazardous waste, which must be properly disposed of (Table 1). USEPA indeed insists on emphasizing that
(USEPA, 1999; Raposo, 2001, in press). the speciation of mercury contained in fluorescent lamps
Several technologies to treat lamp waste, called Best is a controversial and complex subject.
Demonstrated Available Technology—BDAT, such as Controversies are documented in Peer Review Report
thermal and chemical treatment and stabilization, have (USEPA, 1998a) on Mercury Model application and
been evaluated by the United States Environmental validation, which was designed to estimate mercury
Protection Agency (USEPA). Recent patent literature emission from fluorescent lamps disposal. The most
research (Raposo and Carvalho, in press) has shown significant doubts concern the speciation of mercury
that there is a world trend towards thermal treatment contained in fluorescent lamps.
for recovering mercury from waste by vaporization and One of the reviewers noted that the concentration of
vapor phase elemental mercury in these lamps when
they are not electrified is limited by the vapor pressure
* Corresponding author. Tel./Fax: +55-21-313-4993403.
of the metal and thus cannot exceed saturation. Lastly,
E-mail addresses: (C. Raposo), claucw@ (C. Carvalhinho Windmoller). mercury is added to these lamps to generated UV
The most commonly used fluorescent lamp is the tubular type 40 radiation by electrical stimulation of elemental mercury
W/T12, length of 122 cm (4-foot) and 3,8 cm of diameter (1.1=2 inch). atoms in the gas contained in the lamp. Besides, it is
0956-053X/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
880 C. Raposo et al. / Waste Management 23 (2003) 879–886

Table 1 2. Materials and methods

Mercury content of fluorescent lamps

Year Mercury (mg/T12 lamp) The samples for thermo-desorption study and char-
acterization were collected from 20–40 W fluorescent
Elemental Divalent Total lamp tubes, new and spent with different diameters from
Pre-1992 0.082 40.918 41.000 assorted manufacturers. The lamps selected were initi-
1992–1996 0.060 29.940 30.000 ally cleaned and carefully imploded under a hood ade-
1997–2007a 0.042 20.958 21.000 quate for mercury vapor exhaustion. Phosphorus
Source: USEPA, 1997 powder was manually collected by scraping with a
Mercury Emissions Model (The modeling period begins in 1992 stainless steel spatula.
and ends in 2007).
2.1. Characterization of fluorescent lamp glass and
also possible that mercurous oxide might be used for its phosphorus powder
spontaneous disproportionation to elemental and mer-
curic forms, and the greater ease of dispensing small In order to determine the approximate composition of
amounts per lamp using mercuric oxide (USEPA, 1997). glass and phosphorus powder from fluorescent lamp,
The mercury minimal content in fluorescent lamp has the following techniques were used: atomic absorption
been determined from NEMA’s demonstration that an spectrometry (GBC Avanta AAS 932) for Na2O, K2O,
insufficient level of mercury will result in the premature B2O5, CaO, MgO and Al2O3, atomic emission spectro-
failure of a fluorescent lamp. This phenomenon is called metry/inductively coupled plasma (Spectroflame FMV
‘‘mercury starvation’’ within the industry. Individual 05 ICP/AES) for PbO and gravimetry for SiO2.
F40T12 lamps rated for 20,000 h of life need 10 mg of Elemental composition of phosphorus powder was
