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A Perspective on the

Requirements and Design for

Advanced Cruise Missiles
L. M. Nicolai, DARPA,
Arlington, Va.


August 20-22,1979/New York, New York

For permission to copy or republish, contact thn American institute 01 Aeronautics and Astronautics.1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019

By: Leland M. Nicolaih /'

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Introduction: Pre-launch survivability is driven by the

basing concept and the cruise missile range.
The United States has made a commitment to Ground or sea launch appears to be the most attrac-
rely heavily on cruise missiles for the airborne tive launch mode for theater cruise missiles since
l e g of the strategic triad. Cruise missiles would they would not tie up valuable Tactical Air assets
be used in concert with manned penetrating bombers during the critical high sortie demand phase of a
to confound the enemy's defenses and provide a theater war. The theater cruise missiles could
strategic synergism. Cruise missiles also show have either fixed launchers with hardened shelters
great promise for striking fixed (or at least (to ride out an attack) or mobile launchers in a
stationary for a characteristic time), high v a l u e , dispersed mode (for aimpoint uncertainty). The
hard and soft targets in a theater application mobile launchers could be transporter-erector-
such as Eastern Europe. launchers (TIIL) for ground launch o r submarines for
sea launch. Cruise missile range is important f o r
Cruise missiles are long range airlift vehicles both theater and strategic cruise missiles. Long
and are similar to range dominated aircraft in range permits the theater cruise missiles to be
that respect, needing good aerodynamic and pra- based well away from the hostile area, providing
pulsive efficiency. On the other hand they are more Secure basing and warning time. Long range
one-way, unmanned vehicles and are similar to for the air launched strategic cruise missile
missiles, needing low cost, autonomous operation permits the carrier to launch well outside of .he .
and high reliability and accuracy. Hopefully, enemy's defenses and the flexibility to select
cruise missiles can combine the m o d features
alternate penetration routes (and hence launch
ladvantanes of aircraft and missile+
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very cost effective weapon system. The current
cruise missiles, the General Dynamicslconvair The pre-launch survivability of the strategic
Tomahawk (AGM-109) and the Boeing ALCM-B ( A G M - ~ ~ B ) cruise missile is also driven by the pre-launch
Dowered by the Williams F-107 turbofan eneine survivability oi the cruise missile carrier aircraft

be the departure point for this discussion. (CMCA). The CMCA must have the capability to take-
b . of an SLBM attack and have
off quickly w o n warninp,
The fundamental philosophy for cruise missiles the necessary separation distance and hardness to
is much like that for a submarine - low probability survive nuclear detonations in the proximity of the
of detection and long range. airfield.

Requirements: Penetration survivability is dependent upon

the cruise missile probability of being detected
Survivability: High (PD) and the probability of being intercepted Once
Range: 1000-2000 nm for theater CMs detected ( P I D ) . PD is influenced by the stealth of
2000-3000 nm for strategic CMs the vehicle (level of the observables), the tactics
Payload : Nuclear o r conventional munitions employed (defense avoidance, deiense suppression,
Accuracy: The CMs are autonomous and etc) and ability to terrain mask. The leading
need an a l l weather accuracy philosophy for cruise missiles is much like that
commensurate with the target for submarines in that not being detected i s the
hardness and warhead yield. key element. P I D is inFluenced by speed, ECM, end
The accuracy associated with game maneuver and tactics (ie, saturate defenses by
TERCOM updated INS is sufficient flooding a defense corridor with many cruise
for a nuclear warhead aeainst ~
missiles and decoys).
most hard targets. The scene
matching schemes (such a s the Since a large p a r t of the LCC f o r the air
McDonnell-Douglas DIGSMAC or launched cruise missile (ALCM) is the cost of the
DARPA's all weather concepts) cruise missile carrier aircraft (CMCA), carriape-
promise CEPs sufficient for ability is important. The size of the CMCA and the
conventional warheads against number of ALCMs that it can carry are important
most theater hard targets. c o s t considerations. Increasing the number of
ALCMs per CMCA lowers the overall LCC of the system,
The measure-of-merit (MOM) is the life cycle however, the effectiveness of the entire system
cost (LCC) required to destroy a given target set. starts to hinge on the survivability of the few
The features driving this MOM are pre-launch CMCAS ( a l l our eggs in one basket so to speak).
survivability, penetration survivability, The CMCA with its many ALCMs onbaard presents a
carriageability, cost and reliability. very lucrative target for the enemy and we can
expect him to focus on destroying the CMCA before
*Colonel, USAF; Associate Fellow, AIAA; Chairman, the cruise missiles are launched. Again, the range
L Aircraft Design Technical Committee of the cruise missile is an extremely important
The views expressed in this paper are those of the parameter.
author and do not necessarily represent an official
DaD position.

