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Ibis (2012), 154, 5–14

The impact of researcher disturbance on nest

predation rates: a meta-analysis
Departamento de Zoologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain
Grupo Coevolución, Unidad Asociada al CSIC, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain

The effects of visits to nests by researchers interested in quantifying avian nesting success
have received considerable attention, as researchers have long been concerned about the
possible negative effects of their own activities on the resulting estimates. There is a
widely held view that investigator disturbance has an overall negative effect on breeding
success by increasing nest predation rates in the nests studied. However, to date no one
has statistically assessed the empirical evidence for such a relationship. We undertook a
meta-analysis of published results to assess whether researcher activities increase nest
predation in birds. We also assessed the variability in this effect in relation to the traits of
the study species and the methodology used. These analyses used data from 18 experi-
mental studies involving 25 species from six avian orders. Our results suggest that, con-
trary to the traditional view, researcher activities do not generally affect the incidence of
nest predation. Moreover, this relationship appears inconsistent among avian orders and,
surprisingly, nest survival of passerines increased weakly with researcher activities. We
also found significant positive effects of researcher activity on nest survival for species
breeding on coastal areas and for species nesting on the ground. The possible explanation
for these differences among orders and guilds could be due to different nest predator
communities. This new perspective on the effect of investigators could have important
implications for bird management and conservation, as well as for other fields of study
such as ecology and evolution, in which nest survival rates measured in the field are
widely used to test and support a range of hypotheses.
Keywords: breeding success, human perturbation, investigator activities, observer effect.

Researchers have long been concerned about mize such effects (e.g. Armstrong 1993, Rodway
the effects of their own activities on their study et al. 1996). The conception of a negative effect of
species (e.g. Johnson 1938, Harris 1964, Choate investigation on nest survival rates quickly perme-
1967, Grier 1969). The ‘uncertainty principle’ ated the scientific community and was included as
(Heisenberg 1927, Johnson 1938, Lenington 1979) an issue of special concern in the ethical policy of
suggests that the process of collecting data in the some research institutions. Götmark (1992) pub-
field could alter the results subsequently obtained. lished an extensive narrative review on the topic in
In particular, ornithologists have long realized that which he concluded that in 49% of the studies
research activities could negatively affect avian reported to that date, research activities had led to
nesting success (e.g. Anderson & Keith 1980, a reduction in nesting success. This and other stud-
Cairns 1980, Pierce & Simons 1986, Boellstorff ies established in the scientific community the con-
et al. 1988). Interest in this subject increased as ception that investigator disturbance had a general
this realization grew, and researchers subsequently negative effect on avian breeding success by
studied it and proposed several methods to mini- increasing nest predation rate of the nests visited
(Götmark 1992, Carney & Sydeman 1999).
*Corresponding author. Many studies on the subject have been
Email: published since then, most of them reporting no

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6 J. Ibáñez-Álamo et al.