mercury (0.7 ml) to ensure that the life-limiting mechan- determined by colorimetry (P), potentiometry (F and
ism of such lamps is electrode emission mix depletion CI) and ICP/AES (the other elements). X-ray Diffrac-
and not mercury starvation. Variations in the mechan- tion (Rigaku-Geigerflex) was used to identify the crys-
ical process used to insert the mercury into a fluorescent talline phases.
lamp generally require that the average amount be set to
no lower than 15 mg, so that the minimum amount in 2.2. Hg thermo-desorption
an individual lamp is at least 10 mg and lifetime is not
shortened due to insufficient mercury (USEPA, 1998b). 2.2.1. Qualitative analysis by thermo-desorption/atomic
Another relevant aspect is the interaction between absorption spectrometry (TDAAS)
mercury and other fluorescent lamp components. Sev- The samples were analyzed by thermo-desorption
eral research studies demonstrated a strong interaction followed by atomic absorption spectrometry as descri-
of mercury with Na present in glass (Doughty et al., bed in literature (Windmöller et al., 1996). The samples
1995; Thaler et al., 1995; Dang et al., 1999) and also were heated at a rate of 33  C/min from room tem-
with alkali metal carbonates (CaCO3, BaCO3 and perature to 570  C. A constant nitrogen flow (200 ml/
SrCO3), and Sn from the tin oxide (SnO2) which coats min) passing through the sample (masses varying up to
the electrodes (Dang et al., 1999). 40 mg) took thermo-desorbed vapors to the detection
In this work the thermo-desorption technique was cell of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer CG-
used to differentiate the species of mercury found in Analytical (model GBC 380). The temperature over the
mercury lamp wastes, which will certainly be relevant in sample was monitored by a thermocouple. In this way,
studies concerning their final disposal and recycling. one obtains registration of extinction (absorbance units)
Characterization of lamp phosphorus powder and glass as a function of the temperature over the sample, here-
matrices and the quantitative analysis of the total mer- inafter called thermograms or TD profiles. These pro-
cury were also carried out. files give information on the interaction force of
The mercury thermo-desorption technique of solid mercury with the matrix, and can be compared with
samples has been used since 1904 to determine total standard mercury profiles (spiked samples).
mercury in ores from cinnabar mines and also in geo-
chemical prospecting (Koksoy et al., 1967; Aston and 2.2.2. Preparation and analysis of spiked samples
Riley, 1972; Henry et al., 1972; Lidums 1972). Nowa- Four samples were prepared by spiking the mercury
days, the utilization of this technique has been revived species standards, i.e., Hg0, Hg2Cl2, HgCl2 and HgO,
mainly as an important tool in studies of mercury spe- manufactured by Riedel-de Haën/Fluka, 99.5% (Ger-
ciation in solid matrices, since different species of mer- many) to phosphorus powder from samples previously
cury desorb at different temperature ranges (Goleb, submitted to thermal treatment for taking away the
1971; Windmöller et al., 1996; Biester and Nehrke, existing mercury with a concentration of 5,000 ppm in
1997; Biester et al., 2000). order to simulate commercial mercury lamps. The
C. Raposo et al. / Waste Management 23 (2003) 879–886 881