This psperlr drelsrrd a work of Ihr US.

Gorrrnmenl and Iherefore irin Ihepublirdomaln.
Carriageability is driven by vehicle weight to current and near term threats. The selection of
and dimensions. The lateral dimension is usually the subsonic low altitude cruise missile is based
the most critical and thus some mechanism for largely on cost and carriageability.
folding the wings is important.
Consideration of basic principles would also
The cost for the cruise missile system is the lead one to focus O n the low altitude option.
LCC of the missile plus the launcher, either a Missile systems are influenced primarily by the
CMCA, a mobile TEL (plus associated support and limitations of their sensors (radar, IR, acoustic
security), a submarine or a fixed base launcher/ or v i s u a l ) . These limitatims Can be characterized
shelter. Here again, size of the cruise missile is as:
a factor in the acquisition cost of the vehicles
and the launcher. Simplicity is also a consider- 1. Signal-to-noise (sensitivity)
ation. The cruise missiles need to be the classical 2. Terrain masking
"wooden round" where they 3re sewiced and tested 3. Propagation effects
prior to the delivery acceptance and then not 4. Background clutter
touched again (except far perhaps retargeting)
until they a r e loaded and fired. Mainenance on the The signal-to-noise limitation is driven by
vehicles must be minimal with the engine scheduled the level of the observables (i.e., RCS, IR signa-
for only three starts (test, acceptance and ture, noise, etc.). For radars, increasing the
launching). input power can overcome the small RCS targets.
Input power is not a problem for ground radars but
It is important that the strategic and theater is a limiting factor for airborne radars. Propa-
cruise missiles be essentially the same vehicle so gation effects are rarefaction, diffraction and
that there is one RDThE for both and cost reduction reflection (multipath) for radars and atmospheric
through quantity buy can be achieved. This quantity transmission for I R , acoustic and visual. Back-
could be as many as 3500 strategic and 6000 theater ground clutter is driven by the proximity of the
CMs. Mission peculiar components such as warhead, target to the background, the signal strength of
booster, terminal guidance and perhaps navigation the target and system processing capability.
System would be different. Since engine RDT6E is Terrain,masking is the physical fact that you can't
very expensive it is felt that one engine should see through hills (although RF waves can bend
power both the strategic and theater cruise around hills by diffraction to some degree). Radar
missiles, both vehicles are range dominated and is the most effective of the sensor systems Since
need a very efficient (low thrust specific fuel it is not limited by atmosphere and can increase
consumption) propulsion unit. its sensitivity by increasing its power. Clutter
processing is a technology that will improve with
Reliability is very important but should be time.
traded off with cost. 4
The high altitude and speed option does not
Very important factors in all this consid- take advantage of any o f the sensor limitations and
eration are the limitations imposed by SALT. For becomes on easy mark for a space based I R sensor.
example, SALT I1 will limit the average number The high altitude option will be detected but
of cruise missiles per strategic delivery vehicle relies on its speed for survival. Ground defenses
(SDV) to 28 and the number of SDVs to 120 (total of can eventually cope with hypersonic, high altitude
3360 cruise missiles). The CMCAs could carry more cruise missiles through hypersonic interceptor
than 28 if some of the manned penetrating bombers missiles, near head-on attack and large (even
(8-52, etc.) would carry a small number of ALCMs nuclear) warheads. It should also be noted that
(perhaps 10) so that the average was 28. The long range hypersonic cruise missiles will be very
advanced cruise missiles that we are discussing large.
here would not be operational until after SALT I1
expires (1985) so that the limitations agreed to in Low altitude cruise missiles can take advantage
SALT I11 are very crucial. of many of the sensor limitations such a s terrain
masking, horizon limits and confounding of the
Cruise Missile Options: sensor sensitivity through background clutter.
Admittedly flying into the ground or obstacles
The cruise missile options that have received (clobber) is a problem at low altitude but technology
considerable study are: improvements should r e s o l v e this problem. Since
there is more payoff with low altitude than speed,
1. Subsonic low altitude cruise missiles of the future will probably be
2. Subsonic high altitude subsonic although there is some merit to a supersonic
3. Supersonic high altitude dash at a s low an altitude a s possible for the last
4 . Hypersonic high altitude 25 nm to the target.