overall effect (e.g. Schaub et al. 1992, Cotter & trees, whereas Charadriiformes are principally
Gratto 1995, Lloyd et al. 2000, Bêty & Gauthier colonial and ground nesters). Therefore, it would
2001, Verboven et al. 2001) or, surprisingly, even a be interesting to explore this possibility statistically
positive effect of nest visiting by researchers on and assess whether some orders are more affected
nesting success (e.g. Mayer-Gross et al. 1997, by research activities than others. This approach
Ortega et al. 1997, Weidinger 2008, Ibáñez-Álamo would help to identify those groups that might be
& Soler 2010). This positive effect has been most vulnerable to research activities.
explained by the high sensitivity of nest predators The different field methods used to monitor
and their avoidance of research activities. More- nest success could also have significant impacts on
over, Nisbet (2000) suggested that published stud- disturbance and reproductive performance of birds
ies systematically overstate the adverse effects of (e.g. Tremblay & Ellison 1979, Fetterolf 1983,
human disturbance. However, these findings Boellstorff et al. 1988, Brown & Morris 1995,
seemed to go unnoticed and the scientific collec- Rodway et al. 1996). Therefore, it is important to
tive still promotes the traditional idea that assess whether our methodological procedures
researchers have negative effects on the reproduc- have an overall effect on the reproductive success
tive success of birds. To date, no one has inves- of birds and, if so, to identify methods that have
tigated this overall empirical evidence with the smallest impact.
meta-analytical procedures, a methodology that In this study, we use meta-analytical procedures
has been highly recommended for such investiga- to evaluate the evidence of a negative association
tions (Stewart 2010). Therefore, a quantitative between investigator disturbance and nest preda-
synthesis is needed to clarify how researchers’ tion. We also assess whether there is variability
activities impact on the nest survival rates of their among avian orders in research impact, test for
study populations. different traits that could influence this effect (e.g.
In addition, it would also be of use to assess coloniality), and assess the effect of the different
how particular species traits influence the relation- methodologies used to assess nest survival.
ship between research activities and nest predation
rates. For example, there are marked differences
between habitats in the community of nest preda-
tors. Mammals are generally more important nest
Literature search and selection of
predators in grasslands and coastal areas than in
published studies
forested landscapes (Richardson et al. 2009), but
mammals are the group of nest predators most We first checked all articles included in Götmark’s
sensitive to human activities (MacIvor et al. 1990, review (1992), assuming that this review had
Miller & Hobbs 2000, Sinclair et al. 2005), so birds included all the usable studies published prior to
nesting in habitats where mammals are the main 1992. We then searched the Web of Science data-
nest predators might be expected to be less nega- base for all articles related to the subject using
tively affected by research activities. Similarly, ‘research*’, ‘investigat*’, ‘perturbation’, ‘distur-
nesting on the ground could also influence the bance’ and ‘nest predation’ as key words. Litera-
effects of research disturbance, as ground nest pre- ture cited in relevant papers was also examined. In
dators are mainly mammals (Richardson et al. this review, we selected only experimental studies
2009). Coloniality is another trait that could and excluded those using anecdotal data or report-
potentially increase nest predation through investi- ing the effect of research activities without a
gator disturbance (Johnson 1938, Götmark 1992), well-designed experiment (i.e. not assigning exper-
because a visit to a colony can result in disturbance imental and control nests randomly). We based the
to many birds simultaneously, favouring predation review on papers focused on nest predation, which
by opportunistic nest predators (sometimes con- has been determined as the main cause of reduc-
specifics). tion of nesting success due to investigator distur-
Previous narrative reviews have also suggested bance (Götmark 1992). Only studies involving
that each avian taxon could be affected differently natural nests were included in the review, as it has
by research activities (Götmark 1992, Carney & been shown that artificial nests can result in
Sydeman 1999) because of their particular traits misleading findings with respect to nest predation
(e.g. Passeriformes are mainly territorial and nest in (Weidinger 2001, Zanette 2002, Moore & Robinson

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Impact of researchers on nest predation 7

2004). Our search found 101 articles. However, least one visit to the latter. In contrast, the visit ⁄
the majority were not experimental studies non-visit method consisted of visiting the experi-
designed to test the effect of researcher activity, mental nests several times but using remote obser-
and only 18 studies involving 25 different bird vations to determine the fate of control nests (i.e.
species were considered to meet all criteria and using binoculars). The touched ⁄ untouched method
included in the analyses (Tables 1 and 2). We consisted of the same regime of visits to both treat-
found three cases in which two different studies ments, but one involved manipulating (touching)
offered similar information for the same species the nest contents, whereas the other only involved
(Eider Somateria mollissima, Blackbird Turdus observation of the nest when visited. When possi-
merula and Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura). In ble, we used or transformed daily predation rates
these cases, we chose the best designed study (i.e. into nest predation rates (i.e. Schaub et al. 1992)
that considering the potential effect of territorial to extract the number of predated and successful
predators). nests for each treatment. We classified all species
The following data were extracted from the as colonial or solitary, and nesting on the ground or
selected studies: (1) author; (2) study species; (3) above it according to the information given in the
number of depredated and successful nests under studies when possible, and using published compi-
the high perturbation treatment; (4) number of lations (e.g. Cramp 1978–1994, Del Hoyo et al.
depredated and successful nests under the low ⁄ 1992–2010) when this information was absent
non-perturbation treatment; (5) habitat (grassland, from the original sources (Table 1).
coast or forest); and (6) method of study (fre-
quency of visits, visit ⁄ non-visit or touched ⁄
Meta-analytical procedures
untouched). The frequency of visits method
consisted of visiting experimental nests more To assess the effect of investigator disturbance on
frequently than controls, but always involved at nest predation rate, we conducted a phylogenetic

Table 1. Species considered in the meta-analysis, and classifications of avian order, coloniality (C colonial, S solitary), nest location
(G ground nester species, AG species nesting above ground) and habitat type.