samples spiked with mercury were homogenized by Table 2

maceration in an agate crucible. Thermograms were Approximated chemical composition of the main elements of
phosphorus powder used in a 40 W/T12 fluorescent lamp
obtained at different times after spiking to investigate the
possible effects or matrix interactions with the species Element Mass% Element mg.g1 Element mg.g1
added (7, 14, 30 and 45 days after the initial doping).
Ca (37.91 0.11) Al (580 30) Co (41)
TD profiles did not show any significant change. P (18.12 0.36) Ba (310 15) La (354)
F (2.95 0.14) Mg (143 2) Nd (313)
2.2.3. Glass samples tests Mn (0.86 0.02) Sr (125 7) Ce (121)
Cl (0.72 0.04) Ni (90 4) Sm (60.3)
Two glass samples from fluorescent lamps were Sb (0.61 0.01) Pb (38 3) Dy (30.3)
tested: one from a spent lamp and another from a Fe (0.19 0.01) Cr (10 1) Er (30.3)
new lamp (both with 200 mg mass). The phosphorus Cd (0.18 0.01) Zn (71) Ho (20.3)

powder was carefully removed from the glass before Analysis methods: Colorimetry (P); Potentiometry (F and Cl), ICP/AES
thermo-desorption analysis. The analytical procedure (other elements); oxygen not analyzed by direct method. Chemical composi-
tion of synthetic apatite standard—Astimex (2001): O—38.07%; F—3,77%;
used was similar to the one used for spiked samples
P—18.42%; Ca—39.74%.
and phosphorus powder matrix. The samples were
submitted to heating to 800  C (apparatus maximum
temperature). to achieve a good range of color response. Phosphorus
powder is originally mercury free. This metal is added
2.3. Determination of total mercury in the phosphorus during lamp manufacturing.
powder matrix and glass samples
3.2. Analysis of the spiked samples
Total mercury determinations were carried out by
using a cold vapor-atomic absorption (CV-AAS) appa- Thermograms of phosphorus powder samples spiked
ratus manufactured by Perkin Elmer, model FIMS 400. with the mercury standards Hg0, Hg2Cl2, HgCl2, HgO
Phosphorus powders matrix and pulverized glass sam- are shown in Fig. 1. The following features can be
ples, in aliquots of 0.5 g, were solubilized in HNO3 (2:1) observed:
and diluted to 1,000 ml. Hg determinations were per-
formed according to Standard Methods for the Exami- (a) Hg0—the desorption of this mercury phase
nation of Water and Wastewater procedures (American occurs at low temperatures ranging from room
Public Health Association et al., 1995). All analyses temperature (RT) up to 180  C (maximum at
were made in duplicate. 150  C). The peak has sharp conformation (lep-
tokurtic form);
(b) Hg2Cl2—an intense peak appears from 100 to
3. Results and discussion 250  C, with a maximum at 225  C and a
shoulder in the interval of 250 up to 350  C of
3.1. Determination of main chemical elemental analysis HgCl2 formed due to the decomposition of some
of phosphorus powder matrix Hg2Cl2 . These two peaks are probably related to
the two decomposition steps, according to Eqs.
A 40 W standard fluorescent lamp typically contains (1) and (2):
from 4 to 6 g of phosphorus powder, which represents
approximately 2% of its total mass. This powder is Hg2 Cl2 ! Hg0 þ HgCl2 ð1Þ
mainly calcium phosphate, being fluorapatite
Ca5(PO4)3F the predominant crystalline phase as HgCl2 ! Hg0 þ Cl2 ð2Þ
revealed by XRD analysis. Other minor phases were
also identified: CaCO3—calcite; CaHPO4—monetite, This was confirmed by the TD profile of the sam-
CaHPO4.2H2O—brushite, TiO2—rutile/anatase and ple spiked with HgCl2, which showed similar des-
b-Ca3(PO4)2—whitlockite. The approximate chemical orption temperature range of the HgCl2 shoulder.
composition of the main elements of this powder,
shown in Table 2, is very close to the chemical compo- (c) HgCl2—presents a broad peak (platikurtic form)
sition of the apatite standard manufactured by Astimex between 150 and 340  C, (maximum at approxi-
Scientific Limited and used as a reference in micro- mately 275  C);
analysis studies (Astimex, 2001). Other elements in (d) HgO—thermo-desorption in the temperature
minor concentration such as Cu, Mn, Pb, Sb, Sn and interval from 250 to 500  C, with a maximum at
rare earths were also present in this powder (Raposo et approximately 400  C. The peak conformation
al., 2000). In general, a combination of fluorescent also shows a planikurtic shape at the interval
minerals and rare earths is used in phosphorus powder from 380 to 430  C.
882 C. Raposo et al. / Waste Management 23 (2003) 879–886

between the concentration and the mercury species

contained in the phosphorus powder matrix.
From the TD profiles, the main features were:

(i) Hg0—was the dominant mercury species detected

in LF01, LF03, LF04, LF08-LF10 (spent
lamps—Table 3, Fig. 2a) and LF11, LF13-LF17
(new lamps—Table 3, Figs. 2b and 2d);
(ii) Hg1+—was detected in LF01, LF03-LF07, LF10
(spent lamps), LF11, LF13, LF16-LF17 (new
lamps) and as the main species in LF05-LF07
(spent lamps—Fig. 2c);
(iii) Hg0+Hg1+—both metallic and a partially oxi-
dized form were released as the main species from
LF04 (spent lamp) and LF11, LF13 (new
Fig. 1. TD profiles of spiked mercury standards in phosphorus lamps—Fig. 2d);
powder matrices of spent fluorescent lamps. (iv) Hg 2+—occurred in LF01, LF02-LF04, LF06,
LF09 (spent lamps), LF12, LF14 (new lamps)
The general order of temperature desorption observed and as the main species in LF02 (Fig. 2e) and
in this work was: LF12 samples, curiously one of them was a new
lamp sample (LF12), which would be expected to
Hg0 < Hg2 Cl2 < Hgcl2 < HgO have little mercury in the oxidized state;
(v) metallic mercury and oxidized forms (Hg0, Hg1+
3.3. Analysis of the phosphorus powder samples of new and Hg2+) were released from samples LF01,
and spent lamps LF03, LF04 and LF06. In the LF03 profile
(Fig. 2f), it can also be observed a narrow peak at
The main characteristics of the samples submitted to 410  C. This desorption temperature is coin-
thermo-desorption tests are reported in Table 3.2 Ana- cident with maximum temperature in the TD
lytical results of total mercury contents exhibited in this profile of the sample spiked with HgO. More-
work show that the phosphorus powder matrix (pre- over, the configuration of this profile is different
dominant crystalline phase—fluorapatite) is the hazar- from all the profiles studied, probably due to
dous material responsible for polluting spent fluorescent some additive present in this lamp and absent in
lamp waste. Total mercury concentrations in the phos- the others.
phorus powder matrix from selected samples varied
from 300 30 mg.g1 to 13,300  1,300 mg.g1. Higher The highest mercury concentrations were observed in
concentrations were observed in spent lamps, and the samples in which Hg1+ (LF05 and LF06) or Hg2+
minimum in new ones, which was expected because the (LF02) was the main mercury species. Part of Hg1+ and
interactions of mercury with the matrix increases with Hg2+ species might be present as chlorides, since the
the lamp use time (Doughty et al., 1995; Thaler et al., TD profiles obtained were similar to those of Hg2Cl2
1995). Considering that there must not exist variations and HgCl2 standards. Concerning divalent mercury,
in mercury content between a new to a spent lamp, the some research studies suggest the formation of HgO due
difference pointed results from mercury in spent lamps to the reaction of Hg0 with free oxygen generated by the
is essentially adsorbed into the phosphorus powder decomposition of the alkaline metal oxides that are
matrix, and to a minor extension, into the glass, and volatilized in the electrical discharge zone of the lamp
possibly into the other components (emissive dust, fila- (Foust et al., 1999; Klinedinst et al., 2001). On compar-
ments, electrodes), while in new lamps, the phosphorus ing the thermograms in Fig. 2 with that of the HgO
powder matrix is not the preferential site for mercury spiked matrix (Fig. 1), one observes that only the LF02
and the glass do not show interaction with this metal. sample (Fig. 2e) has a signal similar to that relative to
This is expected since mercury is introduced during the oxide. Nowadays, several patents have been deposited
lamp manufacturing process as vapor phase elemental in the USA for the use of organic complexing agents
mercury. Thermo-desorption results are also summar- (ascorbic acid—C6H6O6 and sodium glutamate—
ized in Table 3. They demonstrate the correlation C6H11NaO7) that may be incorporated in the phospho-
rus powder and/or cementing base matrix during lamp
In Table 3, the term main refers to the signal with the largest area manufacture aiming to reduce mercury leaching in
in relation to the TD profile, while secondary refers to the one with the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), or
smallest area. by occasion of the waste final disposal (Haitko et al.,
C. Raposo et al. / Waste Management 23 (2003) 879–886 883

Table 3
Characteristic of samples submitted to thermo-desorption tests and results

Sample Description Hg concentration Mercury species

Main Secondary

Phosphorus powder of spent fluorescent lamps

LF01 F40T12/LDP 4,000400 Hg0 Hg1+; Hg2+
LF02 F40T12/LDP 8,900900 Hg2+
LF03 F40T12/LD/U 3,500400 Hg0 Hg1+; Hg2+
LF04 F40T10/ELD 6,300600 Hg0; Hg1+ Hg2+
LF05 F40T12/LDE 6,700700 Hg1+
LF06 F40T12/LDE 13,3001,300 Hg1+ Hg0 ; Hg2+
LF07 F40T12/ELD 3,600400 Hg1+ Hg0
LF08 F40T12/SLD, Duramax 1,430130 Hg0
LF09 F40T10/LDE 2,100200 Hg0 Hg2+
LF10 F20T12/SLD, Duramax 1,700150 Hg0 Hg1+

Phosphorus powder of new fluorescent lamps

LF11 F40T12/SLD, Duramax 750 80 Hg0; Hg1+
LF12 F40T10/LDE 330 30 Hg2+
LF13 F40T12/SLD, Duramax 760 80 Hg0; Hg1+
LF14 F40T12/SLD, Duramax 800 50 Hg0 Hg2+
LF15 F40T12/SLD, Duramax 750 60 Hg0
LF16 F40T10/LDE 300 30 Hg0 Hg1+
LF17 F20T12/SLD, Duramax 950 40 Hg0 Hg1+
Soda lime glass of fluorescent lamps
Sample Description Hg concentration (ng.g1) Mercury species
1 Spent lamp 4,300400 Possibly Hg1+; Hg2+
2 New lamp 18 2 –

Analysis method: Cold vapor-atomic absorption (CV-AAS).