The selection of the most cost effective Design Approach:

option is driven by the threat which is indeed
formidable. The Soviet radar and IR SAMs (surface The design approach will center around the
t o air missiles) plus the EWIGCI (ground early subsonic low altitude cruise missile. The design
warning radar) and SUAWACS (airborne warning and of a cruise missile is a nightmare for the designer
control) controlled airborne interceptors present a as it is a myriad of compromises. For example
very impressive defensive threat. With the current stealth and good aerodynamic/ propulsive efficiency
estimates of the late 1980 and 1990 threat the most conflict one another. The designer has to continually i/
cost effective Option appears to be the subsonic trade-off design characteristics to find the best
low altitude cruise missile. All of the options, design solution.
except the subsonic high altitude cruise missile,
could provide satisfactory penetration capability
1. Low Altitude Cruise Requirements: of greatly improved TSFC. These concepts are the
In order to minimize the probability of Compound Cycle Turbofan Engine (CCTE) by Garrett
being detected by enemy defenses the cruise missile and the Excelitric Turbofan Engine (ETE) by Teledyne
CAE. The CCTE concept replaces the combustor i n a
c would be designed for stealth (low observables) and
cruise flight at low altitude (in order to take
advantage o f the decreased horizon range, terrain
conventional two spool turbofan with a two stoke,
high speed (8000 RPM) adiabatic diesel. The shaft
masking and background clutter). This low altitude power from the diesel engine drives the fan and
cruise is a poor condition for efficient long range part of the compressor with the turbine (driven by
cruise. the diesel engine exhaust) providing the remaining
work for the compressor. The diesel core is a very
Since the dynamic pressure is large (725
0.7) the wing loading W/S needs to be
p s f at Mach
large in order to fly near the CL for maximum
;d;z;:J reciprocating engine, providing approximately
power density for a design life of 25
hours". The ETE is a three spool turbofan operating
range. Figure 1 shows a typical LID versus CL at an overall pressure ratio greater than 30 and
chart for a winpbody
. -
cruise missile confiauration turbine inlet temperature of 25OO0F. The third
spool is mounted off-axis so that the shafting of
and would indicate a W/S greater than 250 psi for
start of cruise. the first and second spools does not go through it.
This off-axis mounting permits more design freedom
As fuel is burned the cruise missile to obtain high compressor and turbine efficiencies
should slow down to keep the CL required for cruise in the very small third spool. A third engine
flight a s near the value for maximum range a s concept getting DARPA attention is a recuperated
possiblc. Slowing down from Mach 0.7 at the start two spool turbofan being proposed by a Pratt and
of cruise to Mach 0.55 at end of cruise would whitney/Williams Research team. There appears to
accommodate a 40 percent decrease in W I S plus be a TSFC payoff with a recuperator i n a small
giving a lower TSFC. If other factors dictate a turbofan operating at high turbine temperatures for
nearly constant speed for the mission (such as long range cruise missile application. One of the
mission planning time-over-target consideration, keys to the above three engine concepts is high
navigation accuracy or minimum time in defense temperature materials development which permits the
zones) then the CL and LID will decrease as the operation of the adiabatic diesel and the uncooled
cruise missile weight decreases. This situation is turbine rotors.
shown on Figure 1.
Another propulsion consideration for the
2. Propulsion Requirements: cruise missile designer is the use of high density
The engine is usually sized for either a slurry fuels. Table 1 shows a comparison of
maximum speed or a constant speed'maneuver load cruise missile turbine engine fuels. The fael for
factor of 2 at launch weight for terrain following. the first generation cruise missiles will be JP-9.
These sizing conditions will give a maximum thrust Cruise missiles are driven by carriage constraints
approximately twice the thrust required for cruise. and low observables and, therefore, tend to be
This is unlike the usual design practice for range volume limited. The use of a slurry fuel with its
dominatcd vehicles where the thrust is sized for high volumetric heat of combustion would result in
cruise ( o r a small compromise between take-off a smaller vehicle. Boron slurry offers the most
distance and cruise). Increased thrust (either in- outstanding performance advantage but leaves an
creased engine sizing o r augmented engine) for end- undesirable exhaust residue. Carbon slurry is the
game maneuvering against a SAM has not shown a preferred advanced fuel, offering a slight decrease
concl.usive payoff in tradeoff studies and needs to in vehicle weight but an approximate 15 percent
be examined further. size decrease over JP-9 for a fined range mission.