Scientific name English name Avian order Coloniality Nest location Habitat

Anser caerulescens Snow Goose Anseriformes C G Grassland

Aphelocoma coerulescens Florida Scrub Jay Passeriformes S AG Forest
Calcarius ornatus Chestnut-collared Longspur Passeriformes S G Grassland
Calidris alpina Dunlin Charadriiformes S G Coast
Carduelis cannabina Common Linnet Passeriformes S AG Forest
Carduelis chloris European Greenfinch Passeriformes S AG Forest
Catharus guttatus Hermit Thrush Passeriformes S AG Forest
Charadrius alexandrinus Kentish Plover Charadriiformes S G Coast
Charadrius melodus Piping Plover Charadriiformes S G Coast
Eremopterix verticalis Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark Passeriformes S G Grassland
Fratercula arctica Atlantic Puffin Charadriiformes C G Coast
Fringilla coelebs Common Chaffinch Passeriformes S AG Forest
Lagopus muta Rock Ptarmigan Galliformes S G Grassland
Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull Charadriiformes C G Coast
Prunella modularis Dunnock Passeriformes S AG Forest
Pygoscelis adeliae Adelie Penguin Sphenisciformes C G Coast
Pyrrhula pyrrhula Eurasian Bullfinch Passeriformes S AG Forest
Somateria mollissima Common Eider Anseriformes C G Grassland
Sylvia spp. Warbler Passeriformes S AG Forest
Troglodytes troglodytes Eurasian Wren Passeriformes S AG Forest
Turdus merula Common Blackbird Passeriformes S AG Forest
Turdus migratorius American Robin Passeriformes S AG Forest
Turdus philomelos Song Thrush Passeriformes S AG Forest
Vanellus vanellus Northern Lapwing Charadriiformes C G Grassland
Zenaida macroura Mourning Dove Columbiformes S AG Forest

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Table 2. Classifications based on method of study (FqV frequency of visits, V ⁄ NV visit ⁄ non-visit procedure, T ⁄ UT
touched ⁄ untouched), sample size and effect size (calculated as log odds ratio, LOR) for each species considered for the meta-

Method of Sample Effect

Scientific name English name study size size (LOR) Sources

Anser caerulescens Snow Goose FqV 383 0.179 Bêty and Gauthier (2001)
Aphelocoma coerulescens Florida Scrub Jay FqV 76 )0.088 Schaub et al. (1992)
Calcarius ornatus Chestnut-collared Longspur FqV 35 )0.775 O’Grady et al. (1996)
Calidris alpina Dunlin FqV 203 )0.442 Thorup (1995)
Carduelis cannabina Common Linnet FqV 45 0.453 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Carduelis chloris European Greenfinch FqV 52 0.677 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Catharus guttatus Hermit Thrush V ⁄ NV 29 )0.898 Martin and Roper (1988)
Charadrius alexandrinus Kentish Plover FqV 31 )2.138 Domı́nguez and Vidal (2003)
Charadrius melodus Piping Plover V ⁄ NV 22 )2.000 MacIvor et al. (1990)
Eremopterix verticalis. Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark FqV 145 )0.152 Lloyd et al. (2000)
Fratercula arctica Atlantic Puffin FqV 360 0.714 Rodway et al. (1996)
Fringilla coelebs Common Chaffinch FqV 32 )2.281 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Lagopus muta Rock Ptarmigan V ⁄ NV 44 )0.197 Cotter and Gratto (1995)
Larus delawarensis Ring-billed Gull FqV 123 0.042 Brown and Morris (1994)
Prunella modularis Dunnock FqV 85 )0.950 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Pygoscelis adeliae Adelie Penguin V ⁄ NV 227 0.899 Giese (1996)
Pyrrhula pyrrhula Eurasian Bullfinch FqV 23 1.842 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Somateria mollissima Common Eider FqV 414 0.326 Götmark and Åhlund (1984)
Sylvia spp. Warbler FqV 37 0.336 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Troglodytes troglodytes Eurasian Wren FqV 53 0.068 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Turdus merula Common Blackbird FqV 88 )1.271 Ibáñez-Álamo and Soler (2010)
Turdus migratorius American Robin T ⁄ UT 156 )1.413 Ortega et al. (1997)
Turdus philomelos Song Thrush FqV 224 )0.359 Mayer-Gross et al. (1997)
Vanellus vanellus Northern Lapwing V ⁄ NV 321 0.258 Galbraith (1987)
Zenaida macroura Mourning Dove FqV 119 0.106 Nichols et al. (1984)