1998; Foust et al., 1998; Woodwart et al., 1999). considered hazardous and must receive special treat-
Another alternative under study is the introduction of ment. The results also show a strong tendency of
an anti-oxidizing agent in the lamp structure, such as occurrence of high mercury concentrations in condi-
iron (Foust et al., 1999), manganese compounds, copper tions in which the oxidized form prevails, be it either
and also halogen compounds (NaBr and NaCl) (Kline- Hg1+ isolatedly, Hg2+ or (Hg1++Hg2+).
dinst et al., 2001), precisely to avoid the oxidation of the The interaction of mercury with the phosphorus
metallic mercury into more soluble forms. In the present powder matrix from spent lamp samples was evinced in
work, the possibility of incorporation of these com- our TDAAS study and the results showed that the spe-
plexing and/or anti-oxidizing agents is discarded at least cies of mercury in spent lamp waste are Hg0, Hg1+ and
in spent lamps, since they were manufactured before the Hg2+. Hg0 and Hg1+ predominate upon the divalent
patents (last 2 years). On the other hand, even con- species, differently from the data presented in USEPA’s
sidering the possibility of this technological innovation Report (1997), which suggests the divalent type as pre-
in new lamps, the thermo-desorption profile should evi- dominant in this material.
dence this, i.e., oxidized species should not appear.
The presence of Hg1+ and Hg2+, as verified, is rather 3.4. Analysis of glass samples
worrisome, because these species, more soluble than
metallic species, could fail many lamps in TCLP tests. It The glass used in fluorescent lamps, the soda type, has
must be noted that the North American regulatory limit approximately the following composition: SiO2
in TCLP tests is 0.2 mg.l1 (USEPA, 1999, 2000). The (69.2 1.4)%, B2O3 (16.5 0.5)%, CaO (4.2 0.2)%,
results of mercury concentration in the phosphorus Na2O (3.1 0.2)%; Al2O3 (2.7 0.1)%, K2O (1.8 0.1)%,
powder matrix shown in Table 3, firstly adjusted for MgO (1.4 0.1)% and PbO < 0.1% (Raposo et al., 2000).
phosphorus powder mass contained in a 40-W fluor- Fig. 3 shows the TD profile of the spent lamp glass
escent lamp tube (4–6 g) and, secondly for the total matrix with a mercury concentration of about
mass of each lamp (average of 275 g), reveal that the (4,300 400) ng.g1. Mercury desorption was recorded
mercury content exceeds this regulatory limit, as for in an interval ranging from 240 to 800  C, maximum
example in waste represented by samples: LF02, LF04, peak at 618  C. This temperature interval is not com-
LF05 and LF06. The wastes thus characterized are parable to any known specific mercury standard, which
884 C. Raposo et al. / Waste Management 23 (2003) 879–886

Fig. 2. TD profiles of phosphorus powder samples of spent and new fluorescent lamps.

mercury oxidation due to plasma formation. Oxidized

mercury can diffuse into the glass matrix. The thermo-
gram shown in Fig. 3 seems to agree with Doughty et
al.’s hypothesis because the signal only appears after
200  C, which is a characteristic of oxidized species. The
appearance of oxidized species (Hg1+ and Hg2+) in the
phosphorus powder matrix, according to what is shown
in this paper, represents then a strong argument for the
linking of these species and, not Hg0, to glass.
In the case of the new lamp glass matrix, mercury
concentration of about (18  2) ng.g1, the absorbance
signal was practically zero for a sample mass equal to
the one used for the spent lamp test (200 mg). This
shows that the mercury interaction is proportional to
the lamp use time, which was more precisely determined
Fig. 3. TD profile of glass sample of a spent fluorescent lamp.
as its square root by Thaler et al. (1995), and that it
depends on the physicochemical processes that occur
suggests that there is a type of interaction between inside it (Dang et al., 1999).
mercury and the glass components. Dang et al. (1999)
suggested that most of the Hg species strongly chemi-
sorb onto Na present in the glass or form intermetallic 4. Conclusions
compounds with this element, i.e., mercury in Hg0 state.
In turn, Doughty et al. (1995) postulated that electro- The analytical results presented in this paper show
chemical reactions occur inside the lamp, among them that the phosphorus powder matrix is the hazardous
C. Raposo et al. / Waste Management 23 (2003) 879–886 885

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