Since cruise missiles will be operating 3. Penetration Survivability:

at partial power settings for much of their mission, Penetration survivability is influenced
the engine should have a flat TSFC characteristic primarily by the probability of detection, PD. LOW
between 50 percent and maximum thrust. This P means low observables (RCS, IR, acoustic and
desirable feature is shown on Figure 2. vysual signatures) and the capability to terrain
Low engine TSFC is very important for the
cruise missile since it is a range dominated Control of radar reflections in the
vehicle. This means a moderate bypass ratio ( 3 to microwave region is accomplished primarily by body -_ -
4 1 , high overall pressure ratio (OPR) and high shaping and the application of radar absorbing
turbine inlet temperature. The desired flat TSFC material (RAM). The desire to achieve low RCS can
characteristic shown on Figure 2 is usually assoc- have a significant effect on the cruise missile
iated with low bypass ratio turbine engines so that design, particularly when shaping is used to reduce
a tradeoff needs to be made between characteristic RCS. Absorbing materials are characterized by
shape and bypass ratio. If engine installation their ability to attenuate electromagnetic Waves as
losses are large (such as from a flush inlet o r a they propagate through the material.
2-D nozzle) the tradeoff studies would promote the
selection of a lower bypass ratio engine. Since the Assuming that the transmitting and
cruise missile is a one-way system with a maximum receiving elements of the radar are colocated, the
flight time of approximately seven hours, the design approach is to minimize the normally reflected
engine should be designed to short life criteria energy (backscatter) by shaping the surface to
(aPPro<imately 25 h o u r s design life). reflect away from the receiver. For the nose-on