A negative effect size indicates that nest predation is lower when research activities are higher.

meta-analysis using METAWIN 2.0 (Rosenberg et al. (Table 2). We chose LOR as an association mea-
2000) and PHYLOMETA 1.0 (Lajeunesse 2009). We sure to enable relative comparisons across species,
selected this type of meta-analysis because it con- rather than using absolute nest success of each
siders the phylogenetic relationships of taxa and is species.
recommended when data can be phylogenetically Once we obtained the effect sizes, we used
structured (Lajeunesse 2009). Given that our units PHYLOMETA 1.0 to undertake the categorical meta-
of analysis – the species – are phylogenetically analyses to test for the effect of the different
related, and thus cannot be considered indepen- variables considered. Random effects models in
dent, it is necessary to control for this potential meta-analysis are more realistic than fixed effects
bias. The phylogenetic meta-analysis chosen avoids models because they use both within- and
this problem, as it takes into account the phyloge- between-study variability (Hedges & Vevea 1998);
netic relationships of the species and thus accounts thus, we used random effects models for our meta-
for the non-independence. We chose a 2 · 2 con- analyses. We assessed the effect of avian order and
tingency table meta-analysis because the majority the traits nest type, coloniality and habitat type
of studies only presented two levels of disturbance (grassland, forested area or coastal area). We also
(i.e. high or low). There were more than two cate- tested, using a categorical meta-analysis, for differ-
gories of disturbance only in three studies. In these ences in research disturbance due to the methodo-
cases, we chose the two categories that better logical approaches of each study. The sample size
represented investigator activities (i.e. the most was 25 study-species combinations for all analyses
frequent procedure used generally for studying the except for that including avian order and method-
species in question). We used METAWIN 2.0 to ologies. The former was reduced to 20 because
estimate the logs odds ratio (LOR) for each study there was a unique representative for Galliformes

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Impact of researchers on nest predation 9

(Lagopus muta), Columbiformes (Zenaida macro-

ura) and Sphenisciformes (Pygoscelis adeliae) and
two for Anseriformes (Anser caerulescens and So-
materia mollissima). Analysis of methodologies was
reduced to 24 because there was one methodologi-
cal category (touched ⁄ untouched) with only one
study (Tables 1 and 2). Groups with only one
value cannot be computed in a categorical meta-
analysis, but because it is also very difficult to draw
meaningful conclusions from small groups too, we
decided to use only groups with n ‡ 5.
We calculated by hand the I2 statistic (following
Higgins et al. 2003), which describes the percent-
Figure 1. Normal quantile plot comparing the standard normal
age of variation across studies that is due to hetero-
distribution with that of the standardized effect size (LOR) of
geneity rather than chance. Higgins and Thompson the 25 studies considered in the meta-analysis.
(2002) proposed that percentages of around 25, 50
and 75% would represent low, medium and high
heterogeneity, respectively. Therefore, a high value
of this statistic (> 75%) implies that the majority
of the variability of our data is caused not by sam-
pling error but by true heterogeneity between
studies. On the one hand, a high value of the I2
statistic justifies the use of a random effects model;
on the other hand, it implies that explanatory vari-
ables other than the one used in that analysis are
responsible for the variation in LOR. The I2 statis-
tic is recommended rather than the Q statistic
because it does not depend upon the number of
studies considered (Higgins & Thompson 2002,
Higgins et al. 2003).
A common concern when conducting a meta-
analysis is the potential for publication bias (the
selective publication of articles showing certain
types of results) because it can distort the results
of the review (Rosenberg et al. 2000). The linear
shape obtained in the normal quantile plot implies
that the distribution of our effect sizes is similar to
the standard normal distribution and suggested
little bias in the studies included in our review
(Fig. 1). Thus, we concluded that studies showing Figure 2. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of the species
significant effects have not been selectively pub- considered in the meta-analysis. For those species for which
lished in comparison with those finding no effects. Cyt b data were not available, we used information from other
related species within the same genus: 1Anser canagica, 2Syl-
via communis, 3Charadrius semipalmatus, 4Charadrius vocife-
Phylogenetic data rus and 5Vanellus chilensis.

We searched GenBank for the sequences needed to

construct a phylogeny of the species obtained in majority of the species included in the selected
the literature search. Cyt b was the gene chosen as studies (80% of the 25 bird species). For those spe-
it resolved very well the topology of taxa following cies for which Cyt b data were not available, we
published molecular phylogenies (e.g. Ericson & used information from other related species within
Johansson 2003, Dong et al. 2010). Moreover, the same genus (Fig. 2). All sequences were
sequences for this gene were available for the aligned with CLUSTALW using BIOEDIT version 5.0.6

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(Hall 1999). The most suitable substitution model P = 0.97, effect size = 0.008 ± 0.095, I2 = 64%) or
was estimated using MODELTEST 3.7 (Posada & forested areas (Z1 = 0.04, P = 0.84, effect
Crandall 1998), which compares 56 models of size = )0.047 ± 0.066, I2 = 90%).
DNA substitution. Under the Akaike information Studies using frequency of visits as an estimate
criterion, the transversion model with invariable of researcher disturbance were significantly more
sites and gamma distribution (TVM+I+G) was likely to find negative effects of investigator distur-
determined to be the best model for these data. bance on predation rates (Z1 = 4.05, P = 0.04,
Then, maximum likelihood (ML) trees were pro- effect size = )0.373 ± 0.043, I2 = 94%), but not
duced with PAUP* version 4.0 b10 (Swofford 2003) those using a visit ⁄ non-visit procedure (Z1 = 0.03,
and node support was assessed with 100 bootstrap P = 0.87, effect size = )0.055 ± 0.152, I2 = 71%).
replicates. The phylogenetic tree obtained follow- According to the classification of I2 values
ing this procedure is shown in Figure 2 and fits proposed by Higgins and Thompson (2002), the
very well with established phylogenies (e.g. Davis majority of the groups had high heterogeneity,
2008). justifying the use of a random effects model, and
the use of several predictor variables (avian order,
habitat, coloniality, nest-site and method of study)
to identify causes of such variability.
In general, investigator activities did not signifi-
cantly affect nest predation rates of birds
(Z1 = 0.68, P = 0.41, mean effect sizes ±
sd = 0.194 ± 0.047, I2 = 86%). However, when
Overall effects and differences between
analysed by avian order, Passeriformes showed a
avian orders
marginally significant effect of researcher distur-
bance (Z1 = 3.59, P = 0.058, effect size = Contrary to previous reviews, our meta-analysis
)0.397 ± 0.056, I2 = 64%). A negative value of suggests that there is no general effect of investiga-
the effect size indicates that the odds of a nest tor disturbance on nest predation in the selected
being predated for the treatment group (high studies. Carney and Sydeman (1999) suggested the
investigator disturbance) are less than that of the existence of publication bias favouring the publica-
control group (low investigator disturbance), sug- tion of studies that find significant effects, but our
gesting a negative effect of researcher activities on results do not support this statement (Fig. 1).
nest predation. Charadriiformes (the only other Our results show marked differences among
order with sufficient sample size) did not show sig- avian orders. For example, Charadriiformes did not
nificant effects of researcher activities (Z1 = 0.78, show a significant increase in nest predation due to
P = 0.38, effect size = 0.231 ± 0.110, I2 = 66%). research perturbation (n = 6 species), as previously
In relation to species traits of the species, we reported (Götmark 1992, Carney & Sydeman
also found some positive impacts of researcher vis- 1999, but see Nisbet 2000). Moreover, Passerifor-
its on breeding success. There was a significant neg- mes were not only less negatively affected, but per-
ative effect of researcher activity on nest predation haps even favoured by the investigator’s presence,
of ground nesters (Z1 = 7.80, P < 0.01, effect although this effect was only marginally significant
size = )0.529 ± 0.055, I2 = 97%), but not for (P = 0.058, n = 14 species). A recent meta-analysis
those species that nest above the ground of camera effects on avian nesting success using
(Z1 = 0.04, P = 0.84, effect size = )0.047 ± 0.066, mainly passerines obtained similar results (Richard-
I2 = 90%). Coloniality appeared not to modify the son et al. 2009). Contrasting findings between
impact of investigator activities on nest predation avian orders could be due to the different sensitiv-
(Z1 = 2.74, P = 0.10, effect size = )0.337 ± 0.047, ity of predators to research activities, a possibility
I2 = 57%) or for solitary species (Z1 = 1.34, largely ignored until recently (Sutherland 2007).
P = 0.25, effect size = 0.223 ± 0.079, I2 = 83%). Charadriiformes are thought to be predated mainly
There was a significant negative effect of researcher by other birds such as corvids or other Charadrii-
disturbance on nest predation rates of species formes (e.g. Burger 1981), which are the least
breeding in coastal areas (Z1 = 11.01, P < 0.001, affected by investigator disturbance among the
effect size = )0.794 ± 0.098, I2 = 95%), but not community of nest predators (e.g. Strang 1980,
for those nesting in grasslands (Z1 = 0.01, Götmark & Åhlund 1984, Götmark 1992).