c DARPA is pursuing two engine concepts for

an advanced cruise missile engine (approximately *Indian polis 500 racing engines produce less than
600 lb sea level static thrust) that show promise 6 Hlin' for less than ten hours with methanol fuel.
aspect, techniques for RCS reduction in the micro- Empty weight fractions (based upon meager
wave range include a small radius nose with long statistical data and conceptual design estimates)
fineness ratio, low RCS antenna, design of the are presented in Figure 5. The comparison with
inlet to minimize detection (including location, manned aircraft is interesting showing the decrease
flush inlet, RAM, splitters and long curved ducts), in empty weight fraction associated with removing W
and Swept edges of aerodynamic surfaces. For the the landing gear and the pilot related components,
side aspect, it is desirable to have sloped or and a missile design approach. Early estimates of
faceted surfaces, minimal (or elimination) fin designs using advanced composites show about a 16
area, and smooth blended control surface body percent decrease in empty weight fraction.
intersections. For the tail aspect, it is desir-
able to shield the engine exhaust and to use high The radar absorbing material needs to be
temperature RAM to minimize the RCS. integrated with the structure to realize a more
volumetric efficient design. Current RAMS are
After the first order RCS reduction is bulky, narrow band, and not capable of carrying
achieved by configuration shaping, RAM can be used loads or high temperatures. They are applied, for
to achieve a second order fine tuning. The u s e of the most part, in a "bandaid" fashion to the
RAM on a vehicle should be done judiciously since exterior of a structurally sound airframe. This
such installations a r e often expensive and difficult area needs considerable work.
to engineer. A layer of low-density, low dielec-
tric-constant RIlM with a thickness of approximately Conclusion:
one wavelength at the lowest frequency to be
encountered can be used to achieve reasonable Cruise missiles are d r i v e n by the requirements
broadband performance. One of the disadvantages of for low detection and long range. These requirements
R$\M is that the one wavelength thickness can present a dilemma for the designer a s they conflict
displace considerable fuel volume for a low fre- with one another. The measure-of-merit is the life
quency application. cycle cost required to destroy a given target set
and provides the value criteria for the tradeoffs.
For low IR signature it is desirable to The size and weight of the cruise missile enters
fly at low speed to minimize aerodynamic skin into this MOM in terms of vehicle cost and the
heating. The hot parts of the engine should be number carried on a cruise missile carrier.
shielded from a vicw from the rear by external
fairings and a "kink" in the tail pipe. The engine Low detection is enhanced by low altitude
exhaust temperature should be as low as possible by flight where the cruise missile can take advantage
using high bypass ratio turbofans and mixing of the decreased horizon range, terrain masking and
nozzles o r 2-D nozzles to increase the mixing of background clutter. This low altitude flight
the exhaust with ambient air. results in a very high wing loading vehicle and the
need for an effective terrain followinglavoidance W
It should be obvious that the above system.
design features for reduced RCS and IR signature
c a n significantly impact the aerodynamic and The high leverage technology for the advanced
propulsion performance. The flush inlet and 2-D cruise missile is an advanced engine with greatly
nozzle will degrade the engine TSFC. The sharp LE improved TSFC over current small engines. Several
surfaces, and low aspect ratio shapes will reduce new engine concepts show promise and are being
the aerodynamic performance (decrease cruise L/D). pursued by the DoD. High density fuels offer a
The minimal vertical fin area will aggravate reduction in vehicle size. Carbon slurry appears
directional stability and control and the appli- to be the most promising and is being developed by
cation of RAM will displace fuel volume. This the DoD.
conflict between stealth and long range performance
is depicted in Figure 3. TABLE 1 Cruise Missile Fuel Comparison

The requirements for stealth and long FUEL DENSITY HEATING VALUE
range need to be carefully traded off in the design (lb/ft3) Btu/lb Btu/gal
of the air launched cruise missile in order to
arrive at the most cost-effective design. This
tradeoff is depicted in Figure 4 where decreasing JP-4 48.5 18,400 119,300
JP-5 51.0 18,700 127,500
RGS denotes cruise missile shapes with decreasing
aerodynamic/propulsion performance. The number of
cruise missiles carried on a particular CMCA
EXO-THD (JP-10) 58.6 18,100 141,800
decreases as the RGS decreases and the missile
launch weight and size increase. The number of
RJ-4 58.7 18.200 142.300
cruise missiles arriving over the target per CMCA JP-9 58.9 i8;ioo i42;500
RJ-5 67.4 17,750 159,900
has a maximum for a particular vehicle shape (and
associated R C S ) .
4. Materialslstructures: BORON 99.8 20,015 266,000
Material and structural concepts for CARBON 80.6 16,700 180,000
cruise missiles should lead to both lightweight and
low cost airframes. Thus the deliberations should
keep the manufacturing aspects of the vehicle
design in mind. Advanced composite materials need
to be examined as they can impact both airframe
weight and cost.


M 0 . 7 a t SL j - Desired
CD= .03 + .07 CL I
i ~

I lI_L--J-J 2




-----_-- -_
-_ ------'-.e
I ,

FIGURE 3. Design i s a compromise



.rl A i r Launched Cruise Missiles
Forward Sector RCS
(Decrease -+I
1 "'\
(Metal S t r u c t u r e )


No. carried
Forward S e c t o r RCS i
(Decrease -) .2 IL i---.I---.1~-_J.~.-l ..I ~I 1..1

1 2 3 5 10 'L.4

Launch Weight, W (1000 I b )


(Decrease -
Forward S e c t o r RCS

FIGURE 4 . Trade-off c h a r t s for S t e a l t h vs FIGURE 5. Empty Weight Fractions f o r Cruise

Aero/Propulsion Performance f o r f i x e d Missiles
range h payload


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