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Impact of researchers on nest predation 11

Although passerines usually have a broader com- human presence (MacIvor et al. 1990, Armstrong
munity of nest predators, a partial reduction in 1993, Miller & Hobbs 2000, Sinclair et al. 2005,
predation (i.e. due to mammals) could be enough Ibáñez-Álamo & Soler 2010). Consequently,
to increase the breeding success of species of this researchers could increase the breeding success of
order (e.g. Ibáñez-Álamo & Soler 2010). The posi- ground nesters through their presence in the field.
tive effects of research activities on avian breeding In contrast, species nesting above the ground have
success could be explained as a consequence of a wider variety of nest predators (Richardson et al.
mammalian nest predators avoiding those places 2009). Although some would be disturbed by
more frequently visited by researchers (MacIvor researchers, others (e.g. corvids) would not, or
et al. 1990, Armstrong 1993, Ibáñez-Álamo & Soler could even be attracted by the presence of humans
2010). However, the mechanism underpinning this (Strang 1980, Götmark & Åhlund 1984), which
avoidance is not clear. Possibly mammals avoid makes it difficult to obtain a clear response for this
preferentially those areas with fresh human odours, group of species.
or simply avoid direct contact with humans. In relation to coloniality, we did not find any
It should be noted that the database in which significant effect of research activities using a statis-
we have based our analyses was somewhat biased tical approximation, contrasting with previous
by an over-representation of Passeriformes (56% of findings (Götmark 1992).
species considered; Table 1). Nevertheless, the use We also found that species breeding in coastal
of the phylogenetic meta-analysis, which makes areas were significantly favoured by researchers
each species independent phylogenetically, pre- through a reduction of nest predation (n = 6 spe-
vents or at least considerably reduces this effect. cies), whereas we failed to find any significant
Results concerning avian order variability, and effect for those species nesting in grasslands (n = 6
especially the weakly positive effect for Passerifor- species) or forested areas (n = 13 species). Studies
mes, could have important implications for on the effects of investigator disturbance on avian
research. Passerines have been widely used to test breeding success originally focused on coastal spe-
general hypotheses in several fields such as ecology cies (e.g. Harris 1964, Tremblay & Ellison 1979),
or evolution (e.g. life-history theory; Martin 2004). finding negative impacts on nesting success due to
Therefore, the conclusions of those studies should research activities. However, many of them
be viewed with caution, given the possibility that included only anecdotal evidence or were not
their findings do not reflect the natural situation. properly designed to investigate this topic
The fact that this effect may be positive suggests (Götmark 1992 and references within). As stated
that significant results involving nest predation in the introduction, we originally thought that dif-
would be more difficult to detect, as nest predation ferences in the community of nest predators could
pressure may be relaxed in study populations. explain these results, but the fact that we did not
Researchers should therefore be aware that such find any significant effect for those species living in
effects on nest predators in their study sites may grasslands suggests other possibilities (i.e. habitat
affect the results of nest predation studies. visibility).
The high I2 values for the analyses of species
traits suggested that other variables, rather than
Influence of species traits and methods
those considered in turn for each analysis, could
of study on disturbance effects
explain the variance in effect sizes between our
Certain traits of the studied species could also species. It would have been interesting to analyse
modify research impacts on nest predation. The the interactions between species traits (i.e. habi-
activities of researchers appeared significantly to tat · coloniality) but, to our knowledge, meta-
reduce nest predation of species nesting on the analytical procedures cannot implement this kind
ground (n = 12 species), but not of those nesting of analysis. As stated for passerines above, some
above it (n = 13 species). This suggests that the groups of species traits are over-represented in the
impact of disturbance on predators of ground nest- database used for the analyses. Solitary species rep-
ers is more important than that of species nesting resented 80% of the cases and forested species 52%
above the ground. Mammals are the main nest (Table 1). Thus, conclusions drawn from those
predator of ground nesters (Richardson et al. traits (coloniality and habitat) should be regarded
2009) and they are the group most sensitive to with caution.

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The methods used to test investigator effects in lower fitness (Carey 2011). Therefore, managers
also influenced the results. Those studies compar- should evaluate carefully their main conservation
ing different frequencies of visits (FqV) obtained goals when granting research projects for the areas
significantly more positive effects (n = 19 species) under their supervision.
than those using a visit ⁄ non-visit methodology In relation to this, there is a recent trend of
(V ⁄ NV; n = 5 species). These findings seem to be studies investigating the effect of ecotourism and
due to the differences between the control treat- recreational activities (e.g. Giese 1996, Miller &
ments for each procedure (low perturbation for Hobbs 2000, Taylor & Knight 2003, Nevin &
FqV or non-perturbation treatment for V ⁄ NV) as Gilbert 2005). As the work performed by
nests of the high perturbation treatment of both researchers seems more extreme (e.g. by capturing
methodologies were visited similarly (F1,22 = 0.97; or manipulating birds or visiting nests) than eco-
P = 0.34; FqV = each 2.50 ± 0.21 days, V ⁄ NV = tourism and recreation (Carney & Sydeman 1999),
each 3.00 ± 0.47 days). This is likely to happen we might predict that those activities will not be
because, by visiting a nest only once or twice as negative, at least in relation to birds. Indeed,
(instead of not visiting it), there could be an there are already some papers highlighting the lack
increase in nest predation probability as a result of effects or even the positive impacts due to this
(i.e. due to the absence of parents at the nest), type of human activity (e.g. Lindsay et al. 2008,
which will magnify the positive effects of visits Leighton et al. 2010). However, this does not dis-
when compared with highly disturbed nests. These claim the existence of negative impacts due to
results, therefore, have two interesting implica- human activities, especially in mammals (e.g.
tions. First, they imply that the regime of visits by Miller & Hobbs 2000, Reed & Merenlender 2008)
researchers has positive effects on nest survival and or even in birds due to other more subtle altera-
support the idea that birds could benefit from our tions as commented previously.
activities with a reduction in nest predation, but
only with regular visits to the nests. If we increase
our presence in the field, the probabilities of dis-
turbing nest predators from the area where the Our results suggest that investigator disturbance
nest is located appear higher (Ibáñez-Álamo & does not necessarily involve a negative effect on
Soler 2010). Secondly, our results suggest that breeding success, mediated by nest predation, as
positive effects of visits on nest survival could previously assumed. Moreover, research activities
be overestimated in our analysis because the could have positive effects on nest survival in cer-
frequency of visits method was the most com- tain avian taxa, although this effect could be influ-
monly used in our sample (Table 1). enced by the method of study. However, this new
perspective could have important implications in
bird management and conservation, as well as in
Management implications
other fields of study such as ecology and evolution,
Wildlife managers could use these results to apply where passerines are widely used to test general
and update conservation measures. Some authors hypotheses. It is also important to highlight that
have recommended the prohibition of research information on certain avian taxa and on cavity
activities in protected areas (e.g. Boellstorff et al. nesters is scarce. Therefore, studies on the impact
1988), but wildlife managers should reconsider of investigator disturbance on the breeding biology
this option in the light of our results. In fact, wild- in these taxa, and especially in cavity-nesting spe-
life managers could benefit from research activities, cies, would be of particular interest. Finally, the
not only by obtaining relevant information about effect of research activities on nest predator species
the focal species, but also from the potential posi- seems to have been overlooked, even though some
tive effects of that investigation on the breeding nest predators seem to be more sensitive to investi-
success of certain species. However, it is possible gator disturbance than the studied species. Thus, it
that this reduction in nest predation will negatively will be crucial for future studies to investigate the
affect nest predators. Moreover, research activities impacts of scientific disturbance on nest predators.
could negatively affect the focal species in other
subtle ways, such as a change in breeding density P. Donald, M. Griesser, L. Lens, J. G. Martínez, A. P.
or an increase in the level of stress that may result Møller, J. Reynolds and two anonymous reviewers made

ª 2011 The Authors

Ibis ª 2011 British Ornithologists’ Union
Impact of researchers on nest predation 13

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tially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Environment billed Gull behavior and reproductive performance. Wilson
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34: 137–138.
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ª 2011 The Authors

Ibis ª 2011 British Ornithologists’ Union